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Darth Vader a sith?


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Totally, just look to other Sith who weren't shown using lightning but were definitely Sith; Darth Maul stands out in my head. Also, one might believe that since Anakin would have become twice as powerful as the Emperor had he not been reconstructed, he probably could have been able to use it eventually. But he ****** that up :p
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Technically, neither Vader nor Sidious were TRUE Sith. They were both practitioners of Darkside and only Darkside use which by fiat has come to mean they are CALLED Sith in name only. The true Sith were an actual race that was supposedly wiped out thousands of years prior to the Battle of Yavin IV. Of course if you go by the more recent set of books, there was a lost tribe of Sith that was unknown to any upstart Sith or Jedi.


A bit off topic but of some interest to the subject at hand.

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No he didn't. Most of those wounds came from Obi-wan; which means Palpantine would have been looking for a new replacement asap.

you gotta remeber they had just wiped out all the known force users in the galaxy it would have taken him to long to find a replacement for vader.

so even vader with a diminished capabililty in the force would be better then no apprentice for the sith always come in 2 a lord and his apprentice

Edited by marneuscalgar
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Technically, neither Vader nor Sidious were TRUE Sith. They were both practitioners of Darkside and only Darkside use which by fiat has come to mean they are CALLED Sith in name only. The true Sith were an actual race that was supposedly wiped out thousands of years prior to the Battle of Yavin IV. Of course if you go by the more recent set of books, there was a lost tribe of Sith that was unknown to any upstart Sith or Jedi.


A bit off topic but of some interest to the subject at hand.


The Sith had become much more than just a race. It became a tradition, a religion, and even a way of life. Sidious and Vader may not have been members of the sith species but they were members of the "Religion."

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Not all sith can force choke. It requires very precise force control to not just break someones neck.


Its no different than real life. Some actors can sing, some can dance, some can do both, and some cant do either.

rofl :D

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Technically, neither Vader nor Sidious were TRUE Sith. They were both practitioners of Darkside and only Darkside use which by fiat has come to mean they are CALLED Sith in name only. The true Sith were an actual race that was supposedly wiped out thousands of years prior to the Battle of Yavin IV. Of course if you go by the more recent set of books, there was a lost tribe of Sith that was unknown to any upstart Sith or Jedi.


A bit off topic but of some interest to the subject at hand.


The True Sith are extinct, from a certain point of view. The first Dark Jedi exiles, landed on Korriban, where they encountered the natives, called Sith. There they lived as gods, and eventually mingled with the Sith. Eventually the Force users of that race became what we know as Sith. It was Darth Bane that turned the Sith into what we know of it @ the time of Sidious, 1 master & 1 apprentice (Rule of Two). If that was a good idea, is a different discussion alltogether, but it was a good idea to undo the Brotherhood of Darkness, since that was more a Dark Jedi Order, then a Sith Order.

Marka Ragnos, Lude Kressh, Tulak Hord, all Sith from the Sith race (if I'm nog mistaken). Exar Kun, Uliq Qel-Droma, Revan, Malak, and all Sith after Bane (including Sidious, Tyranus, Maul & Vader): not from the Sith race, but definetely Sith. Though according to the words of Lumiya, it can be argued if Vader was really Sith, cause of her statement that non-organic-compounds block the full potential of a Sith (which is why she doesn't call herself Sith, though she is a former apprentice of a Sith Master (think it even was Sidious)).

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There are a couple reasons why Vader never learned to use force lighting.


First, being the limitations he encountered from being encumbered by his suit. Second, he really never had any time to learn it. If you've read the first Darth Bane novel it goes into detail about how when Githany taught Bane to use force lightning she was surprised that he was able to conjure so much of it within their first lesson, while the other students could only create a couple sparks after the first few lessons. If you remember during the movie, it was literally moments after Anakin was given the name Vader and the Darth title that Sidious sent him away to Mustafar - he simply did not have time to really teach him anything, and after Vader and Kenobi's duel Vader being in a suit after that really took away any chance for him to learn.


It's really interesting to think about what Vader -could- have been capable of had he not been injured and confined to his suit.

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Against Count Dooku and Darth Sidious in the movies, Yoda returns force lightning back to the casters, and Yoda happens to be a Jedi, soo.... =/


Yoda used "rebuke" to do that all we did was redirect it and absorb it


also i cant call Vader a Sith only because he converted over to the dark side after being a Jedi...so a dark Jedi or fallen Jedi is more prevalent but that is just my opinion

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Being able to use lighting, doesn't make you or not make you a sith. Reason why Vader can't is because if he tried he would have fried his life support suit and killed himself. He is a sith lord, so he can't use lighting who cares? Force lighting DOESN'T determine wiether someone is a sith lord or not.



