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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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For those who didnt sub like me during the time period to the next xpac, Can we get Nico at all? or is he just a limited time companion?


I hope not!!! He's not much of a reward for those of us who did sub through it if all anyone has to do is buy him off the CM like Treek.

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I bet at some point he will end up on the cartel market.


Considering just how many HK's and Treeks i see on the fleet, every single day - to NOT put a companion as iconic to this game as one that appeared in the opening cinematic... that companion is a solid cash cow if ever i saw one.


For Bioware (really EA) to NOT cash in on that... considering their track record and history... i would bet real money that he does end up on the Cartel Market at some point. Whether it is 6 weeks or 6 months later, it would be foolish to not cash in on a guaranteed seller.

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As of right now, no you can not.


If that will change in the future? Who knows but I don't think that they should since he is a reward for those of us that met the requirement to get him. If they did make him available to those that did not it would not upset me I just do not think it would be right.

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Considering just how many HK's and Treeks i see on the fleet, every single day - to NOT put a companion as iconic to this game as one that appeared in the opening cinematic... that companion is a solid cash cow if ever i saw one.


For Bioware (really EA) to NOT cash in on that... considering their track record and history... i would be real money that he does end up on the Cartel Market at some point. Whether it is 6 weeks or 6 months later, it would be foolish to not cash in on a guaranteed seller.


No doubt. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me even in the least if they put him on there as soon as October 20th to take full advantage of everyone who didn't stay subbed all while getting all the fan boys to defend with something like you got it free. Why you complain. I sure do miss the days before free to play showed up and you had to sub and had to earn your stuff in game. /sigh

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The official answer they've given on this was kind of weird. Apparently Nico will appear in the KotFE story somewhere. I would assume that this means that everybody will encounter him. But those of us who were eligible to receive him will be able to pick up a mission at that point which is the official recruitment of him (token that we get in the mail on every character will let us unlock him before then if we want to though) while the rest of you will not see the chance to pick up this recruitment mission. It's just strange how they're handling that.
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If they did make him available to purchase, I would hope it would be more expensive than of you had subbed for it. I subbed so that I could get him- if they made him cost more than $15, then I'd be okay with that.


Except that wouldn't even be an issue for those that didn't sub at the time but have already amassed a large amounts of CCs through past sub and RaF clicks for example I have 10500 CCs just from my sub and RaF link.

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If they did make him available to purchase, I would hope it would be more expensive than of you had subbed for it. I subbed so that I could get him- if they made him cost more than $15, then I'd be okay with that.



I swear people think just cause they do something it makes them more deserving than someone else, so what if we sub or not, I say everyone should get it and everyone that subs by the 19th should get EA too. Entitlement is a poison and doesn't make anyone any better than anyone else.


I'll gladly give my Niko to another sub who doesn't get one. I didn't need him to sub and I didn't need the other rewards either I subbed because I like the damn game, not because I needed to feel special.

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Far as I know NONE of the rewards offered to subs for being subbed on a specific date has EVER been offered to players who didn't qualify for them so I don't see how or why any of these would be handles any differently.


While that may be true I'm sure there are a bunch of crafters wondering why they are losing stuff too which I'm sure also has never happened. Once a company sacrifices it's integrity you just never know what they will do in the future.

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No. If you missed the two cutoff dates, you missed him. You will not get him.


Good news is that companions, aside from HK and Treek, are just skins now, and it won't matter for those who missed Nico.


Found Eric's post about Nico (highlighted pertinent portion):


Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).



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As someone who subbed and stayed subbed for the rewards, I would be so angry and feeling ripped off. They are a reward and you do not meet the criteria. They even extended the dates on all of the rewards so if you didn't sub during that time you definitely don't deserve them. I am sick of all these people who want something for nothing...


No you don't deserve a chance at having him as a companion. Stop trying to make everything that people do to actually invest in this game be meaningless. You're cheap, and you don't deserve it. End of story. THE ONLY way i would be happy for people to get Nico would be if it cost the same as 3 (individual) month subs on the CM ($44.85) which is what people who subbed on a month by month basis (and most expensive) had to pay.

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As someone who subbed and stayed subbed for the rewards, I would be so angry and feeling ripped off. They are a reward and you do not meet the criteria. They even extended the dates on all of the rewards so if you didn't sub during that time you definitely don't deserve them. I am sick of all these people who want something for nothing...


No you don't deserve a chance at having him as a companion. Stop trying to make everything that people do to actually invest in this game be meaningless. You're cheap, and you don't deserve it. End of story. THE ONLY way i would be happy for people to get Nico would be if it cost the same as 3 (individual) month subs on the CM ($44.85).

