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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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It certainly will change things on PVP servers - wonder if they even considered that caveat with this decision.


Can't wait to hear horror stories of 65's getting ambushed by 1-2 20's @ the Dunes on Tattooine.


Doesn't make sense (classic Bioware at times?), I can't even recall a big push by any vocal minority ASKING for such a thing.


I missed the twitch - did they actually 'explain' why at least? (Can anyone comment - in-between cursing?)


It's mainly because ALL the heroics are now part of a weekly thing with bigger (and level appropriate) rewards and they need people to complete them without decimating the planet's inhabitants with 1 shot, I guess. Why they couldn't make it optional and just not reward anything when you're not synced? Nooo, force this thing on everyone and alienate a large part of your (formerly) paying playerbase.

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Well, so much for this game.





We gain nothing.


There is literally no good side to this change.


It has absolutely no benefit to the players.




Closed minded are you? This thread has some good points about it. I stand behind my statement.

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Seriously ... title says all. Lots of people DON'T WANT THIS, still you force this upon us. I would be happy if this level synch means through terminals, but now you just get punished if you want to play the game in any way you want.


Seriously considering unsubbing right now.





My sub runs out at the end of October.

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I saw that Level-Sync is not optional and the first thing I did was cancel my sub and sight that was the reason. Option are good forcing stupid **** on player is bad. I see that clearly the dev listen to players. I would love to hear the reason they thought this was good.


It's a shame you went and canceled instead of listening to the stream. You might have gotten an answer. You might want to go back and watch it again.

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The point is so you WILL go there for the rewards of XP, GEAR, and whatever else it rewards. The XP and gear will match your higher level which makes it worthwhile to do.


Not worth it, even a little.


Completely pointless.



I saw that Level-Sync is not optional and the first thing I did was cancel my sub and sight that was the reason. Option are good forcing stupid **** on player is bad. I see that clearly the dev don't listen to players. I would love to hear the reason they thought this was good.


They can't give you a reason why they thought this was good, because they don't think and there is no reason.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I don't mind the level syncing in the heroic areas but I don't want to see it everywhere else. Honestly my only reason for that is disliking the idea that every mob will aggro to me the same as it does when your at level. On the rare occasions I revisit those planets I want to do so hassle free. Level syncing ensures I'll have to fight my way through trash mobs. There is enough of that **** in this game under normal circumstances.


So I'll avoid going to lower level planets as much as possible. I don't do it a lot now but I'm really going to avoid it in the future.


Who the Hell would want to go to a STUPID Low Lvl Planet and be stripped of almost all ur Power, and get owned by Lvl 20's or even lvl 10's on starter Planets. Idiocy at it's best.

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So I can take my level 60 to help my friend that just started playing and NOT ruin his xp? Sweet!


Oh right.... no more easy mode for people that want to one shot everything on the planet and get an achievement for not actually achieving anything. Sucks to be you guys!

The achievement is getting to 60 in the first place, how are you not getting that?

And what if I want to one shot things on lower level planets, that's my choice right? Why does it bother you if I get a kick out of that?

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While I admit that I like going back to low-end zones and blazing through content to farm things, I don't really see this as being a very big deal.

So now it'll take me 10 minutes to breeze through a heroic instead of 5.


However, what I propose is that everyone whine loudly about it just like the "I hate 12x" people did until they cave and give an opt-out button.

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Not worth it, even a little.


Completely pointless.


How so, considering the XP and gear are for your actual level? Seems to me like a great reason to go back and enjoy old content. IT's not like you're going to go back and be underpowered for it.

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You still retain the set bonuses and all the abilities that you obtain at max level that you didn't have at the current level. So yes you still retain it, just scaled down to the max planet level.

I wish I could try the downlevel. This would be an interesting test for a level 60:


1. No gear --> Downlevel --> Check stats

2. Basic 186 gear --> Downlevel --> Check stats

3. Ops gear --> Downlevel --> Check stats


It's possible that #3 would make you super-uber-powerful, despite being downleveled.

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Who the Hell would want to go to a STUPID Low Lvl Planet and be stripped of almost all ur Power, and get owned by Lvl 20's or even lvl 10's on starter Planets. Idiocy at it's best.


Except if you'll retain all your max level stuff and abilities and still be a face roll machine. Unless you're terrible at the game and are realizing you might be found out in the new expansion.

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The achievement is getting to 60 in the first place, how are you not getting that?

And what if I want to one shot things on lower level planets, that's my choice right? Why does it bother you if I get a kick out of that?


So that's why you leveled to 60? :rak_02:

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None of you will quit, and if you do. You was just looking for a reason to do it.



Sorry, but if this feature was enough for you to leave a game you would have left a long time ago because this game has so many flaws and problems that this one thing won't be the death of it.



You will be back, You will sub. So stop being upset over some thing you don't like. No game is cater around a single person. If this change is enough to make you quit. That means that what SWTOR is not enough for you to accept it.



So go ahead and quit. More like myself are coming back to the game.

Edited by Teladis
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Oh and to those who are asking for my stuff; I'm not quitting. Just not paying Bioware anymore, except once every couple of months when i want a new batch of chapters to play. But I'm certainly not subbing for that every month and I'm not putting another cent into the cartel shop as long as this feature is forced on me.
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You still retain the set bonuses and all the abilities that you obtain at max level that you didn't have at the current level. So yes you still retain it, just scaled down to the max planet level.


"You get to keep all your money, but when you go to someplace with a lower standard of living, your dollars are worth 1/10th as much."



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You still retain the set bonuses and all the abilities that you obtain at max level that you didn't have at the current level. So yes you still retain it, just scaled down to the max planet level.


Just to clarify upon this: only your level and stats are downsized. You will still retain your max-level abilities.

For example: A level 60 SW's Aegis Assault will still be rank 50, even when you are scaled down to say level 8.

Your statement sounded funny, so I just made it clearer to understand.

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We gain nothing.


There are no good reasons for mandatory down-scaling of PCs in a level-based game.


We gain not ruining the experience gains of helping a low level friend in a quest and if we're not max level yet, we gain appropriate xp for helping.


So you can't say we gain nothing when the opposite is true.

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level synch is just stupid. if i want to play for rewards, i do my actual stuff! srsly, if i go back to do something, i dont want to aggro every stupid enemy. and no, i dont want to search a group as 60 to do a quest on dromund kaas! Edited by Methylium
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