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People just don't play this game for long anymore. Time for a new star wars mmo?


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But the biggest one that would have a direct impact and IMPROVE the experience for all, is to remove the outdated Pay walls for content. Seriously! This is the only 'MMO' that locks content behind a pay wall. By lifting the limits on Warzones, Operations and Flashpoints would benefit everyone.


BioWare could certainly alter the F2P / Preferred model somewhat, as long as they make the subscription worthwhile to compensate for any additional changes to the F2P / Preferred players model.


It all comes down to value for money in that area, if subscribers don't feel like they're getting that, then BioWare will bleed subscribers and not gain many from the restrictions in place on the F2P / Preferred players.

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What about a mass effect MMO, would yall go for that?


if it was gear grind WoW clone - no. Well, not for long at least. See the story and move on (if there actually was decent story) Same with DA MMO.


You are under impression that single player RPG players crave generic MMO stuff.

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i love how some people claim the servers are dead when lately i've been seeing 20-40 person double instances of both Hoth and Belsavis at 4:am CST, when about a year ago there were only single instances of those very unpopular planets with about 8 people each at prime time... empty indeed, lol, i get the feeling most people that make this claim are likely on PvP servers, the servers are not dead, PvP is dead... i agree that Altitis is also very bad for maintaining a guild, unless you can get their main and a couple of their alts...


It has picked up considerately over last week.


Kinda goes against doom and gloom hnadful of people proclaim on forums.


It also heavily depends which servers, there are only couple of healthy ones, few half-dead and rest are dead.



Edited by Mikahrtwo
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What about a mass effect MMO, would yall go for that?


**** it. MMOs are cancer that kills franchises. WoW is perfect example of it - guarantee to never see Warcraft 4. ESO is *********** ******** parasiting on TES. Hell, Dragon Age Inquisition almost fall into that pit - and barely made it out alive.


SWTOR is the only example I can think of that actually bothered with proper, deep storytelling. And I seriously doubt that they will try to do it again

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Swtor 2.0 with an actual Engine (not a toy), lessons learned and most importantly, a constant budget could possibly pull in new players however I *snips*

Its 8 days until a new xpac (really just an RPG plopped on top of SWTOR) is launched and we have so little information. That kind of consumer relations just doesn't fly in 2015.


I think underlined bits is the sad part.


One one hand, Game still does get huge measures of cash earmarked to it from EA. Just that it goes to marketing, not in development. I sometimes imagine the GSF game modes, Warzone maps, PvE ops, dynamic world content that we could have had for the cash burned away in that totally awesome 2 min trailer of daddy-emperor being cool.


On the other hand, Money that development does get keeps getting poured in Storylines and talking heads; extremely disposable and extremely expensive content. It means the small segment of people who are utterly unable to stop themselves for loving every second they get to look at a head talk will have times of their lives.


Eight days til expansion, as you said. Eight days from that, people have seen the expansion.



This is incredibly frustrating since TOR has good number of utterly awesome bits left to rot. Experience of playing this game as GSF pilot is something you'll not find from anywhere else. Casual pvp by leveling through Warzones used to be extremely fun and satisfying. But Bioware has made a number of decisions that cause direct harm to popularity and relevancy of such playstyle.


From vantage point of people who'd like to stick around for the long haul, Budget keeps going to all the wrong places.


Concept of MMO with an expansion that comes with NO new MMO content at all reads like a set up to some joke. "Like atheist nun, handless arm wrestler and Kotfe walked to a bar.."

Edited by Stradlin
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I am leaving at the point of my sub reaching 2 years. It is how long it took me to get into the game, build up, learn a lot of things and get to the point where I realize that no matter what I do I am simply struggling too much to be near average as a player, and a life of a an average player in a group content is not fun.


You wipe in PvE repeatedly, and you get farmed in PvP. And, you get a distinctive feeling that everyone would rather you not be there. And, BioWARE keeps adding on and on, making it more and more difficult to cope with the character control.


