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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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So being able to summon him at lv 1, instead of wating 'till ch 9 of KotFE, isn't enough of an exclusive to you? And that keeping him locked away as an exclusive also means we'll probably never get any more story content for him?


Why is that such a hard concept to grasp? How supporting what makes the game as a whole better instead of being so terrified that your virtual e-peen won't look as big anymore?


You must be very proud of your collection of participant trophies.


We get your point, we just disagree. We earned a thing, by meeting certain conditions, we got a thing. Some people did not earn the thing, and did not get the thing. That's how life works.


YOU, want to give the thing to everyone, regardless of whether they earned it or not. Then you make emasculating comments trying to make us feel ashamed for defending the thing we EARNED.


How, exactly, does it make the game as a whole better to give every thing to everybody? What's the motivation to hold a subscription? What's the motivation to try end game content? What's the motivation to do anything besides log on?


inb4 "there's alot of advantages to subbing..." We're talking about Nico and only Nico. All other concerns are aside.

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Sorry, I guess I used a few three-syllable words in that. TL:DR translation; Nico for everyone who plays Ch 9 means potentially more Nico story later. Nico stays only exclusive means No new Nico story ever.




how much story do any companions other than your original crew have again? I must have missed that, once you get HK or treek there isnt any more story either.... so i fail to see your point. get over it, you missed out on what you needed to do to get Nico, stop whining and man up

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how much story do any companions other than your original crew have again? I must have missed that, once you get HK or treek there isnt any more story either.... so i fail to see your point. get over it, you missed out on what you needed to do to get Nico, stop whining and man up


They havent even made new stories for the original companions, and this person thinks they are going to make Nico stories.....too funny :D

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You must be very proud of your collection of participant trophies.


We get your point, we just disagree. We earned a thing, by meeting certain conditions, we got a thing. Some people did not earn the thing, and did not get the thing. That's how life works.


You didn't earn squat. You were subbed at a certain time, that's all. I'm talking about letting people earn him via story progression. Again, we would still be able to have him at lv1 where anyone else would have to play a character all the way through ch 9 of KotFE.


get over it, you missed out on what you needed to do to get Nico, stop whining and man up


For someone who talks about "earning" this and that, you don't have a whole lot of reading comprehension. I've already said I have him, I'm just not such a sad and pathetic individual that I measure my self-worth by it and am fine with sharing. :rolleyes:

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They havent even made new stories for the original companions, and this person thinks they are going to make Nico stories.....too funny :D


Yeah, I know, I really wish they'd do something with SCORPIO, Kaliyo, Xalek, Pierce, Jorgan and the others. :rolleyes:


Do you actually stop and think about what you type?

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You didn't earn squat. You were subbed at a certain time, that's all. I'm talking about letting people earn him via story progression. Again, we would still be able to have him at lv1 where anyone else would have to play a character all the way through ch 9 of KotFE.




For someone who talks about "earning" this and that, you don't have a whole lot of reading comprehension. I've already said I have him, I'm just not such a sad and pathetic individual that I measure my self-worth by it and am fine with sharing. :rolleyes:


Sometimes earning something is measured by commitment. In this case earning Nico was measured by staying subscribed for x amount of time. So the people who did stay subscribed did earn him. It's not correct to dismiss it. On the other hand if they started developing specific content for nico then your idea wouldn't be bad. It does incentivize a subscription. Currently though if any specific subscriber reward gets dished out in another way it's effectively undermining the purpose of subscriber rewards as a whole which would go against the notion that allowing the reward to be gained in an alternate path is beneficial.

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You didn't earn squat. You were subbed at a certain time, that's all. I'm talking about letting people earn him via story progression. Again, we would still be able to have him at lv1 where anyone else would have to play a character all the way through ch 9 of KotFE.




For someone who talks about "earning" this and that, you don't have a whole lot of reading comprehension. I've already said I have him, I'm just not such a sad and pathetic individual that I measure my self-worth by it and am fine with sharing. :rolleyes:


Words mean something - Nico Okarr (and his junk, and HK-55 and all his junk, and the Hutt pocket trainer, and the Party Jawa, and all the other time-limited "exclusive" items, pets, titles, what-have-you) were advertized as "time-limited exclusives."


