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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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I'm kinda meh about the whole deal. Annoying if you're trying to farm rep or light/dark but hardly a deal breaker.


OTOH, if memory serves, isn't there a part of one of the Imp story chain(s) where you have to go back to DK and run through a heroic area to reach an instance? Normally you've outlvled the area so not an issue, but now? You're not lvl 60 at this point with good gear rather mid 30s iirc. Could potentially be a problem. Don't remember if the area is a 2 or 4 man.


There's a Bounty Hunter mission that goes through a Heroic area you've long since outleveled on DK, to get to an instanced area way off in one corner of the map. That Heroic area is CRAMMED with gold and silver mobs.


Yeah, really great improvement, so much replay value, so much "challenge", to be downscaled back to DK newbie status and have to slog through that crap just to get to your class mission instance... YAY!

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There's a Bounty Hunter mission that goes through a Heroic area you've long since outleveled on DK, to get to an instanced area way off in one corner of the map. That Heroic area is CRAMMED with gold and silver mobs.


Yeah, really great improvement, so much replay value, so much "challenge", to be downscaled back to DK newbie status and have to slog through that crap just to get to your class mission instance... YAY!


I'll tell you a secret. There is a river that runs from main road to your BH mission area, completely mob-free! You're welcome.

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Ok, so I posted that I don't like level sync... however, I am trying to see the upside, and I did just think of one situation where it could be a "good thing".


Imagine you're leveling, you're on Tattonine, and you're enjoying the place, you want to do the full planet story, the side missions, everything. Normally you end up outleveling the place, getting just 6 XP per mission after awhile making it kinda depressing to carry on, knowing that you'll have to do the same stuff on the next planet.


But instead, with level sync, you'll never quite outlevel Tattonine, instead you'll keep getting XP. So lets say you love Tat but hate Alderann, you can do everything on Tat, level up a bit, then go do just the class missions and blast out Alderann and move on asap since you arrived at Alderann a bit overleveled for it.


This does open up options to "level your way", doing extras one place, just the class missions somewhere else, always earning something from it rather than almost nothing.


Just trying to see the positive here. :)


You worded this precisely how I feel. Linking this thread in all the other hate threads for the people with tin foil hats who think this system will ruin the game even though it is a VERY common system in a LOT of MMO games.

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There's a Bounty Hunter mission that goes through a Heroic area you've long since outleveled on DK, to get to an instanced area way off in one corner of the map. That Heroic area is CRAMMED with gold and silver mobs.


Yeah, really great improvement, so much replay value, so much "challenge", to be downscaled back to DK newbie status and have to slog through that crap just to get to your class mission instance... YAY!


Uh . . . you CLEARLY saw AND acknowledged in the stream that when Eric went to that heroic area he solo OWNED all the mobs there. he didn't even take any damage, really and blew away silvers and elites as if they were normal/weak mobs.


Again, you display your selective tossing out of bits of information and trying not to acknowledge that something in this game is not so bad. I have no clue why you are even still playing. The only thing you have ever done is complain about literally everything about this game. If you hate it so much, go play something else. No one will miss you, I am sure.


For those who didn't watch the live stream - Eric pretty much had a level 60 go to Dromund Kaas. His character sync'd down to level 18 and he was practically one-shotting silvers in the heroic area. Golds would go down in just a few shots. He was on a BH Merc I think with Mako in heal mode, even though Mako hardly had to toss any heals at all.

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You guys are making this a much bigger deal than it is!! Older planets are now relevant! You will STILL STAY your same level, have all your abilities, have all your stuffs, have everything you did when you earned those levels. It's all still there! but you will get a scaled level that is beside your character level that allows you to do the dailies and new missions on each planet so you can do even more stuff to get more gear and more credits for your character to have more fun in the game! It is not taking away your gear or making you a crappy version of anything. It's not the "death of the game" at all. More missions will probably be added to it to make a ton of missions of these new ones. You can still go there to gather, you can still go there to RP. None of that is changing whatsoever about still wanting to do that.


I am explaining this system to people who might need to understand how it works. I am now completely with this level sync and can't wait to try it myself but from what I can see it was not done poorly nor will it "screw the game" as some are claiming! I think it will make the game even better. Things are relevant again. I can see this setting something up for the future of the game as well perhaps for open world pvp to!


YOU will still have your same level. It is just making a scaling level so the way they are doing it now is, when you go back to the planet you will be able to keep on doing content so you have something to do in the game instead of just the few things at max level. There will now be loads of things to do! If you think about it, it's actually giving the player more options to do things! Instead of sitting around with nothing to do.


