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Well, I'm getting caught for this


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So, as a Jedi Knight, I chose to romance KIra, and due to her liking almost all gifts, it was rather easy to get to the end of her arc. But that was some time ago, and she got zero interaction since then.


And then a certain Sith ally was introduced in the story arc introducing Revan, and she was actually a lot closer to the personal lore I wrote for my knight, so yes, I did romance her. Nothing was happening with Kira, after all.


But now it's been revealed that in the upcoming expansion, the new girl will be a companion, and that you can recruit your old companions. So, I guess I'm going to be caught out for my adultery.

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I'm in the same boat! Most of my male toons have romanced Lana and basically all of my female (which is my majority) have romanced Theron. I predict a lot of divorces in my future... :eek: My characters were lonely with their mute spouses after several years. Edited by blindxsecrets
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The only thing I see is, the whole concept of "adultery" is a very Earth-focused human Biblical sort of thing. In a non Earth society - star wars Is set in a "galaxy far, far away" after all - would they necessarily have the same type of set-up? After all, in the animal kingdom you have many instances of animals having more than one "mate" -i.e. male lions have their pride, bovines have herds, and queen bees have their drones.

So I can see Vector, who was a Joiner-Killik - at least being open to the idea of being more than one spouse.

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Human's are still humans. The only sad part is people saying "I wouldn't have done it if they still talked" :p Pfft...they would have done it. If they just gave a quick cutscene of all the LI's saying a few repeated lines just to say "they're still talking" people would have cheated even if they did talk. :p


It's the, "Have to click on all the flirt options" :p You think all these people who say "they never spoke" had really gone that long without talking to their companion? Lots of these people are recent level 50+ who just finished their class stories and moved on as soon as the flirt option was given.

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I'm in the same boat! Most of my male toons have romanced Lana and basically all of my female (which is my majority) have romanced Theron. I predict a lot of divorces in my future... :eek: My characters were lonely with their mute spouses!


I'm in the same boat.... most of my male toons cheated on their spouses with Lana. I forsee a very ticked of Akaavi Spar trying to kill my Smuggler and Kaliyo and DS Jaesa complaining that they weren't allowed to join in the fun. The rest will probably be some choice words, a divorce and a ***** slap haha :rak_03:

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Human's are still humans. The only sad part is people saying "I wouldn't have done it if they still talked" :p Pfft...they would have done it. If they just gave a quick cutscene of all the LI's saying a few repeated lines just to say "they're still talking" people would have cheated even if they did talk. :p


It's the, "Have to click on all the flirt options" :p You think all these people who say "they never spoke" had really gone that long without talking to their companion? Lots of these people are recent level 50+ who just finished their class stories and moved on as soon as the flirt option was given.


This excuse brings a certain scene to mind.

Lady Grathan and Vette. Did her speaking up against going up Grathan's exhaust port stop you? :o


Or another scene.

Her and Dark Jaesa. Who'd you choose? Did your affection with Vette just go to waste, cause you went with Jaesa? Jaesa didn't care, but Vette didn't wanna share ;)

Edited by JWagner
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This excuse brings a certain scene to mind.

Lady Grathan and Vette. Did her speaking up against going up Grathan's exhaust port stop you? :o


Or another scene.

Her and Dark Jaesa. Who'd you choose? Did your affection with Vette just go to waste, cause you went with Jaesa? Jaesa didn't care, but Vette didn't wanna share ;)


No male SW here, but at least in that scene with Grathan, you figure most male SW's weren't at the vette romancing part of the story yet.


Like my SI flirting with the sith on Alderaan. She's not with Revel yet (though with the options we have now, and it looking like we'll always have Theron and Lana, it makes it a little harder not to forget about the 1-50 companions from this point on).

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No male SW here, but at least in that scene with Grathan, you figure most male SW's weren't at the vette romancing part of the story yet.


Like my SI flirting with the sith on Alderaan. She's not with Revel yet (though with the options we have now, and it looking like we'll always have Theron and Lana, it makes it a little harder not to forget about the 1-50 companions from this point on).


