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4.0 Assassin


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If sins get a similar functioning ability to Operatives in the Dev blog, a 30m teleport OFF the GCD, that would mean with proper Phase Walk placement, we could move 90m in one GCD.


Also, if said ability is off the GCD, it's going to be a DPS gain.


Again, this is SPECULATION.




The only thing worth discussing about PvP in this game is when they'll pull the plug. Who cares, PvP is dead in this N64 Graphics Graveyard. Why even bother with theoretical discussion about a game that mechanics are so broken and illogical it's beyond repair? Have you watched their twitch streams? The devs don't even know how to use OBS, let alone code the game with this trash engine or balance anything.


PvP is a joke and being a good pvper carries about as much bragging rights and beating Hello Kitty Adventure Island on easy mode, it takes no skill to be good around here with who's left playing the game. Almost everyone on the ranked board is a win trader with friends, that's just the facts. There's little to no reason at all to care about what state this game is or the direction it's taking at all anymore.


The engine is a pile of shiat, period. The Devs don't know what they're doing, period. And when you play a game such as Blade and Soul and realize how a good MMO actually functions in relation to PVP again you'll find yourself wondering why you're still on this dumpster game.


PvP here is about rolling sorcs and PTs all day and acting like a retard in chat, almost every player that was actually good left almost 2 years ago and it was all downhill from there. Then you had absolute trash wanna be pvpers like Xinlika or whatever her name is and Evolixe (one of the worst in the history of SWTOR and Wildstar) giving their input turning assassin madness tree into what we got pre aoe dot nerf. Two people who bought and paid for an 1800 gear carry on Wildstar because they couldn't get it themselves and got caught.


There's nothing to prove here anymore with this game, it's an abandon ghost town with no hope in regards to PVP that not even the new movies coming out can Necro. Every PVP update should be streamed on twitch by a stand up comedian because it's nothing a big joke, The only reason to stick around was because it's simply star wars, but not even that is a good enough reason to waste time battling it out to be king of a pile of dino dooke. Nobody cares anymore it's done.


Someone call Disney and ask when they're taking the servers down and someone is going to make a real SW MMO because it will never happen here. Game can't even handle more then 3 objects on the screen at a time let alone every class teleporting across the map, might as well let everyone just use teleport hacking mods lol. Because a good player here means absolutely nothing anymore and hasn't for a very long time.


Why even write guides and sticky them on the forums? It takes 15 minutes to figure it out.


1) Roll Sorc or PT

2) Sorc choose Madness/Heals , PT go AP

3) Bash your mechanical keyboard like a true champion.

4) Win


4.0 Guide done, sticky pl0x.

Edited by djcetra
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The only thing worth discussing about PvP in this game is when they'll pull the plug. Who cares, PvP is dead in this N64 Graphics Graveyard. Why even bother with theoretical discussion about a game that mechanics are so broken and illogical it's beyond repair? Have you watched their twitch streams? The devs don't even know how to use OBS, let alone code the game with this trash engine or balance anything.


Aside from the few hiccups the glitches are pretty few. I play on a west coast server and live on the east coast and for the most part don't have many issues. Graphics are nice if you have a good graphics card and turn them up as a few people have shown on youtube.


PvP is a joke and being a good pvper carries about as much bragging rights and beating Hello Kitty Adventure Island on easy mode, it takes no skill to be good around here with who's left playing the game. Almost everyone on the ranked board is a win trader with friends, that's just the facts. There's little to no reason at all to care about what state this game is or the direction it's taking at all anymore.


This is not a competitive MOBA game, this is an mmo. In any mmo PvP is not the main focus, it is a side game to not be taken extremely seriously. Yes there are few good players left, yes ranked is ****, yes people win trade, and no your solo rating doesn't mean anything. So what? Can you still find a way to have fun? If the answer is no, then it is time to move on. Simply trashing the entire game because ranked (something very few people play or take seriously) is bad makes no sense.


The engine is a pile of shiat, period. The Devs don't know what they're doing, period. And when you play a game such as Blade and Soul and realize how a good MMO actually functions in relation to PVP again you'll find yourself wondering why you're still on this dumpster game.


