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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cartel Market Changes Coming in Fallen Empire!


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From the previous dev responses, it look like:


o Reputation vendors will remain

o Previous packs that had rep items / certs will continue to do so

o New shipments will not have vendors, rep, or certs (new packs will have two items -- the Rare/Super-rare and a Companion Gift.


awesome :D

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I'm happy when they upgrade the 'collection unlock' functionality, it helps us a bit when unlocking. But do you know what can be MORE helpful? A button to auto-claim an item by all of your toons, especially for mounts, pets, and emotes. Imagine how painful it is switching to ALL toons just to unlock that one pet or mount you just bought from GTN. Imagine if u have 30+ toons. With the upcoming Random Mount and Pet button, it can be quite time consuming to switch toons and claim the pet by each one of them.
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Anyone wish they brought back older items that are currently impossible to obtain?


Not me. I love how rare some of my items are. However once these come about everything, and I mean absolutely everything, will be as common as common gets.


However - the GOOD news is there are SO MANY different things in this game that diversity will still be very high and individuality in a character will be very easily maintained. To be honest I have never seen two players look the same.


Still ... I am going to miss the days of, "Woah w.t.f. is that? I never seen that before. It looks so cool. Is that new?" "Nope! Came out long ago and is no longer in circulation." :)


HOWEVER - on the other side of the coin, I recently got my sweetie to start playing the game, and I have some clothing items no longer available that she really wants to put on her character, so this will be good news for her. So, when I think about it, regardless of the outcome it's a win somehow.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Great so now after waiting a long time for bounty packs to go back on the market so i can get rep to buy the 2 derelict lightsabers and the shock trooper armor from the bounty supply vendor, your now telling me i either have to spend loads of money to get the items which probably will be removed and no more rep -_- wow im ready to quit the game, closest i've been before was quitting with the changes to the trees and how they worked but at least that made sense. Half the cartel changes like less items per pack, plus the new level sync system... me and a good chunk of the player base a ready to quit the game i might play for the story of the new expansion but if its that bad after i go through 2 stories 1 imp and 1 pub im quitting the game permanently and saving that $15 a month for scratch tickets because ill have better odds of getting something more productive done with them then the way the game is headed to with these horrific changes. For every 1 good change you guys make to the game u take away 3 other good things in the game which makes the player base pissed off, maybe that's why you had to switch to the free to play system? because your making your current player base so mad they keep quitting. Just think about a good majority of the players are against the change lets say 70-80% and you still go through with it, there slowly going to start questioning whether or not to continue playing the game. Push them to hard, then the game goes belly up and no new changes or expansions can save it unless you revert back to the changes that made the set player base pissed off.
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Great so now after waiting a long time for bounty packs to go back on the market so i can get rep to buy the 2 derelict lightsabers and the shock trooper armor from the bounty supply vendor, your now telling me i either have to spend loads of money to get the items which probably will be removed and no more rep


This is incorrect.

Firstly, only the gear that is in the packs is being removed, so all the unique items the vendors have will be staying.

And he said that the packs with the rep will be returning from time to time, just like they have done all along with them.

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And here, everyone, we have yet ANOTHER example of a totally irresponsible outlook of, "The game needs to watch our kids for us, because I do not want to be a responsible parent."


A RESPONSIBLE parent would be guiding their kids through anything they do online, and the parent should be also monitoring their kids' spending. It is not BW's responsibility to raise your kids for you.


It's the same stupid, idiotic argument made by complete morons all over the US (I say US because in no other country has anyone been stupid enough to make the following argument): A kid shoots up a school, so it HAS to be the fault of music, a game, some fashion trend, some TV show, but hey it is NEVER EVER the parents' fault. it is ALWAYS the fault of someone else. Parents are ALWAYS the victim when their kids do something stupid. NEVER can a parent be selfish or so self-involved that they could care less about their kid.


Most RESPONSIBLE parents raise their kids to also be responsible, and to make decisions. My kids personally will never receive a credit card or free reign for online spending until they are old enough to drive. And even then I'll be watching, closely, and helping to guide them on all of their decisions. They'll only have a small allowance from me unless they go get their own job, and I'll do my best to help them learn that once that money is spent, they can't get more just because they regret what they bought and found something else they like. If they get a job, I'll help them with budgeting and still try to steer them on the path of responsible spending.


If my kids then decide to buy cartel packs and waste their money, I won't blame BW. I'll blame myself for somehow failing to get the message across, because it is MY responsibility as their father to steer them right. And you know what? If that ever happens, then instead of suing BW and blaming them for having an available feature or cash shop item, I'll instead get them off the game, sit down with them and - oh I dunno - COMMMUNICATE with them about where I failed and how we can all learn from this.


