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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Heroics are already easy to solo and they will continue to be easy to solo.


Which heroics are these, and are you doing them exactly on-level, without maxed-out gear?


I'm sure this is where I'm told some variation of "learn to play"... which is where I just :rolleyes: and remind myself that people talk a lot of trash they can't back up when they're anonymous.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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allow me to point out something we are losing.


ability to solo heroic 4 missions.

ability to skip trash mobs on our way to datacrons/exploration/bounty missions,etc

ability to solo wold bosses.


the funny thing is... its not the level sync per se that people are objecting. its the FORCED level sync that is the problem.

optional mentoring system that allows you to take your max level and play with your lowbie friends without killing their xp gain is something people were asking for since launch. mentoring system is NOT what we are getting though.


oh well.

You can still skip trash mobs for exploration/datacrons/bounty missions I was able to get most of the datacrons on the planet as I leveled on them. Even if you can't the mobs are going to be green to you at the most. You can solo green mobs in like 5 seconds.


And so you can't solo 4 man missions or world bosses anymore. Sorry that you lose the ability to solo group content you outlevel and Bioware feels we shouldn't be able to solo.


BTW, aren't they making Datacrons legacy wide?

Edited by Philmors
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Some of us have looked at what's known about the KotFE story, and said "no thank you" to that already, so...


Ok bye! If the new stuff and changes to the MMO is not good for you to like. Why stay? I came back because this game was a failure before, and now with the changes and yes even this being one of them. Makes it worth coming back for. So times are changing and maybe this new version is not for you. However, many people are coming back and many will like the change. Just because you don't does not mean it should not be changed back.

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Between the mandatory down-scaling on planets and in early flashpoints, and the fact that the additional five levels don't really add much progression (since they mostly just stretched out levels 10-60 to now be the same amount of progress over 10-65), I'm pretty bummed. If I earn a higher level, I want it to mean something. I'm subbed regardless through the first coupla months of KoFE, so I'll be able to see first hand whether this turns out to be as disappointing as it's currently sounding, but at this point, at least, I suspect I'll be leaving.
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Some of us have looked at what's known about the KotFE story, and said "no thank you" to that already, so...


And as for that last bit, "adapt or move on" and variations of it have become the lazy fallback way in video game fandom in which some people tell others "I'm getting what I want from the game, screw you if it destroys what you enjoy about the game", while allowing themselves to feel like they're being rational and high-minded about it.


Well, there's your problem you spoiled yourself. Personally I'd rather wait to find out the story real time.


But it's true, you'll either adapt to the changes just as in previous expansions or move on. It's not an excuse for anything. It's life, man.

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Well, try it out first, see what you think of it before passing judgement. You never know, you might actually like it. You'll be busy with the new story stuff at first anyway. So you'll have time to go back later. People will either adapt or move on.


I already know that I don't like it. I don't have to actually eat poop to know that I'm not going to like it.


But you're right about the new story stuff. I'll be busy doing that and then moving on until such a time where there's enough chapters out so that it's worth subbing for a single month again. Because that's all Bioware is getting from me from now on. No more cartel coins. No more subbing every month.

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Which heroics are these, and are you doing them exactly on-level, without maxed-out gear?


I'm sure this is where I'm told some variation of "learn to play"... which is where I just :rolleyes: and remind myself that people talk a lot of trash they can't back up when they're anonymous.


H4 Blood on the Sand with a Marauder and Treek, I solo'd. Since I know how to play it was quite easy.

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I already know that I don't like it. I don't have to actually eat poop to know that I'm not going to like it.


But you're right about the new story stuff. I'll be busy doing that and then moving on until such a time where there's enough chapters out so that it's worth subbing for a single month again. Because that's all Bioware is getting from me from now on. No more cartel coins. No more subbing every month.


Fair enough. :cool:

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What this means that players can only use level 65 gear in:

1. OPS

2. Flashpoints

3. Fleet (useless)

4. Planets that are made for level 65


Everything below that your new gear that you worked so hard to get will be useless (lowered in stats)....