I wouldn't necessarily say I "earned" Nico or HK-55, but I certainly "qualified" for them, by being subbed at a certain point. (And missed qualifying for other time-limited exclusives because I wasn't subbed at the points necessary).


In long-running participation-based games, there are ALWAYS going to be things new players can't get.

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how much story do any companions other than your original crew have again? I must have missed that, once you get HK or treek there isnt any more story either.... so i fail to see your point. get over it, you missed out on what you needed to do to get Nico, stop whining and man up


Actually HK-51 & Treek each have about half a dozen conversations after you acquire them.

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  • 1 month later...

"(Really EA)" Only a novice with zero experience with BioWare would ever say that. EA has treated BioWare as its own video game studio and just accepting the $$$ that come their way. Much the way they did with Mythic, however very much the opposite of Mythic, BioWare has excelled with their products after the merger.


Nevertheless, it is ignorant and childish to expect BioWare to ignore a potential lucrative deal, whether it is adding Niko Okarr to the Cartel Market or any other idea. I want them to make as much money as possible because it keeps EA happy and BioWare is better able to make ever better and more video games.


See with more profit, they can hire more employees to speed up production or begin on a new project. Unlike governments, private companies base their decisions on money that is actually in their bank accounts instead of what "may happen with the product".


The devs and producers are the ones "responsible" for SW:TOR. Tentatively trusting them to decide what to do with Nico Okarr, ok with am I. Maybe instead they will just keep him as a reward for future events as well.?. I think that may be the best of both worlds. Nico Okarr is current in their story, unlike HK and Treek who are either from KotOR or reminiscent of the original trilogies.


More precisely, I would expect them to add a Gungan, Eridani, or Mira Luka companion to the Cartel Market before adding someone in the current story. It would be as if they offered Satele Shan as a romance-able companion on the Cartel Market. Versus keeping them as a reward they may add for specific unique actions in future galactic events they hold.


As far as Mythic is concerned, they had been bought by EA with much the same understanding. The only reason that changed is because of how very much Mythic failed to deliver. It is also silly to expect EA to not do something to fix it.


That said, E.A. has many Studios that make video games; they get a very much undeserved bad rep because of the failures any unique Studio under their umbrella. People erroneously think parent companies by default micromanage studios and companies in general, that they own.


The only time EA probably visits BioWare offices is when there is a new money deal to be made such as beginning peliminary production of a new game. Such as Dragon Age 5, which probably will occur just before or just after DA IV is released... maybe before given that the franchise has been so lucrative. But a for a bran new franchise?


Considering just how many HK's and Treeks i see on the fleet, every single day - to NOT put a companion as iconic to this game as one that appeared in the opening cinematic... that companion is a solid cash cow if ever i saw one.


For Bioware (really EA) to NOT cash in on that... considering their track record and history... i would bet real money that he does end up on the Cartel Market at some point. Whether it is 6 weeks or 6 months later, it would be foolish to not cash in on a guaranteed seller.

Edited by TREPE
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You didn't earn squat. You were subbed at a certain time, that's all. I'm talking about letting people earn him via story progression. Again, we would still be able to have him at lv1 where anyone else would have to play a character all the way through ch 9 of KotFE.




For someone who talks about "earning" this and that, you don't have a whole lot of reading comprehension. I've already said I have him, I'm just not such a sad and pathetic individual that I measure my self-worth by it and am fine with sharing. :rolleyes:


while I do agree that he should be available to people who weren't there for original promotion, I disagree that he should be available through in game participation alone. sell him on cartel market for the same amount of cc that Treek and/or Section X goes for. my e-peen will do just fine if more people have him, but considering how much flack they dealt with when old expansions got rolled into vanilla game at no additional cost with release of new content - they might not be able to bear the flack if formerly exclusive PAID reward is given for free to anyone who comes into the game at any point, with no drawbacks. (and no, having him at lvl one vs lvl 65 is not particularly rewarding at all)

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Nice when people are good enough to make my point for me. :rolleyes:




So being able to call him at Lv 1 isn't exclusive enough for you?


