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Nico Okarr


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That's kind of my point - maybe I've just missed it, but from what I've seen they've never said that Nico was "exclusive" to this promotion - i.e. they've never said he is sub "only" either.


With the Stronghold, they certainly did announce right from the start that Nar Shaddaa would also be on the Market, but they're under no obligation to do so. As I said before, I wouldn't be surprised if BW isn't even sure whether or not they're going to put Nico up on the Market eventually - I'm just saying they seem to have left that door open by not using the word "exclusively" anywhere.


And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




Unless my English is bad that is what that says.

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You don't actually know that's what they're doing. It's like looking at a 1-year-old and saying "I'm glad he made the right choice and hasn't robbed a bank". Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't, especially (in the case of SWTOR) when they haven't explicitly said they won't be putting it on the CM.


On the one hand, I think they should keep it for subscribers as that's what was originally said. On the other hand, it sucks for everyone who starts playing afterward. When a subscriber starts playing KotFE and enjoys it tremendously, he/she tells a friend and gets that person into the game. However, with this current decision, that friend will never enjoy as full of an experience as the other player, even though it may have been the first time that friend had heard of the game. I think sub-exclusive things are very very important, but I'm not sure I agree with sub-exclusive time-based things. The best way to handle this would be to put the Nico Okarr token on the Cartel Market, but make it Bind on Pickup (and of course, mention this in the CM listing) so people can't buy it off the GTN (forcing people to pay money for it) and then price it at exactly 1 month's subscription cost (in Cartel Coins) to make it fair for the people who subscribed for a month to get the token. Then the player could reclaim it via collections, possibly at an additional cost.


That, or there would be future opportunities to be subbed by a certain date to get the token for your account in case you missed it this first time around.


From a game developer's perspective, it is simply a poor decision to close off content to new players. I shouldn't have to explain to my friend why he'll never have as good of an experience as I will. That's just not good business.


So i put some thought into your last statement. At first it seemed to have some merit to me. Then as i continued to ponder it my real life experience soon destroyed it. I'm a Motor man on a drilling rig. I earned this title through hard work and time invested. If my friend comes and works for the rig then great but he should be a lease hand not a motor man because his long term investment is not there. Sometimes you just have to realize that just because your putting in the same time and effort now it does not balance out or equate to the time that has been invested prior to the present.

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So i put some thought into your last statement. At first it seemed to have some merit to me. Then as i continued to ponder it my real life experience soon destroyed it. I'm a Motor man on a drilling rig. I earned this title through hard work and time invested. If my friend comes and works for the rig then great but he should be a lease hand not a motor man because his long term investment is not there. Sometimes you just have to realize that just because your putting in the same time and effort now it does not balance out or equate to the time that has been invested prior to the present.


By that logic though, your friend would never be able to be a Motor man. He wasn't there early, and even if he stays on the rig for 40 years, he'll never have the opportunity.

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By that logic though, your friend would never be able to be a Motor man. He wasn't there early, and even if he stays on the rig for 40 years, he'll never have the opportunity.



No eventually he will be a Motor man. But because i have continued to put in hard work and time the same as he has i will be at Minimal a Driller maybe a Tool Push. Just because hes doing it now does not mean he is my equal. Just playing catch-up for the rest of time.

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For the record: I don't think Bio is going to release Nico on the CM. Just my personal opinion.


As to whether or not it can be done: Yes it can. 'Exclusive' has about 12 different definitions. Only one of which fits here.


Cryptic had kind of the same rage match going on shortly after STO's launch. They gave away the TOS Mirror Universe uniforms as a perk for a lifetime subscription to Champions Online before STO even launched. Then about 2 months after launch (may have been a bit later) they started selling the Mirror uniforms in the Cryptic Store.


People freaked the **** out. Folks who had spent nearly $400 U.S. to sub to a game for an 'exclusive' item in another game... lost their *********** minds. People raged, people cried... people got hosed, because sell it Cryptic did and made a bunch of money on it, I'd imagine.


Moral of the story: Unless 'exclusive' is defined at the point of purchase you're out of luck.


Nico isn't such a big deal to me, not compared to that anyway. Drop him on the CM. Sell him for $. I got mine for basically free, just for being subbed. :D

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No eventually he will be a Motor man. But because i have continued to put in hard work and time the same as he has i will be at Minimal a Driller maybe a Tool Push. Just because hes doing it now does not mean he is my equal. Just playing catch-up for the rest of time.


