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hi There,


this week the server down has again wiped the ranking lists of our Conquests.

The "Guild Conquest Mission" has the Status "Failed", so nobody will receive his title or his guild reward.


We, the "Die Ritter der Republik" in Vanjervalis Chain suffered this BUG the third time now, and many of our more than 100 subscribers are thinking of leaving SWTOR because conquests are theyr lifeblood.


We invested much time and ingame ressources to conquer "Section X", and now we get nothing the 3rd time. You have promised to fix this bug.


so please


a) give our qualified Members the title "Eroberer von Sektion X"

b) give all our qualified members the Archievement "Eroberer von Sektion X"

c) if possible give them the mission reward (but that's not our primary goal)


i KNOW that's possible to give the achievement and the title to the players, becaus an support droid did it for some of our members in the past.


so please fix this bug, and give us our hard earned titles and archievements.


Thanks a lot


Christian aka Tyralf / Chibeley

Edited by Tyralf
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It would be very disappointing if the entire week's worth of Conquest was wiped out by this.

Conquest is actually tracked invisibly and the leaderboards automatically repopulate when anyone contributes points.

We see that happen after resets during the week.


The problem comes in figuring out how the system calculates winners since nobody can put up points today.

If it uses its stored data, everything should be fine.

If it relies on the leaderboard itself, there's gonna be a problem.


I guess we'll find out for sure tomorrow.

Edited by Rankyn
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Same problem on battle meditation. I'm fairly sure the top 10 will not be fixed in time for being granted the conquest title tuesday at 14.00 CET.


I would not harbour much hope of getting the title manually. Despite numerous tickets and despite assurances from Musco, we're still waiting on july conquest titles...

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Shadowlands did the same thing.


IIRC when this has happened prior, people who didn't get their rewards were asked to put in a ticket, and then did get them.


The servers weren't taken down until after conquest ended, there should be data to retrieve on the leaderboards, etc.


At least, I really hope so. Our guild had 3 lead changes in the last 2 hours and came out on top...so I think we'll lose a lot of subscribers as well if they don't get their rewards.

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Yeah most of us have figured out that when they perform any kind of update on a Tuesday it usually screws the Conquest rewards up, i mean its happened 5-6 times in the past few months......Same thing every tuesday, Update, Conquest gets screwed, Devs waste days and hours trying to work out a way to give the titles out, and the rewards.....


Do your Updates on Wednesday......that is your answer.



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Yeah most of us have figured out that when they perform any kind of update on a Tuesday it usually screws the Conquest rewards up, i mean its happened 5-6 times in the past few months......Same thing every tuesday, Update, Conquest gets screwed, Devs waste days and hours trying to work out a way to give the titles out, and the rewards.....


Do your Updates on Wednesday......that is your answer.





You know how long I have been telling them that lol. Wednesday would be a good day. They should never do an update on a week reset.

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Do your Updates on Wednesday......that is your answer.
Actually, they use Tuesday because it's the optimal day for updating.


Final prep on Monday.

Deploy on Tuesday.

Sort out anything that broke but isn't catastrophic by Wednesday.

Hotfix on Thursday.

Make sure everything is still good to go on Friday.


If they changed their regular patch day to Wednesday, it throws everything off and patching on a Friday is always a bad idea.


Maybe the better solution is to have Conquest start on a different day of the week.

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Same thing on Bergeron Colony Server. We took 5th on Tatooine trying to get more encryptions so we can unlock as much of our Flagship as possible before the 4.0 Crafting changes makes it virtually impossible for our small guild to compete. This would be a huge blow towards that goal if we don't get the rewards tomorrow.
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Well are we going to have to wait several months again to get our rewards. I logged in hoping to see my small guild still in our fifth place position. I found the board blank and being told that I had failed. I know better but this is extremely frustrating as I don't hover in the forums area, I rather play the game. But this is the second time I've had to make comment in the forum regarding the game. Looks like I'm doing a ticket if I don't get my reward and I really believe that the dev want to get rid of crafters anyway. But I digress I would appreciate my rewards as soon as possible if not given to me on Tuesday.
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[...]If we do not get our titles and rewards again, bioware is going to lose people.[...]

I was thinking it over during night, and I'll be defenetly one of them.

Get your head out of your butt and show your customers that you care. This is not only about 10 people this matter concerns thousends of players over all servers.

Edited by Sir_Pumpkin
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I've noticed another wierd thing since yesterday's launcher update and server downtime: I'm now at 500/1000 on planetary conquest achievements, despite having never conquered half those planets.


The Balmora, Taris, Quesh, Rishi and Yavin achievements have been fulfilled somehow. Obviously, I haven't received the corresponding planetary conquest titles, since our guild never finished first on those planets.


It seems to be the same for other guild members. How about people on other servers?


As far as granting the rewards post facto goes, I received the rewards on a character that did not even exist during said conquest... So they did not even create a script to grant them, they seem to be doing so by hand, and poorly. Figures...


I'm done with them. They're not getting any more money until they sort themselves.

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*nod* Several threads up about it now. But this one was up yesterday before the roll over so I'll just use it still.


Seems like conquest bugs every time they do an unscheduled maint' period. As with the launcher yesterday. Do anything on Monday, Conquest takes a hit. But sometimes it screws up without it. So who knows what caused it this time. But it is getting a little frustrating to have this be what feels like every other week or few weeks thing.


From the looks of it... all servers have been hit this week so until told otherwise... I'm going to assume it is that shiny new launcher that could've waited a day or two more. :D

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One or two times fine. But this keeps happening. This just shows a lack of respect that the developers have for their player base. Unsat. Unprofessional. And we all know it's going to keep happening because they don't have enough people working on the game.
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You know how long I have been telling them that lol. Wednesday would be a good day. They should never do an update on a week reset.


The real fix is actually to hand out Conquest rewards on Monday. You can't accrue points on Monday, so it's literally a wasted day anyway.

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I don't think they're ignoring it per say... our guild has even filed in game tickets this week. I think they're just overwhelmed with forum feedback on certain items :D and likely trying to address what the problem is that caused it this week (I'm still banking on that launcher update yesterday) while also having some people at NYCC as well.


IE... it is a busy week for'em.


ETA on titles and guild rewards would be nice though... so this doesn't turn into another July still waiting thing. :cool:

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