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Fates of the Previous PCs


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So I blazed through the expansion in one sitting and loved every second of it. Along the way, I couldn't help but pick up some hints about what happened or might have happened to the "non-Outlander classes", the biggest probably being



Lana telling me that the entire Dark Council--including, presumably, the Inquisitor--tried to stop the invasion and failed, and that Darth Acina is the only survivor.



She doesn't outright say the PC above is dead, but the implications are there and they are, at the very least, MIA. As much as I wish Bioware didn't have to imply that my other toons are dead, I get why they have to, and I appreciate them at least leaving the possibilty of survival open.


So that makes me wonder what other hints other players have found that I may have missed?

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In other MMOs I play my headcannon is that the other classes that I make as alts make up the party for my main. Of course this doesn't really apply well to SWTOR as each class has its own story with only a few references for overlap. Although in the expansions the stories all converge so this is still possible for me. The legacy system lets me make my characters related i.e. my trooper, consular, and knight are all brothers and the smuggler is a cousin. I haven't really felt the need to apply this to my Imperial characters though. Edited by Evasmi
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It (PCs as companions for other PCs) could get complicated, considering you'd probably have to have decisions transfer over and such (and in some instances, they could/would conflict). In my headcanon some PCs have encountered other PCs, but that was mostly during a few FPs and maybe 1 or 2 heroics.


I think the "disappeared" is a good enough out for now. They're out of the picture, but still available.

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*SERIOUS spoilers*


The fates of several characters seem to be hinted at. For example, the SI is likely dead, definitely MIA, due to being so high-profile. The Rep Trooper is MIA, not dead. We know this because Yuun went searching for her for a year and never found her, and I'm sure he could have tracked down a corpse. The JK is MIA, possibly dead, because he disappeared in the fighting over the core worlds. Cipher Nine is missing, 50/50 dead. JC is MIA, likely dead, having disappeared without her most loyal hunter years ago. SW is possibly fine, possibly MIA, possibly dead, but is one of the only ones you could easily say might have just... left.


ALL of this is conjecture taken from bits of information in the accomplice profiles, Yuun, T7, SCORPIO, Qyzen, etc. If you've read something a little more accurate into it, please inform me.


If I might interject with some massive headcanon, please indulge me a moment.


The fates of several of the PCs are left to the imagination, and I had my own story taking place during the extensive time between each of the expansions.


1) Agent is dead, killed by my BH after a major altercation spanning Malgus to SoR.

2) JK is catatonic after being present for the ritual on Ziost (mine is Miralukan). His body disappeared in the invasion of the core worlds.

3) Trooper is MIA, presumed dead after Havoc Squad's defeat in the Zak invasion of the core worlds(the only way she'd stop is if they killed her).

4) JC disappeared shortly after the Outlander was taken, and has been instrumental in raising the Alliance (my headcanon has her welcoming the Outlander on Odessan. In fact, she may have sent Lana to rescue the Outlander.)

5) My smugglers (twins) are effectively in hiding, after having made themselves a major thorn in the side of invading Zak forces.

6) SW is retired with Vette. The fate of the galaxy doesn't concern him much, though he misses having servants.

7) BH has been searching for her sister, the SI, since she disappeared looking for the Emperor. The Alliance has been unable to find her to report the good news.

8) Darth Occlus is the Outlander. Friend of the JC, sister to my BH, and barely acquainted with Lana, who worked closely with the JK, she begged for help from Revan after the Prodigal Knight's defeat, and offers to bind the Emperor any time he offers power.

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Well the game is pretty much all solo focused so really those other characters don't matter I guess anymore, like it's really just you. They always talk about my character I played with (The Smuggler) doing all these things and being one of the best in the galaxy but in reality you if you compare the smuggler to the rest of the classes he is probably the weakest. Idk it's weird now I find.



But most people probably died. SI dead with the rest of the council, Agent might be alive hiding out somewhere. JK and JC are quite likely dead. Trooper is likely dead. BH and Smuggler have no allegiance so they probably got out before it got too bad. Warrior is a wildcard he could be alive.

Edited by Newyankalt
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Well the game is pretty much all solo focused so really those other characters don't matter I guess anymore, like it's really just you. They always talk about my character I played with (The Smuggler) doing all these things and being one of the best in the galaxy but in reality you if you compare the smuggler to the rest of the classes he is probably the weakest. Idk it's weird now I find.



But most people probably died. SI dead with the rest of the council, Agent might be alive hiding out somewhere. JK and JC are quite likely dead. Trooper is likely dead. BH and Smuggler have no allegiance so they probably got out before it got too bad. Warrior is a wildcard he could be alive.


I agree with you, I'm not a fan of Bioware's direction of the "one story fits all" thing, to me it devalues what our characters have done, surely the JK would rather be known as the HoT rather than the Outlander, it would raise hope. I also agree with what you said about the PC's, especially about the fate of the Warrior.