I don't mind people having issues with RNG, and debating it here. I'll join the debate right beside you. But the whole "The game is rated 13+ so I expect to have BW raise my kids so I don't have to" argument is just a HUGE bloody time bomb just waiting to be set off. Seriously. Log the f__k out of your stupid game and go raise your kids already, because you obviously aren't mature enough to be in the game yourself. Better yet, go give your kids to social services because if you expect BW to be responsible for your kids then you are in no position to be a parent - ever.


EDIT: I wanted to add a special thank you to MY parents for raising me right, apparently, because I apparently do not have the issue of compulsively buying cartel packs, using all my cash, then whining about it for hours on here that BW has something wrong with them when in actuality I am just a compulsive gambler. Yeah, I buy packs once in a while, just for kicks. I also buy the occasional lottery ticket.


But I have a budget, and a set small amount of that budget is for gaming, and I never go over that budget. And if i don;t feel like popping a few bucks on a crate, I just hit the GTN to buy whatever I want, because pretty much everything from the packs ends up on the GTN anyway. And since it is so easy to make credits in this game, I have never been unable to afford something I really want on the GTN. That's probably because I also treat my credits like I do with real life money - I save it unless there is something I really want to buy and can afford.




You absolutely will NOT get through to that guy. Right now he's calling like 50 lawyers trying to find a way to sue you and me for slander because we pointed out something realistic. It's the American way, y'know? But first he has to count up all his gambling money to see if he even has enough.


Do you know what being argumentative is? Lol nice to know I managed to waste 2 houres out of your life to write this little bible vers:D

Haha 50 lawyers and Im going to sue you for slander??? Im still LMAO

Yes the American way, to get penetrated in the lower back by big companies

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Nice now i can get the stuff i want from gold packs how much more expensive they going to be?

So the gold pack contains random ultra rare from all existing packs? And it contains only 1 item?

No way to get just the item you want from the pack?

Is there a way to avoid all these random items? like i bought 3 hyper crates of the Wild space explorer's packs, and i didn't get the Jetpack had to buy it from gtn for credits.

Will the reputations tokens also be in a gold pack?

So basicly you made the cartel market to put out more random **** from old packs? Isn't there a way to just getting rep tokens and specific armor or mount from future and old packs, it still is random what gold loot you get?


Atm i use around 85$ every month on top of my subscription for 14500 cc, would be nice if i could avoid multiple duplicates of same stuff,

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Do you know what being argumentative is? Lol nice to know I managed to waste 2 houres out of your life to write this little bible vers:D

Haha 50 lawyers and Im going to sue you for slander??? Im still LMAO

Yes the American way, to get penetrated in the lower back by big companies


Actually, as you are very aware, it only took like 5 minutes to write my thoughts out, there. If it takes anyone two hours to write that much, then they are very seriously retarded and should be back in school and not on a forum anyway.

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I didn't read every page, but I sure do hope that if you are going to include only two items in each pack from now on, that you are going to reduce the price of the packs. I am not paying $40 for two items. Also, this looks very clearly like a way to force people to spend more rl money and more credits. I am not the least bit happy.
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The main thing I am hoping is that these changes will help with the severe inflation on items {stupid revan set costing nearly 5 mil a piece} Hoping for the best but not holding my breathe


I hate to dash your hopes, but I think this change will make those rare items even more expensive. I think that the decline in items per pack=less chance of getting rare drops. Factor in that the packs have lost 60% of their content and I believe this will lead to less people buying packs. If only a few people are getting the rare items, be assured that they will be much more expensive once they hit the gtn. I think it's a pretty shameful move on Biowares part to continue selling the packs at full price with only 40% of the content.

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I hate to dash your hopes, but I think this change will make those rare items even more expensive. I think that the decline in items per pack=less chance of getting rare drops. Factor in that the packs have lost 60% of their content and I believe this will lead to less people buying packs. If only a few people are getting the rare items, be assured that they will be much more expensive once they hit the gtn. I think it's a pretty shameful move on Bioware's part to continue selling the packs at full price with only 40% of the content.


