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Rumored downgrading


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I have yet to be able to find the source to look at it myself. But supposedly all this chatter on this subject (there have already been a number of topics made about it before this one) comes from one screenshot leaked from someone who knew someone who's in the private test server. I'm not sure that most people posting in any of these topics have seen this image either though. It sounds like we're all just hearing that there's this guy that knows a guy whose cousin's former roommate's best friend has an inside scoop.
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Actually this sounds kinda cool :D Always a challenge


No actually, that sounds like arse. If I'm supposed to be a Dark Lord with Moffs on my speed-dial and all the power of the Dark Side at my command, why the hell would I still be "challenged" by the same critters and mooks who were barely an impediment to me when I was a lowly Acolyte?


This is why level scaling is always a bad idea; not only does it make devs lazy by providing an easy excuse to develop less new content("Hey, if you're bored, just go back and play XYZ planet again, now it'll be challenging!"), but it completely robs the player of any sense of progression - you can't use a level-based progression system and then make levels functionally meaningless, because at that point the whole thing is just a pretense designed to give the illusion that our effort is generating some kind of momentum.


Giving players in a group the option to level-scale themselves to a planet so they can help out new characters without essentially playing the game for them, cool, great idea. Auto-scaling everyone the moment they set foot on a planet? Total utter pish.

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I am concerned this is another one of those failed updates as the SGE was for SWG. I will leave and never come back if they dumb this down to the lvl of the SGE.


I like tweaking my Companions making them more powerful by tricking out their armor with attachments. That's a fun part of the Game.


Crafting is fun also if they ruin that what's left to do? "Dailies" and wait for more story?


I'm not sure what they are trying to do but it giving me that "SOE" crap on you feeling again.


Concerned I am. :mad:

you mean NGE? new game enhancement

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No actually, that sounds like arse. If I'm supposed to be a Dark Lord with Moffs on my speed-dial and all the power of the Dark Side at my command, why the hell would I still be "challenged" by the same critters and mooks who were barely an impediment to me when I was a lowly Acolyte?


This is why level scaling is always a bad idea; not only does it make devs lazy by providing an easy excuse to develop less new content("Hey, if you're bored, just go back and play XYZ planet again, now it'll be challenging!"), but it completely robs the player of any sense of progression .


I suppose you have a point if you can only look back and not forward. Besides, how can they say "just go back and play XYZ planet again"? Except for flash points and a some heroics, you can't do the same missions more than once. And as far as using high leveled characters to babysit young ones as you power level them, well, that's just cheap.


Looking forward, then that's the big cool thing. I for one HATE it when I get to a new planet and I'm already over-leveled and everything is green or gray. If there was scaling, each new planet would stay challenging.


Unless you like everything being grey and just shooting fish in a barrel.

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I have yet to be able to find the source to look at it myself. But supposedly all this chatter on this subject (there have already been a number of topics made about it before this one) comes from one screenshot leaked from someone who knew someone who's in the private test server. I'm not sure that most people posting in any of these topics have seen this image either though. It sounds like we're all just hearing that there's this guy that knows a guy whose cousin's former roommate's best friend has an inside scoop.


Yup, just a bunch of people with no idea how it will work or even know for sure if and when it will be implemented making assumptions and then getting mad at BW for their probably incorrect assumptions.

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To be honest I don't see the drama here. All I am seeing is people angry they won't be able to faceroll things.


GW2 has this level scaling and it works pretty good. Lots of high level going into low level regions to complete achievements, quest, and help guides. The thing is you still receive loot, XP and credits relevant to my level. this opens up my gaming playground to the whole world instead of sitting my arse on the fleet spamming LFG weekly... And when I go and get down leveled in GW2 I keep all my abilities and gear so I'm still more powerful than intended when content was designed.


