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An optional level sync I could live with


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Um, no. I can farm nodes, kill WB's and anything else I please. I may get a lower quality reward for that, but EVERY ACTION IN THE GAME MUST HAVE A REWARD...


Why does every action in the game need a reward? What game do you play where that's true? Hello Kitty? Some actions should have consequences. What should the reward be for being 60 and ganking levelers on Tatooine? My thought is that you should lose something for it, not gain something for it, and this is, after all, an action that can be taken in game that should be rewarded, right? Hey, I like that your passionate, you'll eventually make a good Sith, eventually, but the reality is, not every action taken in game should have an associated reward.


Your proposal is trash, and what's worse is it's not even seriously considerable trash. It's the blue-glowie from SWG; you can see everything but interact with nothing. You're forgetting there is no level sync now, this is the world we live in RIGHT NOW. Pro-sync's want to change the existing rules, pro-optionals like them as they are.


Also, why would you even care if we get achievements but have level sync turned off? A player's achievements in no way, shape or form affects you...But you want to dictate that?


I should also mention that the bottom of your signature says "I for one welcome our level synching overlords". I smell a pro-syncer in pro-choice robes.


Back you go...


Hey, here's a thought: Instead of spending all this time before 4.0 hits crying on the forums, run out there and get your achievements, so that you never have to go back to those lowbie worlds again? Logic is hard, eh? If you're absolutely 100% concerned about those achievements, you should be working to get them, instead of coming here to berate anyone for having an opposing viewpoint. For what it's worth, I'm not sure I'd back this play, but then again, I've never seen a good argument for optional either. Yours is based on something that you could be doing right now, but you're not all that concerned about actually doing it, you're more concerned about talking about doing it.


You see, these achievements only pop once. Once you have them, you can't get them again. So if it were me, and I was this concerned about getting them, my *** wouldn't be on the forums crying about it, I'd be in game doing it. Then, when 4.0 drops, I could thumb my nose at all the people that spent all this time shouting down anyone that disagreed with them, on either side of the equation, because my ****'s already done.

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some one pointed out that it is too late to affect this for the launch of 4.0 yes it is, but the reason we didn't have a chance to affect this feature is because BW played dirty pool and didn't tell anyone about it . If they had we would have had the chance to tell them to fire the idiot who came up with the idea to not make it optional even with certain restrictions not as extreme as what the OP has come up with but others that allow for a higher level character to come back and get to there class quest instance without having to worry about mobs, or achieve and datacron hunters to do their thing. However I do believe that LS has a definite benefit for those low level chars who are just trying to learn the game and do their quests and accidentally aoe around a High Level Flagged char and get themselves flagged and ganked. I am pro-optional but I do see ways that is can be a good thing and should be forced in certain conditions. But to have BW do this and not give us a heads up in time for us to affect how it is implemented is just ignorant IMHO.
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Hey, here's a thought: Instead of spending all this time before 4.0 hits crying on the forums, run out there and get your achievements, so that you never have to go back to those lowbie worlds again? ...


To be fair, Bioware has already announced several points where achievements will disappear entirely in 4.0. So I wouldn't exactly be enthused to go grind something today that might be gone in a week.

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Ya.. long term players sort of got shafted this upgrade if you ask me.


I'm still for OPTIONAL as it does have some merits and can be used when needed. Forced is creating more problems than it's worth between players as well highly unlikely BW will get it right during rollout. (PVP Bolster broken for how long?) So we can expect them to "FIX" this debacle some time MID-2017 based on track record. ;)

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Based on what I've seen, even if it launches in a week as mandatory, it'll be option within mere weeks later. I await your delicious tears. We'll see how well your self-stroking ego holds up and how you come stomp your feet on these forums once the devs realize what a horrendously stupid idea level sync is and reverse it or make it optional.


Don't forget to make an "I quit, this game sucks" thread on your way out. Please, do it for me. Let me know you still care.


I would make a bet, but you would back out. And I hope when you quit, you will think about this moment when I am laughing and having fun with the game. It won't be optional never will be. Goodbye and Good luck! Even the votes more people want it forced. Can't win this.

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I would make a bet, but you would back out. And I hope when you quit, you will think about this moment when I am laughing and having fun with the game. It won't be optional never will be. Goodbye and Good luck! Even the votes more people want it forced. Can't win this.


As much as I am Pro Mandatory who is okay with Optional, you should never say it will never become optional.

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I don't see why. I RP regularly and have no issue with it.


Oh really? so if Lucas was able to redo his movies and Vader went to Tatt he would be on the same lvl as the Jawas that reside there? or if Palpatine went back to Naboo he would be on the same lvl that some guard could kill him? it makes no sense. wait until all of this releases and you will all see how much this will irk you.