That is probably an odd ball reason for leaving, but well, it is what it is. I find the game too hard too master with too many goals at cross-purposes, and taking up far too much time without giving the satisfaction of accomplishment. I am tired of chasing the moving target. :(


I am sick when I think how many hours I invested in the efforts to 'get better' and how foolish I were to even think it was possible.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am leaving at the point of my sub reaching 2 years. It is how long it took me to get into the game, build up, learn a lot of things and get to the point where I realize that no matter what I do I am simply struggling too much to be near average as a player, and a life of a an average player in a group content is not fun.


You wipe in PvE repeatedly, and you get farmed in PvP. And, you get a distinctive feeling that everyone would rather you not be there. And, BioWARE keeps adding on and on, making it more and more difficult to cope with the character control.


That is probably an odd ball reason for leaving, but well, it is what it is. I find the game too hard too master with too many goals at cross-purposes, and taking up far too much time without giving the satisfaction of accomplishment. I am tired of chasing the moving target. :(


I am sick when I think how many hours I invested in the efforts to 'get better' and how foolish I were to even think it was possible.


Dont worry, vast majority of people feel like you do. Traditonal MMOs will either adapt (well, making them not traditional any more) or became very small niche games or vanish completely. SWTOR made baby step to adapting.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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...however I think Star Wars as an MMO will always conjurer memories of the TORtanic and because of that, no matter what, would be a bad investment and an uphill battle from a PR perspective.


I thought we were supposed to still be bitter about SWG?

Edited by Haruen
Quotes screwed up
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For the part about guild activity I say give it time. A lot of people are burned out with SoR and they're just waiting for the expac to launch.


I have thought that too but we dont have many players here leveling new toons like crazy each week?, people posting they have 50+ toons and keep leveling more? Those are supposedlly still playing...

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I am leaving at the point of my sub reaching 2 years. It is how long it took me to get into the game, build up, learn a lot of things and get to the point where I realize that no matter what I do I am simply struggling too much to be near average as a player, and a life of a an average player in a group content is not fun.


You wipe in PvE repeatedly, and you get farmed in PvP. And, you get a distinctive feeling that everyone would rather you not be there. And, BioWARE keeps adding on and on, making it more and more difficult to cope with the character control.


That is probably an odd ball reason for leaving, but well, it is what it is. I find the game too hard too master with too many goals at cross-purposes, and taking up far too much time without giving the satisfaction of accomplishment. I am tired of chasing the moving target. :(


I am sick when I think how many hours I invested in the efforts to 'get better' and how foolish I were to even think it was possible.


Not parsing constant 4k? Huh? He he, i feel your pain

Edited by psikofunkster
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I don't think it will be soon but as someone else alluded to EA owns the rights to Star Wars for the next 8 years. The movies will obviously be huge and the third one should be out before the 8 years is up. I would expect EA to at least pitch a new MMO to coincide or follow with movie 9 especially if the story arcs in the movies lead to a universe were there are many force users of both sides again. Depending on where JJ takes the universe we could get a "modern" era mmo again which would be awesome to me. Edited by searunner
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Well OP, I'm having the opposite experience. Over the last couple of months our guild membership was increased incredibly. Yes, it is the xpac, but more than that, it is because we are taking in many players that typically are single mode players and shown them the PvE end game experience. Many decided to venture out of their comfort zone and love it. It is great to see. And now, as we move into the xpac we have standing Ops teams ready to take on the endgame scaled to 65. And these are mostly returning players who had not taken part in end game before.


As for the rest, well, BW is putting a lot of money into this xpac. They cancelled other projects to make this happen. They responded to the player community that asked for more story and they are hard at work at getting end game back up to snuff once the episodic content systems are in place. If this is true and PvP is brought into the fold the games future is very bright indeed.


Certainly you are entitled to your opinion, but as I am on Harbinger as well, I think you should know that you may be missing something. I'm not sure what your guild is doing or how it engages its members, but it seems there must be other ways of doing it since my guild is exactly the opposite. I'm not sure when you logged in to Harb and DK, but as I leveled the last few alts I wanted to have to completed, all of the starter worlds had multiple instances. But taking it one step further, planets like Balmorra and Hoth, graveyards for lost toons, also had multiple instances. And, most importantly for me as I work late some times, grouping for late night Ops has been incredibly easy with Ops groups, pug Ops groups, running at 4am in the morning. Finding groups at hour to run GF content has been no problem at all.


