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Anyone else bummed you can't gear up your comps?


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This little thing you keep repeating right here, this juvenile little canard that's your fallback whenever you don't actually have any counterpoint to offer?


It makes your posts completely unworth the time it takes to read them.


Goodbye, and enjoy the list.


Enjoy your new game... whether it is 4.0 or something else.

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Only for the fact I have about 50% of cartel armour unlocked in my collections. I can now only use it for main character. While it can be given still to companions its no longer adaptable. What the point of giving adaptable armour that's no longer adaptable.


It's just cosmetic now and to me that takes away half its value. On the plus side have more than enough I need never buy any more.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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not to add anything to the fuel but in a way i am concerned about what they are going to do with the loss of us controlling the customization of your companions too. not based on the yavin gear but based on what they give players in the max level coms gear. they focus on the wrong things for the toons that they are supposed to go to. like do we have to have a ton more crit then we need or putting alacrity on other. things like that. it seems that what bw does is not streamline but make us fix mistakes that they make. i am concerned that they are going to do that to our companion. there are times that i definitely am looking forward to it like when leveling but for max level because able to juggle the companion gear for when you do solo stuff. i am totally looking forward to always having them in the gear that i want them in. the yavin gear is ugly even with dye packs in them though more tolerable that way.
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10k or 250k? From what I saw: it's influence levels - much like character level. You might have been present but did you watch it? Probably too desperate to find fault and predict the future to actually pay attention.


So your best reply is to ignore the basis of the idea? No matter what BW does, its the same thing as affection. Doesn't matter what scaling you use. Leveling or raw score.


You no longer have customization of companions and depending on what weapon they use. Thats what the companions skills will be. Not too exciting really to have that much cookie cutting going on.


You act as if this is some desperate and hidden thing we had to find yet it's right in you face. You act like we have to be soothsayers to see that there is no companion customization any longer beyond what affection might give as a bonus all across the board.


Either you're purposefully being ignorant or you just simply are.

Edited by Quraswren
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He edited his post as well. Nice how he complains about being insulted, then resorts to using an insult.


Too much sky up there, too many assumptions. Embrace the change or move on... when did an MMO not change and when did an MMO ever rollback a core change?

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I'm kind of bummed out to tell the truth. I mean, sure it was a pain to have to keep companions geared up and myself as well, and personally I found it fun to gear them, but I also understand that some people didn't like having to keep their companions geared.


I did both raids and solo content so having my companions able to go to town on npcs and such helped a lot. Currently, my presence is between 1020 and 1040 so that helps right now too.


But as I said, as much as I'll miss min/maxing my companions and making sure they're as uber leet as I can get them, I'm not too bummed just yet. For this, I'll have to wait and see how it goes. If they go from roflstomping anything in their path to sucking worse than a lvl 1 newbie, then I might toss a ***** fit.

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So your best reply is to ignore the basis of the idea? No matter what BW does, its the same thing as affection. Doesn't matter what scaling you use. Leveling or raw score.


You no longer have customization of companions and depending on what weapon they use. Thats what the companions skills will be. Not too exciting really to have that much cookie cutting going on.


You act as if this is some desperate and hidden thing we had to find yet it's right in you face. You act like we have to be soothsayers to see that there is no companion customization any longer beyond what affection might give as a bonus all across the board.


Either you're purposefully being ignorant or you just simply are.


He's been ignoring what people are actually saying in favor of his own version of events across multiple threads regarding the 4.0 changes.


At this point, the only rational conclusion is that he's a troll. Ignore him.

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He's been ignoring what people are actually saying in favor of his own version of events across multiple threads regarding the 4.0 changes.


At this point, the only rational conclusion is that he's a troll. Ignore him.


I know but I don't mind hammering away at a bent nail. One of the hits eventually sinks it in.


I've come to learn over the years that Change merely for the sake of change is not wise, it's worrisome.

Edited by Quraswren
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So your best reply is to ignore the basis of the idea? No matter what BW does, its the same thing as affection. Doesn't matter what scaling you use. Leveling or raw score.


You no longer have customization of companions and depending on what weapon they use. Thats what the companions skills will be. Not too exciting really to have that much cookie cutting going on.


You act as if this is some desperate and hidden thing we had to find yet it's right in you face. You act like we have to be soothsayers to see that there is no companion customization any longer beyond what affection might give as a bonus all across the board.


Either you're purposefully being ignorant or you just simply are.