But the connection you initially made was to Nico here - Who some people, are against ever being made available to people who weren't subbed on either of the two days required.


Personally I wouldn't mind people gaining access to the various pre-order goodies a year or two post-release for either a hefty sum of CC, or for a direct cash purchase from the website like the formerly CE goodies.

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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




But, but, you guys never listen to the community.:p


Seriously though, thanks.:D

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Will there be another chance to qualify for him? For those of us that missed out the first time?


I doubt they will have another subscriber date for the companion.


Perhaps we will see the companion in the cartel market but I guess that would make players think twice about listening about promotion items the next time.

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I doubt they will have another subscriber date for the companion.


Perhaps we will see the companion in the cartel market but I guess that would make players think twice about listening about promotion items the next time.


I wouldn't mind paying for him, but it just seems silly that I missed out on him because I subbed slightly too late.

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I wouldn't mind paying for him, but it just seems silly that I missed out on him because I subbed slightly too late.


Actually its rather silly to expect to be given a perk for subscribing by 'x date' when you were not in fact subbed on 'x date'. Even more so when the date had been already be extended once.

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I wouldn't mind paying for him, but it just seems silly that I missed out on him because I subbed slightly too late.


Why is it silly? I am going to miss out as well but I am not asking for him to be put on the cartel shop for something I did. It was very clear on the page you had to be subbed for one of two days and if not then it is our fault not BW and no they should not give in to those complaining it should be given to us.


I accepted responsibility for my actions , something that everyone should do and not expect BW to not hold to what they said as it is a sub only by a set date and on this one they gave you two dates to get it.

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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).





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I wouldn't mind paying for him, but it just seems silly that I missed out on him because I subbed slightly too late.


I guess we have to wait and see if they put the promotional companion up on the cartel market.


I do not care if they do it since I would have been a subscriber anyway but I understand if those that subbed only for the companion will react.

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I guess we have to wait and see if they put the promotional companion up on the cartel market.


I do not care if they do it since I would have been a subscriber anyway but I understand if those that subbed only for the companion will react.


Well so far they've said if you missed it, tough luck. Eric even said in his recent posts in here that only subs who qualified will get Nico.


I wouldn't mind paying for him, but it just seems silly that I missed out on him because I subbed slightly too late.


Well now you know not to miss deadlines. Nico even got an extension...sorry, but you're at fault.

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If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally.

what do you mean by this line please . To me it sounds like everyone can get him even if you didn't do the sub by the X-date. This may require a reputation style grind to recruit him?

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If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally.

what do you mean by this line please . To me it sounds like everyone can get him even if you didn't do the sub by the X-date. This may require a reputation style grind to recruit him?


He is a generic character in the expansion, but he will not join you after all is said and done UNLESS you subbed during his qualification time.


Think of the wookie in SoR,

at the end of the story you ask him to join you. he blows you off and tells you that he will do his own thing, and walks away. That's what will happen with Nico pretty much, if you weren't subbed. If you did qualify, he'll join up with you post-KotFE (if you choose not to use him via mail token before hand).


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(if you choose not to use him via mail token before hand).


Not quite (As I understand it). My take is that you'll still go through the process of him joining up, even if you did recruit him via token, you've just have to handwave the discontinuity away.

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He is a generic character in the expansion *snip*


That would upset alot of players if they have him within the normal story and then let him walk away unless the player have subscribed two months before the expansion launch. I think it will be more of a separate recruitment mission for Nico.


I guess time will tell what will happen :tran_smile:

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Not quite (As I understand it). My take is that you'll still go through the process of him joining up, even if you did recruit him via token, you've just have to handwave the discontinuity away.


I think you meant to quote someone else?


That would upset alot of players if they have him within the normal story and then let him walk away unless the player have subscribed two months before the expansion launch. I think it will be more of a separate recruitment mission for Nico.


I guess time will tell what will happen :tran_smile:


Please elaborate.


Because we've had a ton of characters introduced that have only teamed up with all the classes (ie story, etc.), and never stayed around in the end.


We also had months before the additional extension to unlock Nico. That includes constant email notifications, notifications on the main page here, launcher notifications, etc.


