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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

EV and KP Nightmare Removal in Fallen Empire


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Any Achievements which you have earned for these Nightmare Modes will be moved to a new Archived section under Operations, and can no longer be earned.

If you are archiving achievements, please archive other unobtainable ones as well, such as the Republic and Imperial Containment Officer sets, as well as the Party Jawa related achievements. Or at least, don't award achievement points for them (and take the Containment Officer sets off the Sharp Dresser achievement list).


Pretty please w/ sugar on top? :)

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Is there a chance you could move the titles to HM too? Neither operation has a HM title reward, and it seems like such a waste to just throw the titles away and make them unavailable for future characters.



maybe I'm missing some thing no ops that i remember or have done has a title run below NIM . then everyone would want a HM tittle run maybe.

Edited by tanktest
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Totally agree with you. Have a seperate lvl 65 version, but leave the old versions in game as well PLEASE!


If Bioware doesn't do this, I am boycotting ops until they do. And I hope a lot more players will do the same.


Great, so even fewer people will play operations. Why would Bioware invest its time into doing new operations then? :rolleyes:

If you want to boycott, the only thing you can do is unsubscribe and tell them the reason why you did so.

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If you are archiving achievements, please archive other unobtainable ones as well, such as the Republic and Imperial Containment Officer sets, as well as the Party Jawa related achievements. Or at least, don't award achievement points for them (and take the Containment Officer sets off the Sharp Dresser achievement list).


Pretty please w/ sugar on top? :)


Just to inform you... The achievements related to the *Party Jawa* are only unobtainable to those who joined the Game after it went F2P (the Pary Jawa was a gift for those who were present during that time)... But for everyone else especially those of us (like me) who didn't complete them until now they are stil obtainable... So there is absolutely no reason what so ever to move them to the *Archive* because they are - lile I said - still obtainable for a lot of players..!



Best regards


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Just to inform you... The achievements related to the *Party Jawa* are only unobtainable to those who joined the Game after it went F2P (the Pary Jawa was a gift for those who were present during that time)... But for everyone else especially those of us (like me) who didn't complete them until now they are stil obtainable... So there is absolutely no reason what so ever to move them to the *Archive* because they are - lile I said - still obtainable for a lot of players..!



Best regards



Not sure about party Jawa, but you can't get Containment Officer anymore. Was the first Rakghoul event and that gear has NEVER come back since then.

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lol no. If you thought tos and rav sm were hard I'm sorry you don't know how to play this game very well. And they have hardly 'catered' to hardcore types at all. but I'm sure you just want to be able to zone into an operation and basic attack everything to death right :rak_02:


thats why zorz was their playtester group for SOR? they have had to go back and nerf tos and rav. And why so few guilds managed to clear them HM for quite a long time. I raided nim df/df for quite a while, rav bosses never did make much sense as far as what mechanics were in them, I never felt that they "matched" what the boss was supposed to be. that may just be personal taste but thats how it seemed to me. not impossible, but annoying.

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BioWare, when faced with a choice of what to do with KP/EV NiM was left considering the following:


  • Allow KP/EV NiM to give the same rewards as other NiM Ops in the game (ie, EC, DF, DP), which are too easy to get, given the mechanics are tirival.
  • Upgrade KP/EV NiM to have actual NiM mechanics, so that the rewards match the challenge.


When presented with the above 2 choices, BioWare chose what's behind door #3. Delete the content. Well done BioWare. Well done.



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A disappointing change - although one that is in line with BW's apparent design decision to move away from NiMs altogether (since Rav and ToS didn't have them and apparently aren't getting them after the KotFE level-change). I would rather see the EV and KP NiMs reworked rather than removed, even if doing so would mean that they wouldn't be available right at KotFE's launch.


I guess it makes sense that the resources that would go into designing NiMs that have more to them than "more health, more damage" weren't giving enough of a Return on Investment. But, even so, I still don't like to see content being outright removed from the game - that's just something from a game design perspective (particularly with MMOs) that should be avoided whenever possible.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Great. Newbies get taken away a chance to get some special achievements ...


EV & KP was THE Entrance Operation for Newbies in the recent months since 3.0 ! Overgeared they could actually LEARN how to cooperate within a larger group without too much loss !#


And now you take this learning possibility away. Great.


No one ran them due too bugs. Rewards sucked compared to other NiM ops



Before I quit raiding, there were LOTS of people running it in NIM !

Ovbergeared, off course, but for Beginners to Raiding, this was just great ! We had SEVERAL people who got into these 2 OPs for the very first time this way !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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EV & KP was THE Entrance Operation for Newbies in the recent months since 3.0 ! Overgeared they could actually LEARN how to cooperate within a larger group without too much loss !#


And now you take this learning possibility away. Great.

Both EV and LP will still be excellent starting points for newbies to learn operations, even without the NM mode.


