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Social Gear biased towards Light Armour users (take 3)


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Please read the post in its entirety before commenting - no more "It's light armour so everyone can wear it comments are required. It's moddable armour and should be treated as such.


Social Equipment - It is biased towards Light Armour users.


All social gear is fully moddable, and is therefore identical to "regular" Light Armour moddables found in the game. I think this is unfair for us Medium/Heavy armour users.


I hear you say - It iz Arrpeee gear, who careszzzzz.


Well I do for one - I don't think it is fair that my jedi consular can run around in full social gear and still be as good as if he was wearing moddables given/crafted/dropped during the game (with comparable mods ofcourse), when my Trooper cannot.


This is classism!


Either make social gear have its own armour type (Un-armoured) or make the social gear moddables adapt the armour type to who is wearing it.


Or as a completely wild suggestion - make some social gear for Medium/Heavy classes (unlikely seeming as most of the social gear includes fancy dresses and chainmail bikinis)

Edited by Illanair
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Its light armor so all clases can use it.... so they dont need three different sets of social gear for light medium and heavy.....its just light so everyone can use it.


That would be fine - except the armour is moddable. In other words, Light armour users can use it as combat gear, not just social. All I'm asking for is a fair playing field.

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Unfortunately making additional sets that are for different armor tiers make it unusable for the characters without those armor skills. So now instead of everyone getting to use THE SOCIAL GEAR you now have sets of it that certain characters cant wear. Fun and fair at the same time.



If this is your priority have at it man. Just dont really see the point. Low level oranges can be farmed all over the joint. I had a full set of Oranges at lvl 20 (not including belt and wrist). Also the Flight commendation armor is all light with no lvl restriction. Might as well get pissed that girls get social armor at soc lvl 2 instead of social 1.

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Unfortunately making additional sets that are for different armor tiers make it unusable for the characters without those armor skills. So now instead of everyone getting to use THE SOCIAL GEAR you now have sets of it that certain characters cant wear. Fun and fair at the same time.



If this is your priority have at it man. Just dont really see the point. Low level oranges can be farmed all over the joint. I had a full set of Oranges at lvl 20 (not including belt and wrist). Also the Flight commendation armor is all light with no lvl restriction. Might as well get pissed that girls get social armor at soc lvl 2 instead of social 1.


You speak of fairness, but no one's actually asking for the armor to be Armor-type specific. They just want all the current armor sets (And any future sets) to come in 3 different types - Light, Medium, and Heavy.


Ultimately, the above suggested is the 'most fair', because it allows -everyone- to be capable of wearing it if they like the looks of it enough. It also gives a bonus to those who have their Social leveled (I myself am at Social level 4 on my 35 BH. I've pretty much played in a duo the entire game.)


So tell me, if you want to speak of fairness, which is more fair? The fact that light-armor users can use Social armor in battle but say, a Heavy tank-user can't? Or the concept that there should be 3 different armor types that look the same but have different 'armor strengths' so people can tank in different sets?

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Your viewpoint is clarified. At this point I bow out with a final note of agreement that I hope this is not seriously considered to use time for programming on until issues that prevent players from playing are corrected.
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Well on my search though the Forum for a hint on a vendor on Republic side that sells any Social I gear that Men can use (long sentence) I found mention that somewhere in Beta there WERE medium and heavy armor variants for every Social set, just like Men AND women versions of the gear.


Also, every item list I did find did contain heavy and medium social gear, wich supports that.


So, if that is true have NO idea why that was taken out and find it a very bad anoying step.

Edited by FirstAngelus
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Yeah they either need to take all stats off of social armor (so it's not good for anyone to fight in) or they need to offer it in medium/heavy varieties.


But there are a lot of far more important issues in this game right now.

Edited by Shillen
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Your viewpoint is clarified. At this point I bow out with a final note of agreement that I hope this is not seriously considered to use time for programming on until issues that prevent players from playing are corrected.


Oh - No arguments there. This isn't a game breaking issue, and there are more pressing bugs/issues to be addressed. But an issue is an issue. All I'm looking for is a "We're aware of this, and we will address this when time permits" response.


Sadly, I have received none - be it via ticket bug reporting, email or forum threads.


read a q&a session on one of the swtor media sites with james o or steven r, can't remember who. but they were asked about this issue and said its something that they are already looking into fixing.


This sounds promising - what/where are these Q&A sessions? Forum threads, interviews on fansites, audio/videos on the website? :)

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Please read the post in its entirety before commenting - no more "It's light armour so everyone can wear it comments are required. It's moddable armour and should be treated as such.


Social Equipment - It is biased towards Light Armour users.


All social gear is fully moddable, and is therefore identical to "regular" Light Armour moddables found in the game. I think this is unfair for us Medium/Heavy armour users.


I hear you say - It iz Arrpeee gear, who careszzzzz.


Well I do for one - I don't think it is fair that my jedi consular can run around in full social gear and still be as good as if he was wearing moddables given/crafted/dropped during the game (with comparable mods ofcourse), when my Trooper cannot.


This is classism!


Either make social gear have its own armour type (Un-armoured) or make the social gear moddables adapt the armour type to who is wearing it.


Or as a completely wild suggestion - make some social gear for Medium/Heavy classes (unlikely seeming as most of the social gear includes fancy dresses and chainmail bikinis)



fully agree :( i would like to wear this stuff w/o nerfing myself

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Or as a completely wild suggestion - make some social gear for Medium/Heavy classes (unlikely seeming as most of the social gear includes fancy dresses and chainmail bikinis)


I'd be mostly fine with just this, TBH. Why is the Imperial Trooper social armor set light armor and not heavy?


Also, to repeat once again the same thing I add to every such thread... this issue mostly affects tanks. A Commando can heal just as effectively in light armor as they can in heavy armor. Yeah you'll die faster if you pull aggro but, generally speaking, you were probably going to die anyway :)

Edited by nezroy
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