So why would i want to get new gear if it's being downscaled to level 25 or level 50 ?

There is no point in operations anymore, you can only use your gear like on 10% on content with 100% stats of the gear.

Edited by -Spc
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Ok bye! If the new stuff and changes to the MMO is not good for you to like. Why stay? I came back because this game was a failure before, and now with the changes and yes even this being one of them. Makes it worth coming back for. So times are changing and maybe this new version is not for you. However, many people are coming back and many will like the change. Just because you don't does not mean it should not be changed back.


If it weren't for the fact that I'm kinda attached to the characters I've built and all the time I've put into them and so on, I'd probably have dropped off the game around the time of Disciplines....


The thing about "levelsync" is that it COULD be optional, easy, and then those who think they benefit from it could do it, and those who see absolutely no upside could just keep doing what they enjoy.


Sadly, Bioware and many of the players in these threads see player enjoyment as a zero-sum game, and think that increasing the enjoyment for one group of players HAS to come at the cost of the enjoyment of another group of players.

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Its soloing HEROIC 4s that will be over for sure, they only showed Hero 2s. Atm i cant even get anyone to group for the Seeker/Macro Hero 4s. I sit in the fleet or sit on Illum everyday asking for help, no one replies. Nearing the 2 year mark trying LOL. This just makes it impossible to do now. At least atm, all i really need for Seeker is one persons help, but with the level sync ill be forced to get all 4 people. Cant even get one person, fat chance of getting 4. I give up, to much frustration, this forced level syncing can go straight to hel for all i care.
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You can still help your friend out on Taris and it will still be easy for you except now he will actually get some XP for it and so will you if you need it. Not sure why that is a bad thing.

It's a bad thing for 2 reasons, 1. I'm not that powerful Sith I thought I was (immersion) .2 It takes way longer, and that ties in with my other reason, I'm a poor mans Sith and it's showing.

I'm helping people that want to get a heroic done fast. And I like to help with that.

Xp loss is compensated by gaining time. And even if that weren't the case, it's a choice that person makes when accepting someone that wants to help.

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You don't have to do that content again if you don't want to. I see it as a way to help a friend new to the game level up without gimping him on xp. I can also use one of my alts to help him as well and still get something out of it.


I'm not sure on that. In GW2 they used this system to hide the fact that getting 1-80 doing the quests the first time around wasn't possible. It provided more "content" allowing you to repeat older content. In KOTFE 30 minutes into chapter 1 their exp bar barely moved. In the stream of them showing Chapter 3 they were still level 60. It might take repeating older content to actually hit level 65. Increase the grind to give them time to release ops and more KOTFE content.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Just because people don't like your opinion doesn't make them dumb, in fact it actually makes you... well not dumb but there's another word I'd used to describe it but won't say out of courtesy :).


Ppl could always try saying it to my face, but ppl aren't usually that dumb.

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The's the whole issue of it though. THEY LIKE running around low lvl planets at 60 one shotting anything that comes at them because it allows them to stroke that epeen when people of the proper lvl to be there see them and beg for help.


Funny. I rarely see anyone outside Yavin and even then sometimes no one. Where are all these supposed newbs begging for help. How many servers have been merged due to population implosion. How many guilds have ceased to exist because their members no longer play. I have lost count of the # of guilds I have watched die I was personally a member of as friends I enjoyed playing with stopped and went to greener pastures. This game kills guilds like no other MMO I have ever been in. Literally every guild I have ever been in has died because people got sick of bad patch after bad patch. The guild I am in now has 200+ members and was healthy just a couple months ago but it is not a ghost town most nights. You are blind if you miss what is smacking you right in the face obvious.

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H4 Blood on the Sand with a Marauder and Treek, I solo'd. Since I know how to play it was quite easy.


I'm sure you felt quite manly about your skillz after smashing those gold mobs with your level 41 maxed-gear character...

