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Why scaling should not be optional


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No, should not be optional.


If they do a system like Guild Wars 2 has where YOU personally have a level, but the game scales to what level range you come into, I would gladly welcome that and it should not be optional.


Why? For what reason does it have to be mandatory?


Ok people, please relax here! This is only a rumor not confirmed by anything or anybody. Even if it is true, it will probably be something like Guild Wars 2 level scaling. It won't force you to do anything. Maybe some of you haven't played Guild Wars 2 at all so you don't know what I'm talking about. But the leveling system in that game is great. YOU have a level. You level just like a normal mmorpg. But if you go into zones that are a certain level range, the game will scale you to THAT level range and you'll be able to infinitely do the content that is in there.


So if they make quests and stuff repeatable, you would be able to go back to Hutta if you were level 65 (yes you would stay 65) it won't magically force your character down to level 1. But you will get scaled with that zone so you can do the stuff LIKE you were 1-10 again. It's really a great system and one that I think if you know how GW2 works, many would welcome.


I think it would be a great idea to implement, if that's what I'm thinking it is. Maybe not. Maybe downscaling will be nuking our characters and we can't get back to 65 :p No need to jump on over exaggerations here. :eek::eek:


I played Guild Wars 2, and that along with a couple other things were why I never even completed a character. I can see the benefit in such a system, but it can't be mandatory. I don't want to "do the stuff LIKE I am 1-10 again", I want to do stuff LIKE I'm 65, because I am.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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No, should not be optional.


If they do a system like Guild Wars 2 has where YOU personally have a level, but the game scales to what level range you come into, I would gladly welcome that and it should not be optional.




Why should I be forced to play how YOU play? Why do you even care if I'm over leveled? Should you be forced to PvP because I want you to? Should you be forced to do GSF? Why force players down in level, just to appease your personal desire?


Please...give me ONE good reason why. Bioware is already adding solo modes to all the FPs...so this isn't at all about promoting grouping...WHY do you want this to be mandatory exactly?

Edited by TUXs
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If they are making, what people are claiming here, a "deleveling system" for a big game change. Why would they even bother with doing it, if it were going to remain optional?


I don't think many of you understand what this level scaling is all about. You see "de" and all the sudden you think it's something bad. It's NOT what you think it is! The game is NOT going to "punish you" for anything.


Why would they make something like level scaling in the game be optional? That doesn't make any sense! Why would they put the effort into doing something such as level scaling and not implement it for everybody? Why would they make a full blown out game system that is something like Guild Wars 2 where you STILL STAY THE SAME LEVEL but the zones you go back into it's LIKE you are that level again. You still have your max level stuff, you still have your max level everything, it just scales you to that level. But I won't try to explain it again. Obviously there is something in people's heads about this without any base of fact. It could be just for testing purposes only.


Your guys' guesses are as good as mine. i have no idea what's going on either nor am I told anything anymore. So whatever I guess. Whatever happens. I'm HOPING it's like Guild Wars 2 level scaling system IF it is implemented. But I always thought games like this were if you were max level and wanted to look like a complete badboy and show off on the starting planets because face it..people are wowed by seeing a max level sometimes on start planets like "I want to be like him", you could do it. I'm weary..but you have to see this from different thinking to!


But I guess some are so hell bent on wanting it optional or think it's something it's not. I will not be heard or listened to and anything I would say to have it not be optional is in one ear out the other.


So I leave. Goodbye :) I hope it turns out to be something you think it's not. I've had enough of overreactions. I don't need this crap anymore, not now. Not ever! Because to see people go insane over this is absolutely ridiculous. Happy gaming :)

Edited by Sarfux
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If they are making, what people are claiming here, a "deleveling system" for a big game change. Why would they even bother with doing it, if it were going to remain optional?


Indeed, why bother doing it? If it's as great as you suggest then clearly people would want to use it, no? If they don't then I guess it wasn't as great as you claim.


I don't think many of you understand what this level scaling is all about. You see "de" and all the sudden you think it's something bad. It's NOT what you think it is! The game is NOT going to "punish you" for anything.


I know exactly what it's about, that doesn't mean I like it. Having a level 65 character reduced to the effectiveness of a level 10 character is a punishment.


Why would they make something like level scaling in the game be optional? That doesn't make any sense! Why would they put the effort into doing something such as level scaling and not implement it for everybody? Why would they make a full blown out game system that is something like Guild Wars 2 where you STILL STAY THE SAME LEVEL but the zones you go back into it's LIKE you are that level again. You still have your max level stuff, you still have your max level everything, it just scales you to that level. But I won't try to explain it again. Obviously there is something in people's heads about this without any base of fact. It could be just for testing purposes only.