It's like you haven't been paying attention to any of it, always comparing to 3.x.

4.0 is a return to story telling... the journey, not the destination.


With the overall stat changes that are coming... any tweaking is going to fall away anyway. As I said before, we (and you clearly) don't know what impact one level of influence has over another... or how these might affect other companions... there may be a level of complexity there, there may not, they have alluded to the fact that there might. I cant wait to find out... I'm sure if its as poor as you are imagining then I will find another way through it... this specific area is where most of my game is, currently.


Don't rush to jump to conclusions so quickly... it looks like it could be interesting, different to 3.x sure... worse? better? I don't know, you don't know, no one knows... that's the point. But yes, it will be different.

Edited by leehambly
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He's been ignoring what people are actually saying in favor of his own version of events across multiple threads regarding the 4.0 changes.


At this point, the only rational conclusion is that he's a troll. Ignore him.


There he is :D I'm the troll? Have you seen your posts?


And no, I don't ignore them... much like yourself I choose to highlight and discuss the parts I want to highlight and discuss. What's good for the goose and all that.

Edited by leehambly
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I did and no matter if influence tops at 10K or 250K you will never, ever decide to have your companion have more alacrity for faster heals or a companion with high crit or a tank with really high defense.


Companion customization. Right out the door.


Hell, just the idea that blizz will no longer have a rocket launcher. That sucks a bit to be honest.


Bahahahahahahaha, companion tanks.


If you spent anything ever on gearing a companion tank, or even elected to do so in favor of staring the pattern in the nearest carpet, you've faceplanted.


Companion tanks, with their crappy damage reduction and absolute need to micromanage them to even get them to be halfway useful sometimes?


Putting effort into ramping up their defense is currently like putting a tuxedo on a pig; it might amuse you, but that's it.


In all my years in here, I've found it to be far more effective to be the tank myself and either roll out a healer comp to never ever die, or bust out a dps chino to just steamroll everything.


Tank companions do way awful dps in tanky gear and have crappy DR, after all. DPS companions can actually hit respectably hard, and healer companions can do a decent job of healing.


All of them stink compared to players, but fully half of what makes a tank valuable isn't governed by stats moreover, and that's battlefield control.


Companion tanks are dumber than that guy we've all encountered in newbie FP's that stands in everything bad and has the situational awareness of a roomba at the best of times.


Even micromanaging a comp tank, you can't make them stand in specific places and you can't make them turn a cleaving attack away from you. You can, at best, make them stop everything and come to you or just let them roll around trolling you as often as they do anything actually useful, and in either case, they can never handle their own agro in a clinch and will be tanking the floor soon even up against not-difficult trash, because they can't interrupt anything either.


Which of these titanic issues does putting high defense on them solve?


Also, Alacrity's weak as hell. You're going to be better off stacking power and crit and some surge on a healer companion, as their net benefit will be far more useful than sacrificing any one of this in favor of ~10% faster recharge times at the top end.


DPS companions don't benefit a lot by micromanagement except in controlling which target they're attacking, and all they've ever needed for starts have been power and whatever crit/surge could be thrown in with it.


So, what exactly are we actually losing here? The ability to do absolutely nothing useful about tank companions being trash? Our ability to decide whether or not a healer is a smidge faster or a fair bit more powerful?


Our ability to put power, crit and surge in dps comps ourselves, because what the heck else were you putting on them anyway? Accuracy? So they could hit the ops bosses better and beat enrage timers?


Maybe I should put more Cunning on my tank companions so they get more clever and stop being garbage before Cunning goes away.

Edited by Uruare
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I know but I don't mind hammering away at a bent nail. One of the hits eventually sinks it in.


I've come to learn over the years that Change merely for the sake of change is not wise, it's worrisome.


Yeah... the people who chant the mantra of "embrace change" are usually those who blindly worship the golden calf of change, who consider change a holy sacrament.


Change is neutral in a vacuum. It's good when it makes things better, and bad when it makes things worse. When it does both, then it's just a mixed bag.

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Bahahahahahahaha, companion tanks.


If you spent anything ever on gearing a companion tank, or even elected to do so in favor of staring the pattern in the nearest carpet, you've faceplanted.


Companion tanks, with their crappy damage reduction and absolute need to micromanage them to even get them to be halfway useful sometimes?


Huh, I seem to get good results out of Khem, as one example. He almost always holds agro in the situations when you'd be using a companion instead of in a group.

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The entirety of changes made to companions is a huge plus imo.