It's 100% fair. It's special snowflake / entitlement posts that always ruin anything "thank you" related during a promotion, etc. Those players who didn't bother subbing, well, now they know to pay more attention during a promotion to see if there is anything contained that has interest to them.



And apparently this needs to be repeated again, and again:

And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.

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Please elaborate.


I think it will be some kind of recruitment mission for Nico.


we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on


That is why I think it is a separate mission that we can do. I am not saying that Nico will not be part of the story I simply think it will be a separate recruitment mission.


We have to wait and see.

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I think it will be some kind of recruitment mission for Nico.




That is why I think it is a separate mission that we can do. I am not saying that Nico will not be part of the story I simply think it will be a separate recruitment mission.


We have to wait and see.


That was in regards to recruiting him inside KotFE. He will be used by everyone in the expansion.


I think you are misreading / misinterpreting, and / or creating false hope for yourself. Sorry, but those who didn't qualify, won't get to keep him.

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That was in regards to recruiting him inside KotFE. *snip*


I think you are misreading / misinterpreting, and / or creating false hope for yourself. Sorry, but those who didn't qualify, won't get to keep him.


I have no idea where you get your information from but there has been no official post regarding what you write.


I have been a subscriber since pre-launch 2011 I qualify for the companion so I have no false hopes of anything.

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It wouldn't be the first time a "Subscriber" reward was also available on the CM - before Galactic Strongholds launched there was a promotional "be a subscriber on [X] date" deal to get a Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace at no additional cost once the expansion launched - but the Palace was still available for purchase as well (in that particular case it was even available immediately, and could be bought for either CCs or Credits).


That's nice and all, but I still got mine for free, even when I re-rolled onto another server later with fresh toons, I got mine for free. Which is what the promotion promised, it didn't say "nobody else will get one" or "exclusive", it said, get it for free.


I'm not saying that I think they definitely will open it up on the Market, they might not even know for sure themselves if they will do so, just that I really would not be surprised if after a time they eventually put it up on the CM for those who missed out. If that happens, we'll still have gotten value for the subscription reward (since he didn't cost any CCs for those of us who subscribed early, just like with the Sky Palace) and they wouldn't have violated any terms (since they never said he was "exclusively" available via the reward).


See above. And it's neither wishful thinking nor pessimism from my perspective - I'm already qualifying for the reward, but I don't particularly mind if others get access to him down the line (provided there is some cost, so that this promotional reward still has actual value).


I'd sure like to get my jawa balloon, so I can get that achievement on Tatooine, and I'd love a Hutt statue too, but nope, they're not available, and some of them haven't been available for a very long time.

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Thanks, Eric, for giving people the two options. That sounds fair to me and I'm sure the others are happy too. I plan to get him while I'm already doing the story, but I am glad others who ONLY subbed to get him will be allowed to get him and use him without having to sub for the story. Good on you guys.


As for those of you guys who missed out on Nico?


Guys...he was listed as a SUBSCRIPTION ONLY reward (or whatever you want to call it) until the 31st of July and then EXTENDED until the 10th of August.


If you missed BOTH deadlines it's not anyone's fault but your own. They gave you TWO chances to get NICO. If you don't want to miss rewards whether from preordering or being a subscriber, never ever EVER let your subscription go lapse. I have my sub taken out each and every month automatically. If you don't trust your credit card online with Bioware's systems, buy a few game cards and write little notes to yourself to put them in on certain dates. NO ONE IS EVER SO BUSY THEY CAN'T TAKE 5 MINUTES TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!


And if Bioware DID put Nico on the cartel market for people who missed out I would raise holy *********** hell and cuss them out. Yes, it's their game and they can do what they want, but when they announce it as a SUB ONLY reward and then turn around and sell him on the CM, that means that not only did they LIE but that they don't give a **** about their subscribers. So, I hope and pray that if you missed out on Nico, you missed out forever.


Sorry, but you had to be a sub for the Founder Title, Party Jawa, preorder for the Revan statues, Hutt training statue, be a sub to get 5 rooms FREE for Nar Shaddaa's strong hold, etc. Just because you didn't want to sub or have some excuse for not getting it on time, doesn't mean you should be hand held and given it to you. Sorry but you snooze, you lose.

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