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Bad Draw Distance/LOD Issues


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Even the guy who has been doing suspicious fondling of a trash bin in Avesta Plantation (Makeb) vanishes if you get more than a few metres away from him, NPC and "unimportant" shadows vanish way too early, and some computer consoles in the "Breaking Down Shadow Town" heroic on Nar Shaddaa are only visible if you're about to headbutt them (edit: and I mean it with the headbutting, they even vanish while you're walking around on them!).


That's a bit too optimised :rolleyes:

Edited by Laurreth
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The following is an issue caused by a miscalculation or over reaction in the rewriting of the games graphics engine.

Unacceptable LoD quality and draw distance on the world and world artifacts.

Too many players complained about low frame rates and this is how the Developers resolved the issue, now the game looks like trash.

would have been better to add World LoD so people could adjust it to their likings.

Or better yet hire some programmers that can correctly write codding for the graphics engine.

Reducing world LoD in the program code to increase frame rates was NOT a good idea, SWTOR may loos a lot of customers over this if it is not corrected quickly.



September 22th 2015, post patch updates. Decorations Graphics Bug.

When on the guild Flagship, Stronghold and Player housing, Decorations at medium and long distances are loosing a lot of detail and also disappearing from view all together due to a poorly recalculated World LoD Bias.

Altering shader variables and character viewing levels makes no difference to this graphics issue.

The longer that I stay in the above mentioned strongholds, the worse the issue gets.

The decorations I found that are displaying these graphic issues are as follows.

Computer Console "Planetary".

Computer Console "Emergency".

Diagnostic Console "Orbital".

Imperial Worktable "Alert Status".

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They started with locational ambience sound (sound-effects like water fountains on rep fleet or street-lamps in Anchorhead no longer fade out with distance but rather end appruptly if you get out of range) now they nerfed NPC framerate, draw distance and shadows. By this rate we'll be able to play the game on a C64 in a year or two. Edited by Mubrak
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While i think things are smoother by this i mean stutters like when mount a speeder are gone? this Super lower NPC animation and draw distance on HIGH is ridiculous, Just add a Draw distance, Animation Detail, SpeedTreeDistanceScale,AmbientNPCCount. AllowColorRemapping options INTO the GRAPHIC SETTINGS.


this was terrible way to fix the engine issues, and highly stupid. cause it dont FIX anything it just scarifies Animation detail and drawdistance. I get they are TRYING and i means that very losely but seriously just make 64bit client and update the engine to atlest use DX11 and alot these issues will fix them selves with out the sacrificing one thing for another.


The only welcome change I like is FXAA is built in to game and it DONT get applied to the GUI like NVCP FXAA.


the drawdistance and low animation framerates is more distracting then unstable framesrates atlest to me

Edited by Kyuuu
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Welcome back to SWTOR-Alpha.


Throwback week. "How was the game in 2011?"


The game ran better back then for me and that was when I was using i7 920 + 9800gtx it runs worse now and i have 660gtx instead.

Edited by Kyuuu
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Texture rendering looks awful- to be honest, it looks as if normal and specular mapping are barely even *there* any more. Everything looks flat and cartoonish- then add in the NPCs' jerky stop-motion animation.... ugh.


Please roll this back to restore decent quality graphics, with maximum settings optimised for *appearance*, which is kind of the point of maximum graphics settings, asap, and simply include better guidance in the menu for "If you are playing this on a typewriter connected to the internet by carrier pigeon, consider lowering these settings to improve your framerate."

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Texture rendering looks awful- to be honest, it looks as if normal and specular mapping are barely even *there* any more. Everything looks flat and cartoonish- then add in the NPCs' jerky stop-motion animation.... ugh.


"Environment rendering has been given a subtle contrast boost."

This might also responsible for this.


Mr. Bioware, roll back this patch.

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Wasnt only draw distance it seemed to break. I was lvling on Belsavis, and apparently the longer you spend logged in running around a planet the more bugged the graphics get. Heres the sort of marvels I experienced on Belsavis after about 2h of play:


Edited by Kiesu
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There are also transparency issues, e.g. parts of the waterfalls in and outside the cave on the Yavin SH vanish at certain angles, seems to be a conflict between the mist and the waterfall.


As if this game didn't have enough issues already... :rolleyes:

Edited by Mubrak
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Keeping this issue up. We need a response on this from BW. The game looks awful, now. Ran Directive 7 and Black Talon today. Clickables were invisible until you're right on top of them and the mobs look like they're sketches in a flip book. When killed they often skip from standing to flat on the ground. The lighting effects from things like the air strikes in D7 or the boarding pods in BT were flickering on and off depending on camera angle like some particulate effect was getting in their way. Dropping settings to minimum does not correct the issue, it only makes everything else look like crap in addition to the draw distance and npc animation problems.
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I've been leveling through largely unpopulated planets (example: thirteen people on Republic Balmorra) and have several times flown straight into a patch of mobs that didn't actually appear until I was right up in their faces. We're approaching a week of these problems now. Can we get some kind of acknowledgement?
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Notice how the devs have not responded to this thread yet?

They know they screwed up royally with this half assed "fix", but won't admit it.

This exact same mistake was done in open beta, and was quickly reverted back due to customer complaints about the crappy detail rendering.

Looks like the devs are not interested in what their customers complaints are saying about it this time.

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