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Key binding question - too much buttons, or am i bad?


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I have 20 keybinds that I use everything else is just a manual click. If I didn't have a naga I would be under water with SWTOR. I can't stand using a modifier key to increase keybinds pushing shift+1 for example just doesn't work well for me.


Keyboard 1-6

Mouse 1-8 (Naga)

A,D,R,F,G,T (Yes I use QWES to move feels more natural)

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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Hi all,


I've got most of the keyboard remapped to quickbar slots (so every new character starts with a twenty minute keybinding session, *sigh*).


I leave quickbar 1 with the default 1 to =

Quickbar 2 is then mapped with Q to ] (i.e. the keys directly under 1 to = ). QB1 and QB2 then cover all my most used skills.


QB 3 is mapped to keys that made sense for my first character (e.g. the first letter of a lesser-used skill), and is a selection from A to L and Z to M, which I kept for all the other chars just because I was used to them. Stuff I use now and then goes on there.


QB4 is mapped to F1 to F12, and QB5 Shift-F1 to Shift-F12, while QB6 is mostly unmapped and just has things I occasionally want to click (Quick travel, Fleet pass etc). A few things on there are mapped (# is the class buff, H is their out of combat heal, for example).


I use the arrow keys and mouse for movement, I can't understand how anyone could use WASD, just makes no sense to me at all I'm afraid :)


I usually play a two characters at a time (two accounts and two PCs), so I have various keys on the number pad mapped to help out with that, for example / on the number pad is 'Select Group Member 1', * on the number pad is 'Follow', + is acquire their target, etc.


I then keep as close as possible to a set layout for everyone, for example for Healing characters their heals are all on Y to P on QB2, with fast heal on P, slow heal on O, self heal on U etc. For tanks, taunts etc are all mapped to the same keys. Obviously mirror classes have the identical setup to their counterpart.


Some keys are the same for everyone, for example everyone gets an interrupt with 4 second stun, that's on 8, and everyone gets a basic interrupt, that's on -. Doesn't matter who I'm playing then.


Lots of buttons to set up every time (oh for a 'save key binding' / 'load key binding' option!), but by standardising my setup across all my characters it makes swapping between them much easier.

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With over 30 level 60s, I find that really only *need* to use 3 toolbars worth of binds. Everything else is used so infrequently or situationally that clicking it works just fine.


I go with 1-"12" on my Naga, QERTFGHYXVZB, S1-S6, C, MB3, MB4, MB5, Mscroll-up.

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I am really happy i created this thread, cause now i know so much new) many people use different keybind layouts, some are clickers, some use Naga, and other can easily use Shift+8 keybind) Honestly, if you want to be good at pvp you need to use nearly every your ability + grenades + stims and so on. Its not about 'We have tons of cool abilities', its about 'We have lots of pretty similar abilities we really dont need'. But if you want to make your dps in pvp, above the easy pve rotation, you HAVE to use nearly all of them. My question to Chicktopus, is there a way in SWTOR to make macros like i do it in WOW?
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With over 30 level 60s, I find that really only *need* to use 3 toolbars worth of binds. Everything else is used so infrequently or situationally that clicking it works just fine.


I go with 1-"12" on my Naga, QERTFGHYXVZB, S1-S6, C, MB3, MB4, MB5, Mscroll-up.


That is still more then pretty much any other MMO i personally can think of. WAY, WAY too many

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When playing this game, I'm just glad I have a Logitech G510s; the extra 18 macro keys really come in handy.

In any other game, my wife would always insist on clicking her skills; she wouldn't even use the 1-4 hotkeys. In SWTOR, she quickly found this to be an impossible option, so I talked her into a 510s for herself, and she now uses a combination of hotkeys and clicks (depending on which quickbar the skill is slotted on).


Seriously though, the amount of abilities in the game is ridiculous.

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I use the Razer Naga as well.

  • 1-12 for main rotation
  • ALT+(1-12) for secondary abilities (Cooldowns, stuns, CC, CC Break, etc)
  • CTRL+(1-12) for off rotation abilities (taunts when i'm not tanking, heals when i'm not healing, damage when i'm not dps)
  • Shift+(1-12) for Legacy abilities while solo
  • the Top mouse buttons (wheel click, and the 2 behind the wheel) are bound for medpacks, rocketboost, stims, buffs, regen, and any AC specific abilities (stealth, cover, shoulder cannon, etc)


Another thing with having so many alts that really helps me out, is binding "universal" abilities to the same spot.


Such as all my tanks taunts are in the same spot. All my interrupts are on the same key for all my characters. My mirror classes abilities are all in the same spot as well (ex: Ravage and Master Strike)


It can take some extra time to set things up this way but makes jumping from class to class easier.

