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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The "I unsubscribed because of Level Sync" thread


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There will always be stuff to do everywhere all the time regardless if you are max level.


Oh I get it now. Instead of actually programming better endgame content, we're going to nerf you so you can do the same content you did before. Why did I ever have my doubts of how excited I should be to be to do that.

Edited by EllieAnne
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17 pages and only 2 declarations of unsubscribing :rolleyes:



And no proof of the unsubs with screen grabs.


most of those claiming so, haven't changed their signs to show how upset they are, and still have refer a friend links, rather than a link to a screen shot of their canceling.


Release is days away, nothing said here is going to change the release. So if they are going to quit, no reason to wait.


But most as with so many games in the past, won't actually quit. The only time people quit in droves is when games don't actually work at release. And most of those are on the 30 day trial period so it is expected.

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1. its a pretty major change to the game.


No it really isn't and the complaints compared to the benefits are inconsequential.


[quiote]2. its a mandatory change to the game - and people are not asking for it to be removed, they are asking for it to be optional


Days before its release, and not in any significant numbers.


3. you assume that this feature is 100% improvement to the game.


As opposed to you assuming the opposite. Sorry but the minor inconveniences don't come close to outweighing the benefits.


But again, it is coming out in a few days. Nothing said here is going to change how it comes out. And none of you have made any actual canceling commitment to frighten BioWare. Because that is the only thing that will get them to change their minds. And most of those that dislike it don't have the courage of their convictions to actually cancel, because it actually isn't that big of an issue to them.

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And no proof of the unsubs with screen grabs.


most of those claiming so, haven't changed their signs to show how upset they are, and still have refer a friend links, rather than a link to a screen shot of their canceling.


Release is days away, nothing said here is going to change the release. So if they are going to quit, no reason to wait.


But most as with so many games in the past, won't actually quit. The only time people quit in droves is when games don't actually work at release. And most of those are on the 30 day trial period so it is expected.


1. we don't actualy have to prove anything to anyone other then bioware.

2. like in my case - i didn't have a cancelation screenshot becasue I didn't have anything TO cancel. I don't have recurring subscription and haven't had it in a long time, as I prefer to have time cards. so my "you have 40 days of playtime left" means about as much as you'd think it means since its that way whether I plan to buy more time or let it go to preferred

3. going preferred =/=quitting the game. it means choosing not to pay subscription.

4. took me a bit of effort to change my sig, but I did it. however... as long as you are still subscribed - link still works and upon going preferred - you still get other people's 100cc per month(as long as they are subscribed).. so logically it makes sense to not bother with removing that signature.


moreover. I actualy did have a lvl sync conversation in general the other day. unfortunately screenshot didn't take so you are just going to assume that I'm lying about it, but I have a feeling that even if I managed to get that screenshot to work, you'd just claim that I was the one who started the conversation and generally find other ways to dismiss it (I didn't btw, I logged in and it was already ongoing)


last but not least. you may dismiss it, but the truth is... majority of playing population doesn't keep up with the latest news. so... expect to see majority of the grumbles once early acess starts.


edited to add -replies to post above.


people are complaining days before release as you put it, becasue we only officially found out "days before release" people did try to start posting about it slightly earlier, but as it was based off datamined information? it didn't go far, until official information was posted.


forums in general are minor slice of population, but out of that minor slice of population there is a big enough opposition to mandatory level sync to consider thinking about its implementation.

optional level sync is great for the game. it's a feature that was requested for a while. mandatory level sync? is not merely a minor inconvenience. it messes with a play-style of a LOT of people (and no, I don't mean gankers - those should be deal with, but there are other means to do that and hey... warhammer had one of those) I'm talking about pve players. OPTIONAL is almost ALWAYS better then MANDATORY.


its not the only change though that makes me shake my head at bioware :/ so.. there's that.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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1. we don't actualy have to prove anything to anyone other then bioware.


Actually when you are using it as part of "support" for your argument in threads, like you've just done. You kinda do.


So sorry if I don't believe you or anyone claiming such when they still have their referral sigs up, and are still logging in days away from an expansion they say they will hate.


It is the same concept as when you make a claim, it is your job to support it. If you can't don't make the claim.


There is absolutely no reason to post in the forums that you are quitting then, or I'm quitting threads if BW is the only one that you need to prove it to.

Edited by Deyjarl
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I have just been doing afew missions on my merc while waiting for group finder to pop and I can only see a small number of things that may be issues if not done correctly:

1. Achievements like "tattooine: pillaging the republic" will be nigh impossible if BW forgets to nerf the base defences

2. Missions: some of them are, for example, level 30 missions on DK, do they nerf the missions or remove the character nerf when they walk into the mission area

3. In particular I know that 1 of the merc's class missions is at the back of a heroic area on DK, interesting to see what they do with that.