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I would make a bet, but you would back out. And I hope when you quit, you will think about this moment when I am laughing and having fun with the game. It won't be optional never will be. Goodbye and Good luck! Even the votes more people want it forced. Can't win this.


yup because forcing mechanics that not many asked for over the years the game has been out works so well. Look at wow and the fiasco the devs created. they lost millions of subs. the only difference this game cant absorb that kind of loss. EA are money hungry hounds and when they stop hearing the ca ching of that register they will force a change to correct it.

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As much as I am Pro Mandatory who is okay with Optional, you should never say it will never become optional.


Come now let us not take my comment that serious. I was just saying it to upset them since they seem to have a thing for me. With that being said, I really do doubt it will ever go optional. They have to focus on story content and updates at a faster date. I doubt they have room or man power to care about it once it is release.

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yup because forcing mechanics that not many asked for over the years the game has been out works so well. Look at wow and the fiasco the devs created. they lost millions of subs. the only difference this game cant absorb that kind of loss. EA are money hungry hounds and when they stop hearing the ca ching of that register they will force a change to correct it.


This game is a failure in many aspects. Changes happen because the game is old, and it wants and needs more players.


It is very hard for a MMO to come back from this huge of a failure. The fact that it was a WOW clone in a SW world was pretty much the truth of it all. Even the Skill tree, and Skills was pretty much a carbon copy of wow. That was just lazy.



You are right about EA, but on the road it was heading it would be hard for this game to have a bright future. People don't want to give the F2P a shot because buying expansions for a lack luster game, that does not even have addon or macro support is laughable. Lets not even talk about how boring the end game is, and the lack of fun content release at a steady pace.



SWTOR is what a MMO should not ever be or end up as. That is why they need to change, to keep up with changing times, and what people want out of a MMO. That also means the people who like this game will get burnt because of it.

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I've seen quite a few RP-heavy players who are opposed to mandatory sync as well.


RPer here and I dislike forced sync. I can live with it but I definitely wish it was optional.


A lot of RPers go back and use low level planets for plots and things... sometimes pretending the planet is another planet entirely, etc. Any mobs we kill are OOC to clear the area for our RP. Adding challenge back won't do anything for us but cause a momentary annoyance.


But if level sync actually gives us a lot more endgame content like dailies and things I guess I'm okay with it. Still not a fan though.

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A lot of RPers go back and use low level planets for plots and things... sometimes pretending the planet is another planet entirely, etc. Any mobs we kill are OOC to clear the area for our RP. Adding challenge back won't do anything for us but cause a momentary annoyance.

QFE. For me, the RP argument isn't about whether being de-leveled is an immersion breaker in and of itself. I regularly handwave a lot of things; it's almost a necessity when you're roleplaying in a world that isn't designed and catered specifically to fit you and your group. Mob density and respawns (especially respawns) are features of the game mechanics that often don't make much sense in an RP context -- so if I'm RPing, I may act as if those enemies don't exist at all.


It's easy to do this if the mobs are merely non-interactive background. It's far more difficult to ignore a group of enemies getting in your face and trying to poke you with sticks. And doing so repeatedly, every few minutes or so.

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This game is a failure in many aspects. Changes happen because the game is old, and it wants and needs more players.


It is very hard for a MMO to come back from this huge of a failure. The fact that it was a WOW clone in a SW world was pretty much the truth of it all. Even the Skill tree, and Skills was pretty much a carbon copy of wow. That was just lazy.



You are right about EA, but on the road it was heading it would be hard for this game to have a bright future. People don't want to give the F2P a shot because buying expansions for a lack luster game, that does not even have addon or macro support is laughable. Lets not even talk about how boring the end game is, and the lack of fun content release at a steady pace.



SWTOR is what a MMO should not ever be or end up as. That is why they need to change, to keep up with changing times, and what people want out of a MMO. That also means the people who like this game will get burnt because of it.


No game that's 4 years in and making 100's of millions of dollars is a failure. The game has already succeeded. Now, it's a question of will it continue to hold a place in the top 5 MMO's for another 5 years or so or not. But either way, it is already successful. Yes, it can be improved and likely will on the next MMO they make. But it didn't fail.

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Then if he plays, he is torturing himself based on what he posts. ;)


So because I like the game the way it is, and almost everything I like about it is being gutted for the sake of some fanciful hope of "future content" that's likely to never come, trying to cram a halfwit new storyline into existing planets, and some daft and vague notion of "balance", and I'm arguing against changes that will make a game I like into a game I don't like... I hate the game?


How does that even work?

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Thank you for proving exactly what I am talking about.