I haven't seen anything special about blade and soul, and I hate pvp that requires you to spend time gearing for pvp gear just so you don't get absolutely obliterated. Completely subjective.


PvP here is about rolling sorcs and PTs all day and acting like a retard in chat, almost every player that was actually good left almost 2 years ago and it was all downhill from there. Then you had absolute trash wanna be pvpers like Xinlika or whatever her name is and Evolixe (one of the worst in the history of SWTOR and Wildstar) giving their input turning assassin madness tree into what we got pre aoe dot nerf. Two people who bought and paid for an 1800 gear carry on Wildstar because they couldn't get it themselves and got caught.


1. not all pvp is solo ranked. Some of us enjoy objective play where strategy is involved instead of "derp derp derp I win!!!!". In an 4dps vs 4dps random arena deathmatch you will NEVER EVER EVER EVER (did I mention EVER?) have balance. It is an impossible task, there will always be 1 or 2 classes that are better than others for that particular type of pvp, this happens in ANY mmo. The devs in WoW even said that arena's was the worst feature they implemented and would not implement them if they had to do it over. You can't change this simple reality, what you can change is your attitude towards it.


2. Whether you like them or not xinika and evolixe have proven themselves to be very good players who know a lot about this class. I personally hated evolixe's personality but I will not deny that he was very skilled with the assassin class, more skillful than almost anyone else who was playing at the time. I don't know or care about what happened in WS, I'm sure the 10 people who still play it might, but it has nothing to do with TOR. And BTW, how are guardians in WS doing? Still destroying everyone? thought so.


3. The madness assassin buff was almost perfect for both PvP and PvE. They went a tad too far and needed to lower the damage a bit, but it was only by a bit. BW went a bit crazy and even added more damage in 2.10, but that was not something requested by either of those 2.


There's nothing to prove here anymore with this game, it's an abandon ghost town with no hope in regards to PVP that not even the new movies coming out can Necro. Every PVP update should be streamed on twitch by a stand up comedian because it's nothing a big joke, The only reason to stick around was because it's simply star wars, but not even that is a good enough reason to waste time battling it out to be king of a pile of dino dooke. Nobody cares anymore it's done.


I know this may be hard to accept, but PvP is not the main concern in an mmo. I'm going to quote Roudy here: "Every mmo is an PvE game with a bit of PvP on the side, if you don't like it you are in the wrong game".


Also not sure why this rant is on the Assassin's forum where we are discussing the 4.0 changes to our class. Currently this class's dps trees aren't that good in PvP but it has many more problems in PvE, which should be addressed first.

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I know this may be hard to accept, but PvP is not the main concern in an mmo. I'm going to quote Roudy here: "Every mmo is an PvE game with a bit of PvP on the side, if you don't like it you are in the wrong game".


Also not sure why this rant is on the Assassin's forum where we are discussing the 4.0 changes to our class. Currently this class's dps trees aren't that good in PvP but it has many more problems in PvE, which should be addressed first.


Agreed. The class as a whole NEEDS help in pve. All 3 specs were in a good spot in 2.10, then when 3.0 hit, and dot spread became all the rage and deception's damage was actually nerfed. Then hatred gets the wrong things nerfed which really screwed us(explain how you're suppose to dot spread most things with lacerate, and why our range was nerfed since it was never an issue before). Right now the only really good spec for assassins in pve is Darkness, and even then, PTs are a bit better. Hatred is laughable with it's dps, I only spec hatred for commanders and torque. Deception is barely holding on as an ok spec for pve but even then, it's dps is sub-par.


Hatred is not as strong as it was for pvp, in fact I'd dare say deception is once again better, especially with LOL slash(which with all the new movement buffs coming in 4.0, LOL slash should stay as it is) I can't speak for darkness in pvp because I don't tank pvp. This class and this game in general need better balancing, and no I don't want to re-roll another class because I love my assassin thank you.

Edited by Iona_Var
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Some people actually enjoy the game, and yes they have let a lot of things slide for too long. But you are not forced to play this game. If you think it's such garbage and a waste of time, don't play. Simple as that.

Thx for stating the obvious, exactly why I don't log in often anymore but as forums are here for opinions I'll let mine fly.

