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4.0 summary


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oh ok so the only gripe you have is that there are no new operations? shouldve specified.


heres my 2 cents: Let your subscription run out, subscribe to the SWTOR newsletter and wait until they announce ops content to re-subscribe. No-one will hate you for it.


But they are not only not adding anything new (PVP, OPS, FP), but they are deleting some of old content. And to be fair, how many times can you do the same operations/fps/story over and over again? There are no new tactics, not even one new tactic, craft ****ed up at the begening (conquest mats), and massive achivement deleting. It makes me angry because I spent hours and tons of credits to do them and now they are just deleting them. Yet there are achivments that are bugged since 2.0! How ****ed up is this? I like what they are doing with this game (rescale) but thats not what I expected in expansion. Rescale should be like 3.4 patch and 4.0 shuld have new operations, fps,pvp,gsf and story.

Edited by KrukPL
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Still better than Warlords of Draenor.


I played in WoD for 1 solid month almost every day and one week more for new PvE zone in the spring. I really doubt about 4.0, maybe one week to kill the (unfinished) story with my OUTLANDER! :p

Edited by Glower
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We already lost Ev and KP NiM's and achievements connected to them. Like it's would be so haaaard to add one new tactic to every boss and keep those operations. Not only we will not have new operations but they are removing part of old ones.


They are removing EV and KP? Or just removing the NIM versions of the raids? Removing EV and KP would suck. Both of those are pretty integral to the original story.


I will skip lack of informatin about pvp and starfighters, because it's normal for bioware.


No need to skip it. There is no information to report. PvP hasn't seen any new content in this game for over a year...and GSF...well, lawl


I'm playing this game since launch, always with sub. But now I'm thinking about leaving this game because you are wasting so much potential of this game.


Feeling you bro. I've been here since EGA, never stopped my sub. I primarily PvP though and without any new content, I'll be good for two or three plays through the new content and then I'll likely be unsubbing as soon as Star Wars Battlefront 3 hits. The story in this game is amazing, but staying subbed isn't necessary to keep up with the story.

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But they are not only not adding anything new (PVP, OPS, FP), but they are deleting some of old content.


getting 1 outta 3 right aint bad.


'old content' 2 NIM difficulty modes! I guess if they added in NIM variants of TOS and Ravagers people would be happy because its 'new content' ?


content! or something....


Oh and they're removing a really REALLY low amount of achievements.

Better unsub

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