The supposed point of the system would be so that people could do low level stuff on high level toons without completely steamrolling it, no? So if all these people are supposed to want that then it will be used, or it won't because they don't.


There's no need for you to explain it again, we get it. But again, that doesn't mean we agree with you.


And you're right, we don't know what it's going to be like or if it will be done at all. But neither do you. That doesn't mean we can't argue against its proposed addition to the game, or those who think it should be mandatory for...reasons.


But I guess some are so hell bent on wanting it optional I will not be heard or listened to and anything I would say to have it not be optional is in one ear out the other.


So I leave. Goodbye :) I hope it turns out to be something you think it's not. I've had enough of overreactions. I don't need this crap anymore, not now. Not ever! Because to see people go insane over this is absolutely ridiculous. Happy gaming :)


Then give a real reason. You haven't, you're just blustering about us not listening to you instead of giving an actual argument. And all anyone else has argued in favor of it has been because of "fairness" or somesuch BS.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Didn't you hear me? I said I don't care anymore. You know me millions! I'm ALWAYS keeping on the bright side of things! Why do you think I said that long post? I'm keeping hope up that it's something like Guild Wars 2 IF it's that! But I actually think TOR needs to have it's own system. If I want to be max level, I should be able to stay max level if I damn well fought for max level on my characters!


IF IF they do a level scaling system, it has to be like Guild Wars 2. If it's not, I just don't know guys....


But, I have made up my mind. I will not go further into this or check stuff out until I get more information from BioWare on what this is. If it's anything...


Yes, I SEE what you and TUXs are saying Millions!!! I do :)

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I played Guild Wars 2, and that along with a couple other things were why I never even completed a character. I can see the benefit in such a system, but it can't be mandatory. I don't want to "do the stuff LIKE I am 1-10 again", I want to do stuff LIKE I'm 65, because I am.


I played GW2 myself, and the real killer wasn't the idea of level scaling itself so much as the consequences of the way they did it.


Well, that and the fact that it was impossible for tough characters like Guardians to peel heavy mobs off of squishy characters like Engineers. (Or vice versa, actually) This one directly drove my wife to quit the game. I continued, and experienced this oddity more thoroughly in the Caudecus Manor dungeon in the final battle. I was on my Guardian, and I picked out a ranged mob that was shooting enthusiastically at the other group members. I just stood there beating on this mob until it fell over. All the other members of the group were fighting other mobs, and *only* I was hitting this one. It nevertheless continued to shoot at the other player and completely ignored the person next to it beating on its head with a six-foot long sword.


And yes, I like to be able to go back and steamroller stuff, sometimes just for the fun of being a Commando like they describe in the About pages of the web site, and sometimes so I can pick up some reward with minimal effort, like one-shotting the mobs(1) on the savrip island on Ord Mantell for the nine comms.


(1) All except the champion Savrip, who takes two basic attacks, but pretty much any other damage skill one-shots him. I'm level 60 with mostly Ziost 190 gear.

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I must admit something to you all. I am very conflicted about this. :o


I won't think anymore too much on it until there is official word from BioWare about this. IF they do do it, I hope it's as close to the system in Guild Wars 2.


But I don't believe a level scaling system should come into this game. This game is it's own unique game. It wasn't designed for a level scaling system from the ground up like GW2 was. It has it's own designs and if I want to steamroll stuffs and take my level 60 and relax through low level flashpoints, then I should be able to darn well do it because I played the game, I got my character up and I got the gear!


Yes, yes I see now. You know me guys, I always see the positives in things! But I don't think a system like that should come into this game. I hope it's just for testing purposes only.

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I must admit something to you all. I am very conflicted about this. :o


I won't think anymore too much on it until there is official word from BioWare about this. IF they do do it, I hope it's as close to the system in Guild Wars 2.


But I don't believe a level scaling system should come into this game. This game is it's own unique game. It wasn't designed for a level scaling system from the ground up like GW2 was. It has it's own designs and if I want to steamroll stuffs and take my level 60 and relax through low level flashpoints, then I should be able to darn well do it because I played the game, I got my character up and I got the gear!


Yes, yes I see now. You know me guys, I always see the positives in things! But I don't think a system like that should come into this game. I hope it's just for testing purposes only.

