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Remove the Lightside/Darkside restrictions on color crystals.


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A dark Jedi guardian is still a Jedi Guardian and should be able to use a blue saber.


A light-sided Sith (who by the way makes decisions that Jedi would still call dark) is still a sith, and should be using a red saber.


The system effects non force users as well.


The system makes looting and rolling a pain, as the player does not know if it is the color crystal in the item that is restricting him from using it, or if it is the item itself. (This is especially painful at the commendation vendor)



Some arguments against changing this system are:

I wont be able to tell my enemies in pvp as well.

  • Under the current system, the colors are not locked to factions so this argument is , meaning the current system gives an unfair advantage to maverick players. According to the pvp argument.
  • In pvp the enemy has bright red names, the mouse changes on clicking, their portrait changes, weapon color should not be a factor.
  • The armor and color schemes for each faction are different enough that weapon color should not come into play.


Its Against lore and not Iconic to have Darksiders with blue or green lightsabers and Lightsiders with red or orange lightsabers.

  • In the lore the color Crystals are tied to faction not to morality, Jedi use green and blue, Sith use red.
  • Lore states that color has more to do with coincidnece then actual choice
  • Prime examples of exceptions to red=bad green/blue=good: Adi Galla, General Grevious, Exar Khun.
  • Players tend to sway towards the iconic color of their faction anyway, and this current system prevents them from doing it.

Its a consequence of the choices you made deal with it:

This Argument is invalid

  • A color crystal is a color crystal, it has nothing to do with morality.
  • Under this argument Sith Corruption is a consequence, and the option to hide it should be removed.
  • The Lightside/Darkside system is already grindy enough, this should be one thing thats left to player descretion



Its just another restriction, I am honestly holding off on my dark jedi because i dont want him using a red/orange saber. I want him using a blue saber.



A possible compromise would be: Crafted crystals have no alignment restrictions placed on them.

Edited by KaosPeppers
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What??!.... really , so sith should only use red crystal o0 not only is that dumb, that just opens the door for more "Ihate this game because..." thread /facepalm...




Try reading it again.


I agree completely with the OP, let us decide whether we want to follow the 'iconic' colors or decide to use another color as the lightsaber is an extremely noticeable part of the game at all times.

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Try reading it again.


I agree completely with the OP, let us decide whether we want to follow the 'iconic' colors or decide to use another color as the lightsaber is an extremely noticeable part of the game at all times.


Lets try to keep this up there, its an extremely silly restriction.

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Lore this Lore that. Please note SWTOR is part of the expanded universe as such if your knowledge of what is or is not lore if just the movies you will find that the EU is strange and has quite a few exceptions to what you might believe is Lore. You can blame Lucas for that as he officially signed a bunch of stuff into canon with out really paying it much attention years ago.
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(Dark) Jedi Apprentice practices with a red lightsaber.


Jedi Master: "What the... What's with the red saber?"

Jedi Apprentice: "Well... euhm..."

Jedi Master: "You have some explaining to do, young man."


Exactly, it was said a million times when the devs announced the ls/ds system, that no matter how far down or up you go you will never change faction. Jedi would get suspicious if you have a red saber. So if you can break lore for that why cant i break the iconic Dark Jedi for lore.

Edited by KaosPeppers
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I fail to see your issue, as I believe both sides should have exclusive things. But...


From : http://scifi.about.com/od/starwarsglossaryandfaq/a/Star-Wars-Faq-What-Do-Lightsaber-Colors-Mean.htm


" According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity. These symbolic colors began around 4,000 BBY. By 1,032 BBY, lightsaber colors were still associated with different types of Jedi, but were neither required nor exclusive. Kerra Holt in Knight Errant, for example, wields a green lightsaber despite having no association with the Jedi Consulars. "


It is possible they are following something like this, or they have it like that to push differences between the sides.


At this point in release this type of issue is worthy of a post with such feeling?

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Agree with this.


They can keep the crystals on the vendors like they are now, so you need Light or Dark to purchase them.


But if you loot or buy one, you should be able to use it regardless of your alignment.


At least for the more common colours, like red, green, blue etc. Don't mind some rare colours for each side tho :)

Edited by OkuKeelus
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I honestly think it should be gone just because it can be game breaking.


Looting a lightsaber but you cant use it cause the color crystal in it is wrong for your alignment. well guess what you have to settle for a lesser color crystal now.


Um you do know most lightsabers worth using are modable. Just swap out the color crystal and your good to go. Heck your first saber is mod you have little reason to do anything but upgrade its mods unless you want a different style handle.


Though I do agree color of your saber has been made mostly meaningless by the EU canon and as such should not be as restrictive as it is.

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I fail to see your issue, as I believe both sides should have exclusive things. But...


From : http://scifi.about.com/od/starwarsglossaryandfaq/a/Star-Wars-Faq-What-Do-Lightsaber-Colors-Mean.htm


" According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity. These symbolic colors began around 4,000 BBY. By 1,032 BBY, lightsaber colors were still associated with different types of Jedi, but were neither required nor exclusive. Kerra Holt in Knight Errant, for example, wields a green lightsaber despite having no association with the Jedi Consulars. "


It is possible they are following something like this, or they have it like that to push differences between the sides.


