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Commandos at 4.0 - We bring the pain, so focus us all you want !


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Commando was my first character in SWTOR and leveling in PVE is fantastic, PVP on the other hand is somewhat of a challenge but very rewarding at times. Obviously as a ranged dps, your goal is to pump out as much damage at the 30m and then kite as needed when enemies come closer. Currently level 73 Valor on my commando and yes you will get focused more than others, but I look at this way, as a gunnery spec my Grav Round armor debuff is nasty against other players, Boltstorm will slow enemies down, Electronet will slow enemies as well with some damage, then finally the Demo Round that can bring the pain. :)


Now with 4.0 commandos/mercs now have another utility, Adhesive Supplements/Sticky Mods!, Power Shot/Charged Bolts and Tracer Missile/Grav Round slow their target by 40% for 6 seconds. Being able to slow down your enemies even more with an ability you use regularly is a fantastic. In addition with the new 60+ skill, Rocket Out/Propulsion Round! Jet/Fire, which launches yourself backward 20 meters, gaining immunity to controlling effects while jetting/launched, downside is that we cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. If we would be able to use the Propulsion Round even when we are immobilized or hindered, then we would finally have another way to break away when we are getting focused.


Edit: With Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line’s cooldown has been increased to 45 seconds (up from 30), it does pose more a challenge since other classes have gotten skills that allow them to be more mobile than they are already.


Overall I'm very commfortable with my commando and knowing all my skills and when to use them correctly is a must to survive in the Warzones. While I agree that defensively in PVP we have to be much more careful than others, but let me say one final thing. To all those that focus on us Commandos, bring it, cause otherwise we will melt you !:jawa_tongue:

Edited by bladewookie
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I like upbeat posts about Merc/Mandos. While I am not putting any amazing damages, basically always outdamaged by sorcs and snipers of the equal level, my experience in 3.X was that Merc/Mando was by far easier to play in the midbies (and only to level 45 so far) than Guardian or PT-DPS on the similar level. Edited by DomiSotto
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Good to see the Mando/Merc's may finally become a viable PvP choice.


Well, this update when its live to all is going to be interesting in that FOTM characters are going to become even more obvious.


With the ability to purchase level 60 characters off the cartel market, the ability to change to FOTM characters will be really simple to make.


I would love to see in 6 months time how much Bioware is making off people purchasing level 60 characters.

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Good to see the Mando/Merc's may finally become a viable PvP choice.


Well, this update when its live to all is going to be interesting in that FOTM characters are going to become even more obvious.


With the ability to purchase level 60 characters off the cartel market, the ability to change to FOTM characters will be really simple to make.


I would love to see in 6 months time how much Bioware is making off people purchasing level 60 characters.



Hey on the bright side maybe BW will make balance changes much quicker to encourage more insta 60 purchases so the FoTM rerolls will keep flipping?

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If we would be able to use the Propulsion Round even when we are immobilized or hindered, then we would finally have another way to break away when we are getting focused.


Keep dreaming! :(




Bioware please remove these restrictions! :(

Edited by Glower
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Good to see the Mando/Merc's may finally become a viable PvP choice.


Because some guy who is most likely an average joe who only plays regs says he does better the class is viable?Wow... are you a BW dev by any chance? What's next? Snipers were fine in season 1-6 and need no tuning?


Commando and mercenaries damage output was never an issue for them. They do bring the pain, and it is obvious in regs. The problem is in 4v4 with no healers, where they can't do anything but roll over and die..


And most likely nothing changed about this. Because guess what? MOBILITY FOR EVERYONE! YAAAYYY... :rolleyes:

Edited by Owynyo
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If we would be able to use the Propulsion Round even when we are immobilized or hindered, then we would finally have another way to break away when we are getting focused.


Hindered means Electronet and nothing should be a cheap escape from that.


However I am in favour of Rocket Out being usable when rooted.


The #1 reason you get rooted is from someone leaping to you and since Rocket Out has no damage cheese you can see an obvious gapcloser coming but be unable to use your gap maker until they've done gapcloser damage and at least their first instant attack and possibly a third attack from range as you use a GCD to Rocket Out.

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