So, I could not disagree with you more. But don't feel like you have to refute my points at all. Ultimately if you are not having fun, you shouldn't stay. If you need another MMO to meet that need, by all means. But this game is far from done and much like it has in the past, those who think this game is dead or dying will just have to keep waiting.

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I've used SWTOR to my advantage during these two years. As a result, I have what I want - four beautiful 210k prestige strongholds, enough money to buy whatever I want, beautiful outfits and mounts, steady crafting income. The only thing I lack is a billion credits, because, well, I can never get over 100mil for over a week, I always start spending.


(yeah, I'm one of those people who enjoy the game for the story and the world - for the economy. GTN's the best MMO aspect, all right.)


As for group content, honestly, I usually do it once for the achievement/to take a look and then forget about it entirely, as it becomes a grind. I mean, "complete this FP 25 times on hard level"? Seriously? No, thanks, people, I'd rather play another Imperial Agent solo again, because I'm in love with the Keeper and Jadus and Watcher X and Vector's not so bad, too.


And the designers listen. Now I'll be able to play with my alts and choose whatever companions I like - and not suffer from the lack of a healer. I'll hear new commentary, cool interjections, I'll enjoy KOTFE with eight classes.


I've been here since late 2013, I think. Naturally, I spent time away playing DA:I, going to different countries and so on, but yeah, two steady years in the game and going strong.


I like it here.

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i love how some people claim the servers are dead when lately i've been seeing 20-40 person double instances of both Hoth and Belsavis at 4:am CST, when about a year ago there were only single instances of those very unpopular planets with about 8 people each at prime time... empty indeed, lol, i get the feeling most people that make this claim are likely on PvP servers, the servers are not dead, PvP is dead... i agree that Altitis is also very bad for maintaining a guild, unless you can get their main and a couple of their alts...


Yes i have seen the same but just be aware that the more low level the planet is the bigger the population, korriban is even more populated but that doesnt mean the game is healthy, at least not healthy regarding to the endgame experience...

Edited by psikofunkster
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I am leaving at the point of my sub reaching 2 years. It is how long it took me to get into the game, build up, learn a lot of things and get to the point where I realize that no matter what I do I am simply struggling too much to be near average as a player, and a life of a an average player in a group content is not fun.


You wipe in PvE repeatedly, and you get farmed in PvP. And, you get a distinctive feeling that everyone would rather you not be there. And, BioWARE keeps adding on and on, making it more and more difficult to cope with the character control.


That is probably an odd ball reason for leaving, but well, it is what it is. I find the game too hard too master with too many goals at cross-purposes, and taking up far too much time without giving the satisfaction of accomplishment. I am tired of chasing the moving target. :(


I am sick when I think how many hours I invested in the efforts to 'get better' and how foolish I were to even think it was possible.


Well, if you are not having fun, there is no point. But, I'm not sure I understand. I have seen you post elsewhere and it seemed to me you had made great progress in the game and were enjoying it. It is ok, more than ok, to be an average player here unlike other MMos. There are many ways the game has been catering to that player base since it's initial launch. Gearing is much easier now and the GF bolster brings everyone in at a level playing field in SM. You don't have to be great to have fun. You can, in fact, be an average player and feel accomplishment in completing harder content.


For example, recently our guild started taking players who thought they were poor end-gamers, through ToS and most specifically Underlurker. It was a challenge for them, as Underlurker is for the uninitiated. Yes, inevitably there were wipes, but we didn't quit. The experienced players did not berate or criticize, we just tightened up the mechanics a bit, discussed a few ways to maximize dps, and voila, success! And these players love the results and now are looking for more. Average players were playing the game as designed and being rewarded for it. I don't think they felt it was pointless.


So, I guess, it all depends on what you like. I don't think you have to spend a lot of time in this game to do well. But I do think you have to play with the right group or groups of people.

