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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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A one time change would be nice. We all know its just a field in a database.


This would help those who didn't understand what Legacy was when they chose a name. To their defense not everyone comes to the forums.


Exactly. They have a system in place now anyway. The players who transfer from an Asian server get a legacy reset if the name is already taken so its not as if they don't know how implement such a feature. For those who want proof...check the Dev tracker.

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I've hidden my legacy name since I got it, and now that 1.2 launched it keeps reminding me of my bad decision. I would fly my name now that I had enough time to think of one. Please oh please let us change it SOON. It is this and the lack of open world PvP that's making me consider giving up my subscription - and this is the easy one to fix quickly.
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I recently unlocked the legacy sytem for my characters but decided to put off chosing a name until I was sure about the name I wanted. A little while ago I went to the bathroom but left my computer game on while my character did crew skills. While I was away for a few minutes my kid brother came into my room and selected his own name for the legacy system without knowing what he was doing and now I cant change it.


The legacy looks really bad now because my brother typed my character's screen name as the legacy and even though I know it is possible to hide it, I would really like a chance to rectify this mistake. I now cannot stand to display the legacy on any of my characters. And it bothers me to no end. This is really impacting my enjoyment of the game. I know that a legacy name can be changed; they do it for people who pick inappropriate ones.

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I recently unlocked the legacy sytem for my characters but decided to put off chosing a name until I was sure about the name I wanted. A little while ago I went to the bathroom but left my computer game on while my character did crew skills. While I was away for a few minutes my kid brother came into my room and selected his own name for the legacy system without knowing what he was doing and now I cant change it.


The legacy looks really bad now because my brother typed my character's screen name as the legacy and even though I know it is possible to hide it, I would really like a chance to rectify this mistake. I now cannot stand to display the legacy on any of my characters. And it bothers me to no end. This is really impacting my enjoyment of the game. I know that a legacy name can be changed; they do it for people who pick inappropriate ones.


Sure. You do realize that no one believes "my kid brother" past the 2nd grade right? It's like THE oldest lie, ever. Those kid brothers must all be evil geniuses that download cheats, hacks, sell your account, delete your characters, send harassing emails, post on forums, sell all your items etc.


Please, people, come up with a new one. It wasn't true when you didn't do your homework and it isn't true now.

Edited by Jandi
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It appears to me at least that making those kinds of changes arent as important as the new content. they would rather add more stuff then fix the existing stuff. just my opinion, i take this game with a grain of salt. in due time everyone will flock to something new anyways.
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  • 2 weeks later...

We can re-roll our spec skills, first time free after then it cost and continue to increase in cost of credits. 1.2 made a free re-roll on those because it changed many skills for many classes.


We can delete our crew skills one by one and choose another if wanted/needed, after we figured a better way for our characters gathering/craft wishes.


But we can't have a change in heart as to what our surname should be, not even when Legacy came alive with game changes and more meaning to it all.


I'm ashamed of my Legacy name choice, have been since it occured to me what legacy was about and that it was permanent to all my characters on same server. Back then, it wasn't explained fully, in fact the pop up came in a very stressfull situation with very little info. A mail had been send that explained it better.. but had to leave the ship to read it, who thinks of that? I didn't,, I typed a name without knowing it's full meaning or consequence.


So I wrote some tickets about it, got feedback that many had complained and BW was aware of the importance of names and would make it possible to change it, just couldn't make a promise to when.. and I wait.. and wait, more than 4 months after we get 1.2 with Legacy unlocks, yay.. but still no option to change the name.


More and more people flood into the servers, more names get picked, chances are if they ever make it possible to change our legacy name, there won't be any good ones left..


And yeah, some might laugh and say it's my own fault, that info on what legacy is was out there before launch, but guess what? I think it's wrong that we should spend time browsing for such stuff, when it should be clearly explained before choosing it, explained ingame that is. On official sites, back then, Legacy was something of a secret, it would be revealed in good time.. and boy did it get revealed.. so vaugly that many made the mistake of a wrong choice in name.


Did BW do anything about the ticket info and complains? Yeah, apparently the info is better now for a new player, so he or she is informed more clearly what Legacy is, what a surname is, not all non-english speaking people take note of "surname".. "Lastname" is more commen to some who don't have english as first language.