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Aside from the few hiccups the glitches are pretty few. I play on a west coast server and live on the east coast and for the most part don't have many issues. Graphics are nice if you have a good graphics card and turn them up as a few people have shown on youtube.




This is not a competitive MOBA game, this is an mmo. In any mmo PvP is not the main focus, it is a side game to not be taken extremely seriously. Yes there are few good players left, yes ranked is ****, yes people win trade, and no your solo rating doesn't mean anything. So what? Can you still find a way to have fun? If the answer is no, then it is time to move on. Simply trashing the entire game because ranked (something very few people play or take seriously) is bad makes no sense.



Installing SWTOR shader addons make it look slightly better but in comparison to some new alternatives it looks horrible and the only explanation for one not being able to comprehend that is facepalm worthy. The game looks terrible, I've played since Beta and had a lot of fun here but I'm not going to make excuses for it. I don't like MOBAS, the pace is far too slow for me I'm not into those type of games.



I haven't seen anything special about blade and soul, and I hate pvp that requires you to spend time gearing for pvp gear just so you don't get absolutely obliterated. Completely subjective.



This isn't a backhanded comment but rather a helpful suggestion, look harder. No seriously, because you're way off the mark here. I have a level 50 of every classe in B&S, 5 on China server and 3 on JP. Assassin is Hongmen 11 so far (if you're familiar with that). Gear is normalized for ranked arena in Blade & Soul and that aspect of the game is entirely dependent on players skill with said class period. World PvP there is a grind, just like there's an easy grind in swtor. The graphics are generations better, the combat system is far superior and so is the engine. With everything on MAX settings I average 120FPS, it'd go higher but the game caps your framerate there. But again, the only facts here are technical ones, I can't argue one's "opinion" of gameplay. If you don't like how it feels when you try it then that's all up to your experience and you should always stick to what you enjoy. I only mention the game because I'm sick of the garbage technology SWTOR sits on, it's really sad they game will never be anything better because of Hero Engine limitations and bad Developers that are still around.


1. not all pvp is solo ranked. Some of us enjoy objective play where strategy is involved instead of "derp derp derp I win!!!!". In an 4dps vs 4dps random arena deathmatch you will NEVER EVER EVER EVER (did I mention EVER?) have balance. It is an impossible task, there will always be 1 or 2 classes that are better than others for that particular type of pvp, this happens in ANY mmo. The devs in WoW even said that arena's was the worst feature they implemented and would not implement them if they had to do it over. You can't change this simple reality, what you can change is your attitude towards it.



Duh. And you're talking to someone who used to enjoy playing objectively in this game rather then pew pew for top DMG all day. Quite honestly though the way this game is so imbalanced, those who roll in with heavy Sorc/PT teams usually wipe the floor with the other team and get the objectives done anyway now while the other team respawns. In regards to what the WoW devs said, it was in regards to how it was originally implemented, they actually love their arena system and are migrating toward normalization in ranked arena which means they only need to balance the PVP skill aspects of all classes. WoW arena is the only PvP that has kept that % of subsribers still on the game and is headed in the right direction, the problem is for most, it's too old and many are just sick of WoW in general.


2. Whether you like them or not xinika and evolixe have proven themselves to be very good players who know a lot about this class. I personally hated evolixe's personality but I will not deny that he was very skilled with the assassin class, more skillful than almost anyone else who was playing at the time. I don't know or care about what happened in WS, I'm sure the 10 people who still play it might, but it has nothing to do with TOR. And BTW, how are guardians in WS doing? Still destroying everyone? thought so.


Well whether I like xinika or evolixe as people doesn't matter but since you mention it, evolixe does have a douchebag personality not many seem to like him on any game I've played. But as far as skills? Strongly disagree, maybe from your skill level the guy proved to be a good assassin but he's complete garbage to top tier players. I won't say he hasn't had his moments but taking his advice on assassin class for the most part is a bad path to take. Xinika can have the knowledge she wants but every game that girl has played her solo abilities have been average at best, she's only done well with supporting cast that has carried her HARDCORE. She is not a good individual player and always plays backseat to her friends but gets guides stickied because she's the one willing to take credit and spend that type of time on the forums. Evolixe is a joke, the times I buried that little dutch hot head on his assassin in swtor and stalker in wildstar is hilarious, but he'd never admit it and will lie like no other about these sort of things, that's the type of person he is. If you want to see a top tier Assassin that has long since quit SWTOR to my knowledge go search Roudy vs Evolixe and watch Evo get his dook pushed in. Anyway enough about them.