How about this. I started playing this game 3 years ago. I wasn't around to get the party jawa.


People can have Nico when I can have the party jawa.



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Honestly not sure why everyone is complaining here - Nico is available after Chapter 9 in the KOTFE story as a side quest for Hyto or the smuggler girl. Its as simple as mix a drink and he is yours.


Only advantage of being subbed is you can get him at lvl 1, assuming you were subbed during the 'wait' period.

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Honestly not sure why everyone is complaining here - Nico is available after Chapter 9 in the KOTFE story as a side quest for Hyto or the smuggler girl. Its as simple as mix a drink and he is yours.


Only advantage of being subbed is you can get him at lvl 1, assuming you were subbed during the 'wait' period.


Only people who qualified for the award can get him at all, regardless of when.

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Honestly not sure why everyone is complaining here - Nico is available after Chapter 9 in the KOTFE story as a side quest for Hyto or the smuggler girl. Its as simple as mix a drink and he is yours.


Only advantage of being subbed is you can get him at lvl 1, assuming you were subbed during the 'wait' period.


Please stop spreading this rumor. The only way to get Nico is if you were subscribed on the dates that Bioware advertised. Getting him at Level 1 and his alert is part of requirements to get him which is being a subcriber at that time.


No, I do not think that they should release Nico later. Bioware would lose a lot of credibility for any future subscriber rewards.

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If people would unsub because they place a very uninspired companion on the CM than those people were going to unsub anyways. I find it laughable that people are so uptight about Nico smh



No, I do not think that they should release Nico later. Bioware would lose a lot of credibility for any future subscriber rewards.


Lose a lot of credibility? I don't hear anyone ************ about HK-51 being available on the Cartel Market when he's free to subscribers? Or should they remove that free sub reward so no f2p or preferred can get them? I think a lot of you forget HK-51 is a sub reward because he's FREE and yet anyone who is f2p or preferred have to buy him off the Cartel Market... My point is if they don't lose credibility for that they aren't gonna lose it for releasing Nico later down the line.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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"(Really EA)" Only a novice with zero experience with BioWare would ever say that. EA has treated BioWare as its own video game studio and just accepting the $$$ that come their way. Much the way they did with Mythic, however very much the opposite of Mythic, BioWare has excelled with their products after the merger.


Nevertheless, it is ignorant and childish to expect BioWare to ignore a potential lucrative deal, whether it is adding Niko Okarr to the Cartel Market or any other idea. I want them to make as much money as possible because it keeps EA happy and BioWare is better able to make ever better and more video games.


See with more profit, they can hire more employees to speed up production or begin on a new project. Unlike governments, private companies base their decisions on money that is actually in their bank accounts instead of what "may happen with the product".


The devs and producers are the ones "responsible" for SW:TOR. Tentatively trusting them to decide what to do with Nico Okarr, ok with am I. Maybe instead they will just keep him as a reward for future events as well.?. I think that may be the best of both worlds. Nico Okarr is current in their story, unlike HK and Treek who are either from KotOR or reminiscent of the original trilogies.


More precisely, I would expect them to add a Gungan, Eridani, or Mira Luka companion to the Cartel Market before adding someone in the current story. It would be as if they offered Satele Shan as a romance-able companion on the Cartel Market. Versus keeping them as a reward they may add for specific unique actions in future galactic events they hold.


As far as Mythic is concerned, they had been bought by EA with much the same understanding. The only reason that changed is because of how very much Mythic failed to deliver. It is also silly to expect EA to not do something to fix it.


That said, E.A. has many Studios that make video games; they get a very much undeserved bad rep because of the failures any unique Studio under their umbrella. People erroneously think parent companies by default micromanage studios and companies in general, that they own.


The only time EA probably visits BioWare offices is when there is a new money deal to be made such as beginning peliminary production of a new game. Such as Dragon Age 5, which probably will occur just before or just after DA IV is released... maybe before given that the franchise has been so lucrative. But a for a bran new franchise?


