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Jedi Consular story ending question~


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Not sure if spoiler at this point?

What are the requirements for joining the Jedi Council?


I've read that you need Light 1 or higher, but some people in chat said you just have to not choose any of the dark side choices while on the last planet? I'll get her up to Light 1 just in case, but it'd be nice to know for sure.



I played my Shadow as a Gray Jedi, who def. leans towards the light side of things. I had just gotten her down to only 600+ light. Oh well.

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I just watched a Youtube vid of a DS Consular not being made a council member. It seems like it's as simple as sparing the final boss on Corellia, rather than killing him after he is defeated, if Youtube comments are to be trusted.


Hmmmm.... I'm pretty sure I have a Consular who spared him, and a Consular who killed him, both Council members... Both were still Light side overall though. One was pure light, while the other was more "ends justify the means/do what it takes" but still favored Light side in general.


They're both older characters though, So I'm not sure how I'd check their Council status... I'll give it a look see if I can determine it.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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Pretty sure it's a matter of one's alignment and not your choice in sparing him or not.


There's reason to not spare him. Yes, it's not Master Syo's fault at all, it's the Emperor in control of him at that point, but a Consular could easily take the stance that Master Syo won't beable to keep in control, and if he doesn't, if he faulters just once, bad things could happen in that instant.

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I played a Dark Side consular that didn't kill Syo. He was pretty much the only thing in game I did light-sided. Still, didn't get my seat on the Council, as Satele stated there's darkness in my heart :(

Playing through as Light Side right now, so hopefully I will get the damn promotion :D

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It's also possible to metagame and try to save him and fail. If you don't try to break through to Syo when speaking to the First Son over holo, trying to redeem him will only allow Syo to surface for a moment before the First Son reassert's himself and then is killed.


Really!? Thank god I didn't just ignore that extra hallway in the Guardian Hold...

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Not sure if spoiler at this point?

What are the requirements for joining the Jedi Council?


I've read that you need Light 1 or higher, but some people in chat said you just have to not choose any of the dark side choices while on the last planet? I'll get her up to Light 1 just in case, but it'd be nice to know for sure.



I played my Shadow as a Gray Jedi, who def. leans towards the light side of things. I had just gotten her down to only 600+ light. Oh well.


As long as your Lightside or Neutral I think you get the Jedi Council ending.

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