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Maintenance: 22 October 2015


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I'm really hating this too. On one hand I understand that people complained about being one-hit killed and harassed by 60lvl running around leveling areas. But now some achievements to kill 5000-10000 enemies is just ridiculous when a single mob fight takes half a minutes instead of 2-3 seconds.


I think they should do it just for PVP combat



It's taking you 30 seconds to kill standard and strong mobs with level sync?

Blimey - I'm getting through mobs, no longer one kills, but groups of Elites and Strong's without any real hassle.

Solo'ing all the H2+'s.

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The level syncing doesn't bother me much, but I understand why it would bother others. I feel you should be able to toggle it for the reasons it's there for.


I would like to know why I'm receiving a patch for tomorrow today though :l. It's rather confusing. Is it supposed to be for the 21 or the 22? I don't even understand anymore xD.

Edited by Argri
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What lovely exploits did people find this time?


Certain vendors, who have asked that their names and locations not be released due to ongoing bankruptcy proceedings, suffered a payment systems provider error whereby customers are able to buy unlimited quantities of goods at no charge.


While the current galactic crisis has severely impacted all government functions in both Republic and Imperial space, authorities have indicated that they will press charges against abusers of this payment system bug as best they can.


If you are the sort of person who mindlessly clicks on vendor items until you go broke you may wish to exercise caution if it seems that you're getting to click "Buy" more times than you ought to be able to. Fraud detection droids may not be able to discern the difference between a customer who assumes that purchases will automatically halt when they hit their credit limit and black marketeers who are systematically trying to loot a vendor.



::Remember - it's only smuggling if you get away with it. ::


This message brought to you by the Association of Independent Shippers.

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Why? I'm not condemning this as a bad decision, I'm just curious what you're intending to fix. I mean, there aren't any outstanding game-breaking bugs, right? Besides the bitraider BS of course, but that's easily fixed (once you know how).


I don't know, I certainly wasn't expecting 4.0 to launch without an a/b/c/etc patch, but at the same time, I don't see a central reason why we need one, at this point, unless you've got a fix for a lot of the bugs on your list (or found an exploit you're (wisely) not mentioning). Either way, four hours seems like a pretty big chunk of time for an 'a' patch.

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Why? I'm not condemning this as a bad decision, I'm just curious what you're intending to fix. I mean, there aren't any outstanding game-breaking bugs, right? Besides the bitraider BS of course, but that's easily fixed (once you know how).


I don't know, I certainly wasn't expecting 4.0 to launch without an a/b/c/etc patch, but at the same time, I don't see a central reason why we need one, at this point, unless you've got a fix for a lot of the bugs on your list (or found an exploit you're (wisely) not mentioning). Either way, four hours seems like a pretty big chunk of time for an 'a' patch.


We can only hope they welcome all subscribers back to the game and cancel this early access fiasco

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Wow spoken like a true Sith, I completely agree. I too am a Dark Council member and now some random riffraf on a planet I conquered, long before attaining the rest of my power, is able to beat me if I group too many? One part that made the game fun is going back to other planets and seeing how much stronger you had become, feeling like the legend that you had become, now I may as well be any other soldier and not a main character.




You had given us something very few games have done in the past and make us all care about and love our characters with the freedom of choice and customization, playing in the wonderful star wars universe that you had made. It made the game feel alive, and as your game expanded it allowed us to also make our characters grow and feel more and more apart of the lore and legend you had created. We became just as powerful as the lore and game had intended us to become, now its almost taken a step back with it. In the Star Wars universe some few rise to such power that they can destroy armies and we could just a week ago, now everyone in this universe seems just a bit weaker than me, from weak and feeble slaves, weak creatures to the Darths, and Emporer, and Heros and Villians of legend. How in anyway does that make sense, and so far Bioware has done an amazing job of mixing lore with features. Again this feels like a step back and limiting the growth and advancement we have all worked so hard for in the past.


There are many other reasons besides this, and we have discussed it at length here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843192


I believe this feature should be optional and changed through your preferences menu under social. If you believe this would be a good equal medium and still allow people to take advantage of certain perks of being scaled, leave a comment saying so.


Thank you.



This post was a bit too melodramatic, but I read your link about people having a problem with the new Level Sync feature and understand the frustration to a certain degree. I tend to prefer solo playing as well and can appreciate the desire to simply run through lower level Heroics and bosses without the hassle of scrounging up a group of strangers. If they can find a fair and balanced way to incorporate an optional Level Sync, I think that is a fair request. One nice thing about MMORPGs is that they are in a constant state of evolution. If something ends up not panning out the way it was intended then there is a good chance the developers will change it sometime down the line. For now, this expansion is brand new and I think it will take some time for people to adjust and start to get a better understanding for how things work.


I am absolutely loving this expansion so far. I have only played the 1st chapter but I found it to be super fun, exciting and very intriguing. I am deliberately taking my time so I can further appreciate all the detail and nuance they put into this. The overall tone is something I have never seen from this MMO before and I am really delighted to be experiencing such wonderfully crafted story. That being said, I don't sweat the minor stuff. Level Sync isn't a big deal to me. I'll take a great, memorable story any day over mindlessly insta-killing low level enemies.

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Hey everyone,


We will be bringing down the servers in order to deploy Patch 4.0a.


Date: Thursday, October 22nd 2015

Time: 3AM - 7AM PDT (11AM - 3PM BST)

Version: 4.0a


Patch Notes will be available tomorrow morning.




Why leave it so long for the patch notes?


I mean, the game is unfortunately crippled for a few people, and patch notes showing those bugs being fixed, would be a great relief.

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Hey everyone,


We will be bringing down the servers in order to deploy Patch 4.0a.


Date: Thursday, October 22nd 2015

Time: 3AM - 7AM PDT (11AM - 3PM BST)

Version: 4.0a


Patch Notes will be available tomorrow morning.




I hope they fix Xalek. You can't even use him after recruiting him. He doesn't even show up in the new base or in the Contact List

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Why? I'm not condemning this as a bad decision, I'm just curious what you're intending to fix. I mean, there aren't any outstanding game-breaking bugs, right? Besides the bitraider BS of course, but that's easily fixed (once you know how).


How do you fix it? Please tell



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@TaitWatson can we get some word on the thousands of paying customers that were basically put in FTP mode while early access is up.



I lost two days downloading the former update (basically finished an hour ago) and now yet another one?!

How about the days of gameplay I'm losing over my subscription?!!

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Why leave it so long for the patch notes?


I mean, the game is unfortunately crippled for a few people, and patch notes showing those bugs being fixed, would be a great relief.


My guess? It's because they're fixing an exploit and not many if any of the bugs or 'features' that have so many people pissed off and they don't want to 'listen' to the rage.

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i am fairly certain no one actually went back to previous planets "just to see how powerful they had become" that is garbage and a fail argument as to why you do not like level sync...level sync has actually made aquiring credits, experience(if you got early access) and gear ALOT easier. and if you ACTUALLY go back to those planets... you are still really powerful compared to the heroics you are doing.


now if you are mad because you cant just hammershot your way through older content so you can load up on low level mats so you can control the market on said mats...then sure go ahead and be mad about it... but be honest people... dont use "almost arguments" and "half truths" to say what you mean.

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