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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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I'd say he is dead, but that there is a way to save him that nobody has found yet. If this is the case, I'd say one prerequisite is max influence with him, and other than that it probably requires making very specific choices throughout chapter 1. Might also be class or morality dependent,...


If there is a way to save him before the Throne Room scene then its likely going to need hard work. Like you said for example max influence. But since that option should be open to everyone it shouldnt be class dependant. Bioware is good at making us work to keep our companions alive. Like in Mass Effect 2, you have to do missions and gain their loyalty. In Mass Effect 3 it all depends on previous choices made in Mass Effect 1 and 2. So if your unlucky you have to replay those 2 games to save 1 or more of your companions.


There are still a couple of ways Marr could have survived. Obviously Valkorion wanted to punish Marr for his "defiance". Yeah defiance in Valkorions mind, in ours an attempt for justice and save the galaxy. But there are still some buts and ifs. What if Valkorion only injured Marr to punish him but then preserved his life. Many have said on other threads that Marr was already dying and was not at his full strength but getting weaker. So what if Valkorion attacked Marr to punish him for not kneeling. But then later that we dont see, he healed Marr and had him frozen in carbonite or such. Remember when you play as a Jedi Knignt and kill Valkorion, he is at a weakened state then. Valkorion is at his peak after Ziost, aka in FE story. He could easily be strong enough to heal someone who was terminally ill.


Think about it. Marr has waaaay more influnce in the Empire then any class character we play as. Hes like Satele, she has a lot of Jedi contacts, influence in the Republic etc. She would also be a far to valuable ally to just kill of. (Im still wondering why the heck shes camping in the woods of Odessen instead of helping the Republic or well, anyone.) Darth Marr probably has more influence and power within the Empire than the Sith Warrior who becomes Wrath of The Emperor does. It would seem so since Marr sends The Wrath on missions and such. The Wrath does apparently not outrank Marr. Marr has the command experience and the contacts. And in his healthy state he is very powerful. So my point is that Marr is just a to powerfull ally to kill of just because he didnt kneel. We didnt kneel yet were alive. Because Valkorion sees us as a powerfull ally. The main goal right now is to stop Arcann from abusing his power more (which Valkorion said that he does) and from conquering the galaxy. In which case we need powerful and experienced leaders. Not some noob whos ingame never had a leadership role. The only class that actually has some command post is Republic Trooper. Ive only played 4/8 classes so maybe one other class actually gets a command position, I dont know.


So Marr couldnt be killed of, hes a far to valuable ally to help stop Arcann. Valkorion punished him for not kneeling. Preserved his life and healed him then had him jailed somewhere, most likely like us in carbonite. Until he one day somehow either escaped or was released. Most likely escaped, and is now contacting Satele and speaking with her by the force.


Now someone might ask "if hes alive why havnt we heard from him?". Well maybe he has to keep the fact hes alive a secret. Maybe hes in some danger and cant expose his position, maybe he doesnt have acces to proper communications.


I know a lot of maybes and such. But this is mostly speculation from the little we know. Ive said it before I say it again. No one can say 100% for certain that Marr is dead or alive. Because we know to little at the moment. All we can do is guess, speculate, theorize and...hope. That hes alive and well. He better be, if not he better come back to life. If he doesnt even come back to life, oh the rebellion to bring back Darth Marr shall begin.

Edited by AkeroStar
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I'd say he is dead, but that there is a way to save him that nobody has found yet. If this is the case, I'd say one prerequisite is max influence with him, and other than that it probably requires making very specific choices throughout chapter 1. Might also be class or morality dependent,...

Someone earlier in the thread said they got Marr's influence up to 15 but he still died. I cannot imagine the amount of (potentially wasted) time and credits it would take to gather enough gifts for 50. Also, giving Marr a bunch of stuff during the 'keep the ship from going down' scene would feel incredibly out of place.