I guess pointing out that other people have been far, far more insulting, rude, belittling, demeaning, dismissive, deceitful, and inflammatory than the person you're trying to "call out" for being "aggressive" is what passes for "aggressive" in your mind. Given your ultra-rainbows worldview, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.



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No game that's 4 years in and making 100's of millions of dollars is a failure. The game has already succeeded. Now, it's a question of will it continue to hold a place in the top 5 MMO's for another 5 years or so or not. But either way, it is already successful. Yes, it can be improved and likely will on the next MMO they make. But it didn't fail.


It did fail in some things. For one, They would be happy if they could keep the sub fees going, and release expansions. They just did not have the numbers to do it.



We really don't know the cost of upkeep and work for this game, but if they are willing to make huge change for new players to enjoy. (like free expansions for subs, and revamp crafting/level sync.) than it shows they want a new start, because I can't see them being happy with the numbers they have. More=better and the game needed to get with the current times.

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To be fair, Bioware has already announced several points where achievements will disappear entirely in 4.0. So I wouldn't exactly be enthused to go grind something today that might be gone in a week.


I don't even care about achievements personally, I just keep listing the issue of achievements because other players do care about them, and 4.0 will:


* Take some achievements away that players have already ground out.

* Make going back to finish off some achievements on lower-level planets more tedious.


Right now, I'm waiting for Oricon to load so I can get in one more solo run of the Weekly there.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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What? His points got counter for so long, that he ignores anyone who disputes them.


I guess pointing out that other people have been far, far more insulting, rude, belittling, demeaning, dismissive, deceitful, and inflammatory than the person you're trying to "call out" for being "aggressive" is what passes for "aggressive" in your mind. Given your ultra-rainbows worldview, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.




Just leaving this here.

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I guess pointing out that other people have been far, far more insulting, rude, belittling, demeaning, dismissive, deceitful, and inflammatory than the person you're trying to "call out" for being "aggressive" is what passes for "aggressive" in your mind. Given your ultra-rainbows worldview, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.




You're against any change in this game whatsoever and anybody who supports those changes and future ones.

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You're against any change in this game whatsoever and anybody who supports those changes and future ones.


1) I've actually listed changes I was in favor of a couple times, but like your fellows, you consistently ignore actual posts in favor of your chosen narrative. Included were things like opening all flight paths on original worlds automatically; unlocking most of the QT terminals on planets once you'd discovered the general area; the reduction in cooldown for QT, fleet pass, personal starship QT, etc; and Strongholds as high-utility hubs for players. And there are other things I haven't minded, or that I've actually liked, that I don't bother posting "hey this is awesome!" about, because it's just bootlicking and a waste of space.


But don't let that stop you from claiming that I'm "opposed to all changes".


2) You're moving the goalposts, or maybe it's just plain old non sequitur -- what does opposing changes have to do with your assertion that I'm "aggressive", etc? Not that I expect any better from you at this point, your only goal is to silence all criticism or non-postive feedback.


3) Since you missed it -- plonk.

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Because watching you whine like a stuck pig pleases me. You're not even attempting to make a semblance of valid arguments anymore. You've degenerated into a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum because so many players have disagreed with you and presented valid points you can't counter.


It's quite enjoyable. Please, continue.




Robert.....Rooooooobeeeert. I need for you to stop being mentally deficient now. You read one post and responded to it; it's obvious or you'd have read my previous posts that don't focus on achievements. I don't care about achievements, that was one example out of a dozen posts which demonstrates there's no beneficial reward to high level players who are forced to level sync.


You don't see "a good argument for optional either" because you haven't read all pages of this thread. You've gotten lazy, read 2-3 posts and declared yourself knowledgable. Go back, read the WHOLE thing, and try again. Go on, I'll wait.


Yes, because responding to the post I actually quoted is mentally deficient, somewhere, although I don't think it's my deficiency, how about you. Do you understand what quoting a post means? I mean, if that concept is so far beyond you, how can you call me mentally deficient? I don't care what you said about anything else. I quoted a specific post and replied to it. I'm not going to check your post history and see every whine you've posted. Instead of deciding to attempt to be a douche about the situation, you should be out there, trying to get all these achievements that are so important to you.


Unfortunately, I've read every thread about level sync, including the locked one. I've replied to most of them. The "best reason"? "But, I won't be able to one shot mobs any more", or here's one "Level sync will adversely affect my leveling". Those are real winners, eh? Hey, I've seen go to "But I won't be able to kill mobs for a heroic so at level people can't do it" too. Is that maybe the best one you've seen? That's the about the crux of it, that and "but change is bad". I got in on the ground floor. It's nice that you think I need to pay more attention; the problem here is that I don't have a canoe to paddle through all the tears.

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This game is a failure in many aspects. Changes happen because the game is old, and it wants and needs more players.