Wildstar? Seriously man I have no idea what's going on in that game, I quit a very long time ago. I was in the group of people who hit 50 first and therefore got 1800 gear quite easily, once you got 1800 gear in that game you destroyed everyone regardless of skill so I canceled and moved on, that game was a sad story and failure. Even as disgusted as I am with SWTOR I shouldn't have left this game for WS at that time.



3. The madness assassin buff was almost perfect for both PvP and PvE. They went a tad too far and needed to lower the damage a bit, but it was only by a bit. BW went a bit crazy and even added more damage in 2.10, but that was not something requested by either of those 2.



I disagree, for PVP the madness tree made absolutely no sense especially with 30m death field. You were playing a Sorc with a couple assassin abilities. Maybe it helped in PvE, I don't care. The position they put sins in with that OP spec still made it a garbage gimped version of the true madness class, Sorc. That's all you were, a madness sorc with stealth, force shroud and phasewalk. Why not make a tree for sorcs and give them Maul and Discharge while you're at it? It totally defied the logic assassin/rogue type play in every way. By that logic why even have classes or roles, why not have snipers and give them lightsabers instead with force leap? Bioware logic is flawed and those ideas are simply terrible.



I know this may be hard to accept, but PvP is not the main concern in an mmo. I'm going to quote Roudy here: "Every mmo is an PvE game with a bit of PvP on the side, if you don't like it you are in the wrong game".


Also not sure why this rant is on the Assassin's forum where we are discussing the 4.0 changes to our class. Currently this class's dps trees aren't that good in PvP but it has many more problems in PvE, which should be addressed first.


I have nothing bad to say about Roudy and for the most part he's correct with how the MMO standards were IN THE PAST. This no longer stands true, there's a plethora of MMOs coming out that are extremely PVP centric. That's the point, it's not hard to accept because you don't have to accept that idea anymore if you peel yourself away from archaic MMO deisgn such as seen in SWTOR, WOW, FFXIV ARR etc.


Archeage though a bad example due to how terribly bad the game was managed by both developers and publisher Trion, is completely PVP dependant and PvE is a sideshow. The Pay to Win aspect is far too abused and the ability to clientside hack ruined the game.


Upcoming and noteworthy for PVP MMOs:


Blade and Soul

Camelot Unchained

Albion Online

Black Desert (Will be a P2W Cash shop fest unfotunately so it's garbage)

Star Citizen



There are others. MMOs with strong PVE and a small PVP sideshow are a piss-poor design by today's standards an there are plenty of upcoming options that you no longer have to settle for such things. It is true that is how it has been for the most part in the past but that is changing due to demand, so to move forward with that expectation and an old quote from Roudy that was only relevant at the time no longer makes sense.


As to why this is posted here? Because I felt like it, I don't care. If someone doesn't like it scroll past my brick wall of text and carry on stumbling through this mess of a game. Fact is, if this game didn't have star wars skins the servers would already be shut down because nobody would tolerate what this has become. That's all any post is on these forums, rants and complaints because the game is a shipwreck.


I love star wars and good MMOs but that doesn't mean I'm going to put on my blinders and make excuses for garbage quality, it is what it is. If you enjoy it, who cares what I have to say keep playing.

Edited by djcetra
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This isn't a backhanded comment but rather a helpful suggestion, look harder. No seriously, because you're way off the mark here. I have a level 50 of every classe in B&S, 5 on China server and 3 on JP. Assassin is Hongmen 11 so far (if you're familiar with that). Gear is normalized for ranked arena in Blade & Soul and that aspect of the game is entirely dependent on players skill with said class period. World PvP there is a grind, just like there's an easy grind in swtor. The graphics are generations better, the combat system is far superior and so is the engine. With everything on MAX settings I average 120FPS, it'd go higher but the game caps your framerate there. But again, the only facts here are technical ones, I can't argue one's "opinion" of gameplay. If you don't like how it feels when you try it then that's all up to your experience and you should always stick to what you enjoy. I only mention the game because I'm sick of the garbage technology SWTOR sits on, it's really sad they game will never be anything better because of Hero Engine limitations and bad Developers that are still around.


