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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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I cant help but think of all the "grrr i couldnt be bothered to sub in time but still want nico" posts along the lines of people who dont/refuse to buy dlc/expansions in games, then complain that they cant have the things exclusive to said dlc/expansions)


In example: Sebastion companion for Dragon Age 2.


Store has a sale, advertising for almost two months in advance "Come in friday June 9th, and get this $500 tv for $99!". You go in the tuesday June 13th and have a tantrum when they are all gone (and they wont be selling that model any longer)


Shouldnt Mr Tantrumer had gone in on June 9th? Snooze=lose.


so Mr Bob walks into the store. all his friends have told him about the great sales the store had and he wants to give them his business. He wants that $500 tv, and expects to pay $500. the salesman tells him "you werent here when we had the sale so we wont sell you one, even at full price because you werent here to support us then". So Mr Bob goes to best buy and gets his tv there, because he cant at the other store. Soon he and his friends all do their shopping at best buy and the other store goes out of business.

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so Mr Bob walks into the store. all his friends have told him about the great sales the store had and he wants to give them his business. He wants that $500 tv, and expects to pay $500. the salesman tells him "you werent here when we had the sale so we wont sell you one, even at full price because you werent here to support us then". So Mr Bob goes to best buy and gets his tv there, because he cant at the other store. Soon he and his friends all do their shopping at best buy and the other store goes out of business.

That's not even an analogy, not even a bad one. It's totally made-up nonsense.

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Give it time, I'm sure he'll become available at some point.

Keep dreaming. Name one thing that was an award for pre-order or sub by a certain date that they subsequently made available on the CM or elsewhere. And I mean that exact thing, not a recolor, not a re-skin, not a highly similar item, that exact thing. They never have and they never will.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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This is the problem that having a reward with a set date like that creates. new/returning players see them and know to not bother subscribing, you cant get that stuff. City of Heroes had rewards that were triggered by number of months subscribed, ie: 18 months = reward x, 24 months = reward y. so a new player could see that if they stayed subbed for 24 months they would get rewards x and y, 30 months x,y and z. It gave them incentive to stay subscribed and the devs didnt have to scratch up some bribe every few months. as of right now, the nico reward is doing nothing for them, because it is only incentive to find a game that you can get into from the ground floor, not stay with swtor where the good rewards are long gone and will never come again.


In SWG we got a reward for the age of your account. every 3 or so months you got a reward. It was pretty neat

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Keep dreaming. Name one thing that was an award for pre-order or sub by a certain date that they subsequently made available on the CM or elsewhere. And I mean that exact thing, not a recolor, not a re-skin, not a highly similar item, that exact thing. They never have and they never will.


Yeah, but they have never given a companion away as a reward before either.

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In SWG we got a reward for the age of your account. every 3 or so months you got a reward. It was pretty neat


and new players knew that if they hung in there and kept subscribed they would one day work their way up to that reward.....which is what bw was trying for but failed miserably

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I missed Niko by a few days or so, maybe a week, whatever. At the time it was a tad annoying to miss out, but it seems that I don't miss much, he's pretty much an alliance recruit, no different than the tentacle headed Sith or that big mouthed Jedi, except that Nico is less interesting.


I doubt they'll ever bring him back, I can safely say, I won't pay CC for him, we have dozens of useless companions already.


Though, I do enjoy going through topics of fans crying and whining about the smallest things, and if BioWare did bring him back, the amount of tears from the special little kids will be quite entertaining.



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This annoys me to no end. If you really and truly want a subscriber reward. I mean, if you don't get it you will go hunt small game right this second, STAY SUBSCRIBED! If you can't afford a subscription, you're not getting the rewards.


You wanted HK-55? Had to be subscribed. You wanted the Party Jawa? Well the game has been out since Dec 2011 and that subscriber reward was good til March 2012.


Oh, you wanted the Hutt training statue? Why didn't you preorder Rise of Hutt Cartel?


You wanted to play as HK-55? Why haven't you been subbed the entire time they said?


I plan to go back into the military. Whether I have to do basic training again or not, I'll be gone from the game for a while. Guess what? My sub will continue to keep on trucking and I'll have my husband pre-order any future expansions they do. Wanna know why? I WANT the freebies. Some are awesome, some suck. Point is, I want the freebies.


If you want them too, stay subbed. Family or friend dies? Stay subbed. Moving? Stay subbed. Don't plan to play for a while due to whatever? Stay subbed.


If you don't stay subbed you don't get your reward. Please stop acting like this game sucks and you want no part of it or of subbing when you come here and complain about missing out on a reward.



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I vaguely object to the Hutt statue (despite having both that and the original training statues), because there's no current way (other than paying a mint on the GTN) to get what is a not-inconsiderable mechanical advantage over the course of levelling. There should be a way to get (even if it's along the lines of HK-51's quest, or the field mail/vendor robots) a legacy-wide pocket trainer. Everything else given out as a sub reward can be gotten in some form in game currently, or is cosmetic.


(If the Party Jawa wasn't required for a planetary completion achievement, I wouldn't care about that, either; but it is, so I seethe. Quietly)

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My $0.02, you're not missing much. Limited dialog, just another companion for you to spend time getting influence with. Heck, unless you are of the right class, you can't even use the blasters given as a separate reward.

I have to agree. He's fun to recruit and he has amusing comments when you first summon him, but besides that he doesn't do much.