"Sorry Dark Lord, can we stop for a minute so I can hand you 187 pieces of high quality technology? Yes, I know it's urgent we get to engineering, but the Force told me you'll be much more likely to dodge fatal lightning strikes later on if you just accept this stuff... Uh huh. Oh, and take this military gear too!" :D


Of course, if it turns out something like that actually works, I'd absolutely do it.

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Someone earlier in the thread said they got Marr's influence up to 15 but he still died. I cannot imagine the amount of (potentially wasted) time and credits it would take to gather enough gifts for 50. Also, giving Marr a bunch of stuff during the 'keep the ship from going down' scene would feel incredibly out of place.


"Sorry Dark Lord, can we stop for a minute so I can hand you 187 pieces of high quality technology? Yes, I know it's urgent we get to engineering, but the Force told me you'll be much more likely to dodge fatal lightning strikes later on if you just accept this stuff... Uh huh. Oh, and take this military gear too!" :D


Of course, if it turns out something like that actually works, I'd absolutely do it.


Lol xD, that was hilarious. Okay that alone just makes it seem more like it cant be the way to get Darth Marr to survive his encounter with Valkorion, if he truly dies there. Has to be something else. Some players are new to the game and start as Outlander right away. So it has to be some way that new players can do, with 0 money and new to the game. So really if there is some secret way to save Marr, it cant be that difficult.

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But that doesnt explain the rest. They are on Odessen, if Marr died he died on Zakuul. So how can his ghost travel/move so far? While all other dead Sith are like, bound to their tombs. Because he could be alive and just using the force to create an illusion of himself to Satele.


We have seen force ghost that have appeared places far away from where they died though, Obiwan and Yoda in the movies and The Exile in SWTOR all appear far from where they died.


The confusing thing for me is his change of personality and him contacting Satele.

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We have seen force ghost that have appeared places far away from where they died though, Obiwan and Yoda in the movies and The Exile in SWTOR all appear far from where they died.


The confusing thing for me is his change of personality and him contacting Satele.


That has been resolved on another thread so we can just move past that here.


Link to that thread:



As for contacting Satele Id say hes alive and using some force projection/illusion of himself. Just read the post I wrote above, before MissyMI.

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I actually thought it was a good



He got the chance to flat out tell his old boss "You were a rubbish Emperor and no way will I *ever* serve scum like you again, loser!" - knowing full well it would cost him his life, and doing it anyway. That may be why his ghost is at peace; he finally found justice and made peace with himself both over his own darkness, and the framework of the Empire within which he did it, recognising and moving on from the fact that, if the Emperor hadn't widdled all over Imperial Society from its very creation for his own selfish benefit, the whole Empire would have been a very different place, and Marr a very different person.


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Darth Marr, I imagine, would be absolutely at piece dying with his head held high and integrity in tact the way he did.


As far as his continued appearance in the game is concerned... whether he appears as a living person or a force ghost is functionally almost the same. Just as long as he continues to appear in "some" form.


Besides, there is still a way to spin this into something good. Remember Obi-Wan's line: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

(On the ship Marr mentioned how the Emperor exists beyond the physical world where no-one can touch him. Well, isn't this "beyond" kind of where Marr is right now?)

Edited by GregoryAdams
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Ohh that's true. Could be an amusing resolution if, at some point in future, we have Valkorian standing gloating, everyone unable to get at him, and then suddenly we get Marr's ghost comes up, taps him on the shoulder;


"Nice to see you again," and force-blasts him clean across the afterlife ;)

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You know...with him being a Force Ghost, I'm really wondering if BW will actually go all out and make the different classes have different stories once we get to a certain point.


After all, the Inquisitor likes to collect Force Ghosts ;)

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It's like every thread I read gives one more reason to just not go through KotFE at all.


Marr's death disappoints, but it wouldn't be a show-stopper all by itself.


No, the show-stopper, hinted at in this thread and confirmed by poking around elsewhere, is...




...that the player character ends up haunted by Valkorian's ghost and can't get rid of him -- including the Empire's foremost expert on force ghosts, possession, and strange rituals; a being touched by a multitude of eldritch forces and strange events, and proven capable of withstanding or even benefiting from each one... Darth Imperious/Oculus/Nox.


Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's like every thread I read gives one more reason to just not go through KotFE at all.


Marr's death disappoints, but it wouldn't be a show-stopper all by itself.


No, the show-stopper, hinted at in this thread and confirmed by poking around elsewhere, is...




...that the player character ends up haunted by Valkorian's ghost and can't get rid of him -- including the Empire's foremost expert on force ghosts, possession, and strange rituals; a being touched by a multitude of eldritch forces and strange events, and proven capable of withstanding or even benefiting from each one... Darth Imperious/Oculus/Nox.


To be fair, that specific individual you speak of wouldn't exactly be against having this condition.

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To be fair, that specific individual you speak of wouldn't exactly be against having this condition.


That depends entirely on the player's decisions about that character...




...and it's the one character for which forcefully evicting a ghost if it gets too uppity actually might be absolutely possible.


Of course, we won't even get into the raw stupidity that is having a force ghost possessing the ever-so-clearly force blind Bounty Hunter ( "you will realize how stupid you look" ) or the "my head already has full occupancy, thanks" Imperial Agent in the first place.


And speaking of the IA storyline and its of the hackneyed mind-control arc in Act 2: hey, now instead of hating just that one character's story, some of us can hate the story for all 8 classes in KotFE.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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That depends entirely on the player's decisions about that character...




...and it's the one character for which forcefully evicting a ghost if it gets to uppity actually might be absolutely possible.


Of course, we won't even get into the raw stupidity that is having a force ghost possessing the ever-so-clearly force blind Bounty Hunter ( "you will realize how stupid you look" ) or the "my head already has full occupancy, thanks" Imperial Agent in the first place.


And speaking of the IA storyline and its of the hackneyed mind-control arc in Act 2: hey, now instead of hating just that one character's story, some of us can hate the story for all 8 classes in KotFE.



I know exactly how you feel about that. The only positive I can make is that evil-sue Vitiate seems to have actually been given some semblance of character for this go round and isn't just evil for the sake of being evil like he has been in the past.

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I love my Marr. I want him to live!


Basically death becomes the most uninteresting part of the series because no matter what, the main characters have wish granting balls to bring the dead back to life...


And we will always wonder why someone didn't break out the Phoenix Down. Wait.... Sorry, wrong series. ;)

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That has been resolved on another thread so we can just move past that here.


Link to that thread:



As for contacting Satele Id say hes alive and using some force projection/illusion of himself. Just read the post I wrote above, before MissyMI.


Not to point out a silly little thing that may or may not be important..... But, holocom transmissions are blue, too. I will, however, admit that I see no emitter (droid attached or otherwise) in the scene.

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Ohh that's true. Could be an amusing resolution if, at some point in future, we have Valkorian standing gloating, everyone unable to get at him, and then suddenly we get Marr's ghost comes up, taps him on the shoulder;


"Nice to see you again," and force-blasts him clean across the afterlife ;)


Lol, that would be hilarious. xD


Not to point out a silly little thing that may or may not be important..... But, holocom transmissions are blue, too. I will, however, admit that I see no emitter (droid attached or otherwise) in the scene.


Well if its a holocom it could be on the ground where we dont see it. But at the same time one of the reasons we havnt heard from Marr alive is that maybe he doesnt have acces to a holocom. So hes using the force to project an image of himself.


I get that many probably just want to give Darth Marr a nice ending and that we should all accept that hes at peace as a spirit. I think that his ending was crappy. Yes he finally stood up to the Emperor, didnt kneel and spoke his mind and was about to kill the bastard. But then poof, 1 swish of Valkorions hand and dead Darth Marr...we think. That, is not the end I would have for an epic character and Sith like Darth Marr. Would it be so hard with a lightsaber duel, or a battle of force powers. Something that would give him a proper end and goodbye. Just like Shepard in Mass Effect 3. There were many theories how he could have survived, but in the end for some unkown reason people just wanted to give him a rest and let him be at peace.