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He he dont want to be a pita here but just wait for 4.0 and underlurker upleveled to 65....thats the way things are on this game for better or worse..and that guy really is a PITA still for many players here. :cool:


Yes there's gonna be a new component here named bolster...we will have to wait how much easy things are gonna be...just bear in mind that little guy must remain "relevant" on difficulty for at least 1 more year until new ops arrive if they arrive of course...

Edited by psikofunkster
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That's news! When did WoW go f2p? And FFXIVARR still expects you to keep paying if you want to keep playing.


WOW doesn't claim to be free to play - you just get 20 levels for 'free' then you must pay but they place no restrictions on warzones, Raids etc. And, its not comparing like for like. Wildstar, Elder Scrolls and even Rift don't lock content behind pay walls.


If you can't see the benefits of removing it, I suggest you go to Specsavers.

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I played SWGemu for a while, but was off-put by how sparsely populated it was and felt disappointed. I finally give this game a chance, and its basically just an rpg, not challenging at all, and to my surprise, just as dead as SWGemu! Thats pretty bad lol. Look, the two games are pretty much opposites, SWG was all grind no story, SWTOR all story no grind. I personally think SWG was much better, and thats not saying much. This game has no future really. I really hope they make a better SWG mmo at some point.


Some things that SWG did right was have very open vast planets ripe for exploration. I liked that if you could see it, you could travel to it, The graphics are nice is SWTOR but it's all just back drops in the distance. While I love the canyons and stuff in SWTORs tattooine, it all feels so lifeless. SWG tattooine had wind and sandstorms and this made the desert feel more alive IMO. When Standing in the dune sea in SWTOR, the desert sand is just as lifeless and quiet as the metal floor of fleet.


The other thing they did right which is debatable on level of importance is, the lack of story and voice over gave them more options for customization. The whole; you can't be an aliens species because they have to speak basic and they have to be able to romance other humans with out it being weird. Which is "specist", Chewbacca can fly a ship and carry on a convo with Han, so he is not an animal, therefore it should be no more weird for a wookie to have a relationship with VETTE than a human to have a relationship with VETTE.

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I always thought it normal for the typical person to move on after playing a game for a few years or even months. There's all sorts of games out there and new stuff coming out all the time and I'd wager most only have time to really be involved in one, maybe two, major games at any one time. I think its unrealistic to expect a company to produce a product that changed and updated so much over time to keep the content fresh and more tempting than the next cool looking alternative that pops up here or there. Maybe it used to be a different demographic playing MMO's, and now its a lot more middle aged and older people with families and other things going on. I can only speak for myself, but my time is limited, I play one game at a time, and I no longer waste time with a game that I no longer have fun playing. At some point I imagine the things I enjoy doing now will get old and I won't hesitate to try out WoW or something else for a while, maybe even years. I probably wont return to play at every expansion, but the next time I get bored with my current game, I'll probably sub back here and do all the new stuff that's been released while I was gone. For me, that's perfectly normal. Maybe I'm weird though.:p
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Well, if you are not having fun, there is no point. But, I'm not sure I understand. I have seen you post elsewhere and it seemed to me you had made great progress in the game and were enjoying it. It is ok, more than ok, to be an average player here unlike other MMos. There are many ways the game has been catering to that player base since it's initial launch. Gearing is much easier now and the GF bolster brings everyone in at a level playing field in SM. You don't have to be great to have fun. You can, in fact, be an average player and feel accomplishment in completing harder content.


At some point I thought I am getting it, and found my niche. I thought I was doing Okay. I feel like pointing and laughing at that delusional person.


The good folks came to the Harbinger and I found out that I am actually at the bottom of the barrel as I always was.


Now with the new skills added that will speed up the play, and seeing my spatial doesn’t cope with the current speed of play at level 60, I am done for.


So, I figured, Okay, since I can’t cope with PvP on level 60 now as a DPS, and will not be able to do Level 65 anyways, well, I will go back and try to research ACs, and grind the skill level through the trials of the midbies. Maybe, one day…. Okay, that takes care of PvP.


