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7 minute KOTFE video and another playthrough


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That's supposedly IGN . Their gameplay videos are generally plagued with numerous deaths, so I'd say they've stepped up a bit.



Strange that you guys are complaining a IGN Representative with no exp in SWToR.. However, if this is a new player that buy a LV60 off from a store? Is there any difference? I'm glad that IGN had shown this video to tell us how bad a new player can be in a LV60 character with no exp in this game. Wonder what will be the result if a new player buy a character off from store and jump to PVP/Warzone? :eek:

Edited by Kary
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Strange that you guys are complaining a IGN Representative with no exp in SWToR.. However, if this is a new player that buy a LV60 off from a store? Is there any difference? I'm glad that IGN had shown this video to tell us how bad a new player can be in a LV60 character with no exp in this game. Wonder what will be the result if a new player buy a character off from store and jump to PVP/Warzone? :eek:


It isn't confined to SWTOR, have you seen any IGN gameplay videos? It's nothing but running around clueless and dying.

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Its stupid to have republic soldiers and officers on imperial ships, especially in controlling positions like the bridge! The two factions are still at war. You dont want them gathering info on ship capabilities, vulnerabilities, etc.


Hmm it is a bit strange if you are playing an Imp toon. You then have your Imp toon and support crew with Darth Marr and his army of people. And some ragtag Republic troops that Marr picked up along the way? Lol


Now, if you are playing a pub toon, it seems more likely as those troops are on board presumably at your request and to support you.

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Hmm it is a bit strange if you are playing an Imp toon. You then have your Imp toon and support crew with Darth Marr and his army of people. And some ragtag Republic troops that Marr picked up along the way? Lol


Now, if you are playing a pub toon, it seems more likely as those troops are on board presumably at your request and to support you.


Or one could have some imagination and realize that the situation is dire. Survival may depend on putting old wounds to bed and work together.

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Its stupid to have republic soldiers and officers on imperial ships, especially in controlling positions like the bridge! The two factions are still at war. You dont want them gathering info on ship capabilities, vulnerabilities, etc.


How so? They've worked together before on Yavin. It's also doubtful that the two factions are still at war given the attack on Korriban already happened before the first chapter. So they're well aware of the other faction, and no doubt put aside their differences again to push out a common threat. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". They've used that logic in the past, no reason not to do it again. Especially if they suspect Vitiate to be behind Zakuuls invasion.

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Its stupid to have republic soldiers and officers on imperial ships, especially in controlling positions like the bridge! The two factions are still at war. You dont want them gathering info on ship capabilities, vulnerabilities, etc.


When two sides join up to defeat a common enemy, rules change and you have to try to get along long enough to defeat the enemy, that means sharing ships sometimes.


I'd likely put them in fight ships that require two people as well, just so they can really learn to trust each other and not take "friendly fire" shots :p

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Ya know its pretty damned funny that the Revanites, Valkorion and every other external threat exploits the fact that the two factions can't work together, or at least just on a very small scale. And the players are pissed at even that minimal cooperation.


It's not like the Yuuzhan Vong war was won cause the imperial remnant and the new repuiblic decided to work togethger. Oh, wait.

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Ign needs to replace whoever they have doing that game-play play through. That guy had absolutely no technique, rotation or fluidity. At 1:46, I'm smh as he's not even attempting to move out of the aoe. Man that guy sucked soo hard. Complete & utter noob. Send that chump back to korriban for a second helping of the tutorial.


Agreed it's bad press IMO just for someone from a major gaming website/network to play that badly, at least get someone with MMO experience to do the gameplay previews.


Also a bit of a worrying factor regarding the instant level 60's and endgame group content, imagine guys like this being able to step straight into ToS with barely any experience of abilities or game controls.


Pugging the underlurker will be even more fun...

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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How so? They've worked together before on Yavin. It's also doubtful that the two factions are still at war given the attack on Korriban already happened before the first chapter. So they're well aware of the other faction, and no doubt put aside their differences again to push out a common threat. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". They've used that logic in the past, no reason not to do it again. Especially if they suspect Vitiate to be behind Zakuuls invasion.


