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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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This just comes off as being a jerk, Lee. You asked about heroics with 50 npcs at once, I provided a list of heroics that have large concentrations of mobs and waves of enemies, possibly even to 50 in some cases, I've not counted. Do you think this gets you points or something because they're not exactly 50?


it's nowhere near 50.

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That doesn't really apply when the topic of a discussion / argument / debate is whether some change to a piece of popular entertainment is a 'good' change or not - Argumentum ad Populum comes into play when there is an objective truth being debated.


If you're talking about Global Warming, then you're talking about something that objectively either is or is not happening, in that situation, the issue of how widespread the belief or disbelief in it is doesn't prove anything about that objective truth.


But with entertainment media, there is no truly objective measure of whether a change is good or bad - instead the closest we get to an objective measure... is how popular it is.


He was wrong? What a shock.

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And why would i want to go and do HM or NiM mode other than achivs and mounts ?

The gear i get from NiMs is only good for ops, useless outside any level 65 mission

To do whatever daily area the lv 65cap gives you? I don't know why you do ops at all if you are not interested in them anyway.

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Does anyone know yet exactly how effective a 65 end game char will be with the lower level planet content? Assuming way too much.


Nope then as I've said earlier it not being a toggle means they can't win either way. It's either faceroll easy (in which case what is the point of system to begin with) or it's challenging (in which case things like explorations, achievements and just moving about become tedious)


Make this a toggle and they can actually balance it such that it is a genuine challenge when level-synced (because people have the option to turn it off for other things)


I've only seen one possible downside to this suggestion (relating to pvp - and even that is questionable at best - see my post history for full answer) so I see no reason for it not to be optional.

Edited by ZavienUK
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Scaled flashpoints, scaled operations, scaled warzones, scaled planets...


If they add scaling to story instances, I have no idea what point there is in levels...


Zeldrate and sleen enemies everywhere so everything can be...scaled! ;)

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To do whatever daily area the lv 65cap gives you? I don't know why you do ops at all if you are not interested in them anyway.

To get better gear ? to do some lower level missions quicker to use my gear, that i earned in operations in other missions / planets ?

With 4.0 i will not be able to use the gear i get anymore, at least not below level 60.

Edited by -Spc
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Scaled flashpoints, scaled operations, scaled warzones, scaled planets...


If they add scaling to story instances, I have no idea what point there is in levels...


Access to upward and end game content - its like gates to the next level. Keeps it worthwhile going backwards, and provides somewhere to go going forward.

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Scaled flashpoints, scaled operations, scaled warzones, scaled planets...


If they add scaling to story instances, I have no idea what point there is in levels...

As a vehicle for gaining new abilities, which still provides a sense of advancement and growing more powerful.


As a gating mechanism for progressing through subsequent areas (e.g. the difference between being Level 18 and Level 40 won't mean all that much for you while you're on Coruscant, but it does make a big difference when it comes to whether or not you can go to Hoth).

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That's not really intended gameplay though, is it? Cmon, lets be real.


if we want to be real.


once youre 65 unless you are helping out a friend there isnt any reason to go back to old planetary content


yeh sure bh contract week, but those are easy anyway.


if you are helping out a friend, youll have full gear, full skills, full discipline so if you are on DK which is scaled down to the "teens" you are already over leveled for it and will wreck face regardless


Musco demonstrated it on the stream, he soloed a heroic instance

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That would be fine if the rewards were adjusted if not outright removed for people not synced. Why should people be rewarded for one shotting stuff 40+ levels below them?


I have no problem with the rewards being removed if we are talking about the high level mission rewards, this has been mentioned many times already, makes sense. This is about not forcing it on all the time.

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