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is KOTFE the next NGE?


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Oh, this argument again. If you're not in a top 1% of the world guild, then no you haven't mastered the content. You may have mastered your level (SM, HM) but only a tiny handful ever got NiM while it was on the current gear level.


If you don't care about the challenge modes (HM, NiM) then you are still in a much better spot in 4.0 than you are today. The groupfinder will rotate SM through 9 different operations. We've never had that much variety at one time.


If you say this old content is irrelevant to you in 4.0, then it's also irrelevant to you today. If you're "done" with these 9 ops now, then you're in the same position today as you will be in October so even in the most pessimistic viewpoint this is a neutral date to you. But for some people like me, I'm excited for the variety. And yes, I've been doing operations since launch.


What the bloody hell has that got to do with anything I wrote? :rolleyes:

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Yes, I tend to think that 4.0 = NGE.

I wasn't there in SWG, however, so I can only judge what I've been reading regarding SWG.


HOW THE HELL does that make any sense? "I never experienced NGE nor played SWG but I believe it's NGE, because people are complaining about the changes"


If that's the argument then WoW's Cataclysm would be considered "NGE like".


None of these changes are changing the foundation of the game, which is what NGE did to SWG, they are not removing classes, or simplying it to just base classes. They are making minor combat changes, and streamlining the leveling process. It's still a story-driven firs themepark MMO, it's not changing from a Themepark mmo to sandbox style game. THAT would be NGE

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She is saying unless you have done everything it's still relevant. Even if you done everything, that doesn't mean that everyone has done, meaning it's still relevant. Which goes against your point that it's irrelevant.


LOL :p


Well, to be more precise if we're all being pedantic about things, it's probably irrelevant in terms of story / re-playability to a large number of gamers. Also remember the slow release cadence of some of these operations, so players have constantly been playing them over a longer period of time, and have no real desire to go back and play them again.


Or we could be more pedantic about things?



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It's a slap in the face to our entitlement.


Ah there we go, the "slap in the face." All this thread needs now is comment about the engine and we will have it covered. Here I'll do it:


Well, KoTFE needs to be a complete engine revamp. The devs should use the FrostmyAzz 3 engine and completely upgrade the game. There is still time too and cutting and pasting is easy to do with a lot of interns.

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#1 nobody likes to completely face roll content, at least I don't. I'm happy all the old content is being scaled up to appropriate difficulty.


I quite enjoy overleveling and completing heroics, flashpoints and world bosses.


#2 Gearing companions was always a pain, and once you got your 192 gear for your companion you couldn't really change the look of your companions.


Depends how they do it. What gear level will companions end up at? I like to have my companions fully augmented for soloing flashpoints.


#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


MMO =/= forced grouping. The EQ way was only one way, not the only way. Thousands of players on the server, general chat, guilds, GTN, all make for an MMO. And the vast majority of grouping I've done in this game hasn't been social. Saying Hi and GG in a flashpoint and nothing else isn't social.


#4 I want new exciting story, and I want it updated more often like they plan on doing. I want new ops and fps but I know that will eventually come and I'm okay with replaying old content that is actually a challenge now.


Ditto. I don't care about new ops, but I want other people to be happy too.


#5 Regrinding for new gear is fine, lets face it, it gives us something to do, and some kind of reward for doing it. That is how mmo's work. Who would keep playing a mmo if they are no longer progressing in anything?


I'm fine with grind. I started playing MMOs with Asheron's Call which was the king of grind :p


#6 Crafting will be fine, it will make it more accessible to casual players and other players alike.


I haven't heard enough to judge how crafting will change. I don't think they can possibly make it much worse. Can they?


#7 Companions being able to do any role is a good because that means you can use your favorite companion to be by your side, but then again it makes it so you don't want to use/have to use other companions for different roles and create some variety.


Aside from new story, this is what I'm looking forward to the most. The other changes have me apprehensive.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game


People constantly misunderstand the concept of MMO. It doesn't mean that we are always teamed up to defeat content. It means that while I am playing, thousands of other players are also playing right alone side me. Just because it is a MMO doesn't mean we even have to acknowledge one another, it just means we are not alone in the game. Completely ignoring the fact that SWTOR has gone out of it's way to ensure a rich solo content, I fail to see how your point has any merit.

