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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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I don't mind the shared surname across the server thing but I can understand that doesn't work for those who play both sides on one server.


I presume from a CS response I got in game that they are looking to make it possible in the future but god only knows when if at all.

Edited by Xerda
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I don't mind the shared surname across the server thing but I can understand that doesn't work for those who play both sides on one server.


I presume from a CS response I got in game that they are looking to make it possible in the future but god only knows when if at all.


Yeah, I dunno. That may just be something they've been told to say to allay concerns. I'd be far more inclined to believe it if it came from someone like Reid.

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I honestly had no idea what the heck "Legacy" meant when the screen popped up. When I consulted the help icon, it said something to the effect of "more here later." I was literally like "***"?


I had no idea what the game mechanic was or how it would impact me in the future. As you've said many times, the game is about decisions - and if you have NO IDEA when your decision is impacting, you're really in for trouble.


I'm not sure why you folks would introduce a mechanic, with virtually no explanation as to how it would be used by the players. Why not just turn on the collection of legacy data and roll it out when you've got things ironed out into a road map.


At a bare minimum, allow players to change their surnames. I would prefer to have the surname character, rather than account bound.

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Yes, please, i want to change my name to chuck le dovakhin or dovakhin le chuck or van chuck. Im not sure which sounds better, so let me change it pls until im settled. Edited by Ommm
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Yeah, I dunno. That may just be something they've been told to say to allay concerns. I'd be far more inclined to believe it if it came from someone like Reid.


To be honest most of them don't know their arse from their elbow when it comes to their responses so I wouldn't believe anything that comes from the CS reps at the moment.

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There should at least be a button to confirm your legacy name choice. I've been closing out of the screen for a week while deciding on a legacy name. I wanted to take my time, since I knew it couldn't be changed.


Then today, as I was adding a friend on to my friends list, the screen popped up and mouse went buggy and as I tried to escape and cntrl u, the *friends* name was put into my legacy!


I'm completely disheartened.

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There should at least be a button to confirm your legacy name choice. I've been closing out of the screen for a week while deciding on a legacy name. I wanted to take my time, since I knew it couldn't be changed.


Then today, as I was adding a friend on to my friends list, the screen popped up and mouse went buggy and as I tried to escape and cntrl u, the *friends* name was put into my legacy!


I'm completely disheartened.


Yes, it would be nice to get at least some acknowledgement that they know this is an issue, and will just continue to become a bigger issue with time.

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Yes, it would be nice to get at least some acknowledgement that they know this is an issue, and will just continue to become a bigger issue with time.


They responded to me with an auto form-letter type response. Basically saying, sorry, you're out of luck. There's no changing of names no matter what the reason and we can't say when or if you'll ever be able to change it.


So even though it was their buggy program that gave me this legacy name, they won't change it. And deleting all the characters from the server won't help either. Either I hide it unto eternity, or I leave the server for a new one. :/

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I also don't care for the idea that my Sith Pureblood Inquisitor is related to my Rattataki Bounty Hunter. And I'd like the option to share surnames and stuff (some people wanna RP weddings and things). I had more fun with the surname system in LotrO. Supposedly this Legacy system will give bonuses and stuff but I don't understand why that has to be bound to the surname. Seems better to bind it to the character and let the last name be whatever.
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I like the system, I do not look at it as a surname though. I look at it as a legacy, a title of an era or a series of events that my characters are a part of.


It's basically like a novel series.


You have your Star Wars novel that takes place in specific canonical time. You have an event the entire series evolves around, you have sith, jedi etc. all part of this event, this era, this legacy.

Edited by DroidDestroyer
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I posted this in another thread too but I totally agree. I chose my legacy name "nocturia" thinking it sounded neat at about 3 am when the game wouldn't let me do anything without the screen popping up. Then I looked it up only to find out the meaning was a disorder where a person has to get up at night to urinate! LOL. Needless to say, I will not be displaying my name. I would even pay $5 or a handful of credits to change it. I wish they would implement the option in one of these upcoming patches.
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I posted this in another thread too but I totally agree. I chose my legacy name "nocturia" thinking it sounded neat at about 3 am when the game wouldn't let me do anything without the screen popping up. Then I looked it up only to find out the meaning was a disorder where a person has to get up at night to urinate! LOL. Needless to say, I will not be displaying my name. I would even pay $5 or a handful of credits to change it. I wish they would implement the option in one of these upcoming patches.


I think you should have some fun with the name.




< The Nocturia Legacy >

Edited by QelTurio
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I have now read the entire thread, and only one thought is still clinging to my neurons.

To those of you that wants to pay real money to change, I have actually found out that you can in fact do that. You can do if from a lot on sites actually. Just order a new key!

Voila, new Legacy name! Problem solved!


I have absolutely nothing more to contribute with...

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I know I havent read all the replys to this post, but I skimmed through as much as possible. Has Bioware responded to this thread yet and I just missed it? There are obviously many subscribers unhappy about this Surname thing, and are offering numerous solutions on how to fix it. I'm somewhat shocked for a thread this long that none of the devs have replied yet
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Not only not replied here, but they've started either deleting or completely ignoring my CS requests. My legacy name was entered through a fault with their own buggy UI, but will they even help with that? Nope.


So a warning to all -- if you're closing out the legacy pop-up screen to give yourself time to think of exactly the name you want, be careful! If the UI flakes out, you can end up with a legacy name of whatever you were typing when it did so.