For PvE, well, you gotta be equipped. Includes augments and stims. To equip it, you need to craft. To craft you need mats. To get mats you need to go through the planets and/or re-logins.


Then, you need income for repair bills, pulling mods and augmenting. To have income, you need to do dailies. To do dailies you need to either run a lot of characters on the same Weekly or do a lot of different Weeklies on the same character. I prefer to run Yavin on a bunch of different characters, but that means I have to maintain a modicum of proficiency with a few DPSs.


I also need to open up the Dailies on Yavin, plus, yes, I wanted to see Rishi story on all 8 classes.


That SoR to Ziost repetitive path negatively influenced my play-time, and the game enjoyment was done for after 2nd run. I dread KotFE being more of the same story on as many characters as you can manage to power through with your teeth squeezed shut and barring that dialogue.


To play well, you need to train on a dummy. While you train on a dummy, you cannot run crafting missions because it resets the dummy. Basically, you can just pound the dummy. In good PvE gear to get the numbers for benchmarking. And with PvE Utilities set-up.


Also, you have to do the conquest too if you want to craft now. I think.


Bio never told us if the new mats are only for special stuff or the stims and augments will need that stuff too. That means running a main through a whole bunch of things per week to get those blessed points. People say that you can do it via PvP… well, I looked at the character I PvP on as much as I can in a week, and it’s maybe 15,000 points. Not enough.


So, hello, Flashpoints? I have never been able to play through the HM Bloodhunt or Battle of Rishi. Ever. So, more credits for wipes at no gain?


Then there are: “GET IT NOW!” priorities, like having to do augment kits right now, before you have to RE 10 blue pieces made of 2 components each to get one augment component out of 10. And green grenades that Bio is taking away from us. Been circling Yavin and grinding Vanadium flux on 5 characters ever since I finished that dreadful Datacron run.


Datacrons… I am blocking the memory of that run. Ye gods.


Next thing… there is new gear... again.


To gear up my first Main, someone nice ran with me, and he rolled the equipment with me giving me the 2x the chance to get the things, and on my own, I barely managed to obtain 5 pieces since. I distinctively remember counting 8 runs of Ravagers to finally win the gloves.


I tried to raid 3 to 4 weeknights to get the mechanics and heighten my spatial awareness. There are days my guild one-shots Underlurker. There are days we have 50,000+ bills in repairs and no kill after 2.5 hours of trying.


Which sends me to bed after 10 pm, too exhausted to get up the next day at 3:30 am to do the grindy things like Dailies in a half-awake state. So, okay, I have to sleep in till 4:30 am, and do it after work instead of PvP’ing. And if I do not PvP even for a day, I lose the muscle memory.


That window cuts short because I need to cook, spend time with my family and prep for a raid at 8 pm. Or sneak in a few zones.


As the week goes on, I accumulate the sleep deprivation, and my performance, what was of it, drops even further.


And the vicious circle continues.

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What about a mass effect MMO, would yall go for that?


Dear god...NO.


I'd hate that. As a fan of RPGs and the Mass Effect series I'd hate to see it morph from a single player RPG with optional multiplayer content, to an MMO. It would be a transition the series wouldn't rebound from and would mean the end of single player RPG content in that series. A financial flop could kill the series outright and a success would mean no more single player RPGs. Warcraft is a great example of the latter. It started as a RTS series, but once WOW was released and became a giant hit, no RTS games have been released in that series for almost 13 years now.


If Bioware is going to create another MMO at some point after SWTOR has run its course, I'd rather they did it with a new IP than repurposing one of its RPG series into an MMO.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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At some point I thought I am getting it, and found my niche. I thought I was doing Okay. I feel like pointing and laughing at that delusional person.


The good folks came to the Harbinger and I found out that I am actually at the bottom of the barrel as I always was.


Now with the new skills added that will speed up the play, and seeing my spatial doesn’t cope with the current speed of play at level 60, I am done for.


So, I figured, Okay, since I can’t cope with PvP on level 60 now as a DPS, and will not be able to do Level 65 anyways, well, I will go back and try to research ACs, and grind the skill level through the trials of the midbies. Maybe, one day…. Okay, that takes care of PvP.


