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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Fighting through mobs is never really fun, it is a chore you tolerate to get to more interesting areas of the game or to get quest rewards. Forced level scaling across the entire game just introduces more grinding and tedium.


The sad thing is that level scaling could be a good idea if it was introduced a bit differently. Optional level scaling for example, especially for heroics and flashpoints, could keep 'old' content interesting for even high level characters. It also allows high level players to help lowbies with heroics, get a little bit of a challenge out of it, and not miss out on XP or quest rewards suitable for their level.


Forcing it across the entire world however just makes things like datacron hunting, completing companion characters stories/quests, or resource gathering for crafting, a chore and an unnecessary time sink for players with high level characters. Crafters going back to old planets to gather mats or hunt down datacrons will now have to look forward to the increased aggro of mobs and longer fights with them. If that datacron is in a heroic area, you'll now need a group to get it. Good luck with that.


It's that word again. Optional. It makes everything make sense. Ironically if they had announced it as optional it would have probably been welcomed as a way to make all content relevant if desired and being able to play with lowel level friends etc. Optional is the key to this.

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Absolutely no issues with level syncing... first used it way back when EQ2 was first released... it allowed higher levelled players to assist in contested dungeons and open world groups without it turning into a face roll for the group (but even down levelled the player was still a force to contend with). .


So what you're saying is if we want to do that, we should have the OPTION to level sync? I agree.

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ah no. Watch the livestream. He talks and shows you. Your gear is part of the reason you are still so OP after the scale.


Um no, your gear gives you stats, those very stats are downlevelled too. What we don't yet know is if the stats are fixed level or a percentage of your gear (i.e. does getting better gear improve your down levelled version).

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Um no, your gear gives you stats, those very stats are downlevelled too. What we don't yet know is if the stats are fixed level or a percentage of your gear (i.e. does getting better gear improve your down levelled version).

As far as I could tell it basically scales your gear to the level it would be on scaled level. So if you have poopy 65 greens and go to kaas, I imagine you'd have generic stats of green gear looted from Kaas. If you wear purples and augments and relics and ears and implants, somethings you hardly even get on such low lv, is like you wearing the highest lvl of gear achievable from planet. Plus augments, though you rarely augment your lowbies either, making you extra op compared to common rabble.

Edited by Kiesu
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Um no, your gear gives you stats, those very stats are downlevelled too. What we don't yet know is if the stats are fixed level or a percentage of your gear (i.e. does getting better gear improve your down levelled version).


Yes we do. But feel free to worry about it if you want. (Hint - it is a reverse bolster system) Look to that to see how it works. I really think you are over thinking it.

Edited by VarKoE
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Just throwing my 2 cents in. I agree that Level Sync is a bad idea. I go back to lowbie planets so I can over power mobs and enjoy the quests without having to worry about them. There should be a toggle option if they are going to throw this in. Mobs make a great way to get extra xp, so for those leveling it great, but not when you max out level and go back for fun. Hopefully they will make this optional.
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Is level synch that bad, and I for one think not. Think about it high levels unable to harass low levels. Not to mention you can help fellow guild mates on low level missions, without them getting penalized for your level. There is positives to this idea. My only concern is if they do this, all the old daily zones should have their daily rewards uped to 10k credits a piece, because we wont be able to quickly do those zones any more. It also makes old parts of the game interesting again, and will force people to group up to do old heroics and what not instead of just one manning the whole thing. long term I think this is a good idea. This being said if the devs are seeing hard core numbers that are dead set against this, then forcing it upon the population, given the state of swtor would not b e a good move.


Kinda of ironic everyone is complaining that the expansion will make swtor single player, but something like this would actually have the opposite effect.

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The commanders on Oricon can be daunting even at 60 for a few of the classes. Even the plant beast thing can be problematic to some builds if you and your companion can't kill him quicker than he regenerates.


He's not that hard if you interrupt him and I don't do Oricon that much but even i can do the plant beast and interrupt him.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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If you pro mandatory-level-syncers want any respect for your position you'll immediately disavow this post.

Do you really want to open that door? Because more than a couple "anti-level-syncers" have posts that are sitting right at the intersection of Troll Street and Crazy Lane.


At this point the whole discussion has pretty well reached the point of "You like this change? You must be a paid shill!" vs "You don't like this change? You are just a whinny little [expletive deleted]." (Which, to be fair is pretty much the status quo for most internet 'debates'.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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He's not that hard if you interrupt him and I don't do Oricon that much but even i can do the plant beast and interrupt him.


Once you have the interrupt figured out, the Bothian (sp) beast isn't too bad.


Some of the Commanders (the main elites you're hunting for the mission) in the H2 area have, let's say, an excess of stuns and knockdowns to be considered "easy" solo material, especially with poor gear.

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Do you really want to open that door? Because more than a couple "anti-level-syncers" have posts that are sitting right at the intersection of Troll Street and Crazy Lane.


True that, but your side has one apparently up past their bedtime.

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Kinda of ironic everyone is complaining that the expansion will make swtor single player, but something like this would actually have the opposite effect.


To be fair, this is a different bunch of people, and, as usual, being a bunch of chicken little's over a change that changes very little.

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Once you have the interrupt figured out, the Bothian (sp) beast isn't too bad.


Some of the Commanders (the main elites you're hunting for the mission) in the H2 area have, let's say, an excess of stuns and knockdowns to be considered "easy" solo material, especially with poor gear.


I did that H2 for the first time tonight, granted I was in mostly 190s so no real survival issue. That Riko dude was insane with the knockbacks.

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You people are morons. I for one am glad for this; it makes previous content and planets relevant again, something the game sorely needed.


So, if it's so awesome:


Why not make it optional? Surely everyone will do it.

Why start off with the silly insult? Surely your opinion is so right that there's no need.

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I did that H2 for the first time tonight, granted I was in mostly 190s so no real survival issue. That Riko dude was insane with the knockbacks.


Or in the corridor with Jor and Banok, if you get spawn timing off, it can be nasty when you wind up with both of them on you.

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So, if it's so awesome:


Why not make it optional? Surely everyone will do it.

Why start off with the silly insult? Surely your opinion is so right that there's no need.


Because you people complain about everything that Bioware does. This game holds your freaking hand through every last thing and STILL you complain about them doing something meant to keep the game from being overly trivial.

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Because you people complain about everything that Bioware does. This game holds your freaking hand through every last thing and STILL you complain about them doing something meant to keep the game from being overly trivial.


"You people"

"game is so easy"

"can't you handle any kind of challenge?"


You're hitting all the highlights, keep going.

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You people are morons. I for one am glad for this; it makes previous content and planets relevant again, something the game sorely needed.


What is moronic in wanting it an an option? You can have it on and have the advantages you described without forcing it on everybody. There are lots of people who want to be able to go to lower level planets for exploration, achievements, rp, datacrons and much more without the tedium of fighting through similar level mobs. Don't force your playstyle on everybody else.

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Because you people complain about everything that Bioware does. This game holds your freaking hand through every last thing and STILL you complain about them doing something meant to keep the game from being overly trivial.


I don't complain about everything Bioware does, I don't normally come to the forums. But I am complaining about this.


I am not going rehash the many reasons why people are against this (look through my post history), but it's not about hand holding and trivial. It's about the very concept of removing levels from people in a level based rpg and the implications of that as well as the tedium (not triviality) that this causes doing certain activities. Being knocked off my mount on my level 65 by a level 15 mob when I'm just trying to get across a low level planet, gee that sounds fun.

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