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Silent Alliance conversations


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The game has always been fully-voiced. Don't you have the class voice actors doing lines anyway? Why in the hell are the protagonists silent here? What is the point? Nobody will get "nostalgic for KOTOR" with random conversations suddenly not being voiced. Its incredibly distracting. How incredibly lazy was this?


Its no wonder Bioware didn't release the blog until the expansion launched: they didn't want to reveal how half-assed it was.

Edited by Millardkillmoore
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Their reasoning was that instead of 3 options, they can now give you 6 or more.


And to hide the fact that they didnt pay for VO, they went all KotOR on us with the letterbox, list based choices, subtitles at the top etc.


Bioware went cheapo on us.


I could even understand it if the conversations were totally silent. Bringing back 40 companion voice actors would've been an issue. But the companions are voiced. They couldn't even be bothered to bring in the damn class actors, who are already in the recording studio anyway? Then they spring this on us as the expansion launches.


This is a new low, Bioware. Absolutely pathetic.

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I have no problem with that. I'm digging more options. I loved Kotor. I still love old RPGs where they give more detailed conversation even if they are in a text form.


Wait...are you honestly saying that our characters no longer actually talk during cutscene conversations?


Just during the Alliance cutscenes http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151020-0

Edited by PavSalco
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Wait...are you honestly saying that our characters no longer actually talk during cutscene conversations?


During companion conversations, they won't be voiced. Allegedly it's for that "classic" KOTOR feel. In reality, its because Bioware cheaped out on VO. Otherwise, they wouldn't have buried it in one paragraph of a blog on release day.

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At first it seems like a cop-out, but I'm hoping this means we'll get more regular companion/contact storyline content. Say one month they want to do a storyline with a new potential companion. They only have to bring in that one voice actor rather than all sixteen VO actors for the main characters who may not be available. Especially if they're doing this stuff every month. You're probably not going to have access to the main character voice actors that often. It's a lot easier to get access to just the one VO actor for the follower. So I really hope this means we'll start seeing more of this type of content more regularly as it will be much more economical for them. Edited by MrArrogant
sixteen, not eight original VO actors
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My guess is, it's a lot easier and less expensive to record one person responding to a myriad of choices than to have potentially 16 other people taking up the other side of the conversation on top of that. Remember, some companions can now be recruited by all classes. Having 16 people recording the same/similar dialog for the story is integral to the game's vision, having 16 people record the same/similar dialog for a bunch of companion conversations isn't so much. It allows much higher quantity of these conversations than would have been possible otherwise.


That doesn't mean I particularly like the idea of my character suddenly becoming silent for these, but I can certainly understand why they might have done it.

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At first it seems like a cop-out, but I'm hoping this means we'll get more regular companion/contact storyline content. Say one month they want to do a storyline with a new potential companion. They only have to bring in that one voice actor rather than all eight VO actors for the main characters who may not be available. Especially if they're doing this stuff every month. You're probably not going to have access to the main character voice actors that often. It's a lot easier to get access to just the one VO actor for the follower. So I really hope this means we'll start seeing more of this type of content more regularly as it will be much more economical for them.


Indeed. Anyway, developers can work their asses off but it doesn't matter because there are always some people who are never satisfied. They always want to have more and better. Don't like what Bioware developers try to do and do their best to deliver an amazing expansion? Go and play other MMOs with the main characters voicing everything.... oh wait. They don't exist. If I worked on SWTOR and worked my *** off and then saw threads like this, I would be frustrated and disheartened. People are jerks :/

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Good to see that I can actually know what option I'm picking, rather than playing a guessing game with Bioware's trademark ridiculous paraphrases and having to restart a conversation half a dozen times. I don't see why they don't display the option in full for everything else, or at least give us the option. It would be simpler and quicker than thinking up (terrible) paraphrases.
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I'm sure many will be okay with this new format but I find it incredibly disappointing and it greatly diminishes my enthusiasm for one of the very few things I was looking forward to with this expansion.


I'm very much on the fence as if there is enough of the game I loved for the past 4 years left to be worth paying for but everything I have seen so far since the patch leads me to suspect the answer is no.

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Good to see that I can actually know what option I'm picking, rather than playing a guessing game with Bioware's trademark ridiculous paraphrases and having to restart a conversation half a dozen times. I don't see why they don't display the option in full for everything else, or at least give us the option. It would be simpler and quicker than thinking up (terrible) paraphrases.


This. So much...

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Indeed. Anyway, developers can work their asses off but it doesn't matter because there are always some people who are never satisfied. They always want to have more and better. Don't like what Bioware developers try to do and do their best to deliver an amazing expansion? Go and play other MMOs with the main characters voicing everything.... oh wait. They don't exist. If I worked on SWTOR and worked my *** off and then saw threads like this, I would be frustrated and disheartened. People are jerks :/


Are you saying the people who develop the game are more important than the people who paid for it? So hard working developers who delivered a game, are more important than hard working customers who paid for said game?


Sorry but that is a flawed argument. If i work my --- off to pay for a developer to work their --- off to create a game, i deserve to get what i pay for.

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I would just like to point out that if KOTOR-style conversations were in any way an improvement over voiced ones, the whole expansion would've been KOTOR-style. If you actually believe that KOTOR-style companion conversations were a stylistic choice and not proof of the alliance system being a lazy half-assed feature, then you are drinking the Bioware Kool-Aid. Edited by Millardkillmoore
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Are you saying the people who develop the game are more important than the people who paid for it? So hard working developers who delivered a game, are more important than hard working customers who paid for said game?


Sorry but that is a flawed argument. If i work my --- off to pay for a developer to work their --- off to create a game, i deserve to get what i pay for.


All I say is to be a realistic person that understand the adult world and not being a spoiled brat who always demands for more while something is impossible to do because of circumnstances. You don't understand that there are certain limits they can do and a certain budget they can't exceed. At some point they need to say "ok, this can't pass. This needs to be cut" because this is REAL LIFE. So wake up, come out of your mom's basement and taste some real life problems, deadlines and choices. Then you will understand that you can't do everything and get everything within a certain period of time. I can demand to have 1 new warzone every 3 months because I believe that I deserve it to get since this is what I pay for. You pick unrealistic expectations over reality. It's like spitting in the face of football players just because they got only the third place in the World Cup and you paid for tickets expecting them to be the first. Don't like it? Too bad. They should not add any additional dialogues in Kotor style at all and have those companions mute all the time, right? That would be so much better! At least nothing to complain about..... oh wait, you would complain that those companions don't talk at all.

Edited by PavSalco
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People who complain about SECONDARY quests without voice from protagonist., need to realise this:


Without them doing it this way we wold have none of it! Yep, none.

Just voiced main story, and optional no-convo quests on terminal and that's it. That's the way of the money and it is the reality.


I'm sure that you would agree that having this kind of optional Alliance content is miles better than no content AT ALL (which wuold have been, if they didn't get an idea to try it this way). And as I explained in other threads, this way actually provides a way for more deep and meaningful conversations with our companions, so, for me, it's a double win, with a minimal loss. :D

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People who complain about SECONDARY quests without voice from protagonist., need to realise this:


Without them doing it this way we wold have none of it! Yep, none.

Just voiced main story, and optional no-convo quests on terminal and that's it. That's the way of the money and it is the reality.


I'm sure that you would agree that having this kind of optional Alliance content is miles better than no content AT ALL (which wuold have been, if they didn't get an idea to try it this way). And as I explained in other threads, this way actually provides a way for more deep and meaningful conversations with our companions, so, for me, it's a double win, with a minimal loss. :D

Nope, would have preferred terminals and more VO

Edited by StarSquirrel
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