Frankly, with all flashpoints and all operations being upgraded to max level, I think the initial gradient we had at launch will come back into play. Someone wanting to get their feet wet with endgame can start with HM FPs, getting familiar with the mechanics and coordination required, and then move onto SM EV and KP as an excellent next step.


Today, being 10 levels over EV and KP, runniing that content doesn't really prepare you for anything -- most of the mechanics can be completely ignored.

Edited by Khevar
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Frankly, with all flashpoints and all operations being upgraded to max level, I think the initial gradient we had at launch will come back into play. Someone wanting to get their feet wet with endgame can start with HM FPs, getting familiar with the mechanics and coordination required, and then move onto SM EV and KP as an excellent next step.


That gradient existed because FPs were a vital part of the gearing process. There was no legacy gear and FPs dropped relevant level gear, so it encouraged people who already knew the basics of group play to run the FPs and (as an extension) pass some of that knowledge to anyone they grouped with. It doesn't matter how many max-level FPs there are in the xpac, there are also going to be 9 SM ops and very likely little reason for people to do FPs (just like in ROTHC/SOR). The best place for people who want to get into raiding to learn group play will still be SM raids.

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That gradient existed because FPs were a vital part of the gearing process. There was no legacy gear and FPs dropped relevant level gear

Even after 1.2 introduced legacy gear, and 1.6 added a free set of Tionese, the gradient was still valuable from a difficulty perspective.


I knew many players that would run HM FPs, get better, then start running SM EV/KP, then start running HM EV/KP, then start running SM EC.

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Removing things from a game never is a good idea.


If you really want to do this, can you at least give me the achievements for ops i cleared long before you had an achievement system? And while you are at it ... I'm stilling missing a lot of achievements I did after release which still arent' recognized by your system. Like.. Inquisitor Story Line while I have two on 55+ or the fleet datacron..

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I knew many players that would run HM FPs, get better, then start running SM EV/KP, then start running HM EV/KP, then start running SM EC.


That's the exact route I took when starting out.


The difference is, back then, HM flashpoints actually dropped some decent(ish) non-set bonus gear, like the Mk-3 / Mk-4 level 50 gear, you could get geared up enough to actually do the operations, and work on getting a set bonus.


Now all the newer HM flashpoints drop is utter trash gear, nothing is even remotely close enough to being good enough (last time I checked). It's vendor gear, it's not even Mk-3 / Mk-4 gear with better stat distribution, which is essentially almost token gear just minus the set bonus.

Edited by Transcendent
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Now all the newer HM flashpoints drop is utter trash gear, nothing is even remotely close enough to being good enough (last time I checked). It's vendor gear, it's not even Mk-3 / Mk-4 gear with better stat distribution, which is essentially almost token gear just minus the set bonus.

Yeah, that's a good point.


George's post about FPs and Ops is ambiguous when it comes to the relevancy of the loot drops. It mentions that the gear will provide a "good starting point for jumping into operations", but it's not really clear what that will entail.


One would hope that HM FPs will have a draw of desirable gear, otherwise new players won't want to use them as a stepping stone for SM operations.

Edited by Khevar
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Just to inform you... The achievements related to the *Party Jawa* are only unobtainable to those who joined the Game after it went F2P (the Pary Jawa was a gift for those who were present during that time)... But for everyone else especially those of us (like me) who didn't complete them until now they are stil obtainable... So there is absolutely no reason what so ever to move them to the *Archive* because they are - lile I said - still obtainable for a lot of players..!



Best regards



Yeah, but it's still a pain to people who weren't even around at that time. I have the party jawa. I'm not taking this position for my own benefit. But it is unfair to a player who, say, has been an active, dedicated and helpful member of the community since joining in, say, 1.6. Is it a huge deal? No. However, it does leave a sour taste.

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Why not just do the simple math and give the bosses the hp where all the dps would need to do like 3,400 in order to beat the enrage, or the what they think the equivalent number will be in KotFE with the gear changes?


This team doesn't do simple, and their only tools are a Sledge hammer and Ax.

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Why not just do the simple math and give the bosses the hp where all the dps would need to do like 3,400 in order to beat the enrage, or the what they think the equivalent number will be in KotFE with the gear changes?


That is way low in equivalent to any other NiM fight. A monkey can get that. Plus EV NiM lacks challenging mechanics compared to EC NiM or DP NiM. Heck Walkers HM have more mechanics than them. Let's look at this way. When 55 came around everyone and their mom was able to pug EV and KP NiM. That people ran it with less than 8 even 4 at level tells what's up. Compared to 55 NiM Ops how many pugs on fleet can do this? And you want to give them same gear for doing Brontes or better gear than Revan? While challenging mechanics could be made, it's better those resources be spent on new ops.

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That is way low in equivalent to any other NiM fight. A monkey can get that. Plus EV NiM lacks challenging mechanics compared to EC NiM or DP NiM. Heck Walkers HM have more mechanics than them.


And this is exacztly the reason why I want those NIM modes to stay for Newbies ! To learn ! HM just doesn't give them what they need to know in any other NIM OP !

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