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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Hang on, all you non-business dealing or even knowing people are SURPRISED a COMPANY is out for money?


Whoa whoa whoa. This is what burns my britches more than anything else you all *****, moan, and groan about. 'Omg, all Bioware wants is my money *cry, whine, sob*'


Alright, geniuses, how in the hell, exactly, do you people think the game continues on, the servers stay running, and the employees don't go work for another company? (And don't get smart and say people left, I'm talking just job wise, not creative crap wise).


Bioware is FIRST and foremost a COMPANY. (Definition: a business organization that makes, buys, or sells goods or provides services in exchange for money) They're making something, the game. They're selling something, the game.


Their website shows they're a company, look they have a mission statement, career opportunities, their values...YUP! They're a COMPANY out to make MONEY. Holy shazbots, they're in it, for money! Stop the presses and call the president we got ourselves a company IN IT to MAKE MONEY.


Guess I'm the only Business major here, Bachelors in Business Administration, who knows what a mission statement is, knows that Bioware will try to sell me items and I either buy them or I don't. I just don't understand how a bunch of gamers, who should be FAIRLY intelligent since gaming is a semi-nerdy/geeky thing to do, can not comprehend that Bioware is a business, whether they were backed by EA or not, and is here to make money not give us everything under the sun for free.


I just....I don't get some of you guys. Seriously. Stop with the freaking out that they're trying to get money, sell stuff, whatever for money. It's getting extremely annoying and this is why we can't have nice things.


i agree, and it is too bad the people who you address this to are too whiny and stupid to understand it.

Edited by MWidowmaker
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I missed the windows to get that companion.


Bioware can you please open another window, in the same conditions? That would be appreciated.


I understand the reasoning, but I hate when MMOs limit offers in time.

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I missed the windows to get that companion.


Bioware can you please open another window, in the same conditions? That would be appreciated.


I understand the reasoning, but I hate when MMOs limit offers in time.





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Back to reality:


Again, they (BW) have never gone against their own T&C regarding sub rewards. To do so would violate the trust of the customers and business ethics.


LOL trust... BW doesn't owe their fanboys anything. If something makes them more money as a company they would be wise to do it. They are a company after all. Ethics are always thrown out of the equation when it comes to money especially in gaming companies. It's not like EA already has a bad name what would annoying a few fanboys and selling exclusive items do to them. Nothing. So I'd like to see BW make a profit even if it comes at the expense of their players they have already shown they are willing to do it and I commend them for it. The Cartel Market is an example of that. It's how I'd run my company I'd want to maximize profit.

Edited by squirrelballz
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LOL trust... BW doesn't owe their fanboys anything. If something makes them more money as a company they would be wise to do it. They are a company after all. Ethics are always thrown out of the equation when it comes to money especially in gaming companies. It's not like EA already has a bad name what would annoying a few fanboys and selling exclusive items do to them. Nothing. So I'd like to see BW make a profit even if it comes at the expense of their players they have already shown they are willing to do it and I commend them for it. The Cartel Market is an example of that. It's how I'd run my company I'd want to maximize profit.


As I've said - a recolor as a "new" release = OK. A straight-up rerelease of a time-limited offer = not OK.

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If you want arguments and contributions you can look at the prior 47 pages for the thread you decided to Necro.
I was not going to create another thread just for asking to re-enable their limited offer.

And you have been quite hostile throughout all this thread for reasons beyond my comprehension. Your whole stance consists in telling people "suck it up".

The offer lasted for 2 months in 2015. If Bioware decides to refresh it for two months in 2016, I don't see how the content would lose its exclusive status.

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I was not going to create another thread just for asking to re-enable their limited offer.

And you have been quite hostile throughout all this thread for reasons beyond my comprehension. Your whole stance consists in telling people "suck it up".

The offer lasted for 2 months in 2015. If Bioware decides to refresh it for two months in 2016, I don't see how the content would lose its exclusive status.


If they want to offer something new, a la the multitudinous variations of the Prinawe Speeder from the Cantina Codes, or the way they offered HK-55 more recently than they did Nico, or the variants on the anniversary astromech droid, more power to them.

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I was not going to create another thread just for asking to re-enable their limited offer.

And you have been quite hostile throughout all this thread for reasons beyond my comprehension. Your whole stance consists in telling people "suck it up".

The offer lasted for 2 months in 2015. If Bioware decides to refresh it for two months in 2016, I don't see how the content would lose its exclusive status.


So you read 49 pages of discussions, multiple people already asked the exact same thing as you and even more people already answered the same thing over and over and you still thought it was smart to ask it one more time?


Short answer is no.

Long answer is nope.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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I was not going to create another thread just for asking to re-enable their limited offer.

And you have been quite hostile throughout all this thread for reasons beyond my comprehension. Your whole stance consists in telling people "suck it up".


Why does the Sith Empire still employ slavery when they have droids that can do all the menial jobs? It reminds people of their place. It gives them a way to lord their power and status over others.


Exclusives like Nico give people with no lives a way to lord their "Look at what I have and you don't!" status over others for... what, just being here at a certain time?


It's even more sad, like a lottery winner trying to abolish the lottery because they feel people shouldn't have wealth they didn't "earn", or something.


