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Item Costs Ridiculous


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So i got myself a few crystals and decided to use some of my CC to share with my account and then i realized this...


If you obtained every CM crystal in game and wanted to share all of them with your characters , it would cost you Over £120 / $200.


These prices are a joke, it is 240 cc per crystal and there are over 144 of them, meaning each is valued at almost £1 a piece...Or based on my 500 a month that i get it would take me almost 60 months to obtain them, which at 7.99 a month to play (as this only applies to a sub) is £479.40 in sub fees.....:mad:


This is beyond a joke, an item like this should hold a value of no more than 10 - 15p. Or 50 - 60 CC.


If people want to spend the money then that is fine, but SWTOR has no-one to answer to. There is no comparable market, so to speak, so fair trade and pricing is simply made up based on the fact this is the only Star Wars MMO on the market, and it is my opinion that the pricing is a joke.

Edited by Nippon
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In my opinion the costs are fine. *shrug* I like having lots of different colors available for all my characters across all servers. I change crystals whenever I feel like it, and the pleasure I get from putting together an awesome look makes me feel that my entertainment dollars were well spent. But that is just my opinion, and I respect that others might view it differently.


In the meantime, I'm going to go back continuing dominating fashion on Coruscant. *hair flip*

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I hear you, OP. It's even worse: When you would actually have finished paying all the crystals in one of the ways you mentioned, the same amount of new crystals will have been added by then. ;)


The problem is: People seem to pay it. I fully understand BW. If they can ask these prices, why should they lower them? Blame the players, not BW. ;)

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So i got myself a few crystals and decided to use some of my CC to share with my account and then i realized this...


If you obtained every CM crystal in game and wanted to share all of them with your characters , it would cost you Over £120 / $200.


These prices are a joke, it is 240 cc per crystal and there are over 144 of them, meaning each is valued at almost £1 a piece...Or based on my 500 a month that i get it would take me almost 60 months to obtain them, which at 7.99 a month to play (as this only applies to a sub) is £479.40 in sub fees.....:mad:


This is beyond a joke, an item like this should hold a value of no more than 10 - 15p. Or 50 - 60 CC.


If people want to spend the money then that is fine, but SWTOR has no-one to answer to. There is no comparable market, so to speak, so fair trade and pricing is simply made up based on the fact this is the only Star Wars MMO on the market, and it is my opinion that the pricing is a joke.


well feel free to pay full price on every char you ever make for all time, or purchase individually via credits every time you want a crystal.


if having every crystal is important to you, i don't think the unlock cost will be an issue (compared to what you spend actually collecting them).


when you think about what it means for every char and every future char on any server you may roll on, cost is actually quite small.

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Funny thing is the crystals are actually unlockable on all characters on a server for in game credits:

Step 1. Obtain a Legacy bound weapon through game-play.

Step 2. Obtain crystal you want, through GTN or CM.

Step 3. Use that crystal on the Legacy weapon on character #1. It is now unlocked on that toon.

Step 4. Mail that weapon to character #2. Remove and replace the crystal from the weapon. (the act of putting it into the weapon is what unlocks it on a toon)

Step 5. Repeat Step 4 for characters #3+.


Costs about 10k per character, iirc. Expensive for 20+ toons? Maybe, as that is subjective. Costs zero CCs to do though.


I am curious to know why you actually want SO many crystals unlocked on ALL of your character though? Realistically you can only use 2 at a time (plus up to 2 more for some companions) so why the "need" to be able to unlock them all? I mean yeah if you like the idea of swapping out crystals a lot, then you "want" to ability to do that, but you are asking for a major reduction in cost somewhat unrealistically, imo.


That's like complaining that you can't afford one of every car out there so they should be cheaper, so you can own them all.

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to follow up on this guys math^


1 cartel coin is worth 1000 credits

1 crystal costs 240 cartel coins to unlock (by your math, I dunno if it actually is 240 cartel coins for every crystal, biowares unlock prices aren't very consistent)

144 crystals costs 34560 cartel coins to unlock (assuming your math)

34560 cartel coins is equal to 34560000 credits (or greater if you know what youre doing)

Yes thats pretty much 35 million credits if not more.

For that price you could transfer 3500 crystals using the legacy gear method.

Edited by Faardor
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to follow up on this guys math^


1 cartel coin is worth 1000 credits

It depends on the server you play. On the Progenitor the general ratio of conversion is 1CC = 2000 credits. It also varies on the demand. Thexan currently is 1CC = 8500 credits ;)

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It depends on the server you play. On the Progenitor the general ratio of conversion is 1CC = 2000 credits. It also varies on the demand. Thexan currently is 1CC = 8500 credits ;)


equipment gear is poor example to use because the equipment sets dont sell very often. People usually only buy them for themselves and dont resell em

Edited by Faardor
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the cartel market is a luxury. If you are complaining about the costs it just means you cant afford it. At least with the cartel market you get some stuff. I have spent around $350 since coming back last month and have legacy unlocked some cool mounts and pretty crystals and armor sets. Also have some cool stuff for my Stronghold. On the other hand I have bought $500 worth of Path of Exile supporter packs and all I have to show for it is a forum title. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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