Repeating myself, but I feel like people who come and post something here now havnt read the previous posts. I know many, its 22 pages. But its worth it.


There are still a couple of ways Marr could have survived. Obviously Valkorion wanted to punish Marr for his "defiance". Yeah defiance in Valkorions mind, in ours, an attempt for justice and save the galaxy. But there are still some buts and ifs. What if Valkorion only injured Marr to punish him but then preserved his life. Many have said on other threads that Marr was already dying and was not at his full strength but getting weaker. So what if Valkorion attacked Marr to punish him for not kneeling. But then later that we dont see, he healed Marr and later Arcann had him frozen in carbonite or such. I know someone will now say "how could Valkorion heal Marr if The Outlander kills him and Valkorion jumps inside our head?" Well we see during the FE story that Valkorion can still use his powers in the physical world. I mean he stops time for crying out loud. Whats to stop him from healing Darth Marr when hes a ghost inside our head? Remember when you play as a Jedi Knignt and kill Vitiate/Valkorion, he is at a weakened state then. Valkorion is at his peak after Ziost, aka in FE story. He could easily be strong enough to heal someone who was terminally ill.


Think about it. Marr has waaaay more influnce in the Empire then any class character we play as. Hes like Satele, she has a lot of Jedi contacts, influence in the Republic etc. She would also be a far to valuable ally to just kill of. (Im still wondering why the heck shes camping in the woods of Odessen instead of helping the Republic or well, anyone.) Darth Marr probably has more influence and power within the Empire than the Sith Warrior who becomes Wrath of The Emperor does. It would seem so since Marr sends The Wrath on missions and such. The Wrath does apparently not outrank Marr. Marr has the command experience and the contacts. And in his healthy state he is very powerful. So my point is that Marr is just a to powerfull ally to kill of just because he didnt kneel. We didnt kneel yet were alive. Because Valkorion sees us as a powerfull ally. The main goal right now is to stop Arcann from abusing his power more (which Valkorion said that he does) and from conquering the galaxy. In which case we need powerful and experienced leaders. Not some noob whos ingame never had a leadership role. The only class that actually has some command post is Republic Trooper. Ive only played 4/8 classes so maybe one other class actually gets a command position, I dont know.


So Marr couldnt be killed of, hes a far to valuable ally to help stop Arcann. Valkorion punished him for not kneeling. Preserved his life and healed Darth Marr, then he was jailed somewhere by Arcann, most likely like us in carbonite. Until he one day somehow either escaped or was released. Most likely escaped, and is now contacting Satele and speaking with her by the force. Also if you pay attention you will notice Darth Marr´s body is removed when Vaylin orders the guards to clear the room. Which could be that Vaylin has Marr put in carbonite or in prison, or she heals him. We have all seen that she is also very powerful, and she doesnt trust Arcann. So maybe she is planning on unleashing Marr as her weapon against Arcann. If Marr had died why bother remove his corpse for added privacy? Marr could still be conscious but just to weak and/or injured to move or do anything. Or he could be unconscious, but his subconscious could still listen to conversation. It is actually a medical fact that people in a coma can still hear things around them and remember them once out of the coma.


Now someone might ask "if hes alive why havnt we heard from him?". Well maybe he has to keep the fact hes alive a secret. Maybe hes in some danger and cant expose his position, maybe he doesnt have acces to proper communications.


I know a lot of maybes and such. But this is mostly speculation from the little we know. Ive said it before I say it again. No one can say 100% for certain that Marr is dead or alive. Because we know to little at the moment. All we can do is guess, speculate, theorize and...hope. That hes alive and well. He better be, if not he better come back to life. If he doesnt even come back to life, oh the rebellion to bring back Darth Marr shall begin.

Edited by AkeroStar
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Well if its a holocom it could be on the ground where we dont see it. But at the same time one of the reasons we havnt heard from Marr alive is that maybe he doesnt have acces to a holocom. So hes using the force to project an image of himself.


Possible, but I try to go for the easiest explanation first. Occam and all.