You no longer need to gear them in both pvp and pve sets, no more arguing in flashpoints whos companion is best geared and no need to use the companion that complements your class the most to be efficient. +++ says I


Now I can actually use my Tank husbando on my femtank. Cant get much happier than this.

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I think the best thing to do with the companion thing since we're allowing them to change roles, is just give companions their own outfit designer tab. And maybe throw in a new vendor that specifically gives Companion gear.


This kind of reminds me of the Magicians in Everquest. They could summon 'pet gear' but if you died or logged out, it disappeared and you'd have to reequip them. I'm now picturing this on a vendor. 'Only pay 5 credits for companion gear!' Your companion dies and doh! they're butt naked now. Ah damnit, Bob! Off to the comp vendor to spend 5 more credits to reequip them cause their gear/weapon vanished. :p


It'd be funny as hell but annoying as hell too! lol

Edited by Eanelinea
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I think the best thing to do with the companion thing since we're allowing them to change roles, is just give companions their own outfit designer tab. And maybe throw in a new vendor that specifically gives Companion gear.


Effectively, those companions that can display equipped gear will be in "outfit designer tab" mode by default.

As for comp gear, Eric did say they'd look into, maybe, something for the original companion gear, maybe - who knows, I wouldn't hold your breath.

The existing comp customizations will still work as they do now. So the mulletted "good ole boy" Theran will still be good to go in 4.0, even with his toffee-nosed accent :D

Edited by leehambly
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I want to know a lot more about this Influence system and how much it will affect a companion's stats or combat abilities and if it's the same regardless of the companion (new or old). Did they explain it and I missed it or is this just another aspect of 4.0 they are still needlessly keeping under wraps?


Not being able to add augments to your companion's gear at max level is a massive loss of stats.

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It's like you haven't been paying attention to any of it, always comparing to 3.x.

4.0 is a return to story telling... the journey, not the destination.


I have been paying attention. Especially to the drivel you've tried to post about how we should wait and there being no way to see this for what it is. While I think the story is going to be great, that is a small and quickly completed part of the journey. the destination here is just as important because that journey you're talking about will be completed in less than a week. Journey not the destination might work if I'm traveling this long road that takes a lot of time.


The new SWTOR story isn't that. The destination and what I do there is the long game.


With the overall stat changes that are coming... any tweaking is going to fall away anyway. As I said before, we (and you clearly) don't know what impact one level of influence has over another... or how these might affect other companions... there may be a level of complexity there, there may not, they have alluded to the fact that there might. I cant wait to find out... I'm sure if its as poor as you are imagining then I will find another way through it... this specific area is where most of my game is, currently.


What I do know is that no matter what BW does. I cannto customize any companion that is in the game. AT all, in any way. No ammount of influance, no amount of leveling anything will allow that.


It's pretty simple concept even you should grasp if you try. Even just a little.


Don't rush to jump to conclusions so quickly... it looks like it could be interesting, different to 3.x sure... worse? better? I don't know, you don't know, no one knows... that's the point. But yes, it will be different.


I can't say it looks interesting at all VS pre-4.0.


No companion customization.

All companions who have the same weapon do the same thing no. No real uniqueness to them.

Seems even HK and treek are getting "F"ed up.

You get to play Dollie with them so there is that right?


Here is what I know. With the information BW has should. There is less to do with companions than ever. Less interaction, less uniqueness and all you will do is raise some influence with them to gain an overall boost to stats. Nothing you switch around or tweak. Just an arbitrary bonus to stats.


Sorry but that is no where near as interesting as the customization as we had. You don't have to be a fortune teller to see that or play SWTOR past 4.0 to know what you're losing.

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This kind of reminds me of the Magicians in Everquest. They could summon 'pet gear' but if you died or logged out, it disappeared and you'd have to reequip them. I'm now picturing this on a vendor. 'Only pay 5 credits for companion gear!' Your companion dies and doh! they're butt naked now. Ah damnit, Bob! Off to the comp vendor to spend 5 more credits to reequip them cause their gear/weapon vanished. :p


It'd be funny as hell but annoying as hell too! lol


That must of been hell, especially with a tank companion :D

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Bahahahahahahaha, companion tanks.



I would suggest you give it a try. Maybe use something better than Yavin gear and actually tweak your companions with some 192/198 optimal gear. Tweak the stats a little. Maybe you don't run the content to get the gear and thats why you don't do it but...


My companions are quite amazing.

Edited by Quraswren
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