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Rumored downgrading


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Still going to play but count me as someone who won't use it. If enough won't use it maybe Bioware will realize how worthless this change was. This way if some leave it from it, those that stay won't use it, and only a very few come back to use it.. they'll realize they screwed up.
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Sebastian, shall I pass you some salt? I always enjoy your whiny threads concerning like 0,01% of the playerbase. Seriously, almost no one was interested in one-shooting mobs on the planets. There was no incentive except the achievements. If more people had been like you, we would have seen highly populated planets but we don't.


Even when your high level is downscaled you are sitll pretty much powerful in comparison to mobs you fights. Musco proved it on today's stream.


It's a great change. If people are tired of leveling up through Makeb/SoR, they can do missions on older planets and get exp adjusted to their actual level.

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Hate the idea it makes all the time I played and levelled up my character pointless now when I go to a old world. Why not just get rid of levels all together Bioware?


I do not support this and I won't be going back to old plants now due to this, thanks for blocking off areas to those of us that don't want to be forced down bioware

Edited by Cmder-Shepard
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IT was just confirmed! lol It was NOT a rumor.

Eric just confirmed it on the twitch. You WILL be downgraded.


I just caught the tail end of the livestream on Twitch. So I don't even know if it was covered, but what happened the higher level missions on lower level planets?

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Sebastian, shall I pass you some salt? I always enjoy your whiny threads concerning like 0,01% of the playerbase. Seriously, almost no one was interested in one-shooting mobs on the planets. There was no incentive except the achievements. If more people had been like you, we would have seen highly populated planets but we don't.


Even when your high level is downscaled you are sitll pretty much powerful in comparison to mobs you fights. Musco proved it on today's stream.


It's a great change. If people are tired of leveling up through Makeb/SoR, they can do missions on older planets and get exp adjusted to their actual level.

I was interested in one shotting them. I like to visit lower level planets at times, be it for achievements, sight seeing or helping others. This change wasn't necessary. I cancelled my subscription after hearing the news.

I'm sure no one cares, but meh. Just to show how upset I am about the change.

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Hate the idea it makes all the time I played and levelled up my character pointless now when I go to a old world. Why not just get rid of levels all together Bioware?

More and more MMOs are going away from levels. Levels are nowadays just a sign of your skill and story progress. That's what level are for if you ask.


I do not support this and I won't be going back to old plants now due to this, thanks for blocking off areas to those of us that don't want to be forced down bioware

"to those of us" you mean 0,01% of the playerbase. I have never seen more than 3-4 high levels on older planets except the ones where you have strongholds ofc. People don't revisit them except for the achievements hunting. You and Sebastian won't be coming back to older planets now but many more will come in your place.


Alternative to leveling up and useful loot means a great incentive for all the players that don't have a syndrome of god.

Edited by PavSalco
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I tried to ask in the stream after he confirmed this but the chat was going at max speed so it got buried instantly, but I'm curious to see how this is handled on planets with multiple level ranges (standard, bonus series, dread seed). Rescale all to same range? Set level sync per region so that it matches up? Just sync to the highest thing on the planet and allow the gap with the planet's lower content?
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I just caught the tail end of the livestream on Twitch. So I don't even know if it was covered, but what happened the higher level missions on lower level planets?

Class quests that take you back to earlier planets are all instanced, so any "downleveling" could be re-adjusted upwards inside those instanced areas.


As far as open-world bonus series missions? (E.g. Hoth is a level 37-41 planet, but has bonus series mobs that are level 48-49, and a dread-seed area that is level 55)


My guess is that those mobs will also be downleveled to match the level range of the planet.

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No one seems to know yet, most people won't do them it seems


Most people won't do them??? Most of the missions that take you back to lower planet later are class missions. Are you saying most people now are just going to roll a level 60 and say screw class missions?

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Most people won't do them??? Most of the missions that take you back to lower planet later are class missions. Are you saying most people now are just going to roll a level 60 and say screw class missions?


Most missions that take me back later are to finish up the bonus serias like the bug one that is 40+ only ones that take you back has class missions are a little one here and there, or do you mean the things like seeds of chaos and so on, didn't know those where class missions

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Class quests that take you back to earlier planets are all instanced, so any "downleveling" could be re-adjusted upwards inside those instanced areas.


As far as open-world bonus series missions? (E.g. Hoth is a level 37-41 planet, but has bonus series mobs that are level 48-49, and a dread-seed area that is level 55)


My guess is that those mobs will also be downleveled to match the level range of the planet.


I was talking about class missions, which are the ones that I am the most concerned about.


Talking about the Bonus series, it kind of defeats the original purpose of them if the bonus series is downgraded. Of course they were made when they were required for leveling. Of course according to what I saw only class missions are required now, everything else is just bonus, period. I personally have no problem with downgrading the bonus. It ensures people will do it while they are on the planet instead of worrying about whether they return or not later.

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Has most of the class missions that return you to older planets are instant easy to solve the scaling while in the instant everything scales to your level, already have had a mob here and there sometimes scale to me level while in an instant now sure why, been doing a sage and the top bossess in instants have been scaling to my level or a few below it, maybe a bug or something
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Most missions that take me back later are to finish up the bonus serias like the bug one that is 40+ only ones that take you back has class missions are a little one here and there, or do you mean the things like seeds of chaos and so on, didn't know those where class missions


I just finished chapter 1 of a BH and it takes you back to Drummond Kass during the interlude between Chapter 1 & 2. Then at the end of your class missions you return yet again to fight the final boss on a lower level planet. Those class missions are always higher than the level of planet.


Now if they downgrade those particular missions then I don't see a real problem, especially when it was reported you would get XP for your level even when downgraded.


But if they don't dowgrade the mission I can see bugs when you enter a mission door.


I myself have played GW2 and I have no problem with downgrading, I just want to how they intend to work those things where you are supposed to be doing higher level missions on a lower level planet, such as the end chapter class missions.

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I was talking about class missions, which are the ones that I am the most concerned about.

Yeah, I get what you mean.


I figure one of two things will happen:


1. Mobs inside the instanced areas will ALSO be downleveled to match the planetary level, or

2. Once you enter the instance, your downlevel will be "upped" to match the original level range of the quest.

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I thought he said there at the end of thing on Twitch that planetary were optional once KotFE comes out, that you will only need class missions to level.

Class missions + planetary questline according to dulfy's notes from the stream.


Other side quests are now marked as "exploration quests" and aren't required to get enough xp.

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Class missions + planetary questline according to dulfy's notes from the stream.


Other side quests are now marked as "exploration quests" and aren't required to get enough xp.


Then I misunderstood. As I said I only saw the last few minutes of the livestream. I missed most of it as I didn't know one was happening today. It wasn't till I saw the email about five minutes before the end that I knew one was going on. So it had sounded like to me that all planetary missions (side or questline) were going to be exploration. But from what your saying its Class and Planetary that are required.


I wonder if the Bonus Series on some of the planets could be considered Planetary questlines because they do sometimes continue the planetary questline.

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I can think of only 1 reason: To solo World Bosses.


And my response a world boss at any level on any world should not be solo-able content. So IMO either you down-bolster players on the world or you do what can also be don't and was done in City of Heroes and make certain enemies work outside the level ranges. So a world boss is effected equally no matter what level you are at. So even at level 60 or whatever fighting that particular enemy everyone is set to a effective level of X which is appropriate for that boss.

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