I'm actually hoping they do a chapter in the future like they're going to do with HK-55, where if you're subscribed for a certain amount of time you get to have a mission with him and plenty of dialogue. Bonus points if it has something to do with that Sith artifact he keeps using to keep himself relatively young. Bonus bonus points if using that thing has finally come back to bite him in the behind and we have to deal with the mess that using it has made.

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I vaguely object to the Hutt statue (despite having both that and the original training statues), because there's no current way (other than paying a mint on the GTN) to get what is a not-inconsiderable mechanical advantage over the course of levelling. There should be a way to get (even if it's along the lines of HK-51's quest, or the field mail/vendor robots) a legacy-wide pocket trainer. Everything else given out as a sub reward can be gotten in some form in game currently, or is cosmetic.


(If the Party Jawa wasn't required for a planetary completion achievement, I wouldn't care about that, either; but it is, so I seethe. Quietly)


A holo trainer of Valkorian is IMO the perfect award for clearing the highest level of the Eternal Championship. But somebody at BioWare is utterly convinced the best way forward is to award garbage gear.

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I'm actually hoping they do a chapter in the future like they're going to do with HK-55, where if you're subscribed for a certain amount of time you get to have a mission with him and plenty of dialogue.


It is absolutely useless to have him in the game if they don't do this. Unless he somehow has in impact on the story for those who recruited him.


Our choices make a difference... right? :eek:

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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It is absolutely useless to have him in the game if they don't do this. Unless he somehow has in impact on the story for those who recruited him.


Our choices make a difference... right? :eek:


As many people that couldnt be bothered to sub in time for Nico/HK & keep current on game info regarding the Nico/HK promo (or any promos for that matter), that are whining and crying now about the HK content, imagine the entitlement tantrums and tears if people didnt get extra stuff for Nico. :p

Seriously people, I dont play WoW, DDO, and several other games anymore right now, but I still get the mails from them and look at them to see if anything I might be interested in is coming up...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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They spent x amount of money to make him in the first place. Only to give him out so you would be subscribed for 1 month last summer. all that investment in resources is now wasted. worthless, it will not bring in any income. if they told us that anyone that stayed subscribed for 180 days would get it, but didnt put a start or end date, it would continue to benefit the bottom line. new players could go do the 6 month subscription just to get the shiny. putting it on the cm for $30 real money would allow it to continue to contribute. as it is, its sitting in a closet gathering dust, great use of dev resources.. I fully expect them to put it up for sale, they arent bashful about grabbing cash.


edit: and if they were really smart they would make his gorgeous sister the smuggler..she would sell like hotcakes

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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As many people that couldnt be bothered to sub in time for Nico/HK & keep current on game info regarding the Nico/HK promo (or any promos for that matter), that are whining and crying now about the HK content, imagine the entitlement tantrums and tears if people didnt get extra stuff for Nico. :p

Seriously people, I dont play WoW, DDO, and several other games anymore right now, but I still get the mails from them and look at them to see if anything I might be interested in is coming up...


Some people also complain that sub rewards aren't good enough. No way to please everyone.


But... I'd think something like that would be good motivation for people to sub.

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Ive been subscribed since prerelease so probably not. I can unsub anytime they come up with these lame "rewards"

Yet you have not done so. Guess it does not bother you all that much.


They spent x amount of money to make him in the first place. Only to give him out so you would be subscribed for 1 month last summer. all that investment in resources is now wasted. worthless, it will not bring in any income. if they told us that anyone that stayed subscribed for 180 days would get it, but didnt put a start or end date, it would continue to benefit the bottom line. new players could go do the 6 month subscription just to get the shiny. putting it on the cm for $30 real money would allow it to continue to contribute. as it is, its sitting in a closet gathering dust, great use of dev resources.. I fully expect them to put it up for sale, they arent bashful about grabbing cash.


edit: and if they were really smart they would make his gorgeous sister the smuggler..she would sell like hotcakes

They might put his sister in the CM. They might put his clone Nica. But they will never put him in the CM. Ever. You are living in fantasyland if you believe they will.


Everything else given out as a sub reward can be gotten in some form in game currently,

Name one thing.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Yet you have not done so. Guess it does not bother you all that much.



They might put his sister in the CM. They might put his clone Nica. But they will never put him in the CM. Ever. You are living in fantasyland if you believe they will.



Name one thing.


I have him, so no, it doesnt bother me. If they put a female smuggler out there they would make a buttload of money. and they will put him out there when ea decides that profits are more important than keeping you happy. it will be a sign that maintenance mode isnt far off, but I dont see it happening for a while. but only EA knows what they consider an acceptable profit level. not worth worrying about it. It probably wont be any time soon.

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I have him, so no, it doesnt bother me. If they put a female smuggler out there they would make a buttload of money. and they will put him out there when ea decides that profits are more important than keeping you happy.

You seem to be operating under a veritable metric ton of questionable assumptions, chief among which is that my happiness has anything to do with it. They will never put anything ever given out as a reward like Nico was because it they did, it would remove all incentive for people to meet the requirements for similar future rewards. They do not need to put Nico in the CM to make cash. They can put Treek's brother, Nico's sister, HK-59 or any number of other companions.

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Yet you have not done so. Guess it does not bother you all that much.



They might put his sister in the CM. They might put his clone Nica. But they will never put him in the CM. Ever. You are living in fantasyland if you believe they will.



Name one thing.


Sorry - sloppy wording on my part. What I meant was that mechanically-identical items were available. I didn't mean to imply that the exact items were available. As far as I've seen, they've never exactly duplicated a time-limited reward. (Caveat, I don't recall if you can get exactly the same ships as the people who preordered the GSF expansion, or just functionally the same ships.)

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