I'm just optimistic about it guys, you know me! :) I am with the level scaling system but don't have any expectations and from what I keep reading into about it, it's magnificent. I have to see for myself as well how it works before I make any decisions though. I am hopeful but if it's not what you want, don't throw a fit about it. It seems as though it is a little bit like GW2, but not completely which is not bad, this game will still have it's own level scaling type of thing, unique to THIS game. But we'll see. You have to remain optimistic and take a rational approach to things to see it better. If things don't turn out to be what you wanted, just say goodbye and move on. There's no need for theatrics or to start name calling.


Also, I would like to tell you all right now. If you take anything I say as a personal attack or being rude, I am sorry in advance and I don't mean to come across as such. We have our disagreements, but there is no need for bad blood. Sometimes yes, I appear foolish and yes, I appear as a white knight which I will admit I am one most of the time. Although I have disagreed with the direction of some stuff. I do defend the game hardcore but a lot of the time I am being optimistic about it and I just love it THAT much! That's just how I am about a lot of things in life. I don't get myself disappointed in things. And I surely don't mean to come across as mean or angry to you guys! I like you guys and don't want to see you leave! I like you all here and I like being here. :)


Let's all take a step back, breathe, and just wait till it launches or more explanations so we can see for ourselves but it's going to be great!





Number 1 White Knight in the Galaxy! :p

Edited by Sarfux
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The more the days go on, the more emotions will be out of this, the more people will see this is a GOOD THING. It seems good.


I'm neither for or against it right now. I have to see it first for myself. But from what I'm seeing. It's going to be great for the game!

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The more the days go on, the more emotions will be out of this, the more people will see this is a GOOD THING. It seems good.


I'm neither for or against it right now. I have to see it first for myself. But from what I'm seeing. It's going to be great for the game!


Agreed. Once the dust settles and the shock value is gone no one will care either way. People will either adapt or log off and go play something else. they won't be missed. I purchased another 6 months sub because of all the cool stuff they are giving us in 4.0. :)

Edited by Faelandaea
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I'll tell you a secret. There is a river that runs from main road to your BH mission area, completely mob-free! You're welcome.


You may need to give Max more secrets. I have a feeling he may be needing them if he doesn't know how to avoid mobs.

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Sorry you're wrong, we will not be the same, we will be a weakened parody of ourselves, with no say in the matter. It would be different if this only happened if we were doing the heroics or whatever else they add, but if I just want to go to the planet and gather materials or maybe just RP, my toon shouldn't be de-powered by just setting foot on the planet.
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You didn't respond the first time I posted this, so here it is again: Having to waste my time killing trash I should have outleveled years ago isn't fun. It's not challenging. It's just time consuming. I already avoid doing Yavin 4 and Oricon because of the mob density. Sure, I can kill everything on either planet, but why would I want to? It's time consuming, tedious, and a chore. I don't do most of the other dailies very often either, but they're tolerable since fights with trash take no longer than three to five seconds.


I don't play this game to do chores. I play this game to have fun, and that isn't fun. If the goal is to keep things interesting, it's backfired spectacularly. They couldn't have made a worse design choice if they had been trying.


Why bother to upgrade my gear if I'm just going to get scaled down so that literally everything takes longer? No thank you. You can't convince me that will be enjoyable, because there's no way it ever will be.



You guys are making this a much bigger deal than it is!! Older planets are now relevant! You will STILL STAY your same level, have all your abilities, have all your stuffs, have everything you did when you earned those levels. It's all still there! but you will get a scaled level that is beside your character level that allows you to do the dailies and new missions on each planet so you can do even more stuff to get more gear and more credits for your character to have more fun in the game!


I don't see how killing trash is fun. I don't see how making old content take several times longer is fun. It's not challenging or interesting; it's just tedious.


I am explaining this system to people who might need to understand how it works. I am neither for or against it yet because I have not played it myself but from what I can see it was not done poorly nor will it "screw the game" as some are claiming! I think it will make the game even better. Things are relevant again.


No. Things are not relevant. Old content is still old content. Now I just have to waste my time trying to clear it. And, for some of it, I also have to deal with trying to wrangle 1 - 3 idiots that I was forced to pick up from General so I could clear it. Gee, that sounds fun.


I can see this setting something up for the future of the game as well perhaps for open world pvp to! YOU will still have your same level. It is just making a scaling level so the way they are doing it now is, when you go back to the planet you will be able to keep on doing content so you have something to do in the game instead of just the few things at max level. There will now be loads of things to do!



There are already tons of things to do. There is no shortage of content in this game, even at end game. The reason I don't do most of it is because it's not fun for me to spend loads of time on trash. That isn't going to change even when they try to force me to do it. I'm glad you're looking forward to it. I'm not, and no amount of color coded text is going to change that.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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If you don't want to go to trash mobs, then don't do the dailies on the lower level planets if it's that big of a deal for you. There is now a reason to step foot onto lower level planets. Before there wasn't. Doesn't mean you have to do any of that content if you don't wish to see the level scaling. Choose what you want.
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If you don't want to go to trash mobs, then don't do the dailies on the lower level planets if it's that big of a deal for you. There is now a reason to step foot onto lower level planets. Before there wasn't. Doesn't mean you have to do any of that content if you don't wish to see the level scaling. Choose what you want.