I get that many probably just want to give Darth Marr a nice ending and that we should all accept that hes at peace as a spirit. I think that his ending was crappy. Yes he finally stood up to the Emperor, didnt kneel and spoke his mind and was about to kill the bastard. But then poof, 1 swish of Valkorions hand and dead Darth Marr...we think. That, is not the end I would have for an epic character and Sith like Darth Marr. Would it be so hard with a lightsaber duel, or a battle of force powers. Something that would give him a proper end and goodbye. Just like Shepard in Mass Effect 3. There were many theories how he could have survived, but in the end for some unkown reason people just wanted to give him a rest and let him be at peace.


Repeating myself, but I feel like people who come and post something here now havnt read the previous posts. I know many, its 22 pages. But its worth it.


I actually made it through about 19 of them. There's a lot of data and argument here.


There are still a couple of ways Marr could have survived. Obviously Valkorion wanted to punish Marr for his "defiance". Yeah defiance in Valkorions mind, in ours, an attempt for justice and save the galaxy. But there are still some buts and ifs. What if Valkorion only injured Marr to punish him but then preserved his life. Many have said on other threads that Marr was already dying and was not at his full strength but getting weaker. So what if Valkorion attacked Marr to punish him for not kneeling. But then later that we dont see, he healed Marr and later Arcann had him frozen in carbonite or such. I know someone will now say "how could Valkorion heal Marr if The Outlander kills him and Valkorion jumps inside our head?" Well we see during the FE story that Valkorion can still use his powers in the physical world. I mean he stops time for crying out loud. Whats to stop him from healing Darth Marr when hes a ghost inside our head? Remember when you play as a Jedi Knignt and kill Vitiate/Valkorion, he is at a weakened state then. Valkorion is at his peak after Ziost, aka in FE story. He could easily be strong enough to heal someone who was terminally ill.


Very true. Of course, I wonder how much of that is simply that thought moves faster than the physical world and how much is actually stopping time. And, of course, the power requirements for the second would be much, much higher.


Think about it. Marr has waaaay more influnce in the Empire then any class character we play as. Hes like Satele, she has a lot of Jedi contacts, influence in the Republic etc. She would also be a far to valuable ally to just kill of. (Im still wondering why the heck shes camping in the woods of Odessen instead of helping the Republic or well, anyone.) Darth Marr probably has more influence and power within the Empire than the Sith Warrior who becomes Wrath of The Emperor does. It would seem so since Marr sends The Wrath on missions and such. The Wrath does apparently not outrank Marr. Marr has the command experience and the contacts. And in his healthy state he is very powerful. So my point is that Marr is just a to powerfull ally to kill of just because he didnt kneel. We didnt kneel yet were alive. Because Valkorion sees us as a powerfull ally. The main goal right now is to stop Arcann from abusing his power more (which Valkorion said that he does) and from conquering the galaxy. In which case we need powerful and experienced leaders. Not some noob whos ingame never had a leadership role. The only class that actually has some command post is Republic Trooper. Ive only played 4/8 classes so maybe one other class actually gets a command position, I dont know.


Hm.... actually the Inq has some leadership going for them. Training the Apprentice, etc. Still, I see where you're coming from. No real BATTLEFIELD leadership roles. Always sitting back and letting others (*cough* Malgus *cough* Konya *cough* Marr *cough*) come up with the plans, etc.


So Marr couldnt be killed of, hes a far to valuable ally to help stop Arcann. Valkorion punished him for not kneeling. Preserved his life and healed Darth Marr, then he was jailed somewhere by Arcann, most likely like us in carbonite. Until he one day somehow either escaped or was released. Most likely escaped, and is now contacting Satele and speaking with her by the force. Also if you pay attention you will notice Darth Marr´s body is removed when Vaylin orders the guards to clear the room. Which could be that Vaylin has Marr put in carbonite or in prison, or she heals him. We have all seen that she is also very powerful, and she doesnt trust Arcann. So maybe she is planning on unleashing Marr as her weapon against Arcann. If Marr had died why bother remove his corpse for added privacy? Marr could still be conscious but just to weak and/or injured to move or do anything. Or he could be unconscious, but his subconscious could still listen to conversation. It is actually a medical fact that people in a coma can still hear things around them and remember them once out of the coma.