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LOL :p


Well, to be more precise if we're all being pedantic about things, it's probably irrelevant in terms of story / re-playability to a large number of gamers. Also remember the slow release cadence of some of these operations, so players have constantly been playing them over a longer period of time, and have no real desire to go back and play them again.


Or we could be more pedantic about things?




I'm not disagreeing with it being irrelevant for you at this time. However, that doesn't mean it's not a positive step forward for the community as a whole. Thus, not a NGE. Nobody is losing and some are gaining so it's a good thing.

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In my experience, people who compare changes in this game to the NGE™ were either 1) not there when the NGE happened and only know what they've been told about it, or 2) didn't understand that it was a bigger change than just tweaking a few stats, and tossing a few nerfs.


They also don't seem to understand that aside from the words "star" and "wars" and a few shared bits of lore, this game is (and was never meant to be) Star Wars Galaxies.

Do people ever say "They sure NGE'd the hell out of WoW" or "This is LotRO's NGE" or is it a phrase that's specifically reserved for this game?

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In my experience, people who compare changes in this game to the NGE™ were either 1) not there when the NGE happened and only know what they've been told about it, or 2) didn't understand that it was a bigger change than just tweaking a few stats, and tossing a few nerfs.


They also don't seem to understand that aside from the words "star" and "wars" and a few shared bits of lore, this game is (and was never meant to be) Star Wars Galaxies.

Do people ever say "They sure NGE'd the hell out of WoW" or "This is LotRO's NGE" or is it a phrase that's specifically reserved for this game?


Actually NGE was (still wrongfully) thrown around a lot with the changes that came with Helms Deep. That being said you took the words right out of my mouth.

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#3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


wrong this is an RPG that just happens to be online with other people running around you. that is how this game has always been, if you dont like it go find a real MMORPG and play that.


in all honesty i hope KOTFE is the next NGE.

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I'm not disagreeing with it being irrelevant for you at this time. However, that doesn't mean it's not a positive step forward for the community as a whole. Thus, not a NGE. Nobody is losing and some are gaining so it's a good thing.


It completely depends on how much they decide to change in 4.0, one thing on it's own doesn't make an NGE moment. It also depends on what they change it to, as you well know :p

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I played Everquest for 11 years on a Warrior, you were forced to group on EVERYTHING, Soloing was only for a kiting class, then even that was tedious. I left Everquest to come here to SWToR cause i heard you could solo and group if you wanted. I got sick of grouping and raiding all the time to get anywhere, so it was a nice change to solo. Only The Heroic missions and Flashpoints you needed a group when doin them at level, which meant crying or begging in General chat on the planet of the mission (since there is no Groupfinder for Heroics) or waiting in Groupfinder for a Flashpoint to start or you could just outlevel and come back and do them solo, that was a nice option to have.


Seeker/Macro Heroic missions right now suck so bad no one will help you. At least the Seeker Heroic can be soloed if you can get past that darn healing boss that stuns you. I cant seem to do it on a Jedi Knight, it cant kill me but i cant kill it, so im stuck without help. I was really looking forward to these new 5 levels to try and beat it solo, now it sounds like ill be scaled down and need a full group no matter what.


And what the heck are those saying force grouping will be fun for the social aspect. I have done many groups doing Flashpoints and i can tell you right now, there is no social aspect to them, most the time you join the group everyone says nothing, sometimes they give a Hello at the start and a Thanks for the group at the end. I have never been in a group in this game that trys to make small talk or a conversation. There really isnt any time to talk during a flashpoint anyway, since its over with in less then an hour. In Everquest, yes, you do talk alot, cause you are with the same group for hours on end just Leveling, So you had no choice but to talk.


Scaling levels on the planets doesnt take away the soloing the planet and class quests, since i did them all solo on 16 toons. Its the Heroic missions that will be forced grouping that i absolutely am against. for one, there is no groupfinder for Heroics and second, i like to solo them, i just dont want to group for them.

When i do solo them and see some one crying for help to do the same Heroic im soloing, ill send em an invite and ill plow through it for them. Fat chance of ever doing that again if im forced to scale down to do them.

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It completely depends on how much they decide to change in 4.0, one thing on it's own doesn't make an NGE moment. It also depends on what they change it to, as you well know :p


There will be no NGE moment, the game does not change that much. I was there so I know what happened with SWG.


