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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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So there's an email that when you click on the T&C link, it directs you to the rewards section? Please post the link.


However even if that were true, it still doesn't prove anything. Because the T&C is on that page, and there's a bloody asterisks there which should be all the clue anyone needs to realize that there's more information somewhere you may want to read.


I don't now how to post a link from an email, anyone help? I am using windows 10 and the email is through yahoo.

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And again that is your problem not anyone else's. If you can't be bothered to inform yourself then you have only yourself to blame when you misunderstand something. If the T&C was hidden or had 2pt font, you may have a reason to be confused. But in this case the information you needed was right there, in plain english and the only thing you had to do is scroll to the bottom of the page.


That may be true and in the court of law legal but that's doesn't excuse the fact that the promotion without the disclaimer was confusing.


If I have to take full responsibility for trusting a company I have to come to enjoy, then all bets our of. What if I buy Battlefront and then five months down the line that have an expansion pack that locks me out of the content (like destiny) if they are okay with doing this then where do they draw the line.


FYI I have an email that I received from Bioware after calling customer service and getting nowhere that will permentely delete my account, if I don't get early access I will no longer be a bioware/ea customer.


We are sorry to hear that you wish to permanently delete your Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account and are sending you this mail to outline the procedure you will need to follow in order for us to delete your account, and to let you know of the consequences of doing so.


If you think that you might wish to play Star Wars: The Old Republic again in the future we would recommend cancelling your subscription rather than deleting your account. This means that you will not be charged a subscription fee, and that you can opt to return to the game at any time. You can cancel your subscription yourself through our website at https://account.swtor.com/user/subscription or our Customer Service agents can assist you with the process if you call us. You can find our contact numbers at http://www.swtor.com/support/form.


If, however, you would prefer to permanently delete your account we would ask you to please be aware of the following:

As your SW:TOR account is attached to an EA account we are only able to disable accounts and any permanent deletion request must be directed to EA.


• You must first contact customer support to confirm you wish to have your account disabled. Our phone numbers can be found here http://www.swtor.com/support/form. Our support team will then disable your account so it cannot be accessed any further on http://www.swtor.com.

• Once this has been completed if you wish to permanently delete your Swtor & associated EA account you must send an email to privacy_policy@ea.com to proceed with the deletion of your account and all associated data from our databases.


Once your account has been disabled you will no longer be able to:


• Log in into the game

• Log in into the Star Wars: The Old Republic website and access your account management page

• Post in the Community Forums

• Receive emails containing Star Wars: The Old Republic updates*

• Receive emails containing BioWare announcements

• Receive emails containing LucasArts announcements


Please be aware that once we complete your request, your account cannot be re-enabled, and your characters and items cannot be restored.


*Please note that you will still receive EA newsletters based on your settings. If you wish to opt-out of these newsletters please visit https://www.ea.com/profile/contact-preferences.


Please note that disabling your Star Wars: The Old Republic account has no effect on your EA or Origin Account and any requests to permanently delete this account must be sent to privacy_policy@ea.com.


Also please be aware that you will not be able to use your current username to create a new account, nor will you be able to use your Star Wars: The Old Republic product code again. Once your account is disabled, your subscription will cease immediately, and any unused game-time will be lost.


If there are any issues or problems which have prompted this decision that we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will assist you in any way that we can. Any feedback that you can provide will be useful as we continue to improve our customer service.





Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


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That's doesn't excuse the fact that the promotion without the disclaimer was confusing.


That is highly subjective, and not something I agree with at all. It is not confusing in the least. The fact that you didn't understand it, and refused to bother scrolling to the bottom of the page is your fault and no one else's.

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I'll be the first to admit, I saw the "Subscribe before October 20th!" in an email and interpreted, apparently, incorrectly, and subscribed without reading the further requirements. But let me ask: have you read the terms and conditions for everything you've agreed to?


Doing Early Access the way they've done it is just... weird. I've played a lot of MMOs, and I've never seen it before. It's always been "Buy X, get early access", not "Be subscribed to X for these specific dates, get early access".


I read everything and read it closely, because reading is required to avoid misunderstandings like these. It doesn't matter that they've done it differently or that you've played other MMOs and they did things in a specific way. The responsibility is ultimately the user's.


I deal with a ton of idiot authors because of my job, ones who apparently AREN'T capable of reading or understanding even the most simple instructions/guidelines. Some of them just completely ignore all the stuff that they SHOULD be paying attention to, which has resulted (far too many times) in me wasting hours of my life formatting a manuscript, only to later be told "Oh, but I didn't approve THAT!" by one of these dimbulbs.


My response: "The template designer created your template, AND you signed off on literally everything in your template. Why are you suddenly complaining about the font, the font size, AND the spacing when YOU approved all of it?????"


Here's one recent example of an idiot author who didn't bother to pay attention to important details: I sometimes have to place images in a book, and doing so means that the author generally has to fill out an image placement form. There are neat and clear instructions in the header rows of each column. Now in the column that very clearly stated "Image File Name(s)," the idiot author entered COMPLETELY USELESS STORY TITLES.