'Friend'? somebody has gotten a little too comfy in bed with the enemy. :rolleyes: The republic & the empire are eternally at war. The republic hunted down the sith like animals, conquered the homeworld of korriban, drove the empire into exile on the far fringes of space for one thousand years. One thousand years of hate & pain is not so easily dissipated simply because they share a common enemy. The only place the republic dogs have in this 'alliance of convenience' is to soak up the eternal empires blaster bolts and run high risk missions that the empire doesn't want to waste imperial soldiers on.

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I saw the playthrough and it looks damn good. It was a little out of sync sometimes, but otherwise, i loved what I saw.


I agree, the whoever at IGN couldn't play worth a damn. Even when I was brand new to Everquest 1 I didn't play that crappily. I'm just sooooooooooo looking forward to newbs having instant 60s. /sarcasm


As for the Empire and Republic working together. Let me tell you, they would rather work together like they did on Yavin to thwart a common enemy who wants to destroy BOTH sides. As to the Zakuul armies, do you guys TRULY think that the petty bickering, in-fighting, and other crap that the Imperials and Republic are doing before Shadow of Revan and KotFE is ANYTHING as bad as what the Zakuul army has done?


Mostly with the Imps and Pubs it's ideals they don't share. Or systems they want to control. Or even 'my **** is bigger than yours' type of dumb stuff.


Sure fighting is fighting, but the threat from the Zakuul armies are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more dangerous and such then fighting between themselves.

Edited by Eanelinea
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I saw the playthrough and it looks damn good. It was a little out of sync sometimes, but otherwise, i loved what I saw.


I agree, the whoever at IGN couldn't play worth a damn. Even when I was brand new to Everquest 1 I didn't play that crappily. I'm just sooooooooooo looking forward to newbs having instant 60s. /sarcasm


As for the Empire and Republic working together. Let me tell you, they would rather work together like they did on Yavin to thwart a common enemy who wants to destroy BOTH sides. As to the Zakuul armies, do you guys TRULY think that the petty bickering, in-fighting, and other crap that the Imperials and Republic are doing before Shadow of Revan and KotFE is ANYTHING as bad as what the Zakuul army has done?


Mostly with the Imps and Pubs it's ideals they don't share. Or systems they want to control. Or even 'my **** is bigger than yours' type of dumb stuff.


Sure fighting is fighting, but the threat from the Zakuul armies are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more dangerous and such then fighting between themselves.


You're downplaying the heart of the issue to push common camaraderie. The imperials did not jump millions of lightyears across the edge of space to sack the jedi temple on coruscant or annihilate alderaan, over a difference of opinion regarding ideals or to engage in petty territorial disputes. They came to kill the jedi and crush the republic underfoot, because the republic crushed them one thousand years beforehand in the great hyperspace war. The deceived trailer states this as well "We will feed on vengeance until the republic is dust".

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I saw the playthrough and it looks damn good. It was a little out of sync sometimes, but otherwise, i loved what I saw.


I agree, the whoever at IGN couldn't play worth a damn. Even when I was brand new to Everquest 1 I didn't play that crappily. I'm just sooooooooooo looking forward to newbs having instant 60s. /sarcasm



I'd like to see one of the performance critics around here be sat down with random 1 to + keybinds and trown in the fray heh.

Edited by aeterno
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I'd like to see one of the performance critics around here be sat down with random 1 to + keybinds and trown in the fray heh.


As long as you hit anything from 2 to + you will automatically be leaps and bounds better than that IGN baddie. Auto attacking the whole time pretty much. Point being, use the abilities, show them off, make them look awesome. Or better yet, just take a few minutes to prep before doing it. Or let someone who actually plays the game play it... Just a few thoughts that could have been. But regardless, the facts are facts. The guy clearly sucked. He knows it, we know it, and anyone watching it will know. /end

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You're downplaying the heart of the issue to push common camaraderie. The imperials did not jump millions of lightyears across the edge of space to sack the jedi temple on coruscant or annihilate alderaan, over a difference of opinion regarding ideals or to engage in petty territorial disputes. They came to kill the jedi and crush the republic underfoot, because the republic crushed them one thousand years beforehand in the great hyperspace war. The deceived trailer states this as well "We will feed on vengeance until the republic is dust".


Yes, but when they have a greater enemy, they'll team up for as long as is needed. Though, there are some on Imperial side who think "Get over it already, it was eons ago"

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