And before anyone asks, yeah, I have Nico, and I'd be fine putting him up on the cartel market or having another promotion. This Daffy Duck mentality of "MINE MINE! Your can't have it!!!" baffles me.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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LOL trust... BW doesn't owe their fanboys anything. If something makes them more money as a company they would be wise to do it. They are a company after all. Ethics are always thrown out of the equation when it comes to money especially in gaming companies. It's not like EA already has a bad name what would annoying a few fanboys and selling exclusive items do to them. Nothing. So I'd like to see BW make a profit even if it comes at the expense of their players they have already shown they are willing to do it and I commend them for it. The Cartel Market is an example of that. It's how I'd run my company I'd want to maximize profit.


Are you so determined to criticize things I say that you'll single out a statement from nearly a month ago, in a necro'd thread to do so? Sad.


And yes, there is a certain level of trust involved. I not going to even attempt to explain morals to you. You already have your mind set.

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Why does the Sith Empire still employ slavery when they have droids that can do all the menial jobs? It reminds people of their place. It gives them a way to lord their power and status over others.


Exclusives like Nico give people with no lives a way to lord their "Look at what I have and you don't!" status over others for... what, just being here at a certain time?


Excuse me people with no lives? I would hate to disappoint you but a lot of the ones that I know that have Nico and disagree with bw giving exclusive rewards to those that didn't sub in time have full-time jobs and/or college and yet you have the nerve to say they have no lives.


Those individuals play maybe 2-3 days a week at most and yet you make a comment saying they have no lives. That is very rude and condescending to people that disagree with allowing BW to give exclusive rewards. There will always be things that some may not have because of the time the game has been played. There are some things I don't have but you don't see me throwing a hissy fit asking for them to give it to me just because I want it.

Edited by casirabit
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Excuse me people with no lives? I would hate to disappoint you but a lot of the ones that I know that have Nico and disagree with bw giving exclusive rewards to those that didn't sub in time have full-time jobs and/or college and yet you have the nerve to say they have no lives.


You say all that like it doesn't make greedily holding onto a little digital man even more sad.

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Exclusives like Nico give people with no lives a way to lord their "Look at what I have and you don't!" status over others for... what, just being here at a certain time?


Ignorant statements like this discredit any argument you may make. I, for one, wasn't playing 6-10 hours a day. I was lucky, at the time of this promotion, to be able to play 6 hours a week. Because I have a life. Yet I was still able to keep my sub active to get the rewards.


I'll grant this much: BW has a screwed up way of rewarding it's subscribers. But it's their game, and their rules. Read the terms and conditions on the rewards. Meet them or don't. Reap the reward, or miss out.

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Exclusives like Nico give people with no lives a way to lord their "Look at what I have and you don't!" status over others for... what, just being here at a certain time?


That's not it at all. It's just the principal of meeting the stated requirements. It's equal to stating that people must meet the requirement of paying $15 in a given month to enjoy the game, in full.


Please help me understand why, if it's no big deal for people to have this, that it somehow is a big deal for them not to have it.

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Here is hoping the Queen is enjoying Moose-track or Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.


Now in regards to getting subscriber rewards while not being a subscriber....


Do I expect to win the lottery without buying a ticket? No.


If I show up a half hour late to a movie, do I expect them to start it over? No.


If I do not do Ops, do I expect Ops level gear? No.


If I do not subscribe, do I expect subscriber rewards? No.


To use the tag line from the game....Choices matter. You chose not to subscribe, and you got what happens with that choice. No subscriber rewards.

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Here is hoping the Queen is enjoying Moose-track or Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.


Now in regards to getting subscriber rewards while not being a subscriber....


Do I expect to win the lottery without buying a ticket? No.


If I show up a half hour late to a movie, do I expect them to start it over? No.


If I do not do Ops, do I expect Ops level gear? No.


If I do not subscribe, do I expect subscriber rewards? No.


To use the tag line from the game....Choices matter. You chose not to subscribe, and you got what happens with that choice. No subscriber rewards.


^I like this guy. Well put.

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Now in regards to getting subscriber rewards while not being a subscriber....


Do I expect to win the lottery without buying a ticket? No.


If I show up a half hour late to a movie, do I expect them to start it over? No.


If I do not do Ops, do I expect Ops level gear? No.


If I do not subscribe, do I expect subscriber rewards? No.


To use the tag line from the game....Choices matter. You chose not to subscribe, and you got what happens with that choice. No subscriber rewards.


I agree with this poster's sentiment.


I'm not trying to give a "suck it up" message, it's the exact same thing as Party Jawa. I am very unlikely to get the "That's Just Wrong" achievement because I joined the game and started to subscribe long after that event. Am I sad about that? Sure, maybe not sad, but I'm not dancing with joy either. I do believe removing the achievement as a viewable one when it's at 0/whatever would be fair, and thus "hiding" the Nico achievements from view if the player is ineligible to have him as a companion would also be fair. I missed out. I also missed out on the original Rakghoul Event as well to explain why there is a perpetually burning ship on Tatooine, but I missed out and move on. Oh, and I think I missed out on some titles that were subscriber rewards long ago...


Subscribe and get stuff other people will want later too.


*goes back to working on her Term Paper because her quarter doesn't end until next week*

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