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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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can i have ur stuffz.. please?


Unsubbing =/= quitting the game. I've unsubbed, but I'll still be here; F2P, remember. sure I won't be doing anything but wasting Bioware's server capacity and bandwith, but so be it. My only way to fight this forced gamechanging feature is to vote with my wallet. So no more subbing every month and no more cartel coins.

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No you don't. Have you played it? No. Just because it was done in other games does not mean it is the same in this one. If you can still do what you can before.


You are crying, nothing more or less. If this game has nothing for you that you can't accept this change like it or not. I can understand. Yet, here you are not getting your way, and saying "I am just going to pay one month for all the content. That will show them." Is like a kid crying as they eat the ice cream, but wanted sprinkles. They still love it anyway.



It is simple. Try the change, if you don't like it. Give feedback to improve it. Is the game still enjoyable with this change and other features? If yes. Keep doing what you do now. If no? This feature is not the only problem you have with the game, and don't support them. Yet, if one change that you have not tried yet is enough for you to take a stand. I can't help to think that you are entitle.


I have played GW2, and it's the exact same system. The hero you levelled for so many levels gets degraded to the level of the zone. You get to keep your abilities, but it's not the character you levelled and progressed for all that time.

It's a travesty they're doing this, and in GW2 it's kinda ok, in this story driven game it's not.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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That was story telling, this is generic questing. The story telling aspect is you are the only one powerful enough to deal with said enemies. It doesn't matter if you can one shot something or not, from a story perspective you are a powerful individual by the time your class story ends.


Except that you claim that it's immersive to not be able to one shot enemies except I gave a good example of why you should be able to one shot enemies. From an immersion standpoint. Now mind you I am not saying that mechanics always have to make sense from a story or immersion standpoint. I am just arguing your claim.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I just want to know, how this *censored* level synch benefits players who are already at lvl-cap? They do not need any extra xp from quests and kills.


So, please, explain how this is supposed to be appealing for players who reached lvl-cap and give exactly zero fricks about xp and need no time-waster fights on the run for some lore item they forgot to grab during leveling?


Credits, gear for yourself or also sell, crystals, helping friends, guildies.

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When you get lvl synched what happens? Your stats get reduced to the highest lvl that still gains experience(aka 6 lvls above content). You retain your abilities. You retain your utilities. You retain your higher ranks of abilities. In other words your character has gained power, but not in an unrealistic way.


Dueled a guildie tonight. His lvl 30 Sentinel, fully geared to lvl, vs my lvl 60 Guardian standing in his underwear. Not only could he not hit me with his duel lightsabers, I one shot killed him with my bare hands. That to me is immersion breaking.


Can you tell me why Sith Lords and Imperial commandos on Balmorra or Corellia should be less threatening to me than those on Ziost, I mean as far as immersion? Why is it that my lvl 60 Guardian can swat away blaster bolts on Corellia with impunity, but on Ziost they hit him? Both are fired by Imperial commandos.


Lvl synch in the way they are talking seems to be far more immersive. With all your abilities and such you are clearly going to be massively OP if you are top lvl doing anything on the lowbie worlds, you just won't be an immortal god.


Ziost is in the heart of the empire. Ziost is one of the Empire's homeworlds where the Sith retreated to during the great Hyperspace War and where the Sith began to rebuild for their revenge against the republic. Having some of the most powerful troops there makes sense as it's where the Emperor used to reside. Not to mention many of the most powerful republic and empire forces were sent there to reclaim it only to have the Emperor control them.

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I think you guys are making a serious mistake not making level sync optional.


I think this is a great feature that you are adding, and it will make many players happy. However for me personally, all it will do is discourage me from ever going back to an old planet again.


It is a very big mistake to introduce such a game changing feature without an off toggle.

Edited by Icebergy
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So glad to come here and see that other people are unhappy with this.


No need to repeat the many good points already made, that I agree with, I'll just add this (sorry if somebody has already covered it, I've not read every single post):


The levels in a level based RPG are intrinsic to the experience. Gaining levels, and therefore stats, and therefore power is a huge thing for many people. People do feel a connection to their characters (whether you fully RP or not) and you can't underestimate the impact of removing power from those characters. I think the developers have lost sight of this. They can just create a character on a dev server, there is no connection there, and I'm sure for some people they are not that invested either it's just a game. But other people have poured hours into their characters over years, and in this type of game characters only ever get higher level, get more powerful, get better gear. To go back is just such an alien experience. To remove those levels and that power is totally contrary to the point of a level based RPG.


Having challenging content is fun. But being able to go back and kerb stomp that enemy you struggled with at a lower level is also fun. There is absolutely no fun in your level 65 uber sith suddenly being harassed by level 15mobs. This system has a lot of potential benefits, no argument there. So make it a toggle, so people can choose.


Did you learn nothing from 12x, and it's lack of a toggle early on. I personally couldn't understand why anybody wouldn't want it, but I respected that people did, and therefore I welcomed the toggle. I personally don't use it, but it is there for the people who prefer it that way. Giving options is good, forced is not. This announcement has removed a massive part of the game for me, and destroyed a huge part of the RPG experience.


I'm sad that the stream has been overshadowed by this. There was so many great things in there. The focus on QOL was brilliant, and it was so nice to see things people have wanted for a long time, as well as a few other great ideas I'd not even though of. But then right at the end you announce this, a complete u-turn on the experience from the rest if the stream. I've gone from hugely excited by the stream, 3/4 of the way though expecting to come away bouncing, to being absolutely gutted, and thoroughly disappointed. I can't imagine that's what you were going for 20 days out from the expansion launch.


