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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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I'm in the process of deciphering all the xml stuff into actual dialog snippets.. my brain's frying but I can throw you a copy once it's done.. will be a while it's a lot. :eek:


You're trying to write all the dialouge down? You're mad, Flynn. MAAAAAD!

Edited by Codedrago
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YEP - getting DARTH MARR to Companion lvl 50 ! So then im going ot compare/contrast the difference from there.. and see about posting it...


If there is a way to save him before the Throne Room scene then its likely going to need hard work. Like you said for example max influence. But since that option should be open to everyone it shouldnt be class dependant. Bioware is good at making us work to keep our companions alive. Like in Mass Effect 2, you have to do missions and gain their loyalty. In Mass Effect 3 it all depends on previous choices made in Mass Effect 1 and 2. So if your unlucky you have to replay those 2 games to save 1 or more of your companions.


There are still a couple of ways Marr could have survived. Obviously Valkorion wanted to punish Marr for his "defiance". Yeah defiance in Valkorions mind, in ours an attempt for justice and save the galaxy. But there are still some buts and ifs. What if Valkorion only injured Marr to punish him but then preserved his life. Many have said on other threads that Marr was already dying and was not at his full strength but getting weaker. So what if Valkorion attacked Marr to punish him for not kneeling. But then later that we dont see, he healed Marr and had him frozen in carbonite or such. Remember when you play as a Jedi Knignt and kill Valkorion, he is at a weakened state then. Valkorion is at his peak after Ziost, aka in FE story. He could easily be strong enough to heal someone who was terminally ill.


Think about it. Marr has waaaay more influnce in the Empire then any class character we play as. Hes like Satele, she has a lot of Jedi contacts, influence in the Republic etc. She would also be a far to valuable ally to just kill of. (Im still wondering why the heck shes camping in the woods of Odessen instead of helping the Republic or well, anyone.) Darth Marr probably has more influence and power within the Empire than the Sith Warrior who becomes Wrath of The Emperor does. It would seem so since Marr sends The Wrath on missions and such. The Wrath does apparently not outrank Marr. Marr has the command experience and the contacts. And in his healthy state he is very powerful. So my point is that Marr is just a to powerfull ally to kill of just because he didnt kneel. We didnt kneel yet were alive. Because Valkorion sees us as a powerfull ally. The main goal right now is to stop Arcann from abusing his power more (which Valkorion said that he does) and from conquering the galaxy. In which case we need powerful and experienced leaders. Not some noob whos ingame never had a leadership role. The only class that actually has some command post is Republic Trooper. Ive only played 4/8 classes so maybe one other class actually gets a command position, I dont know.


So Marr couldnt be killed of, hes a far to valuable ally to help stop Arcann. Valkorion punished him for not kneeling. Preserved his life and healed him then had him jailed somewhere, most likely like us in carbonite. Until he one day somehow either escaped or was released. Most likely escaped, and is now contacting Satele and speaking with her by the force.


Now someone might ask "if hes alive why havnt we heard from him?". Well maybe he has to keep the fact hes alive a secret. Maybe hes in some danger and cant expose his position, maybe he doesnt have acces to proper communications.


I know a lot of maybes and such. But this is mostly speculation from the little we know. Ive said it before I say it again. No one can say 100% for certain that Marr is dead or alive. Because we know to little at the moment. All we can do is guess, speculate, theorize and...hope. That hes alive and well. He better be, if not he better come back to life. If he doesnt even come back to life, oh the rebellion to bring back Darth Marr shall begin.

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VALKORIAN could have put DARTH MARR in CArbonite (possible) but also remember that (SPOILERS)


So he could have been in Valkorians another special vault like he did to others ages ago.








- Valkorian also put his own Father in a DATACRON / HOLOCRON CUBE long long ago..

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So Darth Marr's spirit is fighting through his carbonite prison? :o We must rescue him... then purge his mind of this chapter 12 kotfe babble! :eek:


Hey, my old thread. :D Nice to see you again Darth Marr thread! I've missed you. I was sad then, and I'm sad still. I miss Darth Marr. :)

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Hey, my old thread. :D Nice to see you again Darth Marr thread! I've missed you. I was sad then, and I'm sad still. I miss Darth Marr. :)


Don't worry I have a very complicated and thorough plan to get Marr back into our lives. Should go off without a hitch.


malgus may be involved too.

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Don't worry I have a very complicated and thorough plan to get Marr back into our lives. Should go off without a hitch.


malgus may be involved too.


Urgh god. Malgus? Are you a Malgus fan? *cringe* I don't love Malgus in the least. Sorry to you and any other Malgus lovers out there. Don't enjoy that character one bit.


Marr...is awesome. Him, I want back.

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Don't be silly. That introduces too many variables.


I'd have far more productive uses for time travel such as preventing wasps.


Hmmm ... well your not having Valkys Holocron ... I need that to resurrect Vaylin :eek:


What about ... A **** ton of Kolto? or ... we say ... it was a droid in his armour all along? :eek:

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Hmmm ... well your not having Valkys Holocron ... I need that to resurrect Vaylin :eek:


What about ... A **** ton of Kolto? or ... we say ... it was a droid in his armour all along? :eek:


I'm ignoring the heresy up there by Lunafox as we have to think of the children.


The plan is so complicated that it would use the entire internet to explain, ALL OF IT.

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Sea turtles?


Probably lashed together by the hair off his back...


So, I have a new title to add to my collection...


Lunafox, first of her name, Quinnmancer, Theronite, Writer of Fanfic, Player of swtor, decorator, story lady, and heretic. I think I like it.

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