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Very simple answer I shall give you.


There were only movie back in these days, no other book/comics/games, especially games, that made every sith shoot lightnings and choke with force, every jedi mind tricking and force-healing (sick).


I think nobody was thinking back there "Every sith have control over lightnings and can force choke", rather "It will be cool if Emperor would shoot lightnings out of his fingertips, this is so evil! And the Vader guy, he will choke one of his lieutenants without even touching him, that will look so awesome!".

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Just because Vader never used lightning, whats to say he couldn't?


Vader often eschewed the trappings of royalty that Palpatine loved so much. Why bother with lightning? It's just more Sith melodrama that bored Vader. Darth would just deflect it, walk over and chop them in half, or crush their windpipe with a thought.


Palpatine more powerful than Darth? Silly. Vader was keeping Palp alive until he ferreted out all his dark secrets, and found someone to help him run the galaxy (Luke).


As for Vader being unable to use lightning because of his mechanical components, that just doesn't make sense. These computers we are using are mechanical machines that are powered by very small lightning bolts, the sensitive parts are shielded from excessive power, with rubber and other such insulators.


I postulate that Vader's cybernetics would enhance his ability to generate lightning. He would be less vulnerable to electrical attack than a non cybernetic being. We have only bone and flesh to insulate us from electrical attack. Vader could have critical electrical and organic components heavily shielded with advanced polymers and heavy metals, making him virtually lightning proof! He could install conductors to power his batteries, lightning attacks would only make him stronger!


As for Vader losing his connection with the force because his amputations reduced his biological mass, as a two meter tall giant missing appendages, he still had more effective mass than a 10 year old boy (Anakin in Phantom Menace). Also, don't forget, Obi-wan stated that after Darth struck him down "I shall become more powerful that you can possibly imagine". The unimaginably powerful Obi-wan had effectively zero mass....

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I would classify Darth Vader more closely to a Fallen/Dark Jedi. He was not trained from the start to be evil and give in to hate, he was just a normal Jedi that eventually allowed his emotions to overtake thought out actions.


No, but he was taken in by Darth Sidious of the Sith order, made part of the rule of two created by Bane.


Darth Vader is sith.


Remember Darth Vader wanting Luke on his side so they could take down Darth Sidious? That is sith tradition. Not the race for any nitpickers but the cult.

Edited by Sjax
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Also, don't forget, Obi-wan stated that after Darth struck him down "I shall become more powerful that you can possibly imagine". The unimaginably powerful Obi-wan had effectively zero mass....

I lol'd. Then I thought about it. Then I lol'd more.


+1 Internets

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Just because Vader never used lightning, whats to say he couldn't?


Vader often eschewed the trappings of royalty that Palpatine loved so much. Why bother with lightning? It's just more Sith melodrama that bored Vader. Darth would just deflect it, walk over and chop them in half, or crush their windpipe with a thought.


Palpatine more powerful than Darth? Silly. Vader was keeping Palp alive until he ferreted out all his dark secrets, and found someone to help him run the galaxy (Luke).


As for Vader being unable to use lightning because of his mechanical components, that just doesn't make sense. These computers we are using are mechanical machines that are powered by very small lightning bolts, the sensitive parts are shielded from excessive power, with rubber and other such insulators.


I postulate that Vader's cybernetics would enhance his ability to generate lightning. He would be less vulnerable to electrical attack than a non cybernetic being. We have only bone and flesh to insulate us from electrical attack. Vader could have critical electrical and organic components heavily shielded with advanced polymers and heavy metals, making him virtually lightning proof! He could install conductors to power his batteries, lightning attacks would only make him stronger!


As for Vader losing his connection with the force because his amputations reduced his biological mass, as a two meter tall giant missing appendages, he still had more effective mass than a 10 year old boy (Anakin in Phantom Menace). Also, don't forget, Obi-wan stated that after Darth struck him down "I shall become more powerful that you can possibly imagine". The unimaginably powerful Obi-wan had effectively zero mass....


Aren't you forgetting how Darth Vader died in the first place? You know. By electrocution while throwing Darth Sidious into a ventilation shaft or whatever?

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I postulate that Vader's cybernetics would enhance his ability to generate lightning. He would be less vulnerable to electrical attack than a non cybernetic being. We have only bone and flesh to insulate us from electrical attack. Vader could have critical electrical and organic components heavily shielded with advanced polymers and heavy metals, making him virtually lightning proof! He could install conductors to power his batteries, lightning attacks would only make him stronger!

Well, he obviously didn't, because the Return of the Jedi postulated that he died from lightning.

