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Hello friends and fellow star wars fans. With the new movies coming there is a lot of confusion with me as to what is and isn't canon in SWTOR? I've been a big fan of star wars since birth (1996). I would like to know if these thousands of hours playing this game have been a waste (well not exactly a waste I'm at a loss for words at the moment) Is the old republic and so much I've read on the time period still canon? Please give your thoughts, any and all are welcome, (even the trolls :) )
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The only official canon are the six movies, clone wars cartoon, Rebels, the new Marvel comics, and the last few books that have been put out by Disney.


The current canon is real easy to get caught up on.



I did find it curious that the Lucasfilm logo appears on the new swtor loading screen. It probably means nothing, but that's a first.

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I did find it curious that the Lucasfilm logo appears on the new swtor loading screen. It probably means nothing, but that's a first.


Mainly because the Lucasfilm Story Group chimed in with the story. Now that doesn't mean it's canon but it does mean that it is basically "authentic Star Wars" meaning that the experience and the feeling of the game feels like a Star Wars experience.

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Believe you me....JJ Abrams is gonna run this trilogy into the ground and fans begging that it should have stuck to the EU storyline.


No Mara Jade?! No Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo?! Cmon man....:mad:

Edited by PolvinKut
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No Mara Jade?! No Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo?! Cmon man....:mad:


You really don't like JJ Abrams, do you?


He hasn't done anything to the EU. Disney did.

If you don't like what's happened to the EU, direct your ire at Disney, not the guy hired to make the movie.


If you don't like the movie, assuming you watch before judging it, then you can say stuff about Abrams "running the trilogy into the ground".

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't understand all the hate Disney is getting for retconing the Expanded Universe. It's not like things where any different under Lucas. He always borrowed elements from it when it was convenient, and disregarded what he didn't like. He even stated that the Expanded Universe was never part of his universe, so all Disney and Lucasfilm have done is make this arrangement official. Furthermore, I have no doubt that we will see many fan favorite characters reincorporated into the new canon, maybe in Rebels or something. The people at Lucasfilm know how popular some of the characters are, and many of them are fans of the material as well. Edited by -Chickenwalker-
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Ehh the new movie is already not looking good to me. No empire anymore. No Sith anymore. A group called Knights of Rynn or however you spell it. Like who the hell are these people.


All will be revealed in time. Abrams is doing what he always does and plays things close to his chest until release. He did the same thing with Star Trek to keep the leaking down, and it worked.

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No, TOR isn't canon, and that's GOOD thing. Being a part of canon greatly reduces your storytelling freedom because you have to fit your story into all the existing canon stories and can't contradict any of them. But as it is, Bioware has almost complete freedom to do whatever they want, because of the time period the game is set and the fact that there is basically no canon about this time period that they have to worry about contradicting.
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Being a part of canon greatly reduces your storytelling freedom because you have to fit your story into all the existing canon stories and can't contradict any of them.


Even if it was canon, they'd still have pretty much unlimited freedom. It's not like anything they do would really have an impact some 3,000 years latter.

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No Sith species/Purebloods, no Exar Kun, no Ruusan, no Ajunta Pall, no Vitiate, no Revan, no New Sith Wars, no Naga Sadow, no Ambria, no Darth Krayt, no Bastila Shan, no Sith Empire etc. etc. etc.


Ironically to popular belief, the conflict that gave birth to the Sith, known as the Hundred Year Darkness from the EU story "Tales Of The Jedi" has recently become canon thanks to being briefly mentioned by one of the Jedi holocrons in one of the new Star Wars comic books, however, it is unconfirmed that the conflict took place on Tython and that Ajunta Pall, Ludo Kresh and the other dark Jedi were involved in the conflict. If the Hundred Year Darkness conflict canonically happened, and Korriban/Moraband exist, then so did pureblood Sith, otherwise the Dark Jedi exiled to Korriban/Moraband would have never gotten the idea of calling themselves Sith if there weren't a native race that goes by that name.


As far as I can tell, this "new canon" is showing small signs that it might not be different from the EU after all, the only difference is the EU is rich with information on characters, conflicts, wars from the past, present and future while the "new canon" in the timeline course of the Original Trilogy seems to delve into stories the EU never covered (Like Darth Vader secretly assembling a team to find out who destroyed the first Death Star, Luke struggling on learning the basics of the Force on his own after Episode 4 and visiting Nar Shaddaa at one point, Han having an old relationship with a woman who claims to be his wife) and is very shy on expanding on information not known in the films or television shows. For example, the planet Taris that exists exclusively in KOTOR and this game has been confirmed to exist in the new canon ever since the Tarkin novel, but the planet's history and environment has not been explained or explored yet. In the most recent novel, Aftermath, Taris is where Kylo Ren's cult purchased what they believe to be Darth Vader's lightsaber.


Being labeled as "Legends" doesn't entirely mean all the characters, stories, locations and events depicted from the EU never existed or happened, it just takes a lot of evaluating and research to confirm if a legend is true or not, and I think that's what is really happening to the EU, its elements are being evaluated for canonization or de-canonization.

Edited by XanderStelar
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