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Remove the Lightside/Darkside restrictions on color crystals.


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How i think it should work.


Green and blue, abundant in republic areas. Occasionally in republic areas.


Red and orange, abundant in empire areas. Occasionally in republic areas.


Purple and yellow, abundant in neutral areas.


Lightside Rewards.


Light 3 and above. Harmonius green/blue crystals. Lighter green and blue crystals.


Max lightside. Insightful green and blue crysals. Harmonius crystals inverted, colored core with white glow.


Darkside rewards.



Dark 3 and above rageful red and orange. Deeper darker red and orange crystals.


Max darkside Hatefilled red and orange. rageful crystals with their colors inverted.



this is an excellent idea, and makes more sense than restrictions. advancing in any aspect of an RPG should open up options, not close them off.

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I recently came into possession of a Red Lightsaber at Light 2.. Thats right, a Red Lighsaber. I eventually changed it as I have a thing about running around with two different colored lightsabers. But it was not required of me to be Dark anything to hold this Orange Lightsaber. Dont quote me on this, But Im almost certian I picked it up at the Nar Shaddaa Commendations vendor...I do know it was a Commendations Vendor I got it from, just dont recall who.


Even my Guildies were like *** when they saw me running around with it.


Hope this gives someone hope they can still wield a Red Lightsaber while being light side and vis versa.


Yeah but you'll probably outlevel that crystal and once you remove it you won't be able use that crystal at all.

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I like the differentiation. It gives more value to the Yellow crystals I craft.


I would like to say the game describe *why* I can't equip an item. If I get a LS that says "requires Dark I" does that mean the crystal or the saber or both? If I unequip the crystal, can I still use the saber?

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let's remove all restrictions on everything and make SWToR a big charity event and hand out everything on a blue platter.

yes, it suck big balls that not everything in life is handed out to us with a blue ribbon and for free.

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Guys/gals, it's pretty simple. All I hear on these forums is, 'If this game is so about player choice, how come we're restricted to only make certain choices, that's not fair!,'. Um..what is choice if there are no consequences (good or bad) to confirm if said choice was the right way to go? Yes, LS/DS is a grind. THAT'S WHAT MMOS ARE, a bunch of little grinds all rolled into one game. That's the way it's been since freakin' muds people, it's not gonna change. If you want to rock a blue or green saber, roll light side. If you wanna rock an orange or red saber, roll dark side. If you want light side or dark side gear, derp derp derp.


It's not even like you can't CHANGE your alignment whenever you want, for some effort(less) grind. All I see (in this thread and countless others) are people lamenting their choices and wanting Bioware to fix it, all behind the guise of saying that Bioware poorly implemented whatever thing they're whining about. 'I hate being a (insert whatever AC here) and I think I should be able to change it, and Bioware has failed me,'. No..you failed yourself when you made the choice to roll whatever you rolled. Do what every MMO player since the beginning of MMOs has done, suck it up and play to 50 (perhaps learning to love your class) or reroll but stop asking for Bioware to be able to read millions of peoples' minds and just make the game like your own personal Sims savegame. It's not gonna happen and it shouldn't happen.

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Anybody complaining that it isn't actually canon doesn't understand how huge the Star Wars cannon is. There are TONS of officially sanctioned books which completely contradict this system.


As others have pointed out, Exar Kun. Adi Gallia. Lobacca. Leia herself.


General Grevious doesn't count, because he isn't a jedi or a sith, he just stole lightsabers from jedi he killed. He wouldn't know how to change the color, it isn't of his choosing.


Although, this just highlights the same issue: In the Star Wars world, NOBODY would ever have an item restrition.


Luke wouldn't try to pick up Vader's saber and go "denied to Light I and above"


If the situation called for it, he'd use it.


These restrictions massively hamper our ability to customize our characters or roleplay.


Along that line, I'd really like to see a reason for Marauders/Sentinels to use 1 saber OR 2 sabers (pros and cons), and same for Assassins/Shadows, a tradeoff reason why you could go 1 saber or staff saber would be nice, instead of just making it a class definition.



I was about to go BONKERS for Canon on TOR about the color crystals, because while I can accept it on lightsabers (even though technically it shouldn't be restricted), with blasters it is straight up BACKWARDS.


I was going to call shenanigans, because empire uses green lasers and rebels used red lasers, which was taken from Lucas using WWII movies for inspiration, the axis had green tracer fire and the allies had red tracer fire (seriously, look it up! History!)

However, that is only for ships. My Fury fires green lasers, so thats accurate and canon.


Still, Leia fired stormtrooper rifles without any "RESTRICTED TO LIGHT I AND ABOVE", and lots of Light side characters from the Republic and the Rebel eras used red blaster fire. So that is still directly contradicting the movies. :/


Seeing as how each color is no more powerful than other colors, purely aesthetic, I think restrictions should be removed.