And for the ones saying it breaks the immersion I should faceroll everything I'm a super Lord etc.... no SUPERLORD faceroll Anything in any lore you look at (Lords of the ring, Any superhero movie, etc)

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I always love when your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate knows a guy who played online with a girl who says they know someone on the test server who heard from a source about a rumour...and Bioware is suddenly 'required' to address it....
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To be honest I don't see the drama here. All I am seeing is people angry they won't be able to faceroll things.


People see what they want to see sometimes, I suppose. :rolleyes:


Here's what I said in one of the other threads on this topic:


Why does it always come back to insulting people who don't agree with you? "Why are you scared?" "Go play another game if you don't like it!" :rolleyes:


To be blunt, some of us have spent too long, too many times, waiting around for a bunch of people who randomly happen to want to do the same mission, with a real chance each time that one or more of them will turn out to be belligerent, clueless, spastic, under-leveled, terribly-geared, rushed, screaming at first-timers to hit the spacerbar, distracted by some real-world issue they should have dealt with instead of starting the mission, and/or a *********** ninja-looter.


We'd rather just over-level and then go do a tour of the content we missed.


And I'll add to that -- some people need to learn to mind their own damn business when it comes to what other people are doing in the game.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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People see what they want to see sometimes, I suppose. :rolleyes:


Here's what I said in one of the other threads on this topic:




And I'll add to that -- some people need to learn to mind their own damn business when it comes to what other people are doing in the game.


What you lack to see is that more people will revisit the old content. Maybe not at start but in time. GW2 did a great job with that and now as we level we can go back to old planets and still level. We'll have more people to do heroics with also. People were complaining that they were taking away the MMO part of this game and if this downleveling happens it'll bring back the Multiplayer in MMO.


But that's my opinion. If i wanna have an opinion on something i should be able to express it. i never called anyone an idiot or stupid. Just said it feels like kids not beeing able to have the easy way. I have 2 kids of my own and believe me when i say it's the new generation's mindset nowadays ;)

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I certainly wouldn't be doing the old content any more than I already am if this happened.


Maybe not you but like you said

And I'll add to that -- some people need to learn to mind their own damn business when it comes to what other people are doing in the game.
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I'll wait and see what really happens before I pass judgement. I like to visit the lower level worlds to solo stuff I couldn't before. Even some of the world bosses. I sometimes help out friends working on alts to help them through. I sometimes just do it to blow off steam and plow through everything in my path. This rumor if true hampers that. But I'll roll with the punches and adapt.
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I seriously doubt that they will level scale per planet.


OP/Flashpoints is no problem as they can be done on a particular level in isolation and within a particular instance.


The planets however have level ranges, usually in bands of 4, and are open world. Level scaling to planets would remove the need for levels at all so it appears to be counter intuitive to logical RPG progression.


Confident that this will not eventuate :cool:

I see you never played Guild Wars 2.

I can assure you, down/upscaling is a perfect mechanic.


I really don`t see what all the fuss is about. With scaling you would actually have choices while progressing (like doing things like the Bonuslines whenever you want). As of now you have a lot of deserted planets because nobody cares to go there once the mobs turn grey.


See, opposing the openworld-scaling would really hurt the game, for all of us.

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I see you never played Guild Wars 2.

I can assure you, down/upscaling is a perfect mechanic.


I really don`t see what all the fuss is about. With scaling you would actually have choices while progressing (like doing things like the Bonuslines whenever you want). As of now you have a lot of deserted planets because nobody cares to go there once the mobs turn grey.


See, opposing the openworld-scaling would really hurt the game, for all of us.

And I see You never played GW2.

In GW2 not only your level is scaled, but also every mob around you is scaled to account for number of players around. Save for world bosses (aka Dragons), if you are alone - everything is soloable, not 2+able or 4-able.

And that is why I no longer play it. It is hard to play a game, when no matter what you do or how far you "progress", you simply can't do better because of artificial "everything should be stale and same old forever". Personal progression is one of main pillars of RPG genre. Only redeeming quality of GW2 is live story and I see that Bioware is trying to do the same with "Chapters" in KOTFE. But I am not very confident about them doing it better than GW2 devs considering size of "planets" SoR gave us.