But it doesn't really help us who already chose a wrong name and want it changed.. can only pray this option is to come soon.

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I see no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to change our legacy names.. We need to be able to change them.. I don't see any reason we are not allowed to change them..


There isn't much else to say here.. We need legacy name changes.. Period..

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I agree that there should be some system of changing Legacy names, but I think having toons in both factions is a weak argument. Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker were on opposite sides of a war. Same with Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma. Hell, it happens in real life, how many families were divided during the American Civil War?


However, in the meantime, a possible temp solution, esp for different species, could be to use your "first" name as both name and surname. Then either have no legacy or the "legacy name" legacy option. If Han and Chewie were created in this game as player characters, don't you think Chewie would be part of the Solo legacy? Especially with Chiss characters, their naming convention is a long string connected by apostrophes. This is how I handled different species on my legacy. My Chiss BH has a Chiss name and "The Orga'an Legacy" after it, signifying that he is not related, but still connected to the rest of my characters.

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More and more people flood into the servers, more names get picked, chances are if they ever make it possible to change our legacy name, there won't be any good ones left..



Definitely an issue. I agree, I didn't understand that it would be on every character. I would be willing to pay to change it. I'm sure they'd like the money.

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On the topic of name changes, I don't understand either why guild names can't be changed. Hell, if they want to make it a hassle, then just have it cost a million credits or something. But really, I see no problem with changing a guild name whenever you want. Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Yes. Dear Devs, we still want this. I understand that techical issues maybe preventing this (Legacy may possibly hardcoded into the programming (I have no idea if what I said make sense)) but if you can find it in your heart to change it, I'd be a happy twi'lek.
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Yup, the whole naming of your characters in Swtor is very badly implemented. At startup you think you only get 1 name slot, then at legacy you werent told it doubles as your surname. All very poorly handled, and those of us that learned the hard way cant change it for our legacy names.


That needs to change.

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I like the legacy name as long as it's optional for all characters and we can also have it as prefix.


Then I totally support separate last names for characters especially since it's mostly only a new DB field in the character table. Don't even need to be unique as they already have primary key and we can /tell to the character first name.

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Ok I can see both sides of this argument, I read the entire first page. (Sorry way to bust to read the fifteen there is)

If this point has already been made then simply chalk it up on your score board.


All of you who are complaining about how their legacy names don't fit because they had a change of heart. Sorry but thems the breaks, your focusing on this sole issue that, as mentioned before, will no doubt be fixed as the legacy system is fleshed out. Instead of looking at all the superior elements the game offers compared to WoW and other games. They programmed multiple choices and consequences for those choices into a campaign mode easily a couple months long to a healthy gaming style. and on top of that they did the same thing for every instance, flashpoint sidequest and operation.

I guess what I'm saying is.


think about how tought their job is just maintaining a game this big before you run your dumb selfish mouth about one insignificant aspect of the game play.

Yes, story and history are a big part of starwars, BUT this is also an MMO and what would the point be of having a perfect Legacy system if the game was so broken that no one wanted to play it.

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Likewise, just adding my support to this thread. My preferred legacy name was taken, so I went with an alternative spelling that I subsequently found looks rubbish in game, so I'd really like to be able to tweak this.


Not a game-breaker as folks have said, but does seem a bit of no brainer to add a fix given the demand (I'd pay a fiver for the privilege).


With character transfer to Asia-Pacific, I'd presume the tech and UI for this probably now exists? So here's hoping it's in patch 1.3.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Boware has stated that the legacy system was based on and inspired by the Skywalker family. Well, the legacy name evolved completely in the Star Wars saga and extended universe. First of all, Shmi gave birth to Anakin, which he had Luke and Leia. Now Lei never had the Skywalker name, she had Organa, and when she married Han, her kids had his last name: Solo. So, remind me again why our toons are glued to one surname?


I also messed up in choosing my legacy name. I don't mind paying credits or real money to change it. In other mmos, you can change your toon's name at around $5 bucks. I think Bioware should allow you to give each toon the choice of a surname, or at least have the option to change it. It sucks having to be glued to a legacy name per server, even if all toons are deleted. Sigh.....

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