I completely understand...at face value, it may sound great...but there are drawbacks to it...you're starting to see them and I appreciate you coming back and honestly posting this reply.


It could be an amazing addition...but I believe it needs to be optional to be amazing in any way...otherwise it's limiting and punishing...and that's where it begins to turn south.

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Didn't you hear me? I said I don't care anymore. You know me millions! I'm ALWAYS keeping on the bright side of things! Why do you think I said that long post? I'm keeping hope up that it's something like Guild Wars 2 IF it's that! But I actually think TOR needs to have it's own system. If I want to be max level, I should be able to stay max level if I damn well fought for max level on my characters!


IF IF they do a level scaling system, it has to be like Guild Wars 2. If it's not, I just don't know guys....


But, I have made up my mind. I will not go further into this or check stuff out until I get more information from BioWare on what this is. If it's anything...


Yes, I SEE what you and TUXs are saying Millions!!! I do :)


I must admit something to you all. I am very conflicted about this. :o


I won't think anymore too much on it until there is official word from BioWare about this. IF they do do it, I hope it's as close to the system in Guild Wars 2.


But I don't believe a level scaling system should come into this game. This game is it's own unique game. It wasn't designed for a level scaling system from the ground up like GW2 was. It has it's own designs and if I want to steamroll stuffs and take my level 60 and relax through low level flashpoints, then I should be able to darn well do it because I played the game, I got my character up and I got the gear!


Yes, yes I see now. You know me guys, I always see the positives in things! But I don't think a system like that should come into this game. I hope it's just for testing purposes only.


Good good, come to the dark side. :p


Nothing wrong with criticisms on a game you like. I love the game and have been playing straight through since launch, and yet there are still times when I don't agree with things they do.


And don't get me wrong, I do see merit in having the ability to delevel yourself for content. Going back to a planet you enjoy, doing a particular heroic or flashpoint, or helping a friend who's lower level without having to have a character that's at the exact same point in the story, etc. But also just like you said, it's also nice to slice through swathes of enemies like a hot knife through butter. That's why I think if they implement a level scaling system that it should be optional in some form.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Why? For what reason does it have to be mandatory?


Conquest I'd say, I'd puts everyone on an equal footing rather than having level 65's one shotting H4 mobs with a basic attack when say a level 20 player requires more players for the same encounter which rewards both with the same amount of conquest points.

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You guys are freaking out about some thing you dont even have the story straight on. The Devs said they would lower your level only on the low level flashpoints and that announcement was when they talked about changes to ops and flashpoints. Stop freaking out about bs rumors. You guys kill me 14 pages of ranting and you dont even know what the hell your talking about.,
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You guys are freaking out about some thing you dont even have the story straight on. The Devs said they would lower your level only on the low level flashpoints and that announcement was when they talked about changes to ops and flashpoints. Stop freaking out about bs rumors. You guys kill me 14 pages of ranting and you dont even know what the hell your talking about.,

I know what I'm talking about...you may not know, but I absolutely DO know. So stop freaking out about what I know that you don't know.

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Source? Link? Oh, that's right, you can't, because it's not officially confirmed information.


I.e., an unfounded rumor.

I can't divulge everything I know publicly. Just because you're not privy to it, doesn't mean it's unfounded.

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Solo Mode Flashpoints

These Flashpoints are repeatable, and made to be played solo or with a Companion. Your character will be adjusted down to the appropriate level so that you are experiencing the Flashpoint at the level and difficulty that is intended.


This is under the community news , under the flashpoints and ops on 7/9/15


Stop starting rumors

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I admit, I was trolling yesterday. I posted in support (using identical language) of both positions in their respective threads: It should be optional and it shouldn't. No one noticed. :(

Awwwe...it's ok...I noticed...I was just too confused to comment... :D

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You guys are freaking out about some thing you dont even have the story straight on. The Devs said they would lower your level only on the low level flashpoints and that announcement was when they talked about changes to ops and flashpoints. Stop freaking out about bs rumors. You guys kill me 14 pages of ranting and you dont even know what the hell your talking about.,


Better it be a rumor and we debated the merits of the system to effect some change for the better than for it to turn out to be true and we did nothing about it, to the detriment of all.

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Better it be a rumor and we debated the merits of the system to effect some change for the better than for it to turn out to be true and we did nothing about it, to the detriment of all.

I'm pretty sure all of our "debating the merits" still amounts to "doing nothing." What will happen will happen.

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