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Auction houses are separate from each other?


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When playing today I noticed that the Coruscant auction house is entirely separate than the one on Nar Shaddaa. Entirely different item list, including my own. I haven't seen anything on this anywhere but how many auction houses are there in total? Is each area supposed to be it's own? Any comments appreciated as I searched around and couldn't find anything about it.
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When playing today I noticed that the Coruscant auction house is entirely separate than the one on Nar Shaddaa. Entirely different item list, including my own. I haven't seen anything on this anywhere but how many auction houses are there in total? Is each area supposed to be it's own? Any comments appreciated as I searched around and couldn't find anything about it.


Does it matter if nobody uses it anyway?

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There's essentially three seperate GTNs that don't interact. Independent (nar shaddaa), republic (republic fleet) and imp (imp fleet. If you post items on the independent GTN, then only people shopping on independent GTNs can see them. This holds true for all three.


Personally, I find this to be a dismal choice as it severely limits the exposure your items can get, making it dreadfully painful and tedious to sell anything. Sure, lore-wise it makes sense they wouldn't trade with each other. But MMO wise and gameplay wise it's a bad decision and hampers the community. There's only lke 5k players per server, you further limit that by faction and you get very few people looking at your items.

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