I am sure we get some more nice information soon in a few blogs and the upcomming cantina event so players can relax and understand it is not that bad as some say here on the forum :tran_smile:


I have 100% faith that they know what they are doing.

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I will say that the inability to explore the existing planets as I wish means I likely won't ever return to them. I've helped many people with missions in the past, but that ends with 4.0, I'm not taking my lvl 65 toon to Taris to have her gimped into nothing. That isn't fun.



YEah this is really unfun. What's the harm in my 60 doing something far below her level just for the Legacy achievemtns? I am trying to do all the planeteray Heroics now but if I have to team at a lower level it will be brutally boring. You get better rewards from high level stuff anyway. Leave this alone please? :(

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YEah this is really unfun. What's the harm in my 60 doing something far below her level just for the Legacy achievemtns? I am trying to do all the planeteray Heroics now but if I have to team at a lower level it will be brutally boring. You get better rewards from high level stuff anyway. Leave this alone please? :(


I dont get this.. all the content in this game is meant for you to do at the appropriate level, thats why it is leveling content and not end game content. You're not mean to just go face roll **** for easy achievements. Again, you will still have the option of going back and getting those achievements, it just wont be so easy for you this time around.

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I dont get this.. all the content in this game is meant for you to do at the appropriate level, thats why it is leveling content and not end game content. You're not mean to just go face roll **** for easy achievements. Again, you will still have the option of going back and getting those achievements, it just wont be so easy for you this time around.


I am seeing conflicting reports on level scaling planet wide, it sounds like its not gonna happen on live and is only done on the PTS server atm for testing purposes. If it does happen, it would be more likely optional, the devs have already said they dont want to punish their customers and im sure this will fall in the same category, as many would feel like they are being punished for soloing. Using Groupfinder is also what im hearing is where you wind up scaling up or down in, but getting the same Flashpoint manually keeps it solo for your level. The scaled version for groups would get extra rewards, the solo version would be the same old rewards and achievements. If that turns out to be true, then everyone wins, both groups and solo. No one could complain about that, cept for the sado-masochistics who want everyone to suffer their way and only their way.

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It wasn't just the NGE that cause people to abandon SWG, it was the combat upgrade they pulled before it that had a hand in it.


SWG was a fantastic game from the start to the finish, space part of it was a bit boring imho, but what really killed SWG was age. People left SWG to play WoW, they come back then left for another game, over time the game aged while newer better looking mmo's came out that grabbed attention.



Long will I miss the days of my Beastmaster or my Teras Kasi, or even my Jedi/Elder Jedi, but the game got old and boring. So I moved on about 3 months before they shut the servers down for good.



People have a habit of looking at past games with rose colored glasses and SWG is one of the biggest culprits. About a year or two from server shutdown Bria was full of ghost towns and abandon homes, never could find a decent spot for your plot because the best ones were taken by people who quit long before, then finally they allowed homes to go away after 6 months or so of inactivity.

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It wasn't just the NGE that cause people to abandon SWG, it was the combat upgrade they pulled before it that had a hand in it.


SWG was a fantastic game from the start to the finish, space part of it was a bit boring imho, but what really killed SWG was age. People left SWG to play WoW, they come back then left for another game, over time the game aged while newer better looking mmo's came out that grabbed attention.



Long will I miss the days of my Beastmaster or my Teras Kasi, or even my Jedi/Elder Jedi, but the game got old and boring. So I moved on about 3 months before they shut the servers down for good.



People have a habit of looking at past games with rose colored glasses and SWG is one of the biggest culprits. About a year or two from server shutdown Bria was full of ghost towns and abandon homes, never could find a decent spot for your plot because the best ones were taken by people who quit long before, then finally they allowed homes to go away after 6 months or so of inactivity.


IMO the game still had a good playerbase before NGE Hit, not WoW numbers, but it was still good. NGE was the nail in the coffin so to speak.

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IMO the game still had a good playerbase before NGE Hit, not WoW numbers, but it was still good. NGE was the nail in the coffin so to speak.



Oh no doubt the playerbase was still quiet healthy on some servers even after, not what it was but no game ever is, even WoW, I thoroughly enjoyed every min I put into SWG from start to end.

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