True and possible. Though, Vaylin lacks discipline (easily riled, etc) and shows a marked lack of care and foresight (the reactor) when dealing with others, it is entirely possible that she'd react differently if she felt her own life was on the line. And Arcann has already killed one sibling AND a parent.


Now someone might ask "if hes alive why havnt we heard from him?". Well maybe he has to keep the fact hes alive a secret. Maybe hes in some danger and cant expose his position, maybe he doesnt have acces to proper communications.


I know a lot of maybes and such. But this is mostly speculation from the little we know. Ive said it before I say it again. No one can say 100% for certain that Marr is dead or alive. Because we know to little at the moment. All we can do is guess, speculate, theorize and...hope. That hes alive and well. He better be, if not he better come back to life. If he doesnt even come back to life, oh the rebellion to bring back Darth Marr shall begin.


I'm in the favor of a behind the scenes manipulation/hiding action on his part, but it doesn't seem to be Marr's style. He's usually too... forthright, that's the word I'm looking for. Of course, he is a Sith and he has been one for a long time. Manipulation is practically taught in the cradle and is essential to surviving the politics of the Dark Council. Though, how he'd be in hiding in that armor (or, even having it with him) is beyond me. EVERYONE recognizes it.


In short, I agree with a lot of what you said. I just felt compelled to add an extra option that I hadn't noticed anyone else mentioning. If it was in the last two pages that I only skimmed... well, oops.


If Marr needs to 'eat' a planet like Vitiate did in order to come back.... Well, I'll happily sacrifice half my twenty or so new followers. Not like I'm really using them for anything else....

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Possible, but I try to go for the easiest explanation first. Occam and all.




I actually made it through about 19 of them. There's a lot of data and argument here.




Very true. Of course, I wonder how much of that is simply that thought moves faster than the physical world and how much is actually stopping time. And, of course, the power requirements for the second would be much, much higher.




Hm.... actually the Inq has some leadership going for them. Training the Apprentice, etc. Still, I see where you're coming from. No real BATTLEFIELD leadership roles. Always sitting back and letting others (*cough* Malgus *cough* Konya *cough* Marr *cough*) come up with the plans, etc.




True and possible. Though, Vaylin lacks discipline (easily riled, etc) and shows a marked lack of care and foresight (the reactor) when dealing with others, it is entirely possible that she'd react differently if she felt her own life was on the line. And Arcann has already killed one sibling AND a parent.




I'm in the favor of a behind the scenes manipulation/hiding action on his part, but it doesn't seem to be Marr's style. He's usually too... forthright, that's the word I'm looking for. Of course, he is a Sith and he has been one for a long time. Manipulation is practically taught in the cradle and is essential to surviving the politics of the Dark Council. Though, how he'd be in hiding in that armor (or, even having it with him) is beyond me. EVERYONE recognizes it.


In short, I agree with a lot of what you said. I just felt compelled to add an extra option that I hadn't noticed anyone else mentioning. If it was in the last two pages that I only skimmed... well, oops.


If Marr needs to 'eat' a planet like Vitiate did in order to come back.... Well, I'll happily sacrifice half my twenty or so new followers. Not like I'm really using them for anything else....


Well sometimes the easiest explenation is the right one, not always. Some games like to toy with us and be like "haha, they will all asume that because its the easiest conclusion to jump to it has to be the right one. But really this is what happened instead" etc.


True about the Inq, I made a Inq and its actually a very good story so far, I just got to Balmorra and Its a shame that I havnt played it before. I guess Ive never thought to much of being a Star Wars mage or rogue.