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It's interesting to me how many people say they use WASD for movement. I recently unbound those and started using my mouse to turn. I bind strafe to QE, W for forward and then use ASD and other keys nearby for abilities. All turning is done via mouse. I did bind turn to QE, since when right mouse pressed it becomes strafe, but I found I was keeping the "habit" of turning w/ keys, so I bound strafe permanently to force me to use the mouse for turn and strafing. It's taking a while to get used to, but it's opened up many more keys (e.g. I'm now closer to number keys since I rest on QWE). Also I'm *starting* to see improvements in my mobility in PvP, and I see the potential there too, but as a long WASDer I still feel clunky.


So how many people use WASD for turning and how many mouse turn?

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I am really happy i created this thread, cause now i know so much new) many people use different keybind layouts, some are clickers, some use Naga, and other can easily use Shift+8 keybind) Honestly, if you want to be good at pvp you need to use nearly every your ability + grenades + stims and so on. Its not about 'We have tons of cool abilities', its about 'We have lots of pretty similar abilities we really dont need'. But if you want to make your dps in pvp, above the easy pve rotation, you HAVE to use nearly all of them. My question to Chicktopus, is there a way in SWTOR to make macros like i do it in WOW?


I may be wrong, but I think Macros are considered illegal...:eek:


I'd have to read the ToS to be sure, but that's what I was told, at least. Something about having an advantage over those who don't use them, if I recall...? :o

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Rarely used get put to one side usually stuff only has a use in PvE on rarity.


Otherwise everything in reach of my left hand is bound and mouse for offensive/buffs. Defensive/Stuns/Breaks etc is the same +shift. I try to set it up the same for every class but it can be quite difficult to replicate as all classes play differently aren't mirrored exactly the same.


Main is Shadow btw which main abilities is pretty light compared to Sorc.

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3 toolbars, mouse for moving (W to go forward but I turn with mouse and I hate that BW insist on keeping us pressing the right mb in all their games, it destroys my hands) and others I just click everything.


Disclaimer: I don't do pvp or any other group-content. 100% solo-player, and for that, clicking get's everything done. I understand this might not be the case for pvp-players and raiders.


Reasons why I'm a clicker: I played TERA for 2 years, as a healer and a dps. I did lots of grouping. I had enough. TERA suffers from ability-bloat too, and I was altholic there too. I memorized all the hotkeys for every char, and it is REALLY difficult for me. But I did it. I learned my damn rotations, I swear I still can do sorcerer-rotation if you wake me up middle of the night to do it. And did I enjoy it? Nope. I masterworked like crazy (same as augmenting here), did I like it? Nope. But it was something that "had" to be done if you wanted to be taken seriously. I love action-combat but it was too much, it was not fun anymore. I felt I'm doing it all for other people, not for me.


I'm here to enjoy myself. Because this game has all kinds of other content I can do and paricipate and lot's of options how to spend your time in game, I decided to do what I like. I level characters ( I love it), I craft (I love it), I do some dailies (not love it that much so after getting reputations maxed I do them when I feel like it). SWTOR's combat is not my favorite, but I have found a way to make it tolerable, and some classes I really like, like my BH and assassin.


(my favorite combat was in Hellgate London/Global, and I played it just for combat only, but it is pretty much gone and no other game does combat the same way).


So I click. I do well with it in PVE, and that is all that matters for me. Ability-bloat is a real problem. Many of them could be turned to passives.

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I use 25-35 key combinations, depending on the class/spec, and I really like that.


I hate the current trend in many MMOs atm to have like 10 skills only useable at a specific time. I would not be here if it was the same in SWTOR. So few skills means 4 buttons boring rotations and a few defensive/offensive cooldowns, a few CC/anti-CC but you never can get the whole skills. Without all skills available during fights, some fights are lost before they started because you didn't take the counters you needed for the current fight, not fun for me...

MMORPGs combat is, for me, about the knowledge of using the right skill at the right time, which means situational skills that have to be used properly. Having no situational skill means repeating the same pattern over and over, there's no fun there.


The main problem I think people have with 25-35 usefull skills is that they have trouble finding a methodical way to put skills on the bars and if possible a way that would work for different characters.

Below is what I use, the first step imo is to find and bind skills that exist in every class/spec, they all have an interrupt, a stun, a CC breaker, 2 defensive cooldowns, one or 2 CCs (or more), some basic class specific damage skills, always put thoses at the same place on your bars and use the same keybinds. Then you have Advanced class/discipline specific skills, continue to find an organized cross characters way to place and keybind them...


Also to help find one skill and click it if I don't remember the keybind, I found that for me having 10/12 slots bars was not a good idea, I change them into 2 rows of 6 slots, it seems easier visually.