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I already know that I don't like it. I don't have to actually eat poop to know that I'm not going to like it.


But you're right about the new story stuff. I'll be busy doing that and then moving on until such a time where there's enough chapters out so that it's worth subbing for a single month again. Because that's all Bioware is getting from me from now on. No more cartel coins. No more subbing every month.


No you don't. Have you played it? No. Just because it was done in other games does not mean it is the same in this one. If you can still do what you can before.


You are crying, nothing more or less. If this game has nothing for you that you can't accept this change like it or not. I can understand. Yet, here you are not getting your way, and saying "I am just going to pay one month for all the content. That will show them." Is like a kid crying as they eat the ice cream, but wanted sprinkles. They still love it anyway.



It is simple. Try the change, if you don't like it. Give feedback to improve it. Is the game still enjoyable with this change and other features? If yes. Keep doing what you do now. If no? This feature is not the only problem you have with the game, and don't support them. Yet, if one change that you have not tried yet is enough for you to take a stand. I can't help to think that you are entitle.

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I'm not sure on that. In GW2 they used this system to hide the fact that getting 1-80 doing the quests the first time around wasn't possible. It provided more "content" allowing you to repeat older content. In KOTFE 30 minutes into chapter 1 their exp bar barely moved. In the stream of them showing Chapter 3 they were still level 60. It might take repeating older content to actually hit level 65. Increase the grind to give them time to release ops and more KOTFE content.

If that's the case, then I'd be more pissed off at the amount of experience required to reach level 65. I'm not but I can see why some people would be.


Sorry.. I don't usually go back to visit planets except to maybe farm some mats... I certainly don't want to get AGRO on every damn thing when I didn't used to just to get some mats.


NOT HAPPY that its a FORCED change.. would have been totally fine if it was optional and scaled automatically for the Instanced items (Like FP's), but this is just silly.


Well.. guess I'll just keep my happy go *** parked in my SH still. LOL less motivation to go out even more.


Remember that they are also changing how you farm mats as well. The nodes will now be general ones that give you the mats for whatever level your crafting is at now so.


I certainly never aggroed everything on a planet that I was leveled a bit too high for. You know, that point where all the mobs are green to you for the most part. I just danced around the groups to get to the point I want and kill the groups I can't quickly. At the most it just takes like a minute longer at the most.


No you don't. Have you played it? No. Just because it was done in other games does not mean it is the same in this one. If you can still do what you can before.


You are crying, nothing more or less. If this game has nothing for you that you can't accept this change like it or not. I can understand. Yet, here you are not getting your way, and saying "I am just going to pay one month for all the content. That will show them." Is like a kid crying as they eat the ice cream, but wanted sprinkles. They still love it anyway.



It is simple. Try the change, if you don't like it. Give feedback to improve it. Is the game still enjoyable with this change and other features? If yes. Keep doing what you do now. If no? This feature is not the only problem you have with the game, and don't support them. Yet, if one change that you have not tried yet is enough for you to take a stand. I can't help to think that you are entitle.

Exactly, some people are whining like this is going to cause them to quit. If this single change (that you can avoid probably) is going to cause that, then you have bigger issues with the game than that single change in my opinion.

Edited by Philmors
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Funny. I rarely see anyone outside Yavin and even then sometimes no one. Where are all these supposed newbs begging for help. How many servers have been merged due to population implosion. How many guilds have ceased to exist because their members no longer play. I have lost count of the # of guilds I have watched die I was personally a member of as friends I enjoyed playing with stopped and went to greener pastures. This game kills guilds like no other MMO I have ever been in. Literally every guild I have ever been in has died because people got sick of bad patch after bad patch. The guild I am in now has 200+ members and was healthy just a couple months ago but it is not a ghost town most nights. You are blind if you miss what is smacking you right in the face obvious.


Same here, about 400ish members in the guild with flagship and I would be in shock if I see more than 4 people online at once.

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