For PvE, well, you gotta be equipped. Includes augments and stims. To equip it, you need to craft. To craft you need mats. To get mats you need to go through the planets and/or re-logins.


Then, you need income for repair bills, pulling mods and augmenting. To have income, you need to do dailies. To do dailies you need to either run a lot of characters on the same Weekly or do a lot of different Weeklies on the same character. I prefer to run Yavin on a bunch of different characters, but that means I have to maintain a modicum of proficiency with a few DPSs.


I also need to open up the Dailies on Yavin, plus, yes, I wanted to see Rishi story on all 8 classes.


That SoR to Ziost repetitive path negatively influenced my play-time, and the game enjoyment was done for after 2nd run. I dread KotFE being more of the same story on as many characters as you can manage to power through with your teeth squeezed shut and barring that dialogue.


To play well, you need to train on a dummy. While you train on a dummy, you cannot run crafting missions because it resets the dummy. Basically, you can just pound the dummy. In good PvE gear to get the numbers for benchmarking. And with PvE Utilities set-up.


Also, you have to do the conquest too if you want to craft now. I think.


Bio never told us if the new mats are only for special stuff or the stims and augments will need that stuff too. That means running a main through a whole bunch of things per week to get those blessed points. People say that you can do it via PvP… well, I looked at the character I PvP on as much as I can in a week, and it’s maybe 15,000 points. Not enough.


So, hello, Flashpoints? I have never been able to play through the HM Bloodhunt or Battle of Rishi. Ever. So, more credits for wipes at no gain?


Then there are: “GET IT NOW!” priorities, like having to do augment kits right now, before you have to RE 10 blue pieces made of 2 components each to get one augment component out of 10. And green grenades that Bio is taking away from us. Been circling Yavin and grinding Vanadium flux on 5 characters ever since I finished that dreadful Datacron run.


Datacrons… I am blocking the memory of that run. Ye gods.


Next thing… there is new gear... again.


To gear up my first Main, someone nice ran with me, and he rolled the equipment with me giving me the 2x the chance to get the things, and on my own, I barely managed to obtain 5 pieces since. I distinctively remember counting 8 runs of Ravagers to finally win the gloves.


I tried to raid 3 to 4 weeknights to get the mechanics and heighten my spatial awareness. There are days my guild one-shots Underlurker. There are days we have 50,000+ bills in repairs and no kill after 2.5 hours of trying.


Which sends me to bed after 10 pm, too exhausted to get up the next day at 3:30 am to do the grindy things like Dailies in a half-awake state. So, okay, I have to sleep in till 4:30 am, and do it after work instead of PvP’ing. And if I do not PvP even for a day, I lose the muscle memory.


That window cuts short because I need to cook, spend time with my family and prep for a raid at 8 pm. Or sneak in a few zones.


As the week goes on, I accumulate the sleep deprivation, and my performance, what was of it, drops even further.


And the vicious circle continues.


Sounds like you try to max out everything, which is going to be hard and time consuming, or expensive, to do it all to keep up with the top tier in gear. Not to mention keep in practice on everything.


As far as credits go, I spent months trying to find the most efficient way of farming them while not taking too much time from me doing what I really enjoy. I soon found that no daily grind or heroic 4 area resetting run, or anything like that was the best way for me to do it. I found that I could spend 15 minutes or so every time I got on to play, then again 15 minutes every time I was about to stop, logging in to 5 different characters all with slicing, but each having different purple crafting mat gathering skills like Diplomacy, Underworld Trading, Treasure Hunting, etc. I probably get nearly a million credits per day for 30 minutes or an hours worth of trouble selling the resulting purple mats from crits successes (the missions you get from criting on slicing missions automatically reward purples and a crit rewards 5 instead of the standard 2 or 3) on the GTN. I was surprised to find a few of them go for up to 30k each!


Anyways, it seems the credits are only a small part of the problem you are having with enjoying the game, but it might help if you could do the 30 minutes per day or a better way instead of having to invest all the time to grind dailies for hour on end to get a few 100k every hour or whatever. In any case, good luck.

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