It is very hard for a MMO to come back from this huge of a failure. The fact that it was a WOW clone in a SW world was pretty much the truth of it all. Even the Skill tree, and Skills was pretty much a carbon copy of wow. That was just lazy.



You are right about EA, but on the road it was heading it would be hard for this game to have a bright future. People don't want to give the F2P a shot because buying expansions for a lack luster game, that does not even have addon or macro support is laughable. Lets not even talk about how boring the end game is, and the lack of fun content release at a steady pace.



SWTOR is what a MMO should not ever be or end up as. That is why they need to change, to keep up with changing times, and what people want out of a MMO. That also means the people who like this game will get burnt because of it.


You made some very nice points, the point I am making is I enjoyed SWTOR for its RP value, the friends I played with, the wonderful guild I was in, etc. there really isn't much to do in this game and loitering in fleet is just too much some times. I enjoy the story, and I love the toons I play but boring as all hang when you have no alts to spam is just to much sometime,


when I was bored I enjoyed (at my convienience) logging on and running some old content without having to spam for a group (Which can prove hard or impposible at some hours of the day) while you are leveling. Yes it can be amusing to one shot mobs but it also makes your max level toon feel op and that's the point of leveling to max. it no longer has any meaning.


When I first heard about the new xpack I was so excited because there was more story, I thought the new companion arc was neat. but (Mandatory) level sync I cant get behind or support. if it was optional it wouldn't effect me and I would continue on but it isn't.


I love SWTOR due to the RP feel to it but I just cant support paying a sub for something I wont enjoy. I did cancel mine and it runs out in November. I will just play the new star wars battle front game when it releases.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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1) I've actually listed changes I was in favor of a couple times, but like your fellows, you consistently ignore actual posts in favor of your chosen narrative. Included were things like opening all flight paths on original worlds automatically; unlocking most of the QT terminals on planets once you'd discovered the general area; the reduction in cooldown for QT, fleet pass, personal starship QT, etc; and Strongholds as high-utility hubs for players. And there are other things I haven't minded, or that I've actually liked, that I don't bother posting "hey this is awesome!" about, because it's just bootlicking and a waste of space.


But don't let that stop you from claiming that I'm "opposed to all changes".


2) You're moving the goalposts, or maybe it's just plain old non sequitur -- what does opposing changes have to do with your assertion that I'm "aggressive", etc? Not that I expect any better from you at this point, your only goal is to silence all criticism or non-postive feedback.


3) Since you missed it -- plonk.


Keep on trollin in the free world Max. I don't care if anybody has "expectations" for me on the internet. That's ridiculous.


Also, there's a difference between constructive criticism or just plain old whining, moaning and stomping your feet which is what some here do.


Constructive criticism helps. Just critiquing every single little thing does not.

Edited by Sarfux
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Doesn't seem like a poor idea in general, though I think it's be sufficient to make it a toggle off one's portrait, much like resetting your current phase, and preventing heroic participation or being able to affect world bosses (or anyone in combat with a world bosses) unless you are also level sync'd.


Disallowing normal trash drops, achievement advancement and gathering nodes seems like it's just heaping punishment on egregiously.


They could just as easily make heroic areas auto-sync us, same with ensuing a world boss in combat.


It's rather apparent that they're not looking for elegant and nuanced solutions though, so this topic remains moot.

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So because I like the game the way it is, and almost everything I like about it is being gutted for the sake of some fanciful hope of "future content" that's likely to never come, trying to cram a halfwit new storyline into existing planets, and some daft and vague notion of "balance", and I'm arguing against changes that will make a game I like into a game I don't like... I hate the game?


How does that even work?


It's not a 100% correct, but I suppose that because people consider 4.0 a done deal, they might think based on your comments, that you disliking SWTOR (or hating it since people like to dramatise) is not so farfetched. They are at worst about a week early.


Your assumption that future content will likely never come and is a fanciful hope is just you being a buzz kill, I mean killjoy. It's the old glass that's either half empty or half full discussion. It's only fanciful to someone who prefers to see the glass as half empty. Nothing more.


You use a lot of adjectives actually that are just assumptions. So if you feel that these assumptions can be seen as facts, one has to wonder about your objectivity.


See the difference:


Honest opinion: I feel x because of y.

Factual misrepresentation: This is x because I know it is.


If you don't like the changes and you have your reasons for it, that's fine. But when you are making general judgments based on feelings or opinions then it goes the wrong way.


So no, you don't hate the game as it is, but you do seem to hate what the game is turning into. But let's assume it's everything you fear...you will hate the game then and since what's coming is coming in just over a week...you will hate it very soon. Can you blame people for skipping over that week? It's done, we just haven't downloaded the patch yet.

Edited by Tsillah
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