1->5 (6) : basic damage skills

Alt + 1->5 (6) : more damage skills, AOE

Shift + 1->5 (6) : discipline specific skills, healing skills

~, shift + ~ : always 2 most used defensive cooldowns (shield probe, evasion)

Q : always interrupt

E : always stun

Shift + Q : always CC breaker

Shift + E : depends, another defensive CD

Z, X : CCs like whirlwind, slice droid...

R, F, Shift + R, Shift + F : depends, usually things that work together but specific to a class (like R leap, shift + R the jump to an ally and F force push, or like R stealth, shift + R cloaking screen)

T, shift + T : offensive CDs or Taunts or Purge

G, shift + G : more offensive CDs or guard

CTRL + ~ : preferred speeder

and the last, Shift + space : always, Throw the Huttball !!

Edited by Nyla
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I use 25-35 key combinations, depending on the class/spec, and I really like that.


I hate the current trend in many MMOs atm to have like 10 skills only useable at a specific time. I would not be here if it was the same in SWTOR. So few skills means 4 buttons boring rotations and a few defensive/offensive cooldowns, a few CC/anti-CC but you never can get the whole skills. Without all skills available during fights, some fights are lost before they started because you didn't take the counters you needed for the current fight, not fun for me...


I do the same as this. Different layout but same idea. I map the function/response identically from character to character. Then as I play even wildly different characters the muscle memory has a chance to kick in. So, the interrupt is always the same key, as is the fast/mobility/sprint, burst, proc, 1st defence, big defence, etc. Primary rotation is always the same keys, and even unimportant stuff that I click still has the exact same position on the bar across characters (ie stims that don't need to be used in combat). I've tried to be as methodical as possible, with regard to ease of access with consideration to the frequency of the action and the speed with which I'll need to use it. So my "rotation" will be on a few sequential keys and "interrupt" will be on a central key I can reach no matter what else I was doing at the time I need to interrupt NAO!


I apply method and logic and muscle memory takes over; my underclocked brain can then focus on strategy and what I'm standing in. I like the greater flexibility of having more skills, and while some could be merged to cut down some of the bloat, I'd hate to lose the current approach. One of the reasons I don't play GW2 is they want me to use 8 buttons. Having the tools and making the right choices is half the fun of MMOs, take them away and you've got a phone app.

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My question to Chicktopus, is there a way in SWTOR to make macros like i do it in WOW?


It is a gray area. There is no mechanism internal to the game to create macros, and using external mechanisms are severely frowned upon (technically against the TOS, but hard to prove). And yet there are SWTOR sponsored "user interface devices" (keyboards and mice) that have the ability to create marcos.


So how many people use WASD for turning and how many mouse turn?


I tend to use both depending on the specific situation.


As a healer, you have to mouse click a target before you can heal and having the pointer over the operations frame all the time makes mouse movement difficult (try pressing both mouse buttons to move forward while over the ops frame; furthermore, you cannot have the right mouse button pressed to turn AND left click to target). As a tank or dps, it is easier to mouse move, but even then there are times I am anticipating using an ability I usually click (all my abilities are key bound but reaching across the keyboard is sometimes slower than clicking) and so my pointer is over that ability, but then I have to move so I end up using WASD. It's instinct, there's no logic to it.

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No offense intended with my comments but this thread scares me. I am not saying that anything with this game is rocket science or that anyone here is bad but some of the comments on here make me nervous. If you don't use something and you get through things just fine then don't use the buttons. Some of us like lots of options and find uses for things others don't. The game really doesn't need to be simplified more than it already is IMO.
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Mine are pretty simple, but I agree there are too many skill options in this game.






mouse 1234

shift+mouse 34

mouse wheel up/down (i rebind camera zoom to control+wheel)

shift+mouse wheel up/down


On the plus side, this is a standard setup for me across most mmo's, and I have certain keybinds that always server the same purpose. For example, shift+4 is generally an initiator (charge or pull or drop into cover, etc), and shift+r is always an interrupt. shift+e is usually whatever basic AOE ability is available. 2 is my basic fall-back attack (spammable for when nothing else is up), and 34 are my key special abilities on short cooldown (core rotation).


And if I'm playing a healing class, I generally have shift+mouse wheel switch bar "pages" so that I can move between damage/solo skill keybindings and the healing toolkit quickly.


I don't think games should all drop down to GW2 style of having 4 main skills, but I do think SWtOR needs an ability pruning review. It's especially discouraging to read the new Jedi changes coming up, which will be adding another ability :/

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No offense intended with my comments but this thread scares me. I am not saying that anything with this game is rocket science or that anyone here is bad but some of the comments on here make me nervous. If you don't use something and you get through things just fine then don't use the buttons. Some of us like lots of options and find uses for things others don't. The game really doesn't need to be simplified more than it already is IMO.



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