^If BW does overlook these 3 its rather simple to write a thread to remind them, problem solved


Whereas the benefits:

1. No facerolling: I know quite a lot of people see this as a disadvantage, but tbh if that's your idea of fun go play dynasty warriors

2. No ganking: of course gankers will still be stronger than their prey (they will have all the abilities, but their prey wont) but at least the prey has a chance to fight back. Plus if everyone is lvl 26 on tatt then the gankers wont be able to tell the difference between a lvl 26, and a nerfed lvl 60.

3. Getting exp from everything: The way I level is to do every mission on every planet, and all bonus series, while constantly queued on GF for all available fp's (except KDY). This results in my shadow tank being level 37 at the middle of Taris. My sniper was lvl 48 at the end of Alderran. I therefore get 6 exp on every mission and start facerolling (boring) so just storm through class story until I am back to the point where my character level matches my mission level (takes a long time as a tank btw, as there are so many GF pops that I carry on storming through the levels faster than I can do class missions). Being nerfed to suit a mission would be nice.


If your idea of fun is facerolling and ganking, I don't really care if you unsub.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Actually when you are using it as part of "support" for your argument in threads, like you've just done. You kinda do.


So sorry if I don't believe you or anyone claiming such when they still have their referral sigs up, and are still logging in days away from an expansion they say they will hate.


It is the same concept as when you make a claim, it is your job to support it. If you can't don't make the claim.


There is absolutely no reason to post in the forums that you are quitting then, or I'm quitting threads if BW is the only one that you need to prove it to.


just as I expected you pretty much skipped over everything else I said latching on to select wording that backs up your opinion and avoiding everything else. but like I said... I expected it from you.


@bobfredjohn. for several years this game allowed us you as you put it "faceroll" over old content. aka it WAS the game for us. since preorders, early acess, release. some of us paid full price for this game and have been subscribing to this game before it went f2p. just saying. so no, you do not get to tell us that all of a sudden, its not the game for us, just becasue bioware decided to implement this mandatory change. just becasue YOU don't enjoy something a certain way, doesn't mean it invalidates other people who do. and as for your xp gain point? yeah... we'll be gaining soooo much xp while going back to do conquest for mats at lvl SIXTY FIVE. xp gain is super important when you are at max level >_> this is why people are asking for OPTIONAL.


but... all I can is speak up while my subscription is still active. I speak up here, becasue I don't have a neat little "why did you unsubscribe" box on my account page. like I keep saying. I (and quite a few others) use time codes. they don't come with unsubscribe button.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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@bobfredjohn. for several years this game allowed us you as you put it "faceroll" over old content. aka it WAS the game for us. since preorders, early acess, release. some of us paid full price for this game and have been subscribing to this game before it went f2p. just saying. so no, you do not get to tell us that all of a sudden, its not the game for us, just becasue bioware decided to implement this mandatory change. just becasue YOU don't enjoy something a certain way, doesn't mean it invalidates other people who do. and as for your xp gain point? yeah... we'll be gaining soooo much xp while going back to do conquest for mats at lvl SIXTY FIVE. xp gain is super important when you are at max level >_> this is why people are asking for OPTIONAL.


but... all I can is speak up while my subscription is still active. I speak up here, becasue I don't have a neat little "why did you unsubscribe" box on my account page. like I keep saying. I (and quite a few others) use time codes. they don't come with unsubscribe button.


Sorry, I know I am accusing you based upon the comments made by other people, so feel free to ignore this if its not relevant to you. But Max_killjoy has repeatedly implied that level sync will cause (not a direct quote but roughly right) "innumerable problems" (post #132).


I can see 3, if its implemented poorly, all of which can be fixed by, for example nerfing base defences to the planet level and changing the nerf mechanic in phase areas (lvl 30 sith warrior mission on Hutta, for example).


Why is it people keep saying this will ruin the game, but come up with nothing other than "I don't like it."


I don't like the fact it will be possible to create new characters at level 60 (or 65, didn't read it properly) as I think it gives new players a way of skipping the learning curve necessary to do ops properly. However I am not silly enough to think that because I don't like it, that it constitutes a bad idea.


At the moment DK is for people level 10 to 20 (ish), nar shadaa is for people level 20 to 30 (ish), alderran is for people level 28 to 44 (ish). Once level sync comes out, dk is for everyone, nar shadaa is for everyone, alderran is for everyone. Where is the downside?

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I don't have a problem with level sync, as long as it doesn't make any previously soloable content unavailable. Black Hole was soloable - is it going to remain soloable? What about Oricon weekly? Makeb weekly?


World bosses probably shouldn't be soloable, yeah, but Coruscant world boss is unbalanced - a group of level 16s won't even scratch him.