Don't get me wrong, I do want to be pleasantly surprised. But any other dev across MMO world usually way more excited and willing to share about their coming project, so being tight lipped only send "do not expect pleasant" message.

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You heard something, no idea where it came and have no facts to back up the rumor but you feel that BW should address it? Should they do the same for all baseless rumors?


Given, that if you are remotely sentient, you will know the rumour to have some substance, then yes.


My personal view on why they have not answered any direct comments regarding this, crafting and other things, is because they simply do not know themselves yet, it will be an out and out miracle if this expansion actually releases on time.

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I've yet to hear much about supposed level scaling. Would that pertain just to instances, or would arriving on a planet level down your character level?


I support leveling down for instances, because it makes lower level group content relevant again.


I do NOT support automatic leveling when arriving on a planet. When I need crafting materials, I want to be able to farm those materials quickly and easily. I don't want to have to put together a party just to farm materials in a heroic4+ area. Such change would make crafting prices spike even higher than they already are.

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I see you never played Guild Wars 2.

I can assure you, down/upscaling is a perfect mechanic.


I really don`t see what all the fuss is about. With scaling you would actually have choices while progressing (like doing things like the Bonuslines whenever you want). As of now you have a lot of deserted planets because nobody cares to go there once the mobs turn grey.


See, opposing the openworld-scaling would really hurt the game, for all of us.


Do not pretend to speak for anyone but yourself.


For me and MANY others who have posted, open-world or FP scaling will make the game worse. Not better.

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To be honest I don't see the drama here. All I am seeing is people angry they won't be able to faceroll things.


GW2 has this level scaling and it works pretty good. Lots of high level going into low level regions to complete achievements, quest, and help guides. The thing is you still receive loot, XP and credits relevant to my level. this opens up my gaming playground to the whole world instead of sitting my arse on the fleet spamming LFG weekly... And when I go and get down leveled in GW2 I keep all my abilities and gear so I'm still more powerful than intended when content was designed.


And for the ones saying it breaks the immersion I should faceroll everything I'm a super Lord etc.... no SUPERLORD faceroll Anything in any lore you look at (Lords of the ring, Any superhero movie, etc)


Really? You must not have seen what Sidious did to most of the Jedi council. You must not have watched the clone wars series to see what happened when Ventress went up against Yoda. (He stopped her from striking using the force. Then casually pulled the lightsabers out of her hand using the force. She couldn't even fight him.) You missed how easily Jango Fett was brought down by Windu. You missed reading the Exar Kun comics where the grandmaster of the jedi order drew on a nexus for over a hundred years before being engaged by Exar Kun, having him shrug off his best attack, and one shot him. You must not know star wars. ;)


I love reading people's responses when they make claims that in star wars no masters can just faceroll and padawans can take on masters. Sorry, no star wars doesn't work like that. There's many 8 vs 1 scenarios or even more where masters/lords of the sith stomp. You realize according to our own logs in game that Tulak Horde single handedly slew an entire army? You realize that Khem says your inquisitor matches him in power later? This isn't the first "Sith/Jedi solos army" in SWTOR lore.

Edited by Rhyltran
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You realize that Khem says your inquisitor matches him in power later? This isn't the first "Sith/Jedi solos army" in SWTOR lore.


Is that why you fail soloing a group of 4 troopers on level 60 in an op even with a companion who helps you?


I wonder how people can mix storytelling and game mechanics every time. If the characters were that powerful, there would be no ops, no pvp, no universe.


It's a total different thing in any part of the game.

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Is that why you fail soloing a group of 4 troopers on level 60 in an op even with a companion who helps you?


I wonder how people can mix storytelling and game mechanics every time. If the characters were that powerful, there would be no ops, no pvp, no universe.


It's a total different thing in any part of the game.


Invoking gameplay mechanics as a reason is one thing. To claim it has never happened in star wars and doesn't happen is to not understand star wars.

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