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Hello all,


english is 6 language so please dont flame me.


This post is about many thing but many on topic of legacy name, dont wanna pick some lame name for my evil empire characters, at same time dont wanna some good to shoes names for my rebel alliance characters for legacy so please read.


Im not going to start how we in closed beta over over with target of target, aa sliders, ani sliders, high max graphics etc, target of target, guild banks, auctionhoouses for both factions and shared on narshardar were promised plus all bugs like kira still broken 700 bug reports later from me alone not to mention my guild.


For auctionhouses should be to right click item, have it in search box, hit search see if any for sale and prices so know how much to sell it for and to find item, their is no feature this was rushed out door 3 monthes to early.


Bugs city, not enough end game content, no guild banks, no target of target , graphics options, etc .


No legacy system, more end game stuff as promised disappearing guild chat and party, oops etc.


Now for those that play on same server like most us if we are pve or rp-pve, we most us chose half good characters and have evil characters cause with thios game MMO we actually wanna play both sides and here all the stories as it unfolds here lies the big probelem.


I have level 40 wanna name badly legacy name on empire side, have level 40 on rebel alliance side wanna name badly legacy but alass can only pick 1 name.




I would like Bioware to Hotfix this so if on servers can play split factions that can pick 1 legacy name for all your empire characters and 1 legacy name for all your rebel alliance names understand bioware and all?



All Bioware would have to do is if on pvp server dont think can play both factions, then defaults to 1 name, if have pve or rp-pve and characters on both side, then would say would like 1 legacy name for all both sides or legacy name for empire and legacy name for allaince rebel, this would be easy code and hotfix so could have semi roleplaying names that arent some generic name for both cause thats what we have to do, when play evil sith its night day how play my jedi etc and want their legacy names to show this please help me bump this and forgive my writeing and bad english, thanks all.








Joined: Jul 2011 Today , 03:28 AM


Please guys Know their tons of bugs and systems promised us like legacy in closed beta to be at launch but this is important too.


Haveing to pick 1 generic name if wanna roleplay evil or good and play both factions on same server really blows please help bioware take look at this.

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I have now read the entire thread, and only one thought is still clinging to my neurons.

To those of you that wants to pay real money to change, I have actually found out that you can in fact do that. You can do if from a lot on sites actually. Just order a new key!

Voila, new Legacy name! Problem solved!


I have absolutely nothing more to contribute with...


I agree with this post! :ph_agree:

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I can see how some people are unhappy with their initial name choice,

But if you actually READ what the game tells you, you'd know perfectly well what the Legacy name system is all about (not sure, but I seem to remember actually getting a "are you sure" box before finalizing)!


Took me about a week to choose a really good name. So today I'm known as Ackbar :mon_trap: !

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I can see how some people are unhappy with their initial name choice,

But if you actually READ what the game tells you, you'd know perfectly well what the Legacy name system is all about (not sure, but I seem to remember actually getting a "are you sure" box before finalizing)!


Took me about a week to choose a really good name. So today I'm known as Ackbar :mon_trap: !


She did read what the game tells her. She did think about her surname. And now she wants a different name because the character she thought she would spend most of her time on turned out not to be her favorite character. So she should be able to change her surname.


I haven't made it to the legacy point yet, but this system sounds pretty stupid to me. "Hey, exactly 2 important characters in 'Star Wars' had the same last name*, so now ALL of your characters on the same server MUST have the same last name!" Huh?!?


*as of 90% of the way through the second of three movies

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She did read what the game tells her. She did think about her surname. And now she wants a different name because the character she thought she would spend most of her time on turned out not to be her favorite character. So she should be able to change her surname.


I haven't made it to the legacy point yet, but this system sounds pretty stupid to me. "Hey, exactly 2 important characters in 'Star Wars' had the same last name*, so now ALL of your characters on the same server MUST have the same last name!" Huh?!?


*as of 90% of the way through the second of three movies


I agree completly.

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I can see how some people are unhappy with their initial name choice,

But if you actually READ what the game tells you, you'd know perfectly well what the Legacy name system is all about (not sure, but I seem to remember actually getting a "are you sure" box before finalizing)!


Took me about a week to choose a really good name. So today I'm known as Ackbar :mon_trap: !


I mean no disrespect with your opinion, but do you really think its a fair idea to have people who play the game make a simple typo now be stuck with the name? Its not like a level 1 character who you mess up, u just reroll, no time or effort has been put into playing the character. I mean, seriously, opening a ticket saying I made a mistake and having them tell you, "sorry, but your stuck with it not only on that character but all your characters" do you really think thats a smart way to handle a major business? Or, as the person above me stated, make that Legacy name for one character, and later on realize that you like a different character better, but now your stuck with the Legacy name you created for your first character..Star Wars Lore itself dictates different species have different surnames...


Dont get me wrong. I love the game. I love pretty much every Bioware game I picked up. They did an amazing job with game design/story telling controls etc. I just think they really are messing up bad when it comes to the way they are helping people. A thread as long as this one has been, one of the developers should have replied by now with a solution or what they are working on or something. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here.

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I have now read the entire thread, and only one thought is still clinging to my neurons.

To those of you that wants to pay real money to change, I have actually found out that you can in fact do that. You can do if from a lot on sites actually. Just order a new key!

Voila, new Legacy name! Problem solved!


I have absolutely nothing more to contribute with...


If you did this, wouldn't you lose all the special items from your pre-order?

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