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The KOTFE Trailer Deleted Scene, has anyone posted it here?


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I don't think he needed to come back, but why not keep the scene in though? Maybe in a modified version, bringing in Malgus corpse or something. Definitely more visually impactful trophy for a cinematic trailer than a bunch of lightsabers 99% people won't recognize.
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I don't think he needed to come back, but why not keep the scene in though? Maybe in a modified version, bringing in Malgus corpse or something. Definitely more visually impactful trophy for a cinematic trailer than a bunch of lightsabers 99% people won't recognize.


For a space station that faced imminent destruction, there were quite a few things that managed off the station (an inoperable HK-47 and in that scenario the corpse of Darth Malgus)...

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I reckon they'll keep Malgus for later plans, possibly major baddie 2.0 after KotFE. They did so little with him even after using him in three cinematic trailers and a book with him in it, and all they did was flashpoint him.


If Marr does kick the bucket, maybe Malgus presuming he is alive, takes hold of that power vacuum in the Empire?

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Malgus will be back in KotFE, I guarantee it.


They aren't done with him yet, or I should say Valkorion/Arcann


The same individual who go HK off before the station exploded, grabbed Malgus as well. SWTOR canon he was knocked off the bridge at low health...Maul survived, why not malgus :rak_02:

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I reckon they'll keep Malgus for later plans, possibly major baddie 2.0 after KotFE. They did so little with him even after using him in three cinematic trailers and a book with him in it, and all they did was flashpoint him.


If Marr does kick the bucket, maybe Malgus presuming he is alive, takes hold of that power vacuum in the Empire?


I disagree with this. Malgus got an extremely strong sub-story that lasted the entirety of the game at launch. Anyone who looked closely enough could tell his rebellion was meant to be the game's climax.


For example...


1. Every Imperial flashpoint (save The Black Talon) involves him. Before he mission, he provides commentary on what he thinks of where you're heading. Before Athiss he voices disastisfaction with the Emperor, and for Red Reaper he disavows the opinions of a "pure Empire."

2. He was knowledgable of Revan, somehow being tasked with protecting the Maelstrom Prison- and hunting down the Foundry. I'd wager whoever pulled HK off the Emperor's battle station was a proto-Revanite who saw advantages in serving Malgus.

3. On Belsavis, an Imperial heroic starts with an Archaelogist begging for help putting down an Anomid rebellion. She says her orders were from Malgus and his words were "This research will set the future of the Empire." Schism Collective came into play in False Emperor.

4. There's the whole Ilum storyline before his two flashpoints. It's a decent story, involving some hard warfare, that leads to Battle of Ilum. Beyond that comes The False Emperor. I need not remind you that these are level 50, the once max-levels to the game.

5. This last one is not Malgus-centric unfortunately. The Ilum storyline requires you complete your class story first, and by the time you reach Battle of Ilum assumes you've completed every planetary storyline (or at the bare minimum Corellia and Voss). Your allies and enemies in the next two flashpoints are references to the missions you completed before you hit 50.


So as you can see, Malgus was certainly not just a wasted character. With enough inspection, you'll find this is indeed "his" game. He was certainly meant to be the final boss for everyone... Just sadly, people forgot that as the game got bigger.





And I don't see in this lifetime the Empire turning to Malgus once again. His actions were unforgivable, in spite of resulting in what he hoped for. Nox will be the new Marr.

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What Malgus did was unforgivable? But what Vitiate is doing is okay?


KotFE will have Malgus come back, he was the first to try to replace the Emperor...


Where did you get convinced what Vitiate was doing was being tolerated? Did you play Shadow of Revan and Ziost? Or do you know about Knights of the Fallen Empire? Vitiate's actions are resulting in chaos.

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And I don't see in this lifetime the Empire turning to Malgus once again. His actions were unforgivable, in spite of resulting in what he hoped for. Nox will be the new Marr.


Nox can't be the new Marr because player characters will never run into other potential player characters. They haven't done that and they will never do that. Also it's not even canon who did Makeb, rishi, yavin, or even was the outlander.

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Malgus saw what happened with the empire over the last few decades of his life, only in recent years realizing the empire is being whittled away, i think he was more afraid of loosing the empire to the republic and not being able to deal with losing numbers and ability. he wanted an empire that had more sense to promote talent wherever they can get it (including aliens) and rule with greater strength and passion then where they were going.


its possible he never died, but rather knocked out of the fight and then put into carbonite and shipped out of known space. its easy to claim malgus is dead but no proof was ever presented to prove he did infact die. game canon: malgus was shot down the side of a walkway in the emperors throne room but thats all that happened before the self destruct sequence was finished, so that proves nothing as far as his "death" is concerned.


if this is a deleted scene and nothing is coming from this, then there is no further point in discussing it.

Edited by Celise
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For a space station that faced imminent destruction, there were quite a few things that managed off the station (an inoperable HK-47 and in that scenario the corpse of Darth Malgus)...


Well yes, its quite hilarious really. On the other hand, we never saw the station to actually blow up, did we? Maybe it didn't..

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What Malgus did was unforgivable? But what Vitiate is doing is okay?

Whoever said what Vitiate has been doing is ok?


Malgus betrayed the emperor and empire, claiming himself as the emperor.. Which is unforgivable... at least as long as we had an emperor. My Wrath considered it an offense worthy of termination, since in my mind I always thought of my Wrath as a true servant of emperor. Of course Bioware had to throw me into a loop by making Vitiate the 'big bad' of the story. I still haven't figured out what motivates my Wrath from now on.

Edited by Karkais
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I want to know how this "pushed off" is the canon ending for Malgus when I've clearly killed him in that flashpoint multiple times.


Originally you had to knock him off the rails.You got him to low hp and then knocked him off the rails. Later they changed it so you could simply just destroy his hp. The canon way malgus is defeated is Cipher 9, Wrath, Nox, and the Hunter face him. After tiring him out and weakening him they're forced to knock him down the pit. So one could really argue Malgus was so powerful that they couldn't defeat him in a straight up fight.

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Same reason why Revan kept the knowledge of a thriving SITH EMPIRE to himself and not warn the republic ahead of time


Malgus was brainwashed? Malgus lost his memory? Malgus got trapped for 300 years and underwent mindfudging that causes him to go insane?

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Malgus was brainwashed? Malgus lost his memory? Malgus got trapped for 300 years and underwent mindfudging that causes him to go insane?


No, because the plot demanded it


There way also a period of time between Revan regaining his memory and him getting trapped, Plenty of time to warn people to get them prepare or at least have knowledge for future generations that there is a Sith Empire out there.


Obviously Maglus doesn't know because nothing said he kept that close of a eye on the emperor. But if they decide to write it in as that was Malgus' reason for rebellion it would be the same as Revan.

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No, because the plot demanded it


There way also a period of time between Revan regaining his memory and him getting trapped, Plenty of time to warn people to get them prepare or at least have knowledge for future generations that there is a Sith Empire out there.

The writers have apparently decided that Revan's fatal flaw was hubris. He thought he had a foolproof plan to stop the Emperor and that spreading the word would only make things harder. If he'd explained that there was a powerful, hostile Empire out there preparing to attack, the Republic might have wanted to make a pre-emptive strike, or the Jedi might have insisted on sending some people along. Revan knew that if he tipped his hand, it might throw off his entire plan, and he had such confidence in himself that he made no provisions in case he failed.


That's not really the Revan I know from KOTOR, but then the Revan I know was a woman, so I guess there's been a case of mistaken identity somewhere along the way. ;)

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