I actually haven't played this mmo yet, but it was (still is) on the list of mmo's I want to try if 4.0 turns out to be a huge flop since it is supposed to come out in the states in 2016. I watched a lot of videos on it and read about several different classes (same as I did with TOR before I started playing it btw). I definitely can't argue that the technology behind TOR is much worse, when it comes to game play I really find it hard playing mmo's without a trinity system (but that's subjective). I played GW2 and while the PvP system is great at first, it really turns into a zerg fest very quickly .... but then again I made the choice of playing mesmer as my first character ... I'm not sure how different blade and soul is, but from what I have read and seen it is very similar in playstyle. I am one of the people who really like trinity systems and likes to play different roles so GW2 while having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things that are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than TOR, without it, it is tough for me to get past after the first few months. If I am wrong on any of these things when it comes to blade soul, please feel free to correct me.


Duh. And you're talking to someone who used to enjoy playing objectively in this game rather then pew pew for top DMG all day. Quite honestly though the way this game is so imbalanced, those who roll in with heavy Sorc/PT teams usually wipe the floor with the other team and get the objectives done anyway now while the other team respawns.


Sorcs and PTs are quite OP, but I don't generally experience this. Usually if a team wipes that badly it is usually because they are doing something wrong and/or the other team is coordinated. It is really not as bad as some people say.


In regards to what the WoW devs said, it was in regards to how it was originally implemented, they actually love their arena system and are migrating toward normalization in ranked arena which means they only need to balance the PVP skill aspects of all classes. WoW arena is the only PvP that has kept that % of subsribers still on the game and is headed in the right direction, the problem is for most, it's too old and many are just sick of WoW in general.


Well if that is what they meant I would like to see where they said it.


Well whether I like xinika or evolixe as people doesn't matter but since you mention it, evolixe does have a douchebag personality not many seem to like him on any game I've played. But as far as skills? Strongly disagree, maybe from your skill level the guy proved to be a good assassin but he's complete garbage to top tier players. I won't say he hasn't had his moments but taking his advice on assassin class for the most part is a bad path to take. Xinika can have the knowledge she wants but every game that girl has played her solo abilities have been average at best, she's only done well with supporting cast that has carried her HARDCORE. She is not a good individual player and always plays backseat to her friends but gets guides stickied because she's the one willing to take credit and spend that type of time on the forums. Evolixe is a joke, the times I buried that little dutch hot head on his assassin in swtor and stalker in wildstar is hilarious, but he'd never admit it and will lie like no other about these sort of things, that's the type of person he is. If you want to see a top tier Assassin that has long since quit SWTOR to my knowledge go search Roudy vs Evolixe and watch Evo get his dook pushed in. Anyway enough about them.


I searched for roudy vs evolixe but didn't find anything. But I do remember roudy saying that evolixe is better than him in 1v1. Whether he said it as a joke idk, but even if he wasn't as good as the #1 rated player in the world, doesn't mean he was bad and it doesn't mean he wasn't one of the best assassins at the time. Even if neither of them wasn't the #1 player in the world doesn't mean they didn't earn their place nor does it mean their advice on the assassin class was bad (I personally never took it and if you were around you would see I argued with them many times, but I always had respect for them as players and for their abilities).


I disagree, for PVP the madness tree made absolutely no sense especially with 30m death field. You were playing a Sorc with a couple assassin abilities. Maybe it helped in PvE, I don't care. The position they put sins in with that OP spec still made it a garbage gimped version of the true madness class, Sorc. That's all you were, a madness sorc with stealth, force shroud and phasewalk. Why not make a tree for sorcs and give them Maul and Discharge while you're at it? It totally defied the logic assassin/rogue type play in every way. By that logic why even have classes or roles, why not have snipers and give them lightsabers instead with force leap? Bioware logic is flawed and those ideas are simply terrible.