I don't know; there were quite a few situations where a player couldn't move further and the only reliable recommendation was "come on, overlevel it". Now that it's gone and there's only one level of difficulty... well. They may lose a lot of players who just want story and have no interest in diffucult combat.

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Actually when you are using it as part of "support" for your argument in threads, like you've just done. You kinda do.


So sorry if I don't believe you or anyone claiming such when they still have their referral sigs up, and are still logging in days away from an expansion they say they will hate.


It is the same concept as when you make a claim, it is your job to support it. If you can't don't make the claim.


There is absolutely no reason to post in the forums that you are quitting then, or I'm quitting threads if BW is the only one that you need to prove it to.


No they don't, as any screen shot of there un-subscription would also have personal info on. As such asking for it is against the code of conduct. Besides even if they did there is nothing to stop them re-subbing the next day so it would become meaning less for the intention you want it for.

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No they don't, as any screen shot of there un-subscription would also have personal info on. As such asking for it is against the code of conduct. Besides even if they did there is nothing to stop them re-subbing the next day so it would become meaning less for the intention you want it for.


Plus why does anyone need to prove anything to that guy.


Clearly has a massively overblown sense of entitlement regarding himself.


Not that I would agree anymore of request if done by someone with a known name or recognized reputation.

but at least it wouldn't be some no name nobody demanding things.

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At the moment DK is for people level 10 to 20 (ish), nar shadaa is for people level 20 to 30 (ish), alderran is for people level 28 to 44 (ish). Once level sync comes out, dk is for everyone, nar shadaa is for everyone, alderran is for everyone. Where is the downside?


its already for everyone. you just gain no experience when you go there above certain level. which.. again, once you hit level 65, you stop getting experience.


the downside is - you cannot skip irrelevant mobs anymore on your way to content you are actualy trying to do. downside is you will now be spending more time wading through trash mobs to get to your goal and have less time to pursue other activities. will level sync ruin the game as a whole? i wouldn't go that far. but it WILL ruin enjoyment of a lot of activities for a lot of people and THAT is enough to consider making it optional.


to the other person who was talking about soloing black hole. unless they change that heroic 4 to heroic 2 and generally completely rebalance it? it will no longer be soloable. as it is, with level sync it WILL take longer to complete, becasue you will no longer be 10 levels above it like you are right now.


as for the... person dismissing my post? EVERYTHING that I said is that post was precisely relevant. the fact that you chose to dismiss it? your issue. NOT mine.


I know that for myself, a lot of activities that I'm pursuing right now? will no longer be possible. flashpoint scaling so you can no longer overlevel them and solo them for decorations and such, fact that I cannot drag my friend into 8 man KP and dual it for fun and giggles and more decorations - is my biggest problem, a lot more so than planetary scaling, but planetary scaling is a part of that same problem. at least I got all the datacrons out of the way already so with legacy datacrons i won't need to wade through trash on an alt just to click one cube. there are some achievements I'm still missing, loremaster, exploration etc.. but I've lost a lot of the motivation to complete them before expac drops and after it drops I'm definitely not even remotely going there. they are already time consuming enough as it is.


so... maybe story is better and longer then I'm expecting it to be. maybe, eventually sometime in 2016 when new ops finally drop, they are going to be awesome enough for me to want to do them on more then one character (at which point subscription becomes a better deal then getting ops passes).. or something. crafting is sounding more and more like a bother with new changes (and losing schematics completely, some of which took me some serious effort to RE - to random reshuffling between artifice and cybertech does NOT sit well with me, even if they are no longer level relevant).


/shrug. Que Sera, Sera I can only speak up and if that doesn't work, at least I have tried instead of just silently accepting defeat

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Plus why does anyone need to prove anything to that guy.


Clearly has a massively overblown sense of entitlement regarding himself.


Not that I would agree anymore of request if done by someone with a known name or recognized reputation.

but at least it wouldn't be some no name nobody demanding things.


pot meet kettle given the attitudes of you and those crying about the changes to this game. lol the level of hypocrisy is strong in you. I figured I'd act just like you all in responding to your posts.

Edited by Deyjarl
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People always ask why I don't group. All they have do is look at the response by posters on this thread. When I first went into the Army they had people that had a choice between joining or going to jail. Pimps, Pushers, and Punks still a better class of folks then I see posting. At least after a little wall to wall. Something some don't even have the slightest notion of is players have diverse opinions as well as play style. I know it is beyond some folks ability to comprehend. The world doesn't revolve around you. No one has to show proof to you of anything. Cupcakes don't get special rights.
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pot meet kettle given the attitudes of you and those crying about the changes to this game. lol the level of hypocrisy is strong in you. I figured I'd act just like you all in responding to your posts.


oh no


no name


is talking








How ever will I survive :rolleyes:

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