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Your canon Outlander


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This going to be a hard choice, but for me it's going to be Dehvon, my jedi guardian on the rep side and Eriados, Darth Nox, on the imp side. They are my mains, so they will be the first to go through the story with.

But in the end, all my toons will go :D I want to see all personal storylines:D:D

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My ultra-evil full DS Sith Sorcerer I've had since beta will go first. Then I think Sage or Sentinel, can't decide... Definitely Force-users first. I'll have to have a LS character second, so I can make up for all the bloodshed from my first run.


Edited by ForceFanatic
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Mine would be consular but storywise going from the novel Revan it seems its really the Jedi Knights story. Still hate that book with all my heart.




Inquisitor for my Imp side. As I play on every sever I guess my first character to start the new xpac wil be cannon for that sever. So Shadow, then Inquister, Smuggler, Merc, Commando, Agent, Knight, Warrior. In that order. I will only do one per sever to begin with. Still leave me with free sever plus loads of characters remaining on each sever. So no rush. My first will be the free level 60 though as don't want to pick bad choices for the others as I have spent time levelling the up. So yea Shadow first

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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With the revelation that alignment gains are one again removed from the options, I feel I have to change my mind... Partly. My 'canon' character remains my Knight, but my initial character/characters may change...


What do you mean alignment gains are being changed? like, you can't hover over a choice and see "light" vs "dark" ?

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With the revelation that alignment gains are one again removed from the options, I feel I have to change my mind... Partly. My 'canon' character remains my Knight, but my initial character/characters may change...


I think you misheard them. The first streamer goes in the menu and you can see him turning the option on that you can see the alignment gain in conversations.

Edited by hanebuch
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I think you misheard them. The first streamer goes in the menu and you can see him turning the option on that you can see the alignment gain in conversations.


Sorry, it wasn't alignment, but 'influence'. You don't learn the influence changes till the end of each mission/chapter. Annoyingly, I don't remember which feed it was where this was said.

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While I am certainly fond of all the classes I must say that in terms of "head canon" then my one true Outlander would absolutely be my beautiful Inquisitor- Darth Imperious.


I think she fits the role best for a number of reasons


the most obvious being that many of her past conversations and actions seem to indicate that she feels most strongly in the more positive (as in not social darwinism) interpretations of the sith code, and seeks to use those guidelines to liberate not only herself but everyone in the galaxy from the chains of being forced pick between light or dark that binds both factions andessentially begin anew with an order that values aspects of both the light and dark.


it just feels so perfect!

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