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Thanks, everyone, I found the codex entries now. Reading over them, I'm inclined to agree that the Inquisitor and Knight are the most likely to be dead, since they both went MIA on the front lines. The Agent is the one I'd say had the best chance of surviving, because their skill set is literally made for disappearing on short notice, and they're savvy enough to recognize when a situation is going sour.


It's a pity, but I don't see any other way Bioware could have handled it. MAYBE having the Outlander retroactively talk about the other PCs (as in "oh yeah, I heard the Emperor's Wrath was male and surprisingly Light for a Sith") and then having them show up with that personality, hooded and masked, but that would be really difficult to implement.


If SI wasn't the outlander, I say she went into hiding in the Rishi maze to search for that immortality thing.


That's a theory I haven't heard before. I like it.

Edited by Abvora
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I agree with you, I'm not a fan of Bioware's direction of the "one story fits all" thing, to me it devalues what our characters have done, surely the JK would rather be known as the HoT rather than the Outlander, it would raise hope. I also agree with what you said about the PC's, especially about the fate of the Warrior.


From what we know of all the player characters so far, to me it seems like the Warrior is the hero thst comes back to the Galaxy from Zakkul they sort of indirectly made most of the other guys seem dead and the less useful ones like the smuggler just flee.

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Thanks, everyone, I found the codex entries now. Reading over them, I'm inclined to agree that the Inquisitor and Knight are the most likely to be dead, since they both went MIA on the front lines. The Agent is the one I'd say had the best chance of surviving, because their skill set is literally made for disappearing on short notice, and they're savvy enough to recognize when a situation is going sour.


It's a pity, but I don't see any other way Bioware could have handled it. MAYBE having the Outlander retroactively talk about the other PCs (as in "oh yeah, I heard the Emperor's Wrath was male and surprisingly Light for a Sith") and then having them show up with that personality, hooded and masked, but that would be really difficult to implement.




That's a theory I haven't heard before. I like it.


If they had the outlander say that then that adds an actual cannon to the characters and will conflict with many people. Maybe a system where the game uses the guys we created (in your legacy) and keeping their appearance, gender and alignment in the story.

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I agree with you, I'm not a fan of Bioware's direction of the "one story fits all" thing, to me it devalues what our characters have done, surely the JK would rather be known as the HoT rather than the Outlander, it would raise hope. I also agree with what you said about the PC's, especially about the fate of the Warrior.


I noticed your old titles still mattered somehow, even in the Alliance system. It's minor but being able to tell to the contact the Herald of Zildorg murder that you are the "Battlemaster of the Jedi Order" was enough for me. It's far more elegant than SoR where, apart from the last cutscene, your character always was just "the hero". Here, the Outlander seems to have different skills (I'm curious, how does the duel with Arcann goes when you don't have a lightsaber, anyone?). It's cosmetic, it's minor but I'm content with it.

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If they had the outlander say that then that adds an actual cannon to the characters and will conflict with many people. Maybe a system where the game uses the guys we created (in your legacy) and keeping their appearance, gender and alignment in the story.


Love the idea. Make it so! At least, offer us to fill the other seven main "class roles" with our own characters (I have at least two per class, kind of a double cast of characters, the first eight together, the other eight apart).

Give us short mission to recruit our own characters as Alliance members.

Simply explain that the character we play is THE Outlander and when we switch characters we are playing another timeline.

I want my JK and JC (Married Legacy-wise) to meet someday.

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To me, only my JK and SI are headcanon, they are twin brothers and I still see them that way in the game. In my head they were force linked and sometimes I let my JK do an dark choice, influenced by the darkness of his twin brother. The JK storyline really fitted in to it, especially when he was captured by the empire.

My SI was also careless with relationships, but really cared about Lana (and cheated on Ashara with her) and in my JK storyline, he is the one that had sent Lana to him. He's now in hiding since the fall of the Dark Council.

I hope to make some JK connections when I start with the alternative SI storyline. It's always fun to have such storylines going on in your head ^^


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If they had the outlander say that then that adds an actual cannon to the characters and will conflict with many people. Maybe a system where the game uses the guys we created (in your legacy) and keeping their appearance, gender and alignment in the story.


Exactly. It would upset to many players if they said outright anything about the canon Warrior or other class. Even if it didn't matter. We'd have players moaning about how they feel forced to play out such and such content as it is detailed in canon.


If they outright stated which class was the Outlander, the same would happen.


Personally, I wonder why they just didn't say they all went MIA.

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Exactly. It would upset to many players if they said outright anything about the canon Warrior or other class. Even if it didn't matter. We'd have players moaning about how they feel forced to play out such and such content as it is detailed in canon.


If they outright stated which class was the Outlander, the same would happen.


Personally, I wonder why they just didn't say they all went MIA.


I think people are misunderstanding what I meant -_- I meant that the Outlander would be talking to, say, Broonmark, and they'd get a couple of dialogue options where they mention what the Warrior--or other PC--was, and from that point out people would refer to the Warrior as male/female or light/dark, depending on what option you picked. Think KOTOR2 and the opening dialogue where you could be like "Yeah, that Revan chick was cool" or "I thought Revan was a guy, not a girl".