My original point, before I got off topic, was that there are a couple companions with their moments of modesty and/or moments of jealousy. I mean, ya think Vette would have cared if she didn't like you, at least a little bit, way back then? ;)


Or the whole Jaesa/Vette love triangle? One of them ends up not liking you afterwards, if I recall. :D


It would have been nice if there were more moments like this, however. They are few and far between, and very exclusive to SW from my experience.

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Don't worry, I did it twice -- female smuggler and JK

It was kinda of fun, I loved to flirt and after all, JKs and marriage is "not cool" anyway -- but why not?

So yes, I cheated -- for the fun of it -- and was a tad upset when I found out they'd know; but now that I've thought about it -- I'm not upset -- I want new companions anyway ( with a few keepers I hope) -- both the LIs can leave though


I was missing and presumed dead for 5 yrs anyway -- they need to move on --- I "have a mission" , and they really need to get on with their lives and families ..... I was never that attached to the majority of them, so after a bit of time, I'm fine with it and have moved on too -- that's with two of my toons ----

The other two never got involved, so they are fine ( and my agent is still waiting for Saganu to get back into the story somehow, somewhere ...... )

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I'm actually looking forward to Quinn confronting my Sith Warrior about it.


"My Lord, why did you sleep with the pathetic Republic Agent?!"


"Well, I figured if he tried to kill me, it would actually make sense. Y'know, more so than my own husband trying to do it. Jerk."

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I'm actually looking forward to Quinn confronting my Sith Warrior about it.


"My Lord, why did you sleep with the pathetic Republic Agent?!"


"Well, I figured if he tried to kill me, it would actually make sense. Y'know, more so than my own husband trying to do it. Jerk."


Was he your husband first? I take it lots of gifts thrown at him to get to that point really quick?


I hadn't gotten that far, but had start the relationship, so I did love it when my Sith said he couldn't share her bed anymore and his line was something along the lines of "Then I truely have lost."

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I believe I cheated on ever single one of my companions that I was married too. fortunately, my main never got married, so I won't get called out on that. I really do like Lana better then the rest of my companions I married. her personality and looks are better in my opinion. Edited by Cordarn
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I could protest in many ways. I could say that if I knew I'd get a companion like Lana later on, I wouldn't have romanced Kira. I could say that I haven't heard anything from her in years, and she's practically been nothing more than a maid with a lightsabre.


But right now, I guess I feel a little cheated that instead of getting a warning at the time to back off or else, I'm going to get punished for something I can't do anything about.


It's just like the Corso Riggs romance, I didn't realize you could block it off so easily. Had to start a new smuggler to start it up properly.


Edit: Also, I had maxed Kira's affection in act 2. Keeping a companion around most of the time will give you lots of affection, throw gifts on top of that and it's easy to max someone before reaching the end of the storyline.

Edited by ekimmak
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I could protest in many ways. I could say that if I knew I'd get a companion like Lana later on, I wouldn't have romanced Kira. I could say that I haven't heard anything from her in years, and she's practically been nothing more than a maid with a lightsabre.


But right now, I guess I feel a little cheated that instead of getting a warning at the time to back off or else, I'm going to get punished for something I can't do anything about.


It's just like the Corso Riggs romance, I didn't realize you could block it off so easily. Had to start a new smuggler to start it up properly.


Edit: Also, I had maxed Kira's affection in act 2. Keeping a companion around most of the time will give you lots of affection, throw gifts on top of that and it's easy to max someone before reaching the end of the storyline.


Well see. In life, one doesn't know who they will romance. You chose Kira because? She was available? Married her. Then met Lana! So, like a cad would, you cheated on your wife, to be with the new hottie who came into your life. :)


Everyone had a warning. It was called, "You married this companion" :p Everyone knew their characters where married, at the time we never thought we'd actually lose them, even if they never really spoke again.


Though this goes back to head canon on things. Did you really think "Oh hey, my character is going through all this and my companions and my character aren't talking?" Then I have to ask, how exactly is your padawans even learning from you? You never really teach them anything.


Kira, you never taught her anything, since you never see it. On a consular, the same for Nadia except that she said it was done and you see it in one cut scene before Rishi.


You have to take some of the game limitations into account. :p Do you really consider your JK killing millions of people in their life for those nameless mobs that are really nothing more than being there to give you xp as a game mechanic?