I think I just fell in love! Thank you for being the smart one in this mess of people who think that Bioware shouldn't make money taking in and doing every idea a player gives them to make more money to help the game along. I could kiss you...

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Lose a lot of credibility? I don't hear anyone ************ about HK-51 being available on the Cartel Market when he's free to subscribers? Or should they remove that free sub reward as well? I think a lot of you forget HK-51 is a sub reward because he's FREE and yet anyone who is f2p or preferred have to buy him off the Cartel Market... My point is if they don't lose credibility for that they aren't gonna lose it for releasing Nico later down the line.


What? :confused::rak_02::confused:


HK 51 isnt free to subscribers, nor is he for sale for F2P/Preferred on the CM...


HK51 is a -quest & credit based- LEGACY UNLOCK


You can do a quest chain -per faction- to get him, then your chars for -that faction- can pay 1 Million credits to unlock him per character via the -legacy- tab.


If you dont do the quest Republic AND Imperial side, you dont get the unlock option for both sides. So if you do the quest Imperial side, you can only pay 1m crefits per toon on your Imperial characters, your Republic charscters cant unlock him until you do the quest on a republic character.


If your referring to reassembled HK 55, he is -not- purchaseable on the CM, and is only able to be accessed by doing his alert in Chapter 10 of KOTFE.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Returning to the originally posted topic, you don't really want Nico. I have him, and from this experience:


1. His breath is worse than Qyzen's.

2. He shows up to work late, and never sober.

3. Always lets everyone know about his chemical dependency by asking if there will be a cantina.

4. Subsequently reminds everyone about his chemical dependency after the fact by saying he'll be in the cantina.

5. There is more dirt under his fingernails than on the ramp leading into the ship tracked in by Qyzen.

6. He comes back empty-handed from missions, but it could have been worse. He doesn't know how, but could have.

7. When he says "Wasn't me," he's not talking about having shot someone.

8. You will be jealous of his hat.

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What? :confused::rak_02::confused:


If you dont do the quest Republic AND Imperial side, you dont get the unlock option for both sides. So if you do the quest Imperial side, you can only pay 1m crefits per toon on your Imperial characters, your Republic charscters cant .


I'm sorry, but that is not the case. I did the quest chain for HK on a Republic character and then immediately unlocked the droid on an Imperial character.

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I'm sorry, but that is not the case. I did the quest chain for HK on a Republic character and then immediately unlocked the droid on an Imperial character.


Then I might be bugged, I can pay the unluck on my Imperial characters, but my republic ones it tells me I need HK...

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What? :confused::rak_02::confused:


HK 51 isnt free to subscribers, nor is he for sale for F2P/Preferred on the CM...


HK51 is a -quest & credit based- LEGACY UNLOCK


You can do a quest chain -per faction- to get him, then your chars for -that faction- can pay 1 Million credits to unlock him per character via the -legacy- tab.


If you dont do the quest Republic AND Imperial side, you dont get the unlock option for both sides. So if you do the quest Imperial side, you can only pay 1m crefits per toon on your Imperial characters, your Republic charscters cant unlock him until you do the quest on a republic character.


If your referring to reassembled HK 55, he is -not- purchaseable on the CM, and is only able to be accessed by doing his alert in Chapter 10 of KOTFE.

:confused: No HK-51 is free to all subscribers on any account they make cause Section X opens at lvl 50 but if you are F2P or Preferred you have to buy the Access Authorization: Section X and you can either buy it for one toon or all accounts. It also allows f2p and preferred to get HK-51 but as a subscriber you don't have to do this. I should know I've done it several times now nor have I ever payed 1 million for HK-51 either. I just go back to Section X on whatever toon and do the mission to get him on it. I don't even understand what the unlock is for cause once I got HK-51 on my main the legacy thing said he was unlocked imp side but a locked symbol appeared on the pub one it didn't even let me unlock it so I don't understand why it's even a legacy perk when it's useless... Also I just assumed the unlock did nothing any cause I'm not sure what I am missing but every toon I have done HK-51 I go to Section X and do the mission.

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