That said, it's not a very good solution, so having everyone go MIA is probably better.

Edited by Abvora
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Exactly. It would upset to many players if they said outright anything about the canon Warrior or other class. Even if it didn't matter. We'd have players moaning about how they feel forced to play out such and such content as it is detailed in canon.


If they outright stated which class was the Outlander, the same would happen.


Personally, I wonder why they just didn't say they all went MIA.


But if you got to choose (via conversation or some sort of import character feature), I don't see what the problem would be.


Funny thing is, if the Disney reboot/reset didn't happen, canon versions of classes would have been an inevitability.

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Lana tells you the Dark Council is all dead, however the codex entry for the war says some died, some are missing. There is nothing to support Nox (or anyone else for that matter) being dead and there certainly shouldn't be. One story for all does not mean classes get actively alienated.


If we're talking headcanon:


My outlander is a "brand new" character. Part of the HoT elite Jedi forces on Corellia she's been through it all in the background. When the HoT goes missing and the Barsen'thor is presumed KIA she sort of goes rogue. Due to BS pressure from Saresh and dissenting masters, Satele Shan is no longer able to openly work with Marr to track down the Emperor. As a result the Outlander is the only one to join Marr on his ship after briefly travelling with Felix Iresso and Qyzen (she's a sage). Then Zakuul attacks. Now she's the hero, seemingly of the galaxy when all others have vanished. Can she handle it? Or will the strain and bitterness at her allies' disappearance be too much for her?


The HoT disappeared after Ziost with no explanation to anyone, not even his crew. Devastated by his failure to prevent the Emperor from returning and desperate to stop him from destroying the galaxy he became convinced that the knowledge and power to finally defeat Vitiate cannot be found within known space and that he must be the one to claim it.


The Barsen'thor lead a fleet to track and if necessarily eliminate the new border threat (Zakuul's early campaign). He was shot down and is presumed dead (though he may not be).


With the breaking of the Republic's military might, Havoc squad is stranded in the Outer Rim, aiding a guerrilla resistance to the invaders. Some members have deserted, others have been left behind.


The Void Hound quietly withdrew Port Nowhere from most known hyperlane routes and shifted his organization and contacts to slip out of Zakuul's sight. Managing to maintain some margin of profit his rogueish carefree business seems to have remained largely unchanged. However what's known to few is that the profits gathered aren't lining some sunken vault, but rather providing relief and assistance to other underground resistance movements, and covertly shoring up the defenses and dominions of a planet called Dubrillion.


Ever since his ascendance, Darth Nox has preferred to remain in the shadows, observing enemies and current allies alike, finding their flaws and manipulating them into doing his bidding. Though he was present at all major events he has been careful to commit none of his own resources to the fight. Ultimately, the Empire and its people are nothing to him, there is only his power. He is quite content to do as Vitiate himself once did- allow his foes to destroy themselves while he grows strong in the darkness. After all, few even know his true name.


The newly named Empire's Wrath serves no master. His concern is the Empire itself and woe to those who threaten it, by means overt or not. Zakuul's finest, while otherwise unstoppable still fell before him in waves. Ultimately brought to an inch of his life by overwhelming numbers, his prowess impressed Arcann enough to freeze him in carbonite rather than kill him. Though the Outlander is their primary enemy, Zakuul's problems would rise exponentially should the Wrath ever again be loosed.


The Grand Champion of the Great Hunt has been made a Mandalorian through and through. But before that he was Chiss. Despite being exiled and branded a criminal by some, he is not about to let the Ascendency go down with the Empire. Calling in favors with both past comrades and the Imperial Ghost, the hunter convinces the Expansionary Defense Fleet to begin quietly withdrawing back to Chiss borders. With a growing clan of Mandalorians behind him, he will honor both his peoples, one bounty at a time.


Imperial Records show no results for codename Cipher Nine. Yet a mysterious red-headed woman always appears to be around when times are most grave for the Empire. Some say she's a hidden player in Sith Intelligence. Still others insist there's a larger conspiracy at work. Heroes on both sides deal with her, yet only a select few know a spec of truth. A ghost can't stop an Eternal Fleet. But there's little they do that she doesn't see.

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Also, regarding current references there are a few but they've been handled with adequate vagueness.



Lana says SCORPIO "used to work with Imperial Intelligence"


When asked about Havoc Squad, Tanno Vik says something like "yeah I used to run with that outfit. Long time ago".


The one that's not the greatest is talking to 2V-R8 on Odessan. I esc'd out of the convo but when I asked about him he said his previous master was cruel and constantly threatened him. The BH or the agent wouldn't necessarily do that and it's a safe bet all classes pretty much ignore him after the first conversation.:rolleyes:


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i was actually going to make a similar thread to this asking what happened to the remaining 7 heros, i would love it if somewhere down the line they come back from in hiding and use your characters models and get integrated as not necessarily npcs, but others helping lead the resistance and you use your cross char companions to communicate with them, you never interact with them directly, but rather you get reports on what they are doing and some of your companions go help them from time to time
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