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I'm in the same boat! Most of my male toons have romanced Lana and basically all of my female (which is my majority) have romanced Theron. I predict a lot of divorces in my future... :eek: My characters were lonely with their mute spouses!


I have zero interest in Lana or Theron on any of my toons, since I can't get over the blatant 'one-size-fits-all' fanservice reasons for their existence. I am vehemently opposed to generic storyline for all classes and nothing makes it more obvious than these two.


I get the feeling that whenever I have asked the devs for something in the forums (along other people), they seem to find the lowest common denominator of the requests and fulfill the request with the laziest way possible. (The record holder is still CCP though. Players yearned for actual human avatars in eve online for years, talking about "walking in stations", so CCP created a really impressive human avatar.... and a single room aboard the stations where you could walk around - alone. No interaction with NPCs or other players. Lana and Theron are very much the same. )

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So, as a Jedi Knight, I chose to romance KIra, and due to her liking almost all gifts, it was rather easy to get to the end of her arc. But that was some time ago, and she got zero interaction since then.


And then a certain Sith ally was introduced in the story arc introducing Revan, and she was actually a lot closer to the personal lore I wrote for my knight, so yes, I did romance her. Nothing was happening with Kira, after all.


But now it's been revealed that in the upcoming expansion, the new girl will be a companion, and that you can recruit your old companions. So, I guess I'm going to be caught out for my adultery.


Yeah I'm in the same boat with Nadia. I finished her romance what over year maybe 1.5 years ago? Then haven't heard a word out of her since?


I naturally went to Lana, her character was cool (minus the Kirsten Dunst cold).


If Nadia calls me out on it, I hope there is a "well you didn't talk to me for years"


However, I want to know who the other romances are if its not just Lana and Nadia (consular) for straight characters.

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Yeah I'm in the same boat with Nadia. I finished her romance what over year maybe 1.5 years ago? Then haven't heard a word out of her since?


I naturally went to Lana, her character was cool (minus the Kirsten Dunst cold).


If Nadia calls me out on it, I hope there is a "well you didn't talk to me for years"


However, I want to know who the other romances are if its not just Lana and Nadia (consular) for straight characters.


She didn't just talk to you during SoR talking about the meditation? :p


No seriously, I have to ask, what do players think their companions are doing that whole time? Do you think they ran off never to be heard from again until the next cut scene with them? :p

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-Male Marauder, married/romanced Vette, gonna try to keep that intact, don't remember my Theron/Lana options


-Male Mercenary, married/romanced Mako, gonna try to keep that intact ^^^^^^ditto with Theron/Lana


-Female Powertech, married/romanced Torian, haven't gotten further, but I'm keeping the romance intact...


-Male Commando, haven't romanced a companion...romanced/flirted with Theron...if they ever implement SGR, I need it for my commando! :o

Edited by absolutetristan
Vette, not Vetter...
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She didn't just talk to you during SoR talking about the meditation? :p


No seriously, I have to ask, what do players think their companions are doing that whole time? Do you think they ran off never to be heard from again until the next cut scene with them? :p


Lol that is a fair point.


I guess for someone who might have been around since launch, it is interesting to see the romances to pretty much have zero interactions with characters since end of chapter 3. Sure they "talk" to us and the emails were nice.


However, look at how they are able to send out Ranked rewards to players via emails. It has the same concept of picking each class for a certain parameter.


How hard would it have been to write a code or email every 6 months that reminded our characters of our romance or lack of romance with the current companions?


That's why when Lana or Theron came around, everyone was fine to romance them because:


1) Their other romance hasn't said a word

2) Probably assumed they could just cheat

3) Didn't assume they would be caught in an expansion <3


Your point is valid, I guess in game we know that our romance didn't just disappear or just sit in my medbay for 1.5 years hehe


Its just we didn't get any continuation of their romance until we heard about the expansion what a few months ago?

I'd guarantee that the majority of newer players going through the stories will stay faithful to their companions because the stories are still fresh. While older players will probably cheat every time since they haven't had new companion content since the beginning of the game.


I just hope there is an option to be forgiven by the companion and a choice to finally break it off :rak_03:


As another poster wrote also...

"You don't know a threesome is out of the question until you ask" :rak_grin:

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