Sorry, but did the column say "INSERT YOUR COMPLETELY USELESS AND IRRELEVANT STORY TITLES HERE"? No, it pretty clearly said "Image File Name(s)" right at the top. So this author either didn't pay attention or totally failed at simple reading comprehension. What happened as the direct result of HIS not reading? I couldn't start working on his title and then had to send the rep a semi-annoyed e-mail pointing out that this idiot needed to fill out a new form and that he would actually have to enter the image file names in the column that's specifically FOR image file names (it's been over a week, and I STILL don't have a new placement form or anything).


I have zero sympathy for people who don't read (especially people here who don't read) and then complain about missing something important later - particularly since my job is made infinitely harder by authors who fail to read (and then act like it's someone else's fault, not theirs). I, for one, do NOT appreciate having to redo hundreds of pages of work and having hours of my life wasted when all it would have taken to avoid unhappiness on all sides was for the author(s) to have read whatever they were sent to read AND to have paid just a little bit of freaking attention.


EDIT: The same applies here (obviously) - all you had to do to avoid unhappiness was to have done your due diligence and to have made sure to read the details closely.

Edited by Atreiya
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....all this BS

at the very least they could tell us why they raised the entire Level 60 content to Level 65 on early access, leaving the non early access Level 60 players behind with NOTHING to do.

Comms are capped, heroics are (solo) facerolled (or should I say: my companion facerolled the heroics)...

so now what? Sit and stare a hole in the wall for 6 days or go back to the big one (which is kind of pointless but at least as a paying customer I never been treated like this)


the "should have read" guys might have a point. But do I really need to get punished for making a consious decision to subsribe and buy the SOR addon because I wanted to catch up to max level and be ready for the next expansion?

This has nothing to do with "should have read" bla bla....

Edited by RaffelZockt
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Yeah that's pointless I need to know how to post the email with the link inside, because if I do it the other way people with say I made something up.


I think this is the problem right here. You're wasting time if you think you will change someone's opinion on an internet forum like this. Take it up with CS as you have and leave if you feel it's the best choice. I'd rethink your process of not looking into things until there is a problem, however. Usually when the problem happens it's too late.

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....all this BS

at the very least they could tell us why they raised the entire Level 60 content to Level 65, leaving the non early access Level 60 players behind with NOTHING to do.

Comms are capped, heroics are (solo) facerolled (or should I say: my companion facerolled the heroics)...

so now what? Sit and stare a hole in the wall for 6 days or go back to the bug one (which is kind of pointless but at least as a paying customer I never been treated like this)


Only Hard Modes have been moved up. You can still run SM Ops at level 50 or 55. PvP of course has been available since level 10.

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Only Hard Modes have been moved up. You can still run SM Ops at level 50 or 55. PvP of course has been available since level 10.


that's nonsense. Ever been member of a raiding guild? Complete nonsense...

I had content (HC content) that has been taken away from me. For what?????

Now you tell me to go do this tourist mode ****?

As far as I'm concerned I pay the same money than anyone else for my subsciption. So why am I forced to sit and wait now for content that I already had?


Do I get any sort of compensation for that?

Or at least a "yeah, we didn't think it through... but hey FU anyway"? (because that's exactly what it is!)

Edited by RaffelZockt
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I've been subbed since launch and not once let my subscription lapse and agree with this. I have friends that weren't subbed for maybe 24 hours that didn't get in and I find it quite stupid.


I don't even care that I've been subbed, just give the expansion to everyone who cares at this point screw entitlement the game isn't that serious these days for anyone.

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I've been subbed since launch and not once let my subscription lapse and agree with this. I have friends that weren't subbed for maybe 24 hours that didn't get in and I find it quite stupid.


I don't even care that I've been subbed, just give the expansion to everyone who cares at this point screw entitlement the game isn't that serious these days for anyone.


I agree it's not like there's new content to get world or server firsts on lol what a joke this game has become.

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that's nonsense. Ever been member of a raiding guild? Complete nonsense...

I had content (HC content) that has been taken away from me. For what?????

Now you tell me to go do this tourist mode ****?

As far as I'm concerned I pay the same money than anyone else for my subsciption. So why am I forced to sit and wait now for content that I already had?


Do I get any sort of compensation for that?

Or at least a "yeah, we didn't think it through... but hey FU anyway"? (because that's exactly what it is!)


You're going to have to do SM ops for gear to do the HMs anyway...

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It was quite clear, if you took the time to read the entire page. Numerous people explained it before the end of July. It was mentioned in a cantina event. It was mentioned on live stream. It says very clearly what the requirements for early access are.


The only people I have sympathy for are the ones who qualified, but are facing a bug that didn't grant them access. Everyone else... Learn to read the fine print.




To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.
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It was quite clear, if you took the time to read the entire page. Numerous people explained it before the end of July. It was mentioned in a cantina event. It was mentioned on live stream. It says very clearly what the requirements for early access are.


The only people I have sympathy for are the ones who qualified, but are facing a bug that didn't grant them access. Everyone else... Learn to read the fine print.




