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So... will you kneel?


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I just don't see any of my characters agreeing to that, honestly. I mean, the offer is tempting, but the guy is (strongly hinted to be) the same insane emperor who caused crazed mass murders and sucked all the life out of a planet in less than a minute. Why would anyone who fought against that agree to work WITH him, since it would seem that the fatality rate of that person would probably go through the roof?
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I thought about it for some time and...I think none of my characters would be willing to kneel to their captor. I mean, it's surrender no matter what he promises. If he was a neutral party in all of this, some of my power-hungry chars might consider it but the way it plays out? I just don't see it happening.
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Although, I already know what happens (the evidence is clear to see in the various videoes), I probably WILL kneel. My main is my Agent (or at least that's the character with whom I have an emotional connection, so to speak -- MY character), who, know, gathers intelligence? If there is a interstellar empire threatening to kill a lot of people, I can best figure out how to take it down by getting a guided tour by the man in charge. Spitting defiantly in his face will likely just get my character executed, so yes, I will likely kneel: if only to bide my time.
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This one pretty much goes for all my toons:


yet alone kneel to anyone... except that one time we found it fun to "tie our boots" so we could look up the skirts of all the purdy females running around us "giggedy giggedy" :p

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Not one of my Light Side Characters regardless if they are Sith or Republic will bend a knee to that evil *****. He will pay again for what he has done.


Now my Dark Side Characters who are all about Power or Wealth on the other hand might be up for a challenge to stab him in the back and take everything that is his.

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My Warrior will face him 1 on 1

My Inquisitor will become the new face of the empire

My Agent will join undercover and start a coup

My hunter moves him to the top of the "to kill" list


My Jedi Knight believes Revan was right...

My Consolar will be the light in the dark times for Republic

My trooper will stand and fight for the Republic like a true patriot

aaaaaaaaaaaaand.... My Smuggler will steal all his sh*t



Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Tiffany, my insta-60 SW who will be scouting the XPac so I can see if one or all of my characters should come on through: Maybe.


For my eight: (I know that this Xpac will put me up against Valk anyway but I would make the decision with the presumption that my characters don't know that.)


I haven't done Bounty Hunter, Knight or Consular yet so I don't know how they'll react.


Cognitus (Sith Warrior): "I gave all my loyalty and service to an Emperor once. I will never bow my knee to another ruler." No bend.

Scarzam (Trooper): (If Valk is responsible for the freezing) "You took away my husband, my comrades, the government that I served and bled for. You can take nothing else from me that I care about." No bend. (If Valk isn't responsible for freezing) "For the Republic!" No bend. Take the shot.

Giladrius (Inquisitor): "Your throne is mine." No bend. Take the shot.

Bonnie-Marie (Smuggler): (If position offered is one of both freedom and a large pile of credits) "Hey, you keep the credits rolling in, I'm your woman." Bend (If position is neither as it's most likely to be) "Better dead than a slave." No bend. Take the shot.

Ma'taharee (Agent): "I would be honored to serve." Bend. (Possibly backstab later once situation is understood.)


Edit: If he offers to let my characters shoot Supreme Chancellor Saresh in the face then bend for all characters.

Edited by Thepyrethatburns
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He kinda is the most powerful Forceuser in the universe, and he knows it. He will probably try to reason with Valkorion, but ultmately it will lead to a force-battle.



Hell no, Uwrath will be extremely pissed that Valkorion dares sitting on HIS TRONE!

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My DS SW will kneel he really wants to be the emperors go-to-guy and runs around wearing a shirt that says "Emperor 4 Eva!" Seriously though he's always been loyal to emperor (basically he wants the power associated with being the Emperors right hand man). He was pretty disappointed

that he was flat out rejected on Ziost when he wanted to join with the Emperor and help destroy everyone and everything but then the emperor totally rejected him.



Pretty much all my pub toons will not kneel except for maybe my DS smuggler especially if kneeling somehow = credits!

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i will "nearly" kneel with my Knight but then I INSTANTLY STAND UP, JUMP RIGHT INTO HIS FACE AND SLICE HIM IN HALF!!1111


Then i use my mighty force that overcomes the power of the Emperor and throw all his corpse pieces right aways into the start dust of the endless galaxy muhahahrhrhrhrhrh


Wait... its a game... no wont kneel :/

Edited by Aaryn
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Why would I kneel to a megalomaniac who obliterated an entire world and tried to take me down with it? Emperor tried to kill you, so you put your trust and allegiance in him? *whistle*


I'm going to try it both ways. My "main" is going to remain a light side the whole story, mostly anyways :rak_03:

My inquisitor is going to be full dark side just to see how that changes things.


My inquisitor's story sees him as a powerful being. He could be useful. Plus who said anything about trusting him? It's clear players who choose this isn't going "oh hey you tried to kill me on numerous times, but this time it's going to be different" rofl I mean you can't really come to that conclusion


It's most likely players want to dominate the galaxy under Valkorion.

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Depends on varying things for my BH


Will Valkorian pay well?

Will he still respect his honor (being light side)?

Will he treat my guy as a professional rather than expendable?


My guy has dealt with enough Sith monologuing and telling him to kneel to just roll his eyes and pretty much go "Disregard Sith, Acquire Credits"

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