Can't really disagree there, madness was always kind of the younger "slower" brother of madness sorcs in terms of spec originality, but in terms of how usable it was in both warzones and arenas, it worked quite well. The damage was a bit op but that was the only real problem. But I agree that it never felt like its own class which is why I didn't play it too much (even though I did a lot more damage on it). Deception felt more like the "right" spec to play, at least for me.

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Some people actually enjoy the game, and yes they have let a lot of things slide for too long. But you are not forced to play this game. If you think it's such garbage and a waste of time, don't play. Simple as that.


I love this game. If others do not - please leave or stop swearing and berating Bioware. Or stop attacking those that still love the game. Something other than concentrated bad attitudes :(

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They're raising the CD on force speed (in addition to lowering the immunity to 6 seconds for the same heroic utility that marauders get as a skillful). Snipers are going to use us as target practice with this ... if we ever actually get to a fight, walking in stealth takes 5ever and now we can't even boost it. Operatives for some reason get to keep their 10s CD on their invincible roll (god knows it wont stop snave from complaining-he whines about assassins more than my grandmother whines about obamacare).

Edited by sithBracer
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They're raising the CD on force speed (in addition to lowering the immunity to 6 seconds for the same heroic utility that marauders get as a skillful). Snipers are going to use us as target practice with this ... if we ever actually get to a fight, walking in stealth takes 5ever and now we can't even boost it. Operatives for some reason get to keep their 10s CD on their invincible roll (god knows it wont stop snave from complaining-he whines about assassins more than my grandmother whines about obamacare).


Where do you see this?

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If they raise the cd on force speed then they need to increase it's duration too. "Oh but ho's cd was raised to 45 seconds." And ho also lasts longer than force speed and operatives should not get to keep such a low cd on their roll if we get ours increased since they can cover more ground, quicker than we can in stealth.
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If they raise the cd on force speed then they need to increase it's duration too. "Oh but ho's cd was raised to 45 seconds." And ho also lasts longer than force speed and operatives should not get to keep such a low cd on their roll if we get ours increased since they can cover more ground, quicker than we can in stealth.


They also changed the utility that lowers the CD on HO/HTL to raise the amount they lower it by.

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I actually haven't played this mmo yet, but it was (still is) on the list of mmo's I want to try if 4.0 turns out to be a huge flop since it is supposed to come out in the states in 2016. I watched a lot of videos on it and read about several different classes (same as I did with TOR before I started playing it btw). I definitely can't argue that the technology behind TOR is much worse, when it comes to game play I really find it hard playing mmo's without a trinity system (but that's subjective). I played GW2 and while the PvP system is great at first, it really turns into a zerg fest very quickly .... but then again I made the choice of playing mesmer as my first character ... I'm not sure how different blade and soul is, but from what I have read and seen it is very similar in playstyle. I am one of the people who really like trinity systems and likes to play different roles so GW2 while having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things that are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than TOR, without it, it is tough for me to get past after the first few months. If I am wrong on any of these things when it comes to blade soul, please feel free to correct me.



I never liked GW2 enough to put any serious time into it so unfortunately I can't comment much on comparison. What I can say is that the BnS combat system is heavily reliant on getting your opponents to blow their break frees and catch them at the right moment for deadly combos. The whole combat system is built on Combo trees, counters, positioning and good reflex. It is not Tab target and you must keep the opponent(s) you want to attack in your reticle for most attacks. There are many different combos dependent on the situation and position of your opponent whether they be in a stunned, knocked down or upright state which makes it much more engaging and fun for me. Closed Beta for NA starts Oct 30th, maybe try to snag a key by signing up for their newsletter to give it a try before Q1 '16 release. The way the game is designed in terms of ranked PVP being normalized, I will be putting my focus here. I'm perfectly okay with grinds and "Anything goes" type mentality for Open World, I feel that's the way it should be. They have put in a good method for those who don't feel like PVPing in OW, by this I mean you must be wearing a "PVP" costume to be flagged. What this means is that you can PVP anytime, anywhere with anyone else who wants to do so without disturbing Non-PVP players. I think in the open environment being out-geared is fair enough and adds a lot of excitement not knowing what you're going up against but at the same time never being forced to participate.


Sorcs and PTs are quite OP, but I don't generally experience this. Usually if a team wipes that badly it is usually because they are doing something wrong and/or the other team is coordinated. It is really not as bad as some people say.