If Marr is alive and hiding somewhere then yes your right that he is easily recognised in his epic armor. (Man I love that armor, my main has it.) So the only explanation for that is that hes hiding somewhere secluded. Some deserted area of Korriban, or Morriban. It would only make sense if someone strong in the dark side sought to recover their strength, they would go to a planet strong in the dark side. And remember in Star Wars Force Unleashed II, Starkillers clone lasted 13 days in isolation and he said "the force gives me all I need". So I guess its entierly possible for a Jedi or Sith to last without food and water and only draw on the force. There was actually this Jedi on Hoth that had been trapped in an ice cave for years without food and water. He survived by drawing on the force. Not sure which class story that was, think it was Sith Warrior.


Im glad someone agrees with a lot of what Ive said, felt a bit like a loosing battle. Though no one can really deny all this since its a lot of maybes and speculation. What ifs and theories. But so far we really just know to little for anyone to say for certain that Marr is dead or alive.


I really dont want Darth Marr to be dead or that he wont come back to life if hes dead. Bioware has killed of far to many of the epic characters. And of course I just had to love the epic characters they killed of. -_-

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Well sometimes the easiest explenation is the right one, not always. Some games like to toy with us and be like "haha, they will all asume that because its the easiest conclusion to jump to it has to be the right one. But really this is what happened instead" etc.


Very true and I love stories that do that. Still, in the absence of evidence, all we have are theories. :( Even if I want him to be alive, a lot, I have the feeling they'll go with the easy path.


True about the Inq, I made a Inq and its actually a very good story so far, I just got to Balmorra and Its a shame that I havnt played it before. I guess Ive never thought to much of being a Star Wars mage or rogue.


Mages are generally my favorite class. Don't have to chase down the creatures you're killing, etc. Not to mention that you get the most interesting bits of history from artifacts and the like.


If Marr is alive and hiding somewhere then yes your right that he is easily recognised in his epic armor. (Man I love that armor, my main has it.) So the only explanation for that is that hes hiding somewhere secluded. Some deserted area of Korriban, or Morriban. It would only make sense if someone strong in the dark side sought to recover their strength, they would go to a planet strong in the dark side. And remember in Star Wars Force Unleashed II, Starkillers clone lasted 13 days in isolation and he said "the force gives me all I need". So I guess its entierly possible for a Jedi or Sith to last without food and water and only draw on the force. There was actually this Jedi on Hoth that had been trapped in an ice cave for years without food and water. He survived by drawing on the force. Not sure which class story that was, think it was Sith Warrior.


This would be a very good reason to build Vjun. I could also see it as an excuse to lay the groundwork for the dark side nexus on Byss.


Im glad someone agrees with a lot of what Ive said, felt a bit like a loosing battle. Though no one can really deny all this since its a lot of maybes and speculation. What ifs and theories. But so far we really just know to little for anyone to say for certain that Marr is dead or alive.


That is true. In stories, it's best to never assume they're dead until you've personally checked the pulse and burned the body. Even then, clones are possible.... Hm..... A clone that the spirit of Marr possesses? It's been done, which is an argument both for and against..... Maybe.


I really dont want Darth Marr to be dead or that he wont come back to life if hes dead. Bioware has killed of far to many of the epic characters. And of course I just had to love the epic characters they killed of. -_-


That's generally why they kill them - to make an emotional impact. I find his death heartbreaking, personally, and hope that we get him back. All the bad guys get to live - again, and again, and AGAIN - so can we please keep the one good guy we really like? Please?

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Very true and I love stories that do that. Still, in the absence of evidence, all we have are theories. :( Even if I want him to be alive, a lot, I have the feeling they'll go with the easy path.




Mages are generally my favorite class. Don't have to chase down the creatures you're killing, etc. Not to mention that you get the most interesting bits of history from artifacts and the like.




This would be a very good reason to build Vjun. I could also see it as an excuse to lay the groundwork for the dark side nexus on Byss.




That is true. In stories, it's best to never assume they're dead until you've personally checked the pulse and burned the body. Even then, clones are possible.... Hm..... A clone that the spirit of Marr possesses? It's been done, which is an argument both for and against..... Maybe.




That's generally why they kill them - to make an emotional impact. I find his death heartbreaking, personally, and hope that we get him back. All the bad guys get to live - again, and again, and AGAIN - so can we please keep the one good guy we really like? Please?