TLDR Actually a great looking system, but don't force it on people. Options are good.

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Unsubbing =/= quitting the game. I've unsubbed, but I'll still be here; F2P, remember. sure I won't be doing anything but wasting Bioware's server capacity and bandwith, but so be it. My only way to fight this forced gamechanging feature is to vote with my wallet. So no more subbing every month and no more cartel coins.


I don't know how many times I have seen people threaten to unsub only to see them continue to post in the forum for months after making their claim. It's gotten to the point that when someone says they are unsubbing for this reason or that reason I immediately think that they are just grandstanding trying to get attention and have no real intention of unsubbing.

Edited by Anaesha
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When you get lvl synched what happens? Your stats get reduced to the highest lvl that still gains experience(aka 6 lvls above content). You retain your abilities. You retain your utilities. You retain your higher ranks of abilities. In other words your character has gained power, but not in an unrealistic way.


Dueled a guildie tonight. His lvl 30 Sentinel, fully geared to lvl, vs my lvl 60 Guardian standing in his underwear. Not only could he not hit me with his duel lightsabers, I one shot killed him with my bare hands. That to me is immersion breaking.


Can you tell me why Sith Lords and Imperial commandos on Balmorra or Corellia should be less threatening to me than those on Ziost, I mean as far as immersion? Why is it that my lvl 60 Guardian can swat away blaster bolts on Corellia with impunity, but on Ziost they hit him? Both are fired by Imperial commandos.


Lvl synch in the way they are talking seems to be far more immersive. With all your abilities and such you are clearly going to be massively OP if you are top lvl doing anything on the lowbie worlds, you just won't be an immortal god.

Gameplay reasons. Mobs on higher level planets can't be all jedi masters or sith lords. If I follow your argument, lets get rid of levels, all soldiers are the same, be it Dromund Kaas or Corellia.

That's not how the game works. There are zones to show progression.

You could argue that the soldiers on Corellia are better trained for all I care.

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I don't mind the level syncing in the heroic areas but I don't want to see it everywhere else. Honestly my only reason for that is disliking the idea that every mob will aggro to me the same as it does when your at level. On the rare occasions I revisit those planets I want to do so hassle free. Level syncing ensures I'll have to fight my way through trash mobs. There is enough of that **** in this game under normal circumstances.


So I'll avoid going to lower level planets as much as possible. I don't do it a lot now but I'm really going to avoid it in the future.


DItto here. It won't wreck my playing experience, but they might as well have juggled eggs and gotten tatoos of Meryl Streep on their bums for how much its going to add to said playing experience.


I played GW2 more than enough to know how this goes. It isn't the end of the world, but it sure makes me disinterested in going places where I'll feel gimped into the ground.


<Epic Shrug Goes Here>

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I don't know how many times I haveseen people threaten to unsub only to see them continue to post in the forum for months after making their claim. It's gotten to the point that when someone says they are unsubbing for this reason or that reason I immediately think they are just grandstanding trying to get attention and have no real intentions of unsubbing.


You mean like all those grandstanders that said they would quit WoW and now it's dropped 1/2 its subs? Those types of grandstanders?

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You mean like all those grandstanders that said they would quit WoW and now it's dropped 1/2 its subs? Those types of grandstanders?


Last I checked THIS ISN'T WOW NOW IS IT!? I don't give two ***** what happens over at Blizzard and WOW.

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You mean like all those grandstanders that said they would quit WoW and now it's dropped 1/2 its subs? Those types of grandstanders?


You know when those people made "I quit" threads no one believed them either. I brought up dead mmos and pointed out there were people who said they'll quit there too and people made the same arguments here. No this isn't proof the same will happen but.. I don't get why people think it can't happen. That this game can't suffer the same fate. It's odd.

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So I thought about this a bit and decided that it could be ok if these scaled rewards are good enough.


For instance Chamber of Speech on Tython is easy when level appropriate. If the rewards given are decent in terms of credits and crystals (the new version of comms) it becomes a farmers dream. Especially if with the new way gathering nodes work.


Low level heroics are pretty easy anyway. Sure might be a little less convenient but can't be worse that Oricon or Makeb were when they dropped.

Edited by divinecynic
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Except that you claim that it's immersive to not be able to one shot enemies except I gave a good example of why you should be able to one shot enemies. From an immersion standpoint. Now mind you I am not saying that mechanics always have to make sense from a story or immersion standpoint. I am just arguing your claim.


You missed what I said. From a story perspective, you are this powerful person who can kill people in cut scenes with a single slash or choke or blaster shot or shock. That's the immersion that only matters.


If your issue with not being able to one shot things because you're max level comes from your rank as the wrath or a Darth then you need to realize you could never one shot anything at level. After all if your character can easily kill anyone, you should be able to in game play mechanics, right?


Wrong if game play mechanics allowed for players to randomly one shot everything because they reached a certain point, there would be no point in having any ability past the first generic slash or shoot.

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This change brought to you by the Fixing Things That Aren't Broken Department, in conjunction with the We Do What We Want division of We Know What's Fun Better Than You Inc.

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From what I saw heroic 4s are cut back. (stream showed a heroic 4 turned into 2.) Second off, Who says you can't still be two or 3 levels higher Still? If all works right, they should be green to you that is it. meaning it will still be easy.


Or make it a toggle, then there is the option either way

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And if this was a toggle, he would still be able to. I don't have a problem with the system , it has a lot of benefits, but it's the lack of *option* and being *forced* to use it that is the problem.


Will you have my alien babies? ;)

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