At this point in release this type of issue is worthy of a post with such feeling?



Then you failed to read and you fail to understand how it is in the game.


In the game, a dark jedi gaurdian, who is still a jedi gaurdian will never be able to use a blue saber after he hits the dark 1 threshold.


A lightsided sith, who in the game will always be a sith and never a jedi will never be able to use red past light 1.


Thus breaking lore.

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I fail to see your issue, as I believe both sides should have exclusive things. But...


From : http://scifi.about.com/od/starwarsglossaryandfaq/a/Star-Wars-Faq-What-Do-Lightsaber-Colors-Mean.htm


" According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity. These symbolic colors began around 4,000 BBY. By 1,032 BBY, lightsaber colors were still associated with different types of Jedi, but were neither required nor exclusive. Kerra Holt in Knight Errant, for example, wields a green lightsaber despite having no association with the Jedi Consulars. "


It is possible they are following something like this, or they have it like that to push differences between the sides.


At this point in release this type of issue is worthy of a post with such feeling?


Okay...but on my Shadow Consular I roll with blue, and my Sentinel duals green. Let alone how, uh, non-non-violent my Consular is.


Also, Adi Galia, Exar Kun...they used red and blue respectively.


I just don't think this quote really fits the context of the EU as it stands in OR or the newer, "modern" day EU.

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(Dark) Jedi Apprentice practices with a red lightsaber.


Jedi Master: "What the... What's with the red saber?"

Jedi Apprentice: "Well... euhm..."

Jedi Master: "You have some explaining to do, young man."


This would actually be the 'choices matter' that would make sense. Currently, no NPCs can tell your alignment, even when you are wielding the 'iconic' color. This is of course due to the fact that it was added late with the rarity of other colors so people have something to work for.


Basically, they want you to play X way and they limited the options so you have to grind for the other colors. Had they written the scenes with the colors in mind, and didn't give every low level mob the alternate colors, it wouldn't be nearly as annoying.

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They should have the "Wrong side crystals are rare". It was more fun, even if you were trying to get a blue crystal as a lightside sith, you had to earn it, you had to find or get a lightsaber with one. It was much much more fun in comparison.



Restrictions are just that: restrictions this game tells us what type of armor to wear, what type of lightsaber to use, and this just makes it worse. You make a choice and you're stuck with it forever WAY too often in this game, in a game about choices this system tends to make it look like we have none.


It was more fun being able to swap out one's lightsaber color whenever without worrying about restrictions: At least let people pick the color of their lightsaber bioware.



Besides, you guys did this totally last minute without enough planning, same with the last minute mod system changes, you guys need to own up and at least rollback the color restrictions, the current system is too extreme.

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I fail to see your issue, as I believe both sides should have exclusive things. But...


From : http://scifi.about.com/od/starwarsglossaryandfaq/a/Star-Wars-Faq-What-Do-Lightsaber-Colors-Mean.htm


" According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity. These symbolic colors began around 4,000 BBY. By 1,032 BBY, lightsaber colors were still associated with different types of Jedi, but were neither required nor exclusive. Kerra Holt in Knight Errant, for example, wields a green lightsaber despite having no association with the Jedi Consulars. "


It is possible they are following something like this, or they have it like that to push differences between the sides.


At this point in release this type of issue is worthy of a post with such feeling?



So you read a book that decided to overrationalize color choices in KOTOR and suddenly you justify a ridiculous system

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For those that aren't aware, there are still alignment neutral offhand weapons for Sith that have blue crystals in them.


So if you are darkside, you can still purchase a blue saber froma vendor, you just can't main hand wield it. The system is completely arbitrary and illogical.

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Instead of restricting colour use, add bonusses to colours which goes with a) the affiliation and b) the dark/light side.


Lightside Jedi

green/blue: max. bonus

red: no bonus


Darkside Jedi/Lightside Sith

green/blue: average bonus

red: average bonus


Darkside Sith

green blue: no bonus

red: max. bonus


"But I can't have a maxed out bonus lightsaber when I'm a darkside Jedi or lightside Sith!"

That's the price you pay for ignoring your faction's stance in the Force. If there was a story twist where one could turn sides (which would be awesome, btw), other bonusses would become active.

Edited by Nemhauser
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I disagree. If you want blue/green sabers, dont go dark! Same goes for people wanting red sabers.


Cant believe the game has been released now for less than a week and people are already trying to change the Star Wars lore.


Its like a Jedi wanting a jet pack because Bounty Hunters have them.


This isn't Warcraft.

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Instead of restricting colour use, add bonusses to colours which goes with a) the affiliation and b) the dark/light side.


Lightside Jedi

green/blue: max. bonus

red: no bonus


Darkside Jedi/Lightside Sith

green/blue: average bonus

red: average bonus


Darkside Sith

green blue: no bonus

red: max. bonus


"But I can't have a maxed out bonus lightsaber when I'm a darkside Jedi or lightside Sith!"

That's the price you pay for ignoring your faction's stance in the Force. If there was a story twist where one could turn sides (which would be awesome, btw), other bonusses would become active.


I suggested this before, and I still think it is the best approach, as it influences the decision instead of forcing it.


There is absolutely zero feedback in game that explains the reason behind color restrictions.

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