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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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I was genuinely misled by this thread's title. I inferred that the OP disagreed with the positions taken on various issues by level 60s who were bought. I expected a plea for everyone stop buying level 60s with whom the OP disagrees. My apparent error radically changes my response:


Don't buy one.


Harsh words, I know, but it had to be said. Everyone needs someone who can and will speak ugly truths, and I'm privileged to serve that role for the OP. So, I repeat, don't buy one. Just like, if you disagree with the McDonald's McRib sandwich, don't buy one. But please don't try to stop others from enjoying their McRibby goodness.


Your analogy is lame, if anyone wants to buy a mcrib they can, because the outcome doesn't effect me, why would i care? But new people in particular buying a lvl 60, it's like buying a car when you don't even know how to drive one yet, you shouldn't do it.

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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


WoW gave its players a free boost to max level upon release of the game. Honestly, it's perfectly fair. It's extremely selfish of you to make this thread because you're trying to decide the fate of everyone else who plays this game, which thankfully you don't get to do. Some people are in the military. Some have jobs where they are required to work 50+ hours a week, plus college, plus family, and then there is almost no time left over for fun.


As such, I don't feel that this is too entirely unfair. I believe this is actually more fair to them, so they can have a character that is boosted and get to play the end-game content with everyone else, rather than being forced to level from 1-60 in the time they hardly have.

Edited by xilc
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WoW gave its players a free boost to max level upon release of the game. Honestly, it's perfectly fair. It's extremely selfish of you to make this thread because you're trying to decide the fate of everyone else who plays this game, which thankfully you don't get to do. Some people are in the military. Some have jobs where they are required to work 50+ hours a week, plus college, plus family, and then there is almost no time left over for fun.


As such, I don't feel that this is too entirely unfair. I believe this is actually more fair to them, so they can have a character that is boosted and get to play the end-game content with everyone else, rather than being forced to level from 1-60 in the time they hardly have.


I was in the army for 7 years, i had plently of time to play video games, I also went to college full time and had plenty of time then as well. If you don't have time then don't play, it doesnt mean you should get a quick and easy I win button that everyone else had to work for besides they won't even know how to play properly.

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I don't really have an issue with the idea of a free level 60 but I think it should be an unlock based on having a level 60. For instance if I subscribe to the game a week before the expansion is released and only have a level 20 character I don't think I should be given a level 60 to then go through and skip completely all the previous content and play at level 60+.


What I really wish BW took the opportunity to do and I think is the biggest miss and fail of this expansion is to use the level 60 as a jumping off point for new classes. we have always heard how the game really can not support the inclusion of any new class because of the cost involved in going back to create a storyline for a new class for levels 1-50 with all the voice acting and such. IMO this expansion would have been the best moment to make a couple new classes of characters and have them be advance class characters. Starting the game with them at level 60 and playing the new expansion episodes as they are released.


But overall I think leave the class xp bonus for subscribers running indefinitely, and have a free level 60 awarded at the point you reach level 60 and then I guess if you want to sell them after that for the unlock on the account I don't care that is a cash grab which I guess it to be expected it is a business for BW afterall.

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I was in the army for 7 years, i had plently of time to play video games, I also went to college full time and had plenty of time then as well. If you don't have time then don't play, it doesnt mean you should get a quick and easy I win button that everyone else had to work for besides they won't even know how to play properly.


Lol you're not worth arguing with

Edited by xilc
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I was in the army too. You must not have been combat. If you were, like I was, you'd understand that most of the time, you're not sitting in your cozy little room with all your fun filled little gadgets to occupy you on your free time. Sometimes, you're out in the field for a week or more, and work extends onto the weekends sometimes.


Here we go with the, "I was in combat and you werent", makes me seriously doubt you, and not want to debate with you.

Edited by SaerethDL
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I was in the army for 7 years, i had plently of time to play video games, I also went to college full time and had plenty of time then as well. If you don't have time then don't play, it doesnt mean you should get a quick and easy I win button that everyone else had to work for besides they won't even know how to play properly.


Why do you care what other people get when the same option is available to you?

You had plenty of time to play? great (for you), some people don't have plenty of time.