There's no more reason to go to low-level planets in 4.0, and an additional reason not to.


Kinda the reverse of what Bioware was hoping for...


And no, even if I stick around, I won't be doing ANYTHING that takes me back to those planets, from Bounty Week to whatever.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I find the biggest whiners are those who can't lolfaceroll the dailies anymore and have their credit income harder to get.


I hope it goes live and those who are crapping their pants spend the rest of their sub crying on here


It's going to change very little about my play style, because 99% of my credits are from GSF unless I intentionally set out to farm them (and when I do that, I sure don't go run dailies; that's slow). But then, I guess that only applies if you win the matches you're in, so you really wouldn't be able to relate.

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I find the biggest whiners are those who can't lolfaceroll the dailies anymore and have their credit income harder to get.


I hope it goes live and those who are crapping their pants spend the rest of their sub crying on here


It's always telling in one of these "discussions", which side feels desperate and driven and insecure in their position, to the point of constantly lobbing insults at the other side, impugning their motives, attempting to belittle them, etc.


At any rate, enjoy your trolling.



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So, the people who are posting who said "fine! I never went to lower level planets anyway!". Then why are you upset about the level scaling, scaling you to the max level of the planet to do more stuff, if you never went to older planets or cared anyway? :confused::confused:
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Ok, so I posted that I don't like level sync... however, I am trying to see the upside, and I did just think of one situation where it could be a "good thing".


Imagine you're leveling, you're on Tattonine, and you're enjoying the place, you want to do the full planet story, the side missions, everything. Normally you end up outleveling the place, getting just 6 XP per mission after awhile making it kinda depressing to carry on, knowing that you'll have to do the same stuff on the next planet.


But instead, with level sync, you'll never quite outlevel Tattonine, instead you'll keep getting XP. So lets say you love Tat but hate Alderann, you can do everything on Tat, level up a bit, then go do just the class missions and blast out Alderann and move on asap since you arrived at Alderann a bit overleveled for it.


This does open up options to "level your way", doing extras one place, just the class missions somewhere else, always earning something from it rather than almost nothing.


Just trying to see the positive here. :)


Yep that's a positive, there are many of them. But that positive wouldn't be removed by making it optional.

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So, the people who are posting who said "fine! I never went to lower level planets anyway!". Then why are you upset about the level scaling, scaling you to the max level of the planet to do more stuff, if you never went to older planets or cared anyway? :confused::confused:


I went for certain things.


After 4.0, I will no longer do so, it will go from a trip to accomplish a specific task or see a specific thing or whatever, to a tedious, sloggy nuisance.


NO ONE is saying "boo hoo, it will be too hard to get to that place now! I can't handle green mobs! They're so hard!"

They're saying "it will no longer be worth the added time of fighting through all those trash mobs to get to what I actually wanted to do there".

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I went for certain things.


After 4.0, I will no longer do so, it will go from a trip to accomplish a specific task or see a specific thing or whatever, to a tedious, sloggy nuisance.


NO ONE is saying "boo hoo, it will be too hard to get to that place now! I can't handle green mobs! They're so hard!"

They're saying "it will no longer be worth the added time of fighting through all those trash mobs to get to what I actually wanted to do there".


Avoiding mobs is soooooo difficult.

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So, the people who are posting who said "fine! I never went to lower level planets anyway!". Then why are you upset about the level scaling, scaling you to the max level of the planet to do more stuff, if you never went to older planets or cared anyway? :confused::confused:


I go to low level planets pretty often. I enjoy exploring. I like having the option to do open world RP if I really want to. I like being able to go back and see stories or sidequests that I might have missed without needing a group to do it. Forced level scaling is, in fact, taking those options away.

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I went for certain things.


After 4.0, I will no longer do so, it will go from a trip to accomplish a specific task or see a specific thing or whatever, to a tedious, sloggy nuisance.


NO ONE is saying "boo hoo, it will be too hard to get to that place now! I can't handle green mobs! They're so hard!"

They're saying "it will no longer be worth the added time of fighting through all those trash mobs to get to what I actually wanted to do there".

You are overreacting max! It won't be a sloggy nuisance :confused::confused: YOU will still have all your max level gloriness, it is just scaling you to the level of the planet is for max. You will still flow through mobs like butter. did you watch the stream? Eric went through those guys like nothing! It's nothing like you think it is!

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I go to low level planets pretty often. I enjoy exploring. I like having the option to do open world RP if I really want to. I like being able to go back and see stories or sidequests that I might have missed without needing a group to do it. Forced level scaling is, in fact, taking those options away.


It is not taking anything away. You can still do that stuff!

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