This is the same evaluation that I have after having purchased 8 of the hypercrate (x30) packs. The drop rate is very poor with the majority of items being companion gifts and ugly decorations. After opening 240 packs, I got the following:


  • UNCLASSIFIED - 0 Creature Companion: Akk Dog
  • GOLD - 1 full Herald of Zildrog armor set (1 Extra Upper & 1 Extra Lower)
  • GOLD - 0 full Sith Recluse Armor Set - 1 Upper & 2 Lower
  • GOLD - 1 Minas Hornet
  • GOLD - 2 Wasteland Womp Rats
  • SILVER - 1 Dune Stalker Armor Set (and an assortment of extras)
  • SILVER - 2 Vectron LW-1S
  • SILVER - 3 Forest Raptors
  • SILVER - 3 Kai Zykken's Unparalleled Logs
  • BRONZE - At least 2 full Overwatch Shield & Security sets (and an assortment of extras)
  • BRONZE - At least 2 full Frontline Defender Armor sets (and an assortment of extras)
  • BRONZE - 3 Irakie Falcons
  • BRONZE - 4 Orlean Scouts
  • BRONZE - 2 Meirm Agamas
  • BRONZE - 4 Korrealis KL-1F
  • Assorted Decorations - At least 2 dozen (All ugly in my opinion)
  • Assorted companion gifts - Mostly Grade 5 prototype and artifact with a few Grade 6 pieces


Seems that the chances of getting anything of true value is very low if after opening 240 packs, my outcome was as you can see above. :rolleyes: That's why I believe these changes are going to make things on the GTN insanely expensive. Basic economics -- supply and demand. Limited supply will equal greater prices. I think they really screwed us to be honest. Well, at least the people hoping to purchase things on the GTN and without extra cash to spend on the packs.

Edited by Karellan
Correcting minor grammar, syntax, and spelling issues.
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Add to all this that they stated credit drops from downed baddies will be drastically reduced, and I believe most of the rare items will be simply unavailable to most players...especially the casuals that this xpac is designed to cater to.
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These new changes will do nothing but further inflate prices on the GTN, because previously items will be even more difficult to obtain through the cartel market. Its stated that all Items will be available at all times, (lets use armor set for example), you just have to buy a bronze, silver, or gold armor pack for a chance to get the item you want so your odds will be 1 in (how many total armor sets are there?) Buying a gold armor pack, you would have a better chance at getting a gold standard armor, but buying a bronze or silver pack decreases your odds if all you wanted was a bronze or silver set. You were better off making the less rare items purchasable via cartel coins, and the rare/ultra rare with limited released dates.
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It would be nice if they offered cartel coins in localized currency. I'd buy quite a bit then. Like hell I'm going to buy them in USD... specially when I'm back 1 Canadian Dollar equals 0.76 US Dollar. The exchange rate will just murder me wallet. Bad enough I'm subscribed in USD.


Sony does localized currency.

WoWs time cards do localized currency.

I'd like to get time cards if they offered them up here, Walmart doesn't sell them anymore.

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I read two items per pack as we want more of your money seriously that was the worst idea you've had to date I will not be purchasing any more cartel coins again thank you for making the decision to quit buying for me . We already get ripped off RNG wise for purchases of hypercrates now you jip us even more by removing items. worse still you've now ensured that the gtn will get even more broken than ever. You did glorious wonderful things then completely kriffed the endgame.
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These new changes will do nothing but further inflate prices on the GTN, because previously items will be even more difficult to obtain through the cartel market. Its stated that all Items will be available at all times, (lets use armor set for example), you just have to buy a bronze, silver, or gold armor pack for a chance to get the item you want so your odds will be 1 in (how many total armor sets are there?) Buying a gold armor pack, you would have a better chance at getting a gold standard armor, but buying a bronze or silver pack decreases your odds if all you wanted was a bronze or silver set. You were better off making the less rare items purchasable via cartel coins, and the rare/ultra rare with limited released dates.


^ That what I was telling people when I read the new cartel market changes. Yeah it will take a while for the extra to burn out of the system but once that happen there going to be a scarcity of items on all levels unless people are buying a lot of these packs. Which I don't see happening.


Sadly this is only going to get worse with each new gold item they add to the pack. Today there 100 gold armor, next month there 110 and on it goes till your odds of getting the one you want is way worse then in the old packs. :( I think they should break it down into shipments which list from this pack to this pack, it would have it own gold, silver, bronze for all categories. This way people would have a chance of getting the item. I also think we should get more then one item as right now i don't feel there really worth it, particular the gold ones or lower the price. I really think they would make more money if they would just sell thing cheaper over expensive.


PS Anyone heard what happened with cartel certificates, do they still drop?

Edited by TheSeer
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  • 2 months later...
I bought a 30 pack and not one certificate. Although I got about 5 sets of everything in the packs. 5 of the same mount. 5 of the same upper body armor, etc. And companion gifts that we can already buy from vendors.The packs are a terrible deal. I would think with the few things in one pack now, they could give us one certificate in every pack so we know we are getting something out of it. I can't even sell the duplicate armor for a decent price, because that is the same armor everybody is getting in their pack.
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