"dont have time? dont play then" thats a ****** statement, you know what happens to games that only cater to the hardcore players (aka the ones with plenty of time)? they die out and are left with a minimum population until the game is shut down and then all you with plenty of time can spend that time on forums of other games talking about your 25 lvl 65's you had once on SWTOR.


I don't have plenty of time to play games, so i choose not to be an active raider, not to pursue short events like the gree event or the bounty hunting event unless i actually want something from the vendor.

I do like doing flashpoints from time to time and pvp, so if Bioware wants to give me a new character that i can play on, well thats a very nice gesture because after all, i pay just as much for my sub as anyone else that posts on these forums.

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Why do you care what other people get when the same option is available to you?

You had plenty of time to play? great (for you), some people don't have plenty of time.

"dont have time? dont play then" thats a ****** statement, you know what happens to games that only cater to the hardcore players (aka the ones with plenty of time)? they die out and are left with a minimum population until the game is shut down and then all you with plenty of time can spend that time on forums of other games talking about your 25 lvl 65's you had once on SWTOR.


I don't have plenty of time to play games, so i choose not to be an active raider, not to pursue short events like the gree event or the bounty hunting event unless i actually want something from the vendor.

I do like doing flashpoints from time to time and pvp, so if Bioware wants to give me a new character that i can play on, well thats a very nice gesture because after all, i pay just as much for my sub as anyone else that posts on these forums.


I never said anything about being hardcore, or being a raider.. If you dont have time to get to 1-60 which takes about 20 hours or less, then you don't have enough time to be playing an mmo., you should stick to cell phone games while you're at "work" or busy with "family" . :D

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Here we go SWTOR copying WoW again. You would think that Bioware would learn after the first year of SOOO many thousands of players leaving the game that the WoW model is no longer desired by the gaming community. Go ahead sell lvl 60's it's not going to end well. Edited by Fallensouls
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You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. Literally everyone has all their characters to 60 by now anyway with the 12x XP boost - if not then they simply have not logged onto the game at all to even try to play. It takes 4 hours to get from 0 - 55 with the boost and another couple hours to go ahead and get to 60. For me I paced myself at pone character per day and have 16 characters to 60, and I am a VERY VERY casual player. I know of many hardcore players who have 22+ characters on multiple servers all to 60 due to the boost.


If anyone has any need for a new 60 with this option, it's strictly for role-play purposes to play a race/class combination they hadn't thought about creating before the expansion.

Edited by Faelandaea
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You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. Literally everyone has all their characters to 60 by now anyway with the 12x XP boost - if not then they simply have not logged onto the game at all to even try to play. It takes 4 hours to get from 0 - 55 with the boost and another couple hours to go ahead and get to 60. For me I paced myself at pone character per day and have 16 characters to 60, and I am a VERY VERY casual player. I know of many hardcore players who have 22+ characters on multiple servers all to 60 due to the boost.


If anyone has any need for a new 60 with this option, it's strictly for role-play purposes to play a race/class combination they hadn't thought about creating before the expansion.


maybe 4 hours if you spacebar through all the content.

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Here we go SWTOR copying WoW again. You would think that Bioware would learn after the first year of SOOO many thousands of players leaving the game that the WoW model is no longer desired by the gaming community. Go ahead sell lvl 60's it's not going to end well.


Wow's problems are not selling max level toons....it has way to many issues for that to even be considered as a problem.


And maybe the gaming community is part of the problem. I mean everyone wants the game to be a certain way and when its not they complain. I honestly think game devs should just make a game they want and would enjoy playing instead of catering to everyone's whims

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It takes 4 hours to get from 0 - 55 with the boost and another couple hours to go ahead and get to 60. For me I paced myself at pone character per day and have 16 characters to 60, and I am a VERY VERY casual player.

I'm reasonably sure the vast majority of very very casual players are NOT gaining an average of more than one level every 5 minutes of total playtime throughout the 1-55 leveling arc. :rolleyes:

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I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


Just that you mentioned that leveling a char to 60 was something you seemed to have to earn pretty much explains the reason you made this thread, your sense of resentment is beyond unjustified.