Too many companies/lawyers treat website Terms of Service (TOS) as boilerplate agreements that no one reads. Many companies simply put a link at the bottom of the homepage. This approach continues to prove ineffective, as courts are more frequently refusing to enforce TOS absent properly drafted terms and a requirement that the user read and/or affirmatively accept the terms. In a recent 9th

Circuit Appeal, the court ruled against Barnes&Noble stating that “where the link to a website’s terms of use is buried at the bottom of the page or tucked away in obscure corners of the website where users are unlikely to see it, courts have refused to enforce the browse-wrap agreement.”

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Too many companies/lawyers treat website Terms of Service (TOS) as boilerplate agreements that no one reads. Many companies simply put a link at the bottom of the homepage. This approach continues to prove ineffective, as courts are more frequently refusing to enforce TOS absent properly drafted terms and a requirement that the user read and/or affirmatively accept the terms. In a recent 9th

Circuit Appeal, the court ruled against Barnes&Noble stating that “where the link to a website’s terms of use is buried at the bottom of the page or tucked away in obscure corners of the website where users are unlikely to see it, courts have refused to enforce the browse-wrap agreement.”


I fail to see the relevance, as this is not tiny EULA text, but part of the promotional text within the advertisement page.


In fact, the "*Terms and Conditions" text is larger than most of the advertising text.

Edited by OmenQ
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I fail to see the relevance, as this is not tiny EULA text, but part of the promotional text within the advertisement page.


In fact, the "*Terms and Conditions" text is larger than most of the advertising text.


ya your right totally irrelevant maybe your reading comprehension isn't so good. The fact is this has been PROVEN in the court of law to be a shady tactic and they did it anyway with no regard to paying customers who love the game.

Edited by X_Vindictuz_X
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A lot of people are upset about not getting into early access, either because of a bug, because their subscription was dropped for a few days since July, or because they misinterpreted subscribing from July to October as subscribe between July to October.


I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access. Active subscribers are left with nothing to do because the PvE content has been raised to 65, but they aren't 65 and can't level to 65.


If you don't have sympathy for those who weren't subscribed for a while or are in the "learn 2 read" club for those who misinterpreted the early access requirements, that's fair. All I'm asking is for BioWare to throw a bone to a lot of us who made a mistake. Personally, I wouldn't have subscribed until later had I comprehended the requirements correctly.




The instructions were right there on the webpage for four months. People failed to follow simple instructions and now want to be given what they did not meet the requirement for .... even though they had tons, and I mean tons of time. The expansion was announced, when? June 15th or so? First hard date was close to a month later. Every date was detailed well in advance. If people cannot follow simple instructions and PLAN accordingly for their own entertainment, why should Bioware lift a finger to "help" them? They obviously are incapable of helping themselves.

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ya your right totally irrelevant maybe your reading comprehension isn't so good. The fact is this has been PROVEN in the court of law to be a shady tactic and they did it anyway with no regard to paying customers who love the game.


Except that you're referring to a website's TOS, or the EULA fine print that pops up before you install software. This promotional page is neither, and clearly spells out the requirements to earn early access. I cannot help you if you didn't scroll down 10 pixels below the screenshots to see what the * was referring to.

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Except that you're referring to a website's TOS, or the EULA fine print that pops up before you install software. This promotional page is neither, and clearly spells out the requirements to earn early access. I cannot help you if you didn't scroll down 10 pixels below the screenshots to see what the * was referring to.


clueless i will just treat you like i treat my 3 year old, Yes jimmy its ok its ok go back to picking your boogers.

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Too many companies/lawyers treat website Terms of Service (TOS) as boilerplate agreements that no one reads. Many companies simply put a link at the bottom of the homepage. This approach continues to prove ineffective, as courts are more frequently refusing to enforce TOS absent properly drafted terms and a requirement that the user read and/or affirmatively accept the terms. In a recent 9th

Circuit Appeal, the court ruled against Barnes&Noble stating that “where the link to a website’s terms of use is buried at the bottom of the page or tucked away in obscure corners of the website where users are unlikely to see it, courts have refused to enforce the browse-wrap agreement.”


The advertisement page for the subscriber bonus rewards, and the page that details the requirements for earning those rewards, including early access, are one and the same.


If you didn't earn the rewards or early access, it's not because Bioware / EA hid this information from you. You say "I want early access.", the website says "Subscribe on these dates and you'll get it."


You're just clueless.

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The advertisement page for the subscriber bonus rewards, and the page that details the requirements for earning those rewards, including early access, are one and the same.


If you didn't earn the rewards or early access, it's not because Bioware / EA hid this information from you. You say "I want early access.", the website says "Subscribe on these dates and you'll get it."


You're just clueless.


no it sais "choose to subscribe aug10-oct 19th " and i was subscribed from sep 4th to now is that date not in that time range? just like the thousands of other users who thought the same thing because ToS are almost 100% skipped in any situation. I dont think they however wanted this to happen because its only hurting the game. But keep up your defense pleb.

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