Its possible they will, lets hope they dont. But after all, the makers of the game, aka Bioware has to listen to the fans. If they dont make a game that we want to play then no one will buy it, no money for them etc. So really when FE is released tomorrow for everyone maybe more people will want Darth Marr to be alive or to come back from the dead. I cant think of a case at the moment, but it is entirely possible that a character has come back to life or not died in some game because the fans and players hated it.


I mostly play as a tank, heavy armor one handed lightsaber, classic warrior. Always liked playing like that no matter the game.


A clone is possible but one side to that is that someone said that Marr doesnt know essence transfer. So even if he had a clone he wouldnt be able to move his consciousness into it. But Ive checked, there is no list of Darth Marr´s powers so maybe he actually did know essence transfer.


Considering Marr is a Sith I find it a bit funny that you call him the good guy. xD But at the same time yes, he was the best Sith ever. He is like how all Sith should be, care about the Empire alone. All this greed and powerplays, boring and annoying. Baras made me sick, he defined the words greed and manipulation.

Edited by AkeroStar
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I dont know what all the fuss is about. I still have marr as an active companion. As soon as i got him walking next to me and useable i went to fleet. Leveled to 65 in one op and Bam. Darth marr as a perma companion


What? And you went back to the FE story, did the throne room scene and 5 years later Marr is still your companion? Did that effect the story? If not maybe its just some exploit.

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Its possible they will, lets hope they dont. But after all, the makers of the game, aka Bioware has to listen to the fans. If they dont make a game that we want to play then no one will buy it, no money for them etc. So really when FE is released tomorrow for everyone maybe more people will want Darth Marr to be alive or to come back from the dead. I cant think of a case at the moment, but it is entirely possible that a character has come back to life or not died in some game because the fans and players hated it.


I mostly play as a tank, heavy armor one handed lightsaber, classic warrior. Always liked playing like that no matter the game.


A clone is possible but one side to that is that someone said that Marr doesnt know essence transfer. So even if he had a clone he wouldnt be able to move his consciousness into it. But Ive checked, there is no list of Darth Marr´s powers so maybe he actually did know essence transfer.


Considering Marr is a Sith I find it a bit funny that you call him the good guy. xD But at the same time yes, he was the best Sith ever. He is like how all Sith should be, care about the Empire alone. All this greed and powerplays, boring and annoying. Baras made me sick, he defined the words greed and manipulation.


Games have done some really stupid things because of fan complaints. (i.e. Removing Teras Kasi.) Still, I think keeping Marr alive would be the smart thing to do for the fan base. Or making him live again.


I've always favored the brain, as opposed to the cliche bludgeoning until they stop moving. I willingly and readily admit that not all video game warriors are that cliche, but a lot of games tend to go with it because it's easy.


I'd imagine Marr could pick up essence transfer post-mortem, if nothing else. (Zash manged it and she's an idiot!) I don't imagine that they start off the afterlife knowing how to be Force ghosts, so there must be a learning curve. It's not unreasonable to assume that, if there is a body available, he could figure it out. He's not stupid. And, I never said it had to be his plan from the beginning. Maybe someone else thinks to use a clone of him to gain a foothold....


Put him in a healthy body and let him have a drink or three with my Inquisitor. Sorry, Lana, I'm trading up! ;)


Good, in this case, is relative. He has a warrior's code of honor, and I can respect that. I noticed more than a bit of rage in the Makeb storyline, for instance, when he was talking of soldiers sacrificed for potentially nothing. He is not wasteful, unlike some. Pragmatic? Yes. Deliberately and thoughtlessly extravagant in his plans? No. He is Dark, but not a monster. By Sith standards, that's a good man - or a 'good guy,' if you will.

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I dont know what all the fuss is about. I still have marr as an active companion. As soon as i got him walking next to me and useable i went to fleet. Leveled to 65 in one op and Bam. Darth marr as a perma companion


I'm with AkeroStar here.... did this persist even after completing the available content?

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