BW:A wants this option available for players, and after reading some of your posts, I can't help but wonder whether you want to remove all options for every single player, just because you can't stand that not every feels compelled to walk up a steep gradient naked, dragging a boulder chained to their neck, in the blazing sun.


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but what gives you the divine right to obliterate other people's innocent fun?


I think we all know the answer to that...


I'm reasonably sure the vast majority of very very casual players are NOT gaining an average of more than one level every 5 minutes of total playtime throughout the 1-55 leveling arc. :rolleyes:


Quite right, even with 12x XP it took quite a few hours for my characters to reach 55, even with skipped cutscenes.


And, as for grouping up, no-one should group up until they're confident they can do their best to carry the group if necessary; beyond that, it's nobody's business what a player does outside of a group.

Edited by sentientomega
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I totally didn't pay attention to my typing. It's more like 6 - 8 hours with cutscenes to level per character with the XP boost.


I definitely agree with the grouping bit though - the pleasures of an MMO is that we can be ourselves and play how we like when we are playing on our own. My rules of etiquette for grouping are completely different from my rules when playing solo. I do my best to push myself to the limit when soloing. I do things as much as I can to challenge myself. When in a group, though, I prefer communication and not taking risks. I do what I can to heal the group (I always group as a healer), make sure everyone survives and communicate with everyone. It's like a complete 180 from my solo play style, yet I seem to do plenty okay in a group. Least to say, people need to worry less about how people solo and just worry about their current team as a whole and as a single unit.

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Precisely, I don't care what people do when they solo; honestly, why do people have a problem with this?


However, people need to be accountable to the group and be prepared to pull their weight when in a group; so if they want to group up, they need to prepare themselves for that so that the waking nightmare that defines grouping up (at least for me, 99.99% of the time) becomes gradually diminished. Right now, the I experience only the odd defeat solo, but there have been quite a higher frequency of them in groups I've been with, and I KNOW how to play my characters.

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You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. Literally everyone has all their characters to 60 by now anyway with the 12x XP boost - if not then they simply have not logged onto the game at all to even try to play. It takes 4 hours to get from 0 - 55 with the boost and another couple hours to go ahead and get to 60. For me I paced myself at pone character per day and have 16 characters to 60, and I am a VERY VERY casual player. I know of many hardcore players who have 22+ characters on multiple servers all to 60 due to the boost.


If anyone has any need for a new 60 with this option, it's strictly for role-play purposes to play a race/class combination they hadn't thought about creating before the expansion.


4 hours? Right.... And I'm the Pope and cleared ToS HM in 30 seconds


Plus again not all of us like sitting around leveling as game time ;)

And BW agrees with this sentinent so get used to it.

Edited by FerkWork
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Here we go SWTOR copying WoW again. You would think that Bioware would learn after the first year of SOOO many thousands of players leaving the game that the WoW model is no longer desired by the gaming community. Go ahead sell lvl 60's it's not going to end well.


It may not end well but it will sell well.

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Just that you mentioned that leveling a char to 60 was something you seemed to have to earn pretty much explains the reason you made this thread, your sense of resentment is beyond unjustified.


BW:A wants this option available for players, and after reading some of your posts, I can't help but wonder whether you want to remove all options for every single player, just because you can't stand that not every feels compelled to walk up a steep gradient naked, dragging a boulder chained to their neck, in the blazing sun.


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but what gives you the divine right to obliterate other people's innocent fun?


I think we all know the answer to that...




Quite right, even with 12x XP it took quite a few hours for my characters to reach 55, even with skipped cutscenes.


And, as for grouping up, no-one should group up until they're confident they can do their best to carry the group if necessary; beyond that, it's nobody's business what a player does outside of a group.


Pretty much. /thread

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4 hours? Right.... And I'm the Pope and cleared ToS HM in 30 seconds


Plus again not all of us like sitting around leveling as game time ;)

And BW agrees with this sentinent so get used to it.


You haven't done that yet? Step up your game Ferk! I did it in 29.5 seconds, holding a baby, saving another from a burning building, all while eating pizza. You can't possibly let me show you up! Get to it good sir!

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