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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Xbox Games, PC Games, Fashion, Science, Technology
  • Occupation
    Fashion Design Assistant
  1. I hate to be another complainer but I have several high level characters on a dead server (mask of nihilus) which is neither an origin server or destination server and without cross server group finder for flashpoints, I might as well not be playing an MMO. I'm sorry but I pay a monthly subscription to play an MMO with other people. It gets a little boring to have to re-roll the same characters on another server and do everything all over again. Particularly, since its rather linear and I just do the same things over and over and over. I understand you are doing the best you can with these server transfers but I really think you need to add to the list a little bit or start combining servers.
  2. I posted this in another thread too but I totally agree. I chose my legacy name "nocturia" thinking it sounded neat at about 3 am when the game wouldn't let me do anything without the screen popping up. Then I looked it up only to find out the meaning was a disorder where a person has to get up at night to urinate! LOL. Needless to say, I will not be displaying my name. I would even pay $5 or a handful of credits to change it. I wish they would implement the option in one of these upcoming patches.
  3. I agree. I chose my legacy name "nocturia" thinking it sounded neat at about 3 am when the game wouldn't let me do anything without the screen popping up. Then I looked it up only to find out the meaning was a disorder where a person has to get up at night to urinate! LOL. Needless to say, I will not be displaying my name. I would even pay $5 or a handful of credits to change it. I wish they would implement the option in one of these upcoming patches.
  4. I am totally down with the idea of having droids as a playable race. The joy of SWTOR is that there are soooo many races within Star Wars that the list of possibilities is endless. I'm looking forward to new races/classes more than anything else. But with the amount of voice acting, writing and designing that will have to go into new classes, I have a feeling it will be a long time before we see anything new.
  5. Yeah, that makes sense to me too. LOL. I think they are doing pretty darn good.
  6. So you didn't get in on Day 1 of EA? Get over it! You don't always get what you want when you want it and BW probably doesn't care about your complaining. I don't understand why everyone flips out over this. It's an awesome game but it's a GAME. It's not as if it were the last game on the earth and it's certainly not going anywhere. Please note, the world doesn't revolve around you and no one cares that you didn't get into Star Wars on Day 1 of EA and there are way to many threads on it. Personally, I will be patiently waiting for my early access, be it 6 days or 1 day before launch, and playing Skyrim while I wait.
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