I would happily invite you to play with my friends and I on our Sorc and PT alts over on SL if you'd like to experience it however, while I may be more willing to log on for a couple matches it might be pulling teeth to get any of them to log on anymore at this point. I'm surprised to hear you haven't had this experience. We used to queue double 4 pre-mades all day with 3 PTs 3 Sorcs, throw a sniper in their for good measure or an assassin.. Have one of the PTs tank for the sorc healer and it's GG all day no matter who you face.



Well if that is what they meant I would like to see where they said it.



This one I'm going to let you take it as you may because I honestly don't care enough to go digging. I'm personally to a point with WoW where I have such a disinterest in the game and world that I don't even like having discussions about it anymore. I have high respects for Blizzard and I'll almost give ANY Blizzard game a try because they're one of the best in this industry but their "opinions" and directions with PVP for years has been an atrocity to say the least. If there's one thing about the MMO industry they're not good at anymore or at least for the time being it's PVP and their approach to it. They're stuck in 2005 and the in mindset you mention earlier (PVE = King / PVP = Sideshow). For me and many many others, those days are over and an MMO with that approach and attitude is not worth my time or money any longer. (Hence my massive disappointment and lost hope for SWTOR). It's much better to pay mind to those who respect PVP and are making it a priority in their games if you're a PVP person.


I searched for roudy vs evolixe but didn't find anything. But I do remember roudy saying that evolixe is better than him in 1v1. Whether he said it as a joke idk, but even if he wasn't as good as the #1 rated player in the world, doesn't mean he was bad and it doesn't mean he wasn't one of the best assassins at the time. Even if neither of them wasn't the #1 player in the world doesn't mean they didn't earn their place nor does it mean their advice on the assassin class was bad (I personally never took it and if you were around you would see I argued with them many times, but I always had respect for them as players and for their abilities).


Oddly enough after reading this I went for a quick search as well and couldn't find anything anymore either, likely removed. What I did find was multiple threads filled with like-minded opinions about Evolixe being vastly overrated. I'm not here to change your mind about who you look up to in terms of skill, you can place that bar as high or (low) as you want. I speak only from my personal encounters with him and what I witnessed also in Wildstar where he completely failed on such a scrub level I can't take the guy serious anymore. I won't say I've never seen him do well, I have, years ago I witnessed him win a small dueling tourney on POT5 where most thought he would lose to a sorc (don't remember the name) in the last round and actually pulled it off. I've seen him ride too many coat-tails on SWTOR forums to look at him the way you do. My memory serves watching him follow around Roudy like a puppy and then later on Wildstar debating Stalker tatics with Roudy (Another game Roudy was extremely good at) to eventually get caught not being able to even achieve 1500 gear on his own. Guy ended up paying for a carry from better players and even with the best PVP gear in the game got his butt kicked. His brain doesn't even function on a logical level to me, he's a follower/beta not an alpha/leader. Anyway, I feel I've talked about these people enough and we'll just keep our opinions about it the way we want, all good.


Can't really disagree there, madness was always kind of the younger "slower" brother of madness sorcs in terms of spec originality, but in terms of how usable it was in both warzones and arenas, it worked quite well. The damage was a bit op but that was the only real problem. But I agree that it never felt like its own class which is why I didn't play it too much (even though I did a lot more damage on it). Deception felt more like the "right" spec to play, at least for me.


True, dmg was good but in the end it was the whole integrity of playing as an assassin being compromise that made no sense whatsoever. Obviously we both see this.


I've just had it with this product and I'm aware not everyone wants to read negative opinions but it is what it is. It takes a lot of neglect for me to get to the point I'm at but Bioware/EA has achieved that with where we're at. Reading the upcoming changes to classes in 4.0 just makes it worse and it stings when the reality hits that PVP in this game can be worse then it is now because at it's roots, I'll say that this game CAN be loads of fun when cared for and loads of fun have been had in the past. After all this time with no new maps, no queues popping whatsoever, no cross server, no server merges, only removal of pvp content (8v8 ranked) instead of additions (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) etc. it's clear that this show is over. A little logical class balance and new maps every few months isn't much to ask for, considering what was originally planned for this game for PVP. (simultaneous space pvp battles that had direct effect on ground pvp objectives) and more.