In the case of blaster fire, it isn't canon. In the case of lightsabers, it is *usually* cannon, but not always. I think giving up the classic blue/green jedi and red sith for more player freedom is absolutely worthwhile.


Also, as pointed out, if you're going to restrict it, it would actually make more sense to say green/blue are REPUBLIC only, not LIGHT only, and red is SITH only, not DARK only.


But still, I'd just prefer freedom.

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I like the differentiation. It gives more value to the Yellow crystals I craft.


I would like to say the game describe *why* I can't equip an item. If I get a LS that says "requires Dark I" does that mean the crystal or the saber or both? If I unequip the crystal, can I still use the saber?


This is a GIGANTIC oversight right now, and a huge source of player frustration. They should probably just remove the color restrictions, but if they don't, they need to be VERY explicit to us about what is restricting.



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Guys/gals, it's pretty simple. All I hear on these forums is, 'If this game is so about player choice, how come we're restricted to only make certain choices, that's not fair!,'. Um..what is choice if there are no consequences (good or bad) to confirm if said choice was the right way to go? Yes, LS/DS is a grind. THAT'S WHAT MMOS ARE, a bunch of little grinds all rolled into one game. That's the way it's been since freakin' muds people, it's not gonna change. If you want to rock a blue or green saber, roll light side. If you wanna rock an orange or red saber, roll dark side. If you want light side or dark side gear, derp derp derp.


It's not even like you can't CHANGE your alignment whenever you want, for some effort(less) grind. All I see (in this thread and countless others) are people lamenting their choices and wanting Bioware to fix it, all behind the guise of saying that Bioware poorly implemented whatever thing they're whining about. 'I hate being a (insert whatever AC here) and I think I should be able to change it, and Bioware has failed me,'. No..you failed yourself when you made the choice to roll whatever you rolled. Do what every MMO player since the beginning of MMOs has done, suck it up and play to 50 (perhaps learning to love your class) or reroll but stop asking for Bioware to be able to read millions of peoples' minds and just make the game like your own personal Sims savegame. It's not gonna happen and it shouldn't happen.


This is ridiculous.


As I'm sure has come up before, there is no compelling reason for color crystals to be alignment specific, and there are numerous examples in the extended universe (and this game exists in the extended universe) of Lightside/Darkside characters using red and blue blades, respectively. Colors were not limited to alignment in KoTOR, either- I could roll lightside with a red bladed saber. Besides, this makes no sense whatsoever for blaster fire - as far as I know, even in the films, it is primarily red for everyone except, ironically enough, the Empire, which used green beamed weapons.


Besides - more choices, especially in an RPG like this, are never a bad thing. Sure, I can change my alignment, but what happens when that alignment doesn't jive with the characterization I had in mind for a specific character?

Edited by TrifKaylon
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How i think it should work.


Green and blue, abundant in republic areas. Occasionally in republic areas.


Red and orange, abundant in empire areas. Occasionally in republic areas.


Purple and yellow, abundant in neutral areas.


Lightside Rewards.


Light 3 and above. Harmonius green/blue crystals. Lighter green and blue crystals.


Max lightside. Insightful green and blue crysals. Harmonius crystals inverted, colored core with white glow.


Darkside rewards.



Dark 3 and above rageful red and orange. Deeper darker red and orange crystals.


Max darkside Hatefilled red and orange. rageful crystals with their colors inverted.


QFT. This sounds like a great solution that takes everybody's concerns to mind.

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Cant believe the game has been released now for less than a week and people are already trying to change the Star Wars lore.

In Star Wars lore, anyone can pick up a light saber of any color and use it if they want. Han uses a light saber.


They are objects; they don't have magical powers.

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've actually been really annoyed lately. I am a dark Jedi Guardian and I enjoy playing as a dark jedi in terms of story and the dialogue choices, but I hate the fact that I can only use a fricken Orange or Red crystal (I know there are others but I've only encountered them so far).


It's made worse with the fact that, a lot of the time I can't find a crystal with good stats to put in my lightsaber because the quests are handing me light restricted ones and the GTN only has light side crystals (because the majority of people choose to go down the lightside path).


My problem is solved for now though, finished Act 1 and they gave me a lightsaber (better than my previous one) with a blue crystal in it. Still, that does ruin the whole 'lore' side of things that some people are arguing about.

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Mace windu is the only jedi in the films with a freaking purple saber but here its dark side sith only ? please bioware go watch a sw film and for the recod, a jedi or sith can use any colour they want, hell green was only added int he fist place for the sky of tatooine, and purple because mace windus actor requested it personaly, pff really this anoys me...
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All arguments pertaining to lore and enemy recognition make absolutely no sense when applied to blaster users, so yeah...



Actually, all the people citing lore as an argument for restrictions are wrong.



All Lore supports that any force-user can use any color crystal.

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I am a Light V sith using a red lightsaber. How? The epic sabers have red crystals(which are restricted) but the sabers themselves are not. So if you want an off-alignment crystal, just get raiding or running HMs.
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