That's pretty much exactly how I feel. I've been a subscriber since launch, and if you aren't one, then that's fine, but don't whine that you didn't get something only a subscriber would get just because you didn't feel like spending the money. If you want something, you have to spend the money to get it.

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I swear people think just cause they do something it makes them more deserving than someone else, so what if we sub or not, I say everyone should get it and everyone that subs by the 19th should get EA too. Entitlement is a poison and doesn't make anyone any better than anyone else.


I'll gladly give my Niko to another sub who doesn't get one. I didn't need him to sub and I didn't need the other rewards either I subbed because I like the damn game, not because I needed to feel special.


The "just do something" in this situation is spending money. I spent the money, I met the deadlines, I get the prize. Everyone was told that they could get him if they meet the deadlines, and if they were a subscriber. There was no secret club meeting in which only a few were told about it. Everyone had a shot, and not everyone took it. If you wanted Nico, then you could have subscribed for him (I'm speaking generally here, not to any specific person), along with any other rewards you could have gotten. But that's why they call them rewards, and why you can't just go pick one up anywhere.

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I, like many, will never pre-order anything to do with SWTOR or remain subbed (when lets be honest - many of us could have dropped sub while we waited for 4.0) when I don't need to if they suddenly allow an item touted as "reward for staying subbed" to be purchased in another way.

Not going to threaten to cancel and walk away (4.0 might do that anyway) - but it would be a major kick in the sack if they did allow this.

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The "just do something" in this situation is spending money. I spent the money, I met the deadlines, I get the prize. Everyone was told that they could get him if they meet the deadlines, and if they were a subscriber. There was no secret club meeting in which only a few were told about it. Everyone had a shot, and not everyone took it. If you wanted Nico, then you could have subscribed for him (I'm speaking generally here, not to any specific person), along with any other rewards you could have gotten. But that's why they call them rewards, and why you can't just go pick one up anywhere.



And I was told that subscribers will get all content from the release of F2P and beyond for free, yet I had to pay for Rise and SoR. What's your point? Nico isn't special, either are his blasters, and his coat is a retex of the troublemaker coat. Who cares if someone else gets it, you are still getting it aren't you?


How would you feel if F2P got something that we didn't simply because they are F2P? Alot of people only wanted Nico and they subbed for the original time frame, then they went and said "Oh if you sub from that day to Aug something you get him". What about those people who's sub lapsed for a day? Those people who subbed after giving Swtor a try for the first time? Or those people that came back because of KoTFE? They not important because they were late for something? Those of us that subbed through the whole thing don't miss out on it we get it regardless, not like they are going to take our niko's and give them to someone else.


A sub is a sub is a sub, no more special than that sub or this sub or even that sub over there. I'm still getting my rewards let someone have some too.

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And I was told that subscribers will get all content from the release of F2P and beyond for free, yet I had to pay for Rise and SoR. What's your point? Nico isn't special, either are his blasters, and his coat is a retex of the troublemaker coat. Who cares if someone else gets it, you are still getting it aren't you?


How would you feel if F2P got something that we didn't simply because they are F2P? Alot of people only wanted Nico and they subbed for the original time frame, then they went and said "Oh if you sub from that day to Aug something you get him". What about those people who's sub lapsed for a day? Those people who subbed after giving Swtor a try for the first time? Or those people that came back because of KoTFE? They not important because they were late for something? Those of us that subbed through the whole thing don't miss out on it we get it regardless, not like they are going to take our niko's and give them to someone else.


A sub is a sub is a sub, no more special than that sub or this sub or even that sub over there. I'm still getting my rewards let someone have some too.


Go and look up the word "REWARD". Everything you said in your entire post is absolutely ridiculous. You are clearly just bitter about having to pay for rise and SOR.

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Go and look up the word "REWARD". Everything you said in your entire post is absolutely ridiculous. You are clearly just bitter about having to pay for rise and SOR.


Nah I'm used to paying for expansions, I'm still bitter about F2P, but I'm not going to get butthurt that new subs will be getting all expansions for free.


I know what Reward is, I know that Nico and all them was Bioware's attempt at boosting subs during a content dry-spell. I still think anyone that subs before the 19th should get the rewards regardless. As I said I'll gladly give my Nico and my blasters and my troublemaker I mean Nico coat and my swoopbike to a new subscriber I don't care, cause I'm not entitled enough to think me meeting all the requirements means other people shouldn't get a chance at them.


I can almost bet you'd be here on the forums screaming to hell and back that as a sub you should get something that was offered for F2P only. So what's ridiculous about the "rest" of my post? That's what s/he said: "We get these rewards because we are subs" So I responded with "What if F2P got something subs didn't because they were F2P"/

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