Edited by StealthNerf
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Just because Vader never used lightning, whats to say he couldn't?


Vader often eschewed the trappings of royalty that Palpatine loved so much. Why bother with lightning? It's just more Sith melodrama that bored Vader. Darth would just deflect it, walk over and chop them in half, or crush their windpipe with a thought.


Palpatine more powerful than Darth? Silly. Vader was keeping Palp alive until he ferreted out all his dark secrets, and found someone to help him run the galaxy (Luke).


As for Vader being unable to use lightning because of his mechanical components, that just doesn't make sense. These computers we are using are mechanical machines that are powered by very small lightning bolts, the sensitive parts are shielded from excessive power, with rubber and other such insulators.


I postulate that Vader's cybernetics would enhance his ability to generate lightning. He would be less vulnerable to electrical attack than a non cybernetic being. We have only bone and flesh to insulate us from electrical attack. Vader could have critical electrical and organic components heavily shielded with advanced polymers and heavy metals, making him virtually lightning proof! He could install conductors to power his batteries, lightning attacks would only make him stronger!


As for Vader losing his connection with the force because his amputations reduced his biological mass, as a two meter tall giant missing appendages, he still had more effective mass than a 10 year old boy (Anakin in Phantom Menace). Also, don't forget, Obi-wan stated that after Darth struck him down "I shall become more powerful that you can possibly imagine". The unimaginably powerful Obi-wan had effectively zero mass....


Read the EU. Vader was no match for Sidious. He wasn't keeping him alive. He also straight up said to Luke "TOGETHER" he couldn't beat Sidious.

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Force Lightening is a high level force technique, only a few force users could use (before the game leit it go for every lvl 1 SI :D)

The most Force Users in the books have a few techniques that they are expert in, for some this is even "only" using their light sabre with unmatched expertise.


On a side note the bulk of the force users has only enough skill in the force to use a lightsabre without cutting themselfs into peaces and do a little force pushing.


On a further sidenote the emperror eventually subblemented Vader with Mara Jade, aka Hand of the Emperor. (but didnt made her sith)

Edited by Lugtor
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As for Vader being unable to use lightning because of his mechanical components, that just doesn't make sense. These computers we are using are mechanical machines that are powered by very small lightning bolts, the sensitive parts are shielded from excessive power, with rubber and other such insulators.


I postulate that Vader's cybernetics would enhance his ability to generate lightning. He would be less vulnerable to electrical attack than a non cybernetic being. We have only bone and flesh to insulate us from electrical attack. Vader could have critical electrical and organic components heavily shielded with advanced polymers and heavy metals, making him virtually lightning proof! He could install conductors to power his batteries, lightning attacks would only make him stronger!



For a bit more on the electrical side, computers and microchips keep the electricity confined to a small area of the board. If a power surge comes along, like lightning, it will burn out those confined areas and spread to the more sensitive sections of a board, causing electronic failure. <_< I see it alot with lightning strikes on low voltage stuff (Water too. Waters alot more interesting as it just takes the electricity thats within safe ranges on the panel and moves it to other less protected areas but it's a different subject) and it's very easy to tell. The electricity levels just overwhelm what the electronics and metal/resistors are capable of handling. Rubber isnt a miracle material that blocks all electricity, you'll still get shocked and/or die with rubber if it's a powerful enough charge, and lightning falls under that category. :p The force lightning would push it's way through, superheating the finer peices of metal, melting the rubber, hopping to the less resistant areas while destroying everything in the way as it tries to find the path of least resistance to the ground. =x

Edited by Amaste
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sidious is a real sith..... who only gives the illusion of their being a Dark Council ...... he barely ever communicates with them either



also , sidious is also the longest living sith ever to have been born


don't believe me , read "revan"


emperor is thousands of years old

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No he didn't. Most of those wounds came from Obi-wan; which means Palpantine would have been looking for a new replacement asap.



Actually, Vader's wounds made him even more appealing as an apprentice. As you cut away parts of your body, you lose midichlorians which dampens your connection to The Force. Palpatine COULD have regrown the limbs that he lost using imperial medical technology (apparently, the Rebellion didn't have access to this - Sorry Luke) but decided to attach mechanical prosthesis instead, weakening him.


The reason for this is because He knew that eventually, Vader's hate for him would cause him to challenge the Emperor, and Palpatine wanted a strong apprentice, but not one strong enough to overthrow him. In the end of Episode III, when Palpy says that Vader killed Padme, Vader knew he was lying and began plotting against him (see Force Unleashed for the plotting). Had Vader been made whole again, he would have been more powerful than any other force user. Anakin's Power > Vader's Power.

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