Edited by djcetra
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The only thing worth discussing about PvP in this game is when they'll pull the plug. Who cares, PvP is dead in this N64 Graphics Graveyard. Why even bother with theoretical discussion about a game that mechanics are so broken and illogical it's beyond repair? Have you watched their twitch streams? The devs don't even know how to use OBS, let alone code the game with this trash engine or balance anything.


PvP is a joke and being a good pvper carries about as much bragging rights and beating Hello Kitty Adventure Island on easy mode, it takes no skill to be good around here with who's left playing the game. Almost everyone on the ranked board is a win trader with friends, that's just the facts. There's little to no reason at all to care about what state this game is or the direction it's taking at all anymore.


The engine is a pile of shiat, period. The Devs don't know what they're doing, period. And when you play a game such as Blade and Soul and realize how a good MMO actually functions in relation to PVP again you'll find yourself wondering why you're still on this dumpster game.


PvP here is about rolling sorcs and PTs all day and acting like a retard in chat, almost every player that was actually good left almost 2 years ago and it was all downhill from there. Then you had absolute trash wanna be pvpers like Xinlika or whatever her name is and Evolixe (one of the worst in the history of SWTOR and Wildstar) giving their input turning assassin madness tree into what we got pre aoe dot nerf. Two people who bought and paid for an 1800 gear carry on Wildstar because they couldn't get it themselves and got caught.


There's nothing to prove here anymore with this game, it's an abandon ghost town with no hope in regards to PVP that not even the new movies coming out can Necro. Every PVP update should be streamed on twitch by a stand up comedian because it's nothing a big joke, The only reason to stick around was because it's simply star wars, but not even that is a good enough reason to waste time battling it out to be king of a pile of dino dooke. Nobody cares anymore it's done.


Someone call Disney and ask when they're taking the servers down and someone is going to make a real SW MMO because it will never happen here. Game can't even handle more then 3 objects on the screen at a time let alone every class teleporting across the map, might as well let everyone just use teleport hacking mods lol. Because a good player here means absolutely nothing anymore and hasn't for a very long time.


Why even write guides and sticky them on the forums? It takes 15 minutes to figure it out.


1) Roll Sorc or PT

2) Sorc choose Madness/Heals , PT go AP

3) Bash your mechanical keyboard like a true champion.

4) Win


4.0 Guide done, sticky pl0x.


I agree with the sentiment of your post. I just like having open discussions in a public format such as these forums, hence why I posted this thread :)

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Some more speculation; how would it affect assassin tanks if the tanking gear was loaded with all defense and barely had any shield and absorb at all. Would assassin tanks be viable at all?


Extraordinarily. Think back to everything before 3.0: what class did you bring if you wanted to make a fight mechanically easier? Assassins. Unless they drastically change the way gear works, they won't get rid of shield in any significant amounts, and we'll see our shield budget rise again with 4.0. We can then simply augment for absorb, and mostly get around the "mostly defense" issue with the gear. It's also not like Assassins should always run a super-low defense build: Assassins benefit from defense a healthy amount, just not as much as Juggernauts. As long as some absorb makes it into the mods/enhancements, you can also simply farm the pieces that have it to balance things out.


Even in a scenario where they make absorb unavailable outside of coms gear, being forced to run very high defense isn't going to make the kind of dramatic difference everyone thinks it will. Assassins still have naturally high shield and absorb chances, which help to mitigate that a lot, and many fights in the older tiers are good to run defense builds on. Now, if they removed shield from tank gear (though why anyone would consider that is beyond me), then you'd see every tank suffer badly, even Juggernauts, because shielding attacks reduces your damage dramatically, and happens more often for every tank than does defending against an attack. Losing a ton of shield wouldn't just hurt Assassins, and would actually hurt PTs the worst.

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So they're giving sorcs more mobility with phasewalk, running around invincible in bubbles etc but nerfing Assassins.


#Bioware logic


Well they are undoing the 3.3 healing changes, they stopped the barrier mobility and the